Show house home of representatives washington august GENERAL excitement AND the rules were suspended and a private bill bih passed when a desperate rush was was made for the floor nearly one third of at the house started to their feet bawling at the top ot of their voices mr M Speak speakers erl in order to be recognized some of the gentlemen held rons rolls of or paper in their hands bands and waved them as if to aid them in ota obtaining ining the floor the explosion of voices war waa deafening i quite gentlemanly national politeness in the extreme washington august 1852 Not nathaniel ganiel K hall was confirmed today to day dav as judge of the northern district of new york the senate refused to confirm him until he resigned his position as postmaster general mr SD S D hubbard of connecticut was also confirmed postmaster general he will reach this ON city on Thurs thursday dav M henry of tennessee was confirmed as california land commissioner in place of general wilson so r rejected eto yesterday the h e most lamen lamentable tible fog prevails amongst the i tr members lem bers as a to the amendments agreed to upon the several appropriation bills everything t was hurried through in a in priner boyd hamilton late public printer will wil I 1 get from forty to fifty thousand dollars under a blind amendment to the civil arid and diplomatic bill house honsa of representatives washington august 1852 the house met at nine the reading of the journal was dispensed with in fact it was not prepared owin owing g to the multiplicity of business gild and want of time several matters of no public im importance por tance were disposed of amid much confusion bang bans bang went the gavil of the presiding officer accompanied with cries of order order mr MOREHEAD whig of N C moved the resolution authorizing the printing 10 1 copies copies of Stans burya burys report of the exploration to the th e great rest salt lake for the use of the house the yeas and nays were ordered then llen followed tremendous thumps with the gavil he then said the hour fixed for the adi of the present session having arrived the thair accordingly ing y announces this house stands adjourned sine die VOICES enough said good good and in high glee and confusedly the members left the hall an act to amend an act entitled an act to settle anil and adjust the expenses of the e people peo ot 0 oregon Is ID nad wadis from th HB oila wad ate tili utilities ties of cay cayuse use in indians tans 7 in in the e years 1847 and 1848 11 approved february february y 1851 |