Show PILGRIMS PROGRESS OR the effect of making laws men will not keep heep BY among amen we 0 numerous expedients which have been d to in evading the theM iino liquor law I 1 think tile the fullow follow follo lo 10 nig jug is the most ingenious about a fortnight since a tall specimen of 11 yankee min man ut acturo waived in the good cy of Puit land in ilk the state of maine and established himself and luggage at hotel tile the jug luggage gag e consisted ot ol a small valise and a large oblong box cont containing for tile the inspectors had bad examined its a icat maty of liki richly bound which the pro krietor au li g h lit for u the purpose 1 pose of retailing retail reta ilme ins about the city a p property placed aced in the room allotted to him tile de a ius his appearance in ili tiie office with a small ia 1 I 1 it a md n d ale H he iela g glanced n ed his keen eye leise tt alonna the room winch which contained at that moment no bt bait the clerk and himself foud fond of reading inquired the peddler ot the clerk when lie had fini finished shod his oer observation dont dollt get lay any time to read replied the clerk short busying himself at the lesk desk id ruther rather guess ive got a hook here like to read continued the peddler perseveringly what is iii iw I 1 wel its areal good book and just right for the times too cause lecaue it 11 give a man spiritual pirl Eual consolation and they do sa taits what ti man cant get very easy in maine just about now Ili chats ats very true but your consola consolation tiong unfortunately my friend does not happen to be of the right nghi sort there was a cunning leer in the peddlers eye as he enquired fond of the right sort hey I 1 whon when I 1 can get said the clerk becoming interested gudaa I 1 shall sell you this book then said tile the peddler decidedly cid edly what is it you hrant told me ine the name of it yet yel I 1 its the Vil pilgrims grims progress oh Oli bother ive zead read it more than a dozen times but this is a new edition oh its ts all the same beattie beautifully Be attil itally engraved oh none non sense esene I 1 dont canil and 0 so o saying he corned commenced writing agaid visibly anno annoyed ed say yo i better belter look at the pictures continued the peddler thrusting the book under his nore noe tins this movement had an astonishing effect upon the clerk jumped off his chaurand cha chair irand and began 0 to o eagin tic no thu the volume eagerly but bill much to my iny surprise without opening it then satisfied sati fied with the scrutiny he aaker the price and bought glit it aay ala ya your you said the peddler lei after the bargain was concluded i amov moving I 1 ward toward the dour door say ay you von if anybody else hould see that book and want to get another nother i just like lika it send lent em up to tc no 73 and ill accommodate lent em just about as quick zt is they please and exchanging a very quer and myrt mysterious erious look at the alloi k the peddler vanished what on e earth arth made you buy that book asked I 1 of the clerk as soon as he had gorie gone see I 1 hero I 1 ere a moment I 1 adv advanced accod anil and looked over his shoulder turning up one end if f the booke lie he rem removed oveda a small slide alide and discovered a SLOP sl opple pie which tic ho unscrewed and then handed me the ilie book which I 1 applied mechanically to mouth month i I 1 what is it t asked aske d he laughing brandy by the lord exclaimed 1 I pausing to take breath and then I 1 making tracks for the hotel dour door hallo where are you going upstairs Up stirs it has just struck nie ins that the Vs pro i firc fi resl will ho han ex sellent to 10 my lay library 1 the rhe next day the peddlers stock was exhausted |