Show THE OGDEN STA The Ogden Standard-Examin- d er ' PUBLISHING COMPANY U fcldradoa Jr A L Oiaamann PufeMattar " "'" ""' dependent Newpa pr Published 'vtry'Vyf nlrt'o" and frumiay Wftfofftci wiihout muit ee club Mterad Mattar at ronJf " rontaffice Outfae Utah Established 1179 !LJ!Jj! itiiit ftll'iurtiinrmu" peitverad ty carrier on month 75o F man m aovanta in uian toano Nevada and Wyoming Tar 11 M months t month On AH yar lUtii other Mimbtr $700 month! $1200 I 00 f year On AVoc7aTad Pre a a Th Preae NCA Service and j! f )"" ir c t u a iv y! The Asaoeia tad entitled to th ut for ra publication of ny nawa credited to It not wIm credited In thia paper and t th local raw publlahed haraln of CnMatd A II C "frat Calf 252for THREE 60N8 AND DEPENDENT FATHER man whp tlvei in A 72 year-olKaet Urldgewatcr Mail got into tlta nwi in an unusual way the other day He had hla thre iun faJJod into court on non support tbarmii They cams and testified that lhjy con trlbuted (5 aplec per week to hit auppurt They hod Iarnadr how aver 'that hJ h4 ben ko!h( to movie and making HUM trip to llofitoiJ tlo they itopped paying it They were willing to aupport him but fliey hated extravagance Tbi judg ordered tbfcm to renurna tha payment hut ruld that tha district probation officer would bence forth auperviaa tha old mao'a expenditures Ono wondcra Just what an old man I auppo4 to do with him-ncl- f anyway tndJuat what a on's Klf-tcduty to an aised father i dollar a weak is not a large Jneoma by any standard and going to moviea ia hardly afnful dltafpa-tlo- I All Departrnenti n n BRUTALITY MARKS proud of these tbrca brorthera ought And— Junt how I1ECENT CRIMES them-galv- e An Ogden woman C3 yean of age to feel? Is in the hcrtipltal from Injuries SKULLS TAKEN sesustained being: aoemlngJy by verely beaten with a More poker FROM VERDUN It ftmnr that Ogden wa not to gomo of the thing that people escape from an epidemic of Unusual do aro rather discouraging to on brutality Ihat lm marked tlio crime who likes to believe the best abot human nature record Hum far in August At'tW great battlefield of VerIn California one woman was dun the authorities are having a beaten to death with a beer bottle Another was shot and left In the great deal of trouble with tourista bill to die a lingering "death with The tourist poka about the battleevidence that she became a mother field looking for bones They prod Into the ground dig tip skull during dying hour In Chicago' a f'hool teacher I flourish them with glee And cart miimi uy h nena ywno attach ncr them off— to do Heaven know what 'with a faction ofy iron pipe wrap- with them It would tako a peculiar ort of penon to tajt any ped up In a jifljkln nre far pride in a souvenlf of that kind Murders unfortunately from common In the United atotri - One Argentine tourlt company That I bad enough To top It all It eema even furniahen Rpade to the partlei It aend to Verdun "wo are having thu usual murders A thing Jlko that is We repeat but with untold brutality to make ihe situation t ho morn horrible rather discouraging The hundred ISeemlngly potential hrntal or wiougano or neroiu j'rencn ami are all about us and ws (Jermon poldiors who died at VerMayer dun would have felt Inspired mi redon't know It until H U too Inte ly if In their last hour they could have foreseen whut would happen FOREIGN VOTE Iit -- lh"j !xonly TO DC SPLIT J 2 bitr year Jut iiiitomo-blle- s anyway? tion? Well In New York the other day T hro are approximately 7000-floman "Mole win If wuo arrested h vnun--trnwttirftllzd voters in the nnd t brought to'court on a charge If lhey alt wnt on wy tiry of potty larceny I The car tt 1921 might t'fifiify liavfl ft declclvn What'a model wa not worth mora than on lh 25 consequently if a theft could rolnR to happen? not J b'i counted aa a felony Th unwri appurtntly that thdr vntn will ij Ptdlt TfJnrtUfnH Tlila I rathr fctartllrif when Of IhMrJiaMoiiallllcH Just llkn th ymi Klop in think About it An chief function Is to take hftlivit-ltoni oto of rltlzrm Tlio from oe place to another Information p't jpnopln bud the enr the New Yorker atolo rM!PntIy rnvlwrd editorial In sv(f-ro- l lommf-nhundred for would do that for all It wheeling ncw!pap'ra pilntnd mid rattling It undoubtedly can It could findno Itnivcl 4vcrnl thouaand mile yet in thl country nun group Hint wan luiylhlnx Jlko Thirty year ugu that car in it pre nt condition would have cost iinMnlrnout for f lthr candldatn Today it I imd It conclude that ''thcro I not thousand of dollar imail change—ready for the junk only n lark of unity of opinion tlio vurlom radal groiiprt jieap dcapite the fact that It can to hti ftpllt ptlll render1 good hilt ft(h Ki'oup Jletter than anything elue that MlMtlft llHdf" littta Incident illustrate th amdz- o y i t ha-tw- n ana commonntis or ng cncLspne HOW ABOUT the automobile PIG'S KNUCKLC87 iiiiijiiiiiiiiiiliiniiii Tho department of nKrlctilturn Jion Just presented a fact or an al lKd fart that is highly dlnturhingj It reports tliut tlus ancient und nutiorkrnut l not ndorouH dlali It really of Herman origin at all was invented wuya fomewhero in Aslit prohnbly in China Thla Is a paralyzing nort of thing in ruy HnU'rktaut a (Jhinriio dish 7 You can no moro iiHHorlat) It In jour mind with th Innd of man ilrirlfitf than you can think of "Whipped ci'f'mii tin a uliiplo rtt lo of VIklnKa Komo-ihlri4l't tot tlta J1 wron 'IIi depHrtmont niiimt assured have hoen mtr ' am-len- 11 I aiKs ' THE LAX DISCIPLINING OF THE PRESENT GENERATION WILL DE OFFSET DY THEIR STRICTNESS WITH THE NEXT SAYS DOROTHY DIX AND THE RESULT WILL DE PARENTS AND CHILDREN WHO UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER AND PERFECT PROPRIETY jixj jiuainh iiiTiiit niti nt siMs uijnJi IJt JJ HIMi MiflTIiY t ij hi if we begin to hanker for he day when we ahall ccaat to be Jiut a ihaekled to the lawn mower and aprlnkling hone we recall there will to no corn on the cob then and jegln to cling to the present "Hickman to hang In October" leadline eaya Don't b too aure The lawyera may have him out of jail on the grounds that confinement injurious to his health 1 that have candidate of the found proof in the atory Pgopopw creature perhap the Hear lake region people will renew the dd hunt for the J lour lake monster tell hlclt the Indian tradlllonNovf Mho - uhout-- ' nine M TiUtHliANi rt of parent are the younger ACOttltKSII'ONDKNT Inquire: "What 1928 make? The kind of What mother are these bobbed btar by Co) (Copyright Hon ft t llukntindn on the iaiand haired abort skirled flappers going to be?" of 1'alaweh Dutch Kut Indie MSMMa l)lew up in a vohanP eruption Foe 1'ff aay FINE If yoo ik m l Iwinnd were HdJf tt village tf? this reaaom It ama to b almost an a thousand Uilld 4royei to strlk a Impoaalblltty for paopl Now eamn ttiat thrf-more vilM" ''--i 'l' r In madlum up thlr bringing out wern di ' happy by tldJ lage "wlpnii Like a pndulum partnt children wave cauid hy & euhmarlne earth' and this vlbrat between extranet iuHke '"H Iff I limit In the W pay little attention to the gone having gnrtlon f the dealhi far away A thousand r ' thalr coming offapring spelling la swinging back to discififty thousand Jittlw dlffrnc generation Hut w ouglit to ol"rvo with pline wWH gratitude how many thing might happen to u that do not happen that appear to prevail among Tim one rule not to bring 'm their children! Maditeh Croatian afatcsmen in the manner In which they thernselvea wem murdreit leader of pKimtnta In This Is not the result of humility reared found to hav a brain of abnormal or because they consider that their own ' wHght li'u'J gramme made a poor Job of child mothers and fathers lrt—ahiiiri-Kiwi that thv would hav hAn finer vrUtr thou-eun- d DOROTHY DIX The average for ctven otheif in if pome mm womftn developed m(i human tralna- - wm 1881 school of in tome) rankles their because memory but there thought All thing being equal gramme to efface able never been the have that year grievance juvenile l a a heavier brain better than lighter brain' Nothing I more common than t hear mart and women spaak Hut one of th heaviest brains ef ever weighrd that of Cuvler the dcprlvatlona they endured In thalr childhood or hardahlpa had to undergo and to hear them aay "Thank God I hav wa naturalist thay than great lighter IJrit-Usaved a h man in a who died my children from that" that of f i: v I' fl i adjacent afreet k v r f r Now in an interview the other day Ilolte Livlnghtono went rectly counter to old lien' most cherished maxim that no one should pivo money Hho ' announced "Spend your money while you have it" ho remarked airily It even if you'll need It later Take it and "Hpcnd It while You never eau fcn'Rot the memory of a good time" have a rood tim Theni will always be llenjamlrt 1'Yanklin In the world and there And the two c1uaPHwiU never wllTalways be llellw Ivlngatone you-hav- e understand orwi another Their philosophies are diametrically opposed They are the 'Iants and the graauhoppcr of thl world and they never will be aide o ei?e with" each uflief'a eye Indeed mofit of ti huvo iIipho two divergent peraonalitle within us When an occaeiional windfall in the alap of an unexpec ted check arrives we are lorn bHween two dealre fhail w put it in Hie bank ngaiript future needs or fjhall we take the lfe downtown for ft largo evening? Have It or apend it? Have a good time now or expreitt prudence and forenight': It' aiway a hard onetioi The U'dle IlvlflKtone orten titne to grb'f Thy often reach a a question bow bill are to be paid and aometlme It point wh'-rknow even where the ne'st meal in to come from Hut if don't they you have iho right temperament that aort of thing isn't the worst thing that enn happen to you A Ikdle Livingstone eaya "you never can forget the memory of a good time" And while memories cannot be clashed iia coin of tho realm they are nevertheless a rare and valuable kind of currency They buiy other thing than meat serenity contentment liapplnes sometimes Wo tend to get just a trifle too serious In our eagerness to lay away money for a socuro old ago we forget that old age need other things bcaidea cah iu tho bank It need most of all memories memories of laughter and eong of day and night of carefree youthThose are the thing that bolster one up when the ful happiness ahadowa begin to lengthen 5 We don't need to go the whole way with Hello Livingstone Hut wo might listen to what he lias to ay There are woree crime than improvidence o 1 M-rt TliRU ASJPU TOR ttf - omebopV WA 0 w v ME it m v AUdMErli itL "SUI-fcjo-x- 'V--H SIMPLJCI-I" J jal iiiiiii vr w'iu Tfixi L JlVi?k jrVF" So MOOVER AcT rV'SEE OF MAT(JREJT s k tvisf My & ME I f4 UJ-- "1 jw5Baar — "wbw a OG ' BREAK EKhER 1 ai 'VwM j m i j poorhoue UNIVERSAL- Is thi feeling that you can look at children and guess the man in the poer-ho- u wo also a genius but never SO almost with certainty at the childhood their parents had No little had a chance girls are so overdressed as the daughters of the women who went shabby and wore somebody's castoff clothe in her childhood New York has another combinaIt la tha children of women who want barafootad who waar 3 It la the father who In their own stocking to- school youth walked beoauta they had not even a nJckal to pay carfar tha man who buy sport car for ichoolboya It and women whoaa own childhood 'was filled with toil and who never knew any playtime who rear their aona and daughter up Ilk - Y j tin-jnibli- u hard-handa- d k-l- - lieu-U-MH- w too-eas- too-har- tlov-eino- y d r f lit-H- 'aelf-contro- y b' the-fioiitl- 1 e Hky-acrap- Dr'T-Jod- M l WJI '!- er v d 6 tana av i m u vm mwMMss nitvict ' f r iilii ' i ran i m° til ii wj i m f nis I 1 d high-powere- prlvoin corporation represent four biltions each and nobody worries in absolute idleness It la the day of btgj buine th biggec the better were grinding tyrants wh© if the people haven't brain AND it la the parent whose own parent obedience and who denied absolute enforced who them slaved enough to watch a billion dollar jra all who cast have and them authority wouldn't have parental enjoyment every pleasure company they enough to watch two $5004100000 info the discard and left children free to follow their own sweet wlllsi eoneerrt It I the men and women who still tremble before their own parentsl (Jeoififi J! Cortelyou who wjll and fear to disobey them who tell you that they can't do a thing with head the nw concern M tntelll' their own children He gent as widl un emf-Kllknown thai modern eorpotaUotis That explains thi prtatnt generation ef flaming youth Meat find it pi'ofiiablu to contd-of the parent of today were brought up In homaa where a welfiue fate- strict and narrow morality prevailed and by b ' to to It era and mother who conceived thalr duty bring i Murderer Joisi tlclr own Uvea In subjection and courga them In the way children their up lightly whl-explain thHr thought they hould qo Nobody then had advanced the In Die j they olhn- lives IlKhtly or that It had any heterodox theory that a child waa a problem gloomy Hcslii room afliirig Hing 7er that It wa entitled to should that pbrent respect right prlfl'on threo nicti went out vln tb any personal 'freedom of theughtyOr act Like th high gods i jei trl's hair one i"Han1aofno mother and father settled the children' fate and they wer Dan" (Irabam wa a joung pollcp-rrtadutiful or undutlful according to the meekneaa with which rated e utd for murdeilrig a they accepted the parental dispensations lnnfl whom by win KUppoM1 (o proteef jui lila way to ttie bank Il lonk from him 14700 snd epent IT IB the reaction from thi stern upbringing that ha made tho modern I parents too lax It Is because the Joneses still smart under the It nil "In one night' racket" Another Kulanowfckl murdered recollection of the petty tyrannies of their parent that they do not A third a keeper iu ld prlsiui attempt to control their children at all It is because Mr Jones re-- j members' how be wets never given a penny of pocket money that he (ftm?ft Annel UllUd t i(dlc All weit to lh ehnlr errilJ gives too much money to his own boy It Is because Mra Jones recalli inr Atll lematkcd ta be at the harfcli acoldinta her mother gave her when she stayed out until It down "I'll be a baked epp'1 on" o'clock at night that inukea her say never a word when her daughter comeij it at 3 or i o'clock In Hie morning ' teuipo-rarit- y f'lerm R du I'ont a ctoilrronn of' 0Hrnl And now we are getting the reaction against the itbd fidlowhiK Mr Haitkol one The penduaa w hv had It against the parent Jlko blm Mr du I'ont ome out lum le swinging baek again and the generation ef children who for t!mlth "to nd dry have been allowed to run wild are clamping the lid down again and i n fn abimnp the Meg-aen their own youngsters so that Just a we ueed to say that In alllies of Hie ejifon emenl Jw" this country It was three generation from ehlrt sleeve to ahlrt sleeyee w might new say that It la three generation from Ktnith i fortunate not (Joernor spank to apank In the gn-a- t wealth f th mn o ttiat ftupport him wlihh mke 'IllfiHJS indulged young people who have been permitted to run wlldj nt in their ability dlfferenee I whom parent a never enforced obedience or taught them wj naii)(fiH and orusuiUerA They which they wish to ate two of th (iblf-M- t bunnw men have had aome hard and bitter experiences fromwhere-onlthe mercy save thir own children They have run risk in the United Hla tea of nod saved ttiem from disaster thai they an not wisn tneir cimareni of the L'nlverslty of to takevi And they have found out that the discipline their parent fall Ir Dodd ed to give them In their childhood life gave thera mercilessly when HhiejfK tetln this Institute of pub-li if "at they became men and women fiffnlm that turnthe turn of Hin toad" and If you will make a tour of th nurserie of the modern young ed toward ever greater praperlty mother you will find no bablea being rocked to sleep no ''New England miil have ntoved weary mothera with howling little demon who won't go bya-byuniesa they ar walked to sleep no spoiled little brat who to North Carolina and tldrgbi rule the house with a red ef Iron who have to b persuaded There are vast induetrlal dlalrlcts from Norfolk to Ittrhmondl and cajoled and bribed Into taking their milk and during whoe from I'Jreenshoro to Atlanta brief siesta every one ha to go en tiptoe and speak In whle- rlae from the aouthern per pbitnja" THK contrary the modern baby' Instead of being spoiled a 111 ays soma of th new- ONfather and mother were is reared by the hook and disciplined like aouth have a ly jirowternua In tli He Is rnado to obey and behave and J altogether taught to "vtdd Democratic tickets whll beeojdler a lUtle Hpartan prfiyfng for Hepublban eueeftr" they think tti pteauma idy beau And If you talk with the flapper mother about how h I "Idg Uepubllcan party is the going to bring up her children the first thing she will tell you metiey" party Is that she a n't going to let her daughter do th things h waa permitted to do and that ah I going to watch over them Is mitklng money Homebody and take better care of them than her mother took of her befjenersl Motor anttouncf for the Is wise to life and she know how close to th precicause she first" half of 1028 increased sab-pice she came many and many a time of $129000000 with increased n t proflla of $30000000 or $!l a chare AND so because the people of tho younger generation are young and on ffr li months at tho t are keeping :young they are going to be young enough to sympathize rate of $1 a yeai wllh their children and understand Him and perhaps they will achieve Huir Ide usually leav tho wot Id tlio Ideal of parenthood which Is Him Iron band in the velvet glove Force and authority so subtly mafcked lo gentleness thAt the children heriiuao they find Jt unlntret Itt win not know it I there at all Maka life interetrting and they a WJien newspaper Wern dlwtiH'dng li nnmbi-"J aulclde a crime?" Anyway I expect this coming generation to b perfeet lmb Off DO per ifit of filicide f Sticklers for propriety and ae conventional aa Mr Grundy DOROTHY DIX They watitsd to read tb dle 1028 Public by Ledger) (Copyrlahf M Meetiij Holdeti asked pdh'e heart A 8 2 diamond A 1 4 MeutMijnt lit inn "Why shoutd J y i lUbg ONI not commit suh Idf 7" Vou immediately must dstermine 'I he wl polb eman sid "Walt whether to take the trick with th until I find Ho book and 1 il!l henrt ae on thit ftrst round An- Klv you flvn 'gool reiiantis" the rule of eleven you learn Jfa pietended to look for the pijlng are five aard higher hi book afklng fJoId'tn about there that MADE-EAS- Y ncid ny ine ouramy than heart trouble Presently the hitter wan mat ana declarer a aummy anu In the ambulance on ht way to m fefy trlnrfir iAld two Of them VOU it now that east hold the remaining is led- You know that idrr W WeWen I and strongest Irg from'hU longest FASHION BLAQUE stult- - that he holds at least four hearts The dummy and declarer hv-tor- ihi r l i r M lrn i — ar t ixu j it TTrir iiiimffl glpay vlollnJat with rlnga tn hi enr Tired houaewtve trudge along Sew York - 20 Ago " pt f I -- j 1 the-patc- I 1 — - ona-thln- iREflNING Me CS1SLDKEN c f to establish ihetf try lng It naceaaary t exhaust those strongcet suit by forcing 'III mi and at hand to you to play the highest card held tires card from ponent a A Hlltt by you in ft Ml ' t J that uit If you hold only one stopped in the ult Hist la I'd you Immediate Jy miiKt determine whether you will tak Hie irjfk on thn ffrt round or pofitpone tuklns: it until seme later rae contln-tiallThis when the declaration Is no trump and the Importance of knowing whether to fake the trick or lo "hold up" cannot be strewed too atrongly Assume that you are tne declarer with ft bid of no trump and examine the fellowlnsr Illustration" in which west leads the 6 of hearta: Dummy holds Hpade K 3 7 hearts 9 & 4 diamonds J 10 9 clubs round tf A 10 Ko-s- pro-blen- t 6 t heart X 1 y C hold: Fpades 10 9 J 8 diamonds K ciubs jc Tteboux nw roi vetvft c n Dvclarfr holds: Kpadev A Jia a hurt cabachon of velvet hearty A 3 "' diamonds A ruehing and green leaves at one clubs Q J 7 4 ' i aide ' Weat Judds: Ppade Q Q 6 6 4: 3 4 ? prevent your opponehta from win ning three trlcka in hearts If you lake with tha Ace of heart on the round east will play i he rjun first f Itisrta ua tinnn mm ha If els the After that east wilt play lead the Jack of hearts west overtaking with the King of hearts west ww then win a trick with the 10 of hearts giving your opponent three tricK in neons rvn h thf hand if von hold up the Ace of hearts when the of heart la played ana niso auow votir? onnonent to tako the next tricklat hearta you can prevent themf from winning additional tricks In that suit by taking with your'Acn of hearta on thn third round thus exhausting east' cards In that ault You may now finer aa safely from dtelarer' hand toward eaat knowing that he can not lead hearts back to west I (Copyright 192s by the Ready Jtefrrenca l'ublbshlny Co) - ' ' t ! - Whenr the children £row older1 then we (will furnish our home mthffood' furniture— but it! docsri-pay now' —and so just be- lime tots mignt aaa a du otj 'extra wear the better home waits I BuH-doc- s this pay-is- nt it fafj better to surround the children with things worth while— artistic Hfii tif i f li nrl tftfm rrrAw un wiui fair upprcciaiion ox pic liner (things of life and learn to love a better home and enjoy it from the very beginning? The influence off a ocuer nomc is worm iar more than it costs— have it now!' t BRIDGE r sat ore re-lali- - tiriirt l harta rnuUlnur a total of rin ii'ommu' When you become the declarer ten That makes it certain that with a bid of no trump your op- east hold only three cards In that eta with capacious market baskets All wives- of merchant' work in the Years eliops and children frolic about DAY BY DAY every doorway Tho financial soundness of tbii lty O O St'lMTYItld I roni Our 1 11 elica of the tllietto la dlmplayed by tinder the lower end many hank NISW YOHK Aug 13— Diary of of the Deiancey street bridge is the Mayor A h Hrewer City a modern Hepys Up to the War- - fa mou puh cart niatket a rrtbbbi to-j in mid t'ouncft- dusk wberi mim 'Jame Vi'tek to see Ted Cook the Calt- - from daylight until k before ft meeting Dixon pea imaginable household artkla of th chamber f couimerca In forlha humorist who explained he every may be put chased to Hk city puicliiiing the brought his wife with him becauwe watcrwotk 0len he thought It would look better Around Ttlvlngton and Chrystl And to talk of this ond that espe streets hd sidewalk the shop1 A cially Los Angeles climate composed of sell single clgarets- - or any W Mspecial committee stands Worked awhile and to see Dr number desired has than a puck Hoatapb o A J'armley John 31 nd and (liiv iJnmobwil' the dentlMt: Thi Is it eoneelon to slim ( ' ItDdfeley and J J MrummlU iff the waKlrclier drovo him to hi homo et f)ot'm age manager rtewtdc of boothhick and puraes terworks company ui make reFerry and surprised to see whet ports fw changes in the Hudson valley errand boys in the few years and later fit reel of the Ohetto sre the drove on to Hleepy Hollow a well children' Itcfldenti ea el of Wowhlngton playground Tiiey make iivciiiiii named and somnolently paacefdl no effort to avoid traffle dngrs men wJuinn complaining rof young aeetlon b)cytl"t of ienponwlblllty I nt it Ji1ki are riding tin end burden tin Hie evening to Jmll 1'ucbs' uponthe rate of fp ed endangerwo And drivers trespaasing studio with other and 'met Jamft betide the luckless driver who gees ing Hie lives of people (I'aynor the cinema player Honk the narrow street care where I found a t range white dok through' He Twenty member of the volunfind himself the tar- teer had strayed Into my apartment and lestlyfor a shower of Ogden atof sticks rtone tendedfirethedepartment get was sound asleep side by side wltt and of volunteer atfttu union over-rip- e vegetables Ho to bed with both of at my dog firemen Murray yewUrday blv of Alien street wbhh t them ltiu pounder Med their ware fleorgftt W Driver wa elected ha a basement coffee shop-thaNo street in Manhattan bubble! oHh (date pharttlftcautl' aectelniy serve ft long b'orllde smelilnff eel eocjety at their with activity like Dlaney-Mbjeelon 111 Provo HaM Hide' Jlrottdwsy Kveiyhodiy Turkish clgaret "wttlt each cup of and tohn f'ulley wart elerted A I a merchant even to small boys coffee memJ r of the exerutlvo commit- who circulate among 'the motorist A Broadway variant for asking a 1' e with treys of home-mad- e to Incandy In friend to "tear a herring" of park in the center the vite him to "ehuidf a tomale" The flrat loud of green fruit wilt 1m xlilpped cant toddy over the old folks Keek a little comfort Tb bench are filled with old Fruit At w Fifth avenue weddirm which It A It n by Hie 0d bearded men and winged women la ald to have coat a certain peie rjrower' awwoctnf ion The esc will" who have a dull wonderment for 185000 the butlers recelvlng'gttests ronslat of peache plurnV ftprlcotir tho new world In faded eyes Jh wore knickerbockers: powder d apples end cherrle ltf-esla the street t the Dlbby the and clipper with rlifnestons Work I alerted on tho remodJewish hotel In th world which wigs J'M nevr feel affluent unbet features th jnovelty of a Turkish til I have n butler with sidewheel eling of La Fayette avenue which j bath cabaret'" at night wh laker and t hlnsstone h el runs throuKh tle Fccle propertyh Hidewalka are honeycombed with and Twenty-sixtchildren to the pantry and between Twenty-filt- h little portable stands many of watch I'arklns' htls glitter Ktreets just above Jackson avenue ' which el! a famous Isaet Kid dell ' Cftcy— parboiled ealted watermelon And a carriage starter at a new A small park 140 by 2 feet will seeds Clery- beer is the favorite hotel wears patent leather boots up 1e erefrfed tmttim iu tho middle of the tinnla Theer ar knhr his knees it purple velvet sport with the street run- where patrons who stand up at waT to thoroughfare e of hat and shirt gold Napoleonic It are aerved counters l cloth If It ln'tr one thing It $ ning on both sides of cheaper ' else Utah mission of tho Methodist Among the picturesque street something musicians at the subway kiosks ar (Copyright 1928 by Hi McNaught Kplttcopai church will hold a session here Auauat £0 to 23 onna sccoraian player and a Syndicate Inc) -- wt 0-- 3 u e OGDEN— " I pov th - 1 "i th-toei- i 'fl: - I'oMrtibly rlri WAV if v - I I Uim-- I jf"- " tion linn companies' combining in a one blllien dollar merger make h fevy fthudder and grbari iter functor-Il- y 'Hut the old agony mixing A billion isn't" inMch Heveral ri -- m V sotiap A J Ari' w CAa GMC Gif WflMXAi WILL WcrCC -Ttf O'TH'ER SIPE ZSttS1 to BE StUB0Or4 1 J wears ruio 1 ' -r an- I ' s SUCRErfARtES SOCIAL RISE AMP "PlSCUm Xlrt r AlJ rif I t ttmrTI i I I H fil I till 111 v in nunu uu MV V Abfc I r I 4W i di- fV-iy- w i L E V T Dy DRUCC) CATON TJMNJAMIN i'ltANKMNi obvlwnalL would not have liked lielle Llv ingKtoun nt eii or lrn tho queen I'llo MvIiigHtone It should be ex plained f more of New York' Jiohemhi— which merin that ht I tlus feminine leader of ttm force who like to flit aliout the joydtaUnt of liroadway and I MV nt? --- riDmne -- -- IM OBLI(3A-riOrAt-r- 1 1 THE COIN FOR OLD AGE f THOSE2 BV rr iil-l- IMC BAVf vvu MrvVM BVE-Ik- l VILLA A--f MlCCwM riAVJ S1R ALL VAcH-- ly AHTIini e By Ahem OUR BOARDING HOUSE n so called "foreign MOTOR CAR THEFT How In th vote" of tlio Unifnd llfaten going to PETTY LARCENY how common are W In Jhfl coming president )al f lec- 1'or(de-IanBtiaK- JlY "Today" Dorothy THANKS I'OIt JlMCfcSINCiH MONDAY EVENINGi AUGUST 13 1028 NDARD-EXAMINE- It V W ! id : jwpsjtwsjijssjBfc j0ltKpwi' 99 Iff fj f V- EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME - |