Show for the news culture of the asparagus it is much to be regretted that this baay esculent vegetable is is not more generally known and cultivated I 1 in the vhey valley where it grows to so good perfection I 1 coming generally into use the latter end of april the T young tops are generally tied nto into small hunches bunches boiled led as greens beens and served up with melted butter which makes es a aish dish not to be surpassed by any of the J season asparagus will thrive in almost any coill soil although a deep rich soil grows it to the best perfection bioni and being a morine plant t grows luxuriant where I 1 salt is in the ground or applied as a manure one hundred plants are sufficient for a moderate family which should be planted in in a bed 50 feet long and j 4 I 1 feet wide the ground should be well and I 1 dug deep previous to planting then mark out the bed I 1 b by driving down stakes 2 feet high at each corner comer of we the bed when the ground is prepared stretch a une line 1 foot from the outside of the bed and place the S plants pints I 1 foot apart in in the row low then remove the line 2 feet from the first and plant the roots the same distance apart whick takes all the plants and makes a bed 50 feet long and 4 wide the planting may be done any time ait m the spring or fall or even late in the ammer sm s amer mer as asparagus us roots are quite hardy and easy to make grow at almost any season the asparagus will be in use the second year after plan planting tirl g and may be cut until greer peas aas axe are in season when the stalks should be a allowed if ow beyt to agrow grow until late in the fall they are then to be cut off close to the ground said and a good od coat of rotten manure thrown over the b bed ed which should remain until the spring hi the io long ng manure may be then raked off and the 4 e I 1 short ort lightly forked into the ground to make the roots throw up good handsome spears the same manner of culture may be yearly applied and the bed wm be in good condition for at least twenty years EDW SAYERS SAVERS |