Show THE OGDEN veto so those bill art now law A third bill repassed by the senate Is the Oddi bill for a ten million dollar road t program on western public lands The fourth is the Tyson Fittgerald bill to allow disabled world war emergency officers the same retirement status as- that given regular army officers Utah's Democratic senator William If King was found standing to support the Republican! president when the vote was taken on this Tyson bill Four vetoes overridden in one senate session! And with the same party m coairo m iuo acaaio uu the white House That session is more evidence that good ioned party discipline is vanishing The Ogden Standard-Examin- er PUBLISHING COMPANY Eldredfle Jr A L Glasmsnn u j Publishers An independent Newspaper Sunday Published every evening and tnernlna without a muzzle or a club Matter at Entered as Second-clas- s the Postofflce Ogden Utah Established 1879 ' PRICES SUBSCRIPTION 75c Delivered by carrier ona month By mall in advance In Utah Idaho Nevada and Wyoming Three month Six month z2f2 7oo One year S1200 All other states S1C0 a month one year Member of The Associated fressj Consolidated Press NEA Service no A B- - The Associated Press Is exclusively- LOGAN ANNOUNCES entitled to the us for republication SUNSET FESTIVAL of any news credited to It not other wise credited In thla paper and also Logan is offering a sunset the local news published herein 0iVte& LUfrfAlf He sMp He was 6oii6' AS A PELeeATfo Noli By ARTHUR BRISBANE (Copyright 1928 Jay The Star Co)a The death of Dr Noguchi courageous Japanese scientist is a great Iocs to the world Backed by the Itockeffcller insti tute Noguchi wa$ a leader in the - to)nt Aine&ne "awa nevertv and misery born pt disease Yellow fever killed him at last as he sought for mdre knowledge in the African yellow fever regions Some bronJe bahdlt onfhorseback should give his high place to whose memory feaily de- - "R"£CA ro-guc- PACe A rrae CAS coavEU-Tio- a tffAA she was 5r£Cr AT Pity the poor judge who has to settle the momentous problem of whether a woman has a right to lie aDout ner age or not He needs iar more acumen than Solomon displayed in the famous baby case because his decision involves one of woman's most sacred and dearly prized privileges 4' ii ' The unwritten law haa ever granted the fair sex the prerogative of being as old as It said it was and even the sternest moralists have believed that when Saphlra suffered a lapse of memory about the number of her birthdays the recording angel dropped a tear upon her to fib and blotted it out of the record against her 62 WE ' Kansas crtv coUAjrtyAfU ! t VoUR LOVMcS -- AMOS BROTHER 3RA"T MAN is suing his wife for a divorce because she deceived him about her age She told him that she was 47 years bid when in reality A SOMETH(U3 PREVEAnS HIM YROM Vol) WlLl McrTJ U3KJVEW1 lOM 0 4 BfftHER To LOOK V0l!i UP ATT-T- 'LL TiE rliM UP MA3bR icr vieoiui iu When the steamer Columbus Call 252 for All Departments sessesoaiuiuny no landed which attractions at Bremerhafen on Monday wm ui 4mv passengers draw doubt many ugqenites eignt and landed m iiem seven machine n ine unai leamre uMw cicuv And imr ahead of the infasta train were be a performance of Coleridge Tay- those passengers hurry Amen OGDEN AND SALT LAKE business men W riath of Minnehaha" in American if ybu give them the will cans fly FRIENDLY which Lucy Gates Walter Welti Rel'aticns between- Ogden and and Frances Wilton Champ will opportunity Buy the right hing in America Salt Lake a"r: gacsl that the sing leading roles Miss Gates also it and you row rich keep member ef the 'Ottf en chamber of will sing several Indian songs to romcerx- - asdihe Salt Lake cham- which Sam Bruckner will play the For instance $6000 invested in National ©f'the City bartk stock 20 years The "down td ber' flute obligate ©oamew ait college sym worth aco $27000 now And that is an one saxae b4Stte-t and pat phony orchestra will be augmented Is a comparatively sraau increase took by first chair musicians from Salt — I— other ts rfk: Thein event in Gener Salt Lake Lake with Arthur Freber as the Fifty dollars invested war Vlsce ets Wedttrd-awnen the Motors al during South- - and all ihfp-sto ire eat jure fmrressed eoncertmaster Albert friends Kahn H ajdvised Otto with the f bd resalt s likely to en- wick who has many friends in Og buy it is worth $5000 now sue from the' meeting at which co- den is the musical director of the All depends bn manasement operation instead1 cf competition festival that is to say on men investmentwas" strfssed There will be pageantry and band n 4 good man and a good morganmusic and choral numbers by school lsation is tne sart su Both Salt Lake and Ogden have reached the point where they can pupils to add to the interest of the Increasing prosperity increases r J El riage bonds Why women should make such a mystery of their ages is one of the peculiarities of the femintne psychology that nobody It la Just that way The one secret that every c$n explain woman can keep Is her age The blabber who talks on and on forever as ceaselessly as the babbling brook always stops short of blabbing one thing and that Is how old she Is A woman will confide to you the whole story of her past life She will tell you about her lovers her husbands her divorces her chil dren ail of her family secrets but she will never tell you her ge unless she I under 20 or past 80 What! lies between l alienee -- Ji BACK-TIR-E the number of American investors In fifteen years! they have grown mora than 3000 (per cent Fifteen million Americans bought securities Fifteen years ago only in 1927 500000 Americans bought securi- ties Are you investing mbney in "in- vestment trusts'! ? If so ao you know the people that invest your money? John D Rockefeller! long ago was advised to buy stock in a cer tain company because rthe so and 80 railroad is gjoing to guarantee year dividends for ninety-am- e rid he happen to tell you' asked Mr Rockefeller "who was going to guarantee that mitroaa? Mr Wlckershim warns the Re publican politlc4n3 agdinst nomin say atlng a "midnightis candidate" not in any mood ing "the country to accept anotnejr Haraing managers Among BepUblicari that have "midnight" ideas even ate from a the tamest street hak there Is vague ea perception of the fact that needed with Al Music eventide and Utah's mag nificent settings — these make for great enjoyment There should be more sunset music festivals: inthe ate spring and summer in Utah WAR'S EFFECT ON EUROPEAN INDUSTRY Cl2 t mi fc'ir::lJ::-v:-- - nt opjiginp lJfZ LUTE ur n or-othe- a mt err aca u right It Js nobody's business how ftiany caudles she is THIS is quite to have 6n her birthday cake Her age is her own affair n- the Obviously Melloa holds balance of power Apparently he is anxious to be able to say after the nomination is made: "I did it!' Of course It would have been much kinder if the old gent had given Hoover the last full measure of endorsement in the form of an Inf-structed delegation instead of mak ing his followers wait until convene able to tion time before feeling ' draw a long breath But if he can't have Coolidge or Hughes he's virtually certain tp wina up lor woover regaraiess or iue ittti iu ueiier viieruury ui he Pennsylvania railroad the nevH h Inan is violently w- - A - or a bomb ful pit that really plant explodes There are enough sup bery Hoover politicians to help him avoid the pitfalls but they'll be the first to run if any bombs gd Off And Mellon of course has left himself A good-size- d hole through which to climb back Just now Hoover is in the posll uon oz a man walking home tnrougn a tougn section wth a million dollars in his pocket H has bodyguards but every bandit n town knows what he's carrying! Of course the thing that makes women cling to youth with both hands and pretend to be flappers long after they are grandmothers u trie idea that youth It beautiful and charmwoman gets older all of her ing and fascinating and that as attractions go Into the discard But this Isn't true Youth Is net always a woman's best -- 4 time even In looks 1 anti-Hoov- er i- I urgess BEDTIME STORIES I iviwanrfi1 ar w J -- j fuss-budg- et MILLIONS ON BOOKS U 1 - Pf J -at- i--nff" I - at all-arou- nd i -- g : ham-and-e- s - - gg on w vec wmwruu a (uiumuh uc ouwa to euuusu cacu iq it BUuwflw" But why all thispother about a woman's age? Why is truthful Jane driven to lying about how old she is and trying to conceal her age if tfc were "something scandalous a blot on her fescutcheon of which she 1 ashamed? Why if It any more respectable to have been born in 1905 than it is to have been born in 1896 or 1866? j And why is having been born in 1876 a diserace that a woman would (rather die than ron fes$? — ( " ual in that powerful! contiguous group of states Massachusetts OhioM New York Pennsylvania Indiana and Illinois Indiana and Illinois are against Hoover but has broken into New York Ohio and Massachusetts and now AnH drew Mellon shows a disposition to give him Pennsylvania h ! l?r- NHIVICt 16 " v Bt" wu has N If you think that industrial Eu rope has entirely recovered from the effects of the world war con sider these figures presented by the NEW YOKK May 25 Thoughts dull stuff to imaginative youngsters foreign information department of while strolling: A moustatche fixer these days the Bankers Trust company of New sneaks a few peeps in a widow mireven It may be too that boys ror iaddie Sanford the polo York would no longer aviation without BrusWhatever became of player British blast furnaces have shown care to be hoboes Some of them sels cjarpets ? Those rbly-ol- y manner an improvement in pig iron pro-udgine by thelf dress and hell-bewith Broadway fellows squeaky ook are as tightly-clenche- d they though and voices tons 592600 Out ductlon turning — aiwaifting the big breaks cigars on becoming man milliners during March as compared with Th flip young things swathed in (Copyright 1928 by the McNaught summer furs The 550S00 tons in February Yet in Syndicate Inc) sidewalk crowd in front of the Hotel Somerset Lee 1913 the monthly average was 855 wu kww me """i12?""' ryiai 000 tons Present production there mep coi- nuf"erB row lugu-Wa- ll fore is still 25 per cent below pre Th P° Hs war levels Tn si nntiAn that leans on its in- ZVV&L"' in the! city dustries as heavily as England does inning A talxi full of midgets Raymond that margin Is important The back in town from trbup- HIjchcPck decided Wall street unhappy world war verily was an expensive w no ? MJria ii8THERE ARE THOSE WHO WILL f our-h(3daiy ending at wajlk behind the Blip away to line the that involved public library! for undertaking for everybody 2 p m NOT ADMIT EVEN NOW is a mistake a smoke Dan the telescope man THAT HOOVER IS It will be many many years be olkl stall-See 5 Sirius the dog 2 p id" in New York ia cents CHOSEN ONE fore workers and employers have That kirl ubiquitous society 11 a m on the Pacific coast too Beth j somethingceased to pay for it All I the early for business to gtet well tsart musical instrument By RODNEY W DTJTCHER ed NEA Service Writer have marked stqres goody goody MUSIC HAS ITS down their saxophones Thelcgiess WASHINGTON May 26-- There Dr Max Mason leaving the Chi - news vendor at Forty-secon- d street FINANCIAL BACKERS manv are stubborn critters wno cago university presidency to join-- ana Broadway in refuse to admit that Herbert Hoo there Always Prominence of music in the life of the Rockefeller foundation fore- the wind and the rain Howling of ver has the PARTY DISCIPLINE Republican nomina in years to icome Ta world free murdr and a world wet with tears tion the people was demonstrated here see from his girdle and dangling J IS VANISHING of hunger poverty and illness peo- Lew Fields' profile suggests the one can get on it here re bet travel best eastbound the record in the men the Flat Iron building Political times are" out of joint understanding pled by even money men here the workings own minds" Dr of their Leonard Bergman who managed is But In thie senate on Thursday four ported by railway Herbert's hand Is loaded even A Li coionreMason affairs were Tiifnes saya: vye may so Two trains Erlanger's to so many trumps that the with of President Coolidge's vetoes were last day or its sumner sqjiar responds BV"T 400 singers from "e of the opposition lie chief manner Clerks hanging to door chances overridden in short order One quir4d to carry somewhat in ' desperate meas bound for a singing 'con Hatleas men ly These planets are "colonized way awning ropes would think that the Republican California ures of them dart pack and forth to soft drink special nowus undoubtedly many He might miserably mlsplay his senate had forgotten that a Repub test in Vienna Austria m pity upon parlors The artistocratic vaga hand let looking hope — and then again the boys were on trains cars other required bonds in its benches with the this poor sick planet perch along lican president was the occupant now look like losers may steal who — to bandsmen nod and dream to handle high school the open places plagues wars and cheating of the White House cards or upset the table his at who Actors would liberty to bound for Illinois to take part knows they will do either hundred mllliqn dollars in neyeri admit it And why nhould Heaven Especially would this seem so the national school contest theSix Rockefeller or both if they can high foundation will they?j The smart talkers still Clot when examining the records of how and help Mr Mason to answer the arounid the Palace --Auto horns that costs for Bingers It money On the face of things It ought the senate voted Even George sound like the wail of lost souls to travel for music con question: Twelve years ago Irene Castle had to be about over Hoover has far Moses the senator who sits in the bandsmen more delegates than any competitests The fact that the money is "What make men unhappy? I launched the marmoset ' craze presiding officer's chair when Vice fnrthcomine is adeauate evidence I tor so many that the field is united idea an What! was! mJn that ro hunrrv tc?" whv houifl President Dawes is out smoking his h Pate Levy the little haberdash In an attempt to gang him -He is the only candidate who queer pipe voted against the presi- An answer inai aoesn i cost any ery cjlerk everybody knowa along has - — aroused any particular senti Winter Costumed Gar Broadway denL It is not surprising to see ment in the politically powerful a on the dejn garls sly a enjoying 4 puff reai tesu Borah's name listed among those financial support is Automatic phjoto east along with the border states Men are unhappy and hungry be- - fire escapes still reaping their harvest- - the south and the far west voting to override but there is inwhA rmmher the time when cause they are ignorant and be shops He is the only candidate in his a block Kimonoed women in three! terest in noting that Senator if a man or boy wore shoes with cause poweriui men ue laeir urauiB with panting white who has shown a disposi party poodles seeking to don't collect wealth thftt they — go tkm to go out and fight for pri a to breeze Smoot's name is among the same out bus Fast Coney wear to be was said need instead of helping those that hosiery he j mary votes and he has done bet ing right out! group need help ing government sox? ter in those primaries than many Two of the bills provide better own supporters expected him his of iMen to with have da nothing Two hundred more may die in ': working conditions for postal em Easy wav to commit suicide: Hamburg killed by deadly phos- - stronge fancies I met a retired old to do of endorsement he Now the has had who a read corn a in The today house ployes previously had Shout "Draft Coolidge" gene gas accidentally released Mellon its with Mr the saintly of the cabled of invention dispatch repassed them over the Coolidge belt stata that destroyed every tacit inference that Mr Coolidge Americans should realize that a a solution it touches He had spent a Isn't unkindly disposed toward thing! country not protected against air sleep ess to figure but him' and Is more than ever tagged night trying such gas what planes that wuld drop in it now he's as the nearest approach to an ad And keep they on cities is a foolish country 250 ministration candidate gk ihe doing it fdollah as when It is particularly It will be hard for the party to Evfery theatrical producer at some in our case it is the richest nation By BRUCE CATTON Mr Hoover To take him it take time or other spanks the critics the world doubly and trebly This violate Various precedents must rESPlTE such distractions as ocean flights heavyweight chain- - in Mseason turn Cohan George foolish when ic buys useless battlethe party hates to do American floods and something the people ahips spending on one battleship ed a few across his venerable knee pionship fights Mississippi with- the exception Instance For rensn xie wnat last year managed to spend $z&ouoouuo on oooks : to ?a tney nad o- - of Grant no man money! to build a complete enough has had the Re an or These figures were revealed at the convention of the American ssy nooi nis xct opus air fleet nan jaaa inaa so many successes t pat publican nomination without t The money Booksellers' association in Atlantic City recently Of partisan Re ning should prove at least an substantial record men in Europe are out- - f Business bought approximately 200000000 books— twice the number sold an behind him No Re publicanism -us u a iviosi iew years ol nfirt ihiiiuod mi Um j nually a decade ago out of short pants can remember publican president has had i knd the hi imHrnf mHhn Of course a great number of these books were utter trash and B wa vonan was unrver nomination after being opposed at H1 l4fc financiers OlTvlflUA ' r as never remains well the outset by a united sectional have fact Yet been that the written might handling the loans And hOof er" But it so happened She opposition like Lowden's this unheard-o- f sale of books indicates a vast intellectual curiosity more like few that to had was and he always things eay on Something And the iart of the American public this ' is and alertness The worst Js! that when the time He stands out in my opln remembering that Mr Hoover has comes to repudiate pome of those heard something more or less new ion a clear-cjcameo as the broken precedents before like For a great many years the citizens of the republic had little foreign bonds Ithey Will be in the The trouble is that it is likely man i the use for any abstract ideas Hard concrete facts were all that Inter hands ef little American investors cleverest "ha rtrnilnnixT to American him prove much harder to thatr ested anyone One of the greatest poets In the world's histor- y- far from the Vaults of the "rake- And he should be agitated this late than to accept him It's deny true that in 11e by a few bricks Walt Whitman — was unable to arouse more than a ripple of public off gentlemen many Hoover delegates are not of attention Van Wyck Brooks has pointed out how Mark Twain" the sort who can be expected to h Is to to born be Swift or a Cervantes had to content himself with cer stay with their man through fire It the fashion to refer NEW NAVAL MACHINE water for 30 or 40 ballots but as tain to critics harmless jocosities because he knew the public would not buy any mathe and belonging WASHINGTON— The echo more importantly it's also true Alec one Smart school Yet when more a to chine boon invented newlyi weighty thing " the monotony of theatri that they're his to start with and But the pendulum has swung the other way with a vengeance navigators enables them" to guide considers cal attendance for a season of In that unless someone can dragoon vessel shoals and their through Instead of ignoring new ideas we are fairly falling over ourselves one is mystl Coolidge or Hughes Into the plot determinable to devour them Let any moderately talented young man write a shallow water! in any kind of fied Critics cannights even a shade they won't for a while have any retain while weather at full going! speed of what Mrt book that advances an idea even faintly original and his fortune is the stage where else to go — and by that time Wooljcott on the principle that sound It works made We fall upon him en masse with heaven-rendinterms meanie "elfin struck and shouts hu Hoover is likely to have been nom travels 4800 feet a iecond and byJ ' i inated raor" j nau mm as a genius measuring the time elapsing be Furthermore Mr Hoover repre There is something surprising about our liking for books that tween the generation of the sound the administration policies criticise us A nation that worships its business men we dote on and its return! from the bottom of Somebody writes to know why 1t sents and the only other important can is with sea that scarcely any exceptions didate does the depth is calculated books which paint our busings men as purblind morons A nation the not It's possible that no championship prize fighter has an ef builders and doers we revel in books that proclaim all our deeds man will be ever of been a the father son' inept and sterile A nation that lives and dies by the machine we chosen but darned improbable HIS NOSE KNEW wouldn't know about that And again this Is no safe year to MANILA-- TwentvUonft mmhr A "palooka" in pugilism Is rainy lay up dooks temng us that all machines are futile and soul- lick Mr Hoover with a dark pony of the crew of the tanker "Chuk- one who searing fighter— What-doeIf any horse flesh figures at all it which exploded! off the Japan fights preliminary battles for it mean anyway? Why are we the hard-fact- s Am ky" stallion like ese coast recently owe their lives small purse ericans spending 5250000000 annually on books? Nobody seems l to must be a big black Cool Dawes or a to was Chow to know where Goined Coolidge word Hughes the Ming dog Taking It means plainly enough that we are not half as taaterialistic lifeboats after the lexplosion the But It Is a descriptive punch Tm ldge can only be taken as a deeper md unthinking as some people tell us We are not stagnating into a crew was at a loss as to location I agin having dinner at the Hit ate measure Hughes is a good bet complacent conservation We are more alert and awake than ever to beat Al Smith in New" York but Ming however smelling a Japan with a "palooka" before not worth a whoop in the west andT ese fishing boat drew attention to It is all Immensely encouraging and Aviation has been a death blow Dawes is poison to the -administra that dlrectionj picked up-- after following Ming's to embryonic hoboes Riding rods tlon or brakebeams on freight trains is The Issue will be decided as us- and-Ogd- en OIX n whose nay is nay and who would go to th4 jBtake rather than tell an j untruth about any thing else in the world will falsify their age Therefore if it should be decided that a man has a right to a divorce by reason of the bride not having given the absolutely correct date of her birth the land will be filled with the dismal sound of the rending and sundering of mar ' program iafflrtHMiMrc iillTiHaTatoMaiAjJilfcJii"' UUrtOTHY 1 cease to engage"" in small town rivalry' The day when every Salt Laker who came to Ogden was accused of having brought his lunch with him and the era when Ogden ball players looked out for rocks and pop bottles on leaving a Salt Lake ball field have gone The cities have been brought so close together by the motor car and the paved highway that a Salt Laker in Ogden sees about as many of his friends and acquaintances here as he does when1 he walks a block or two on Main street and the same holds good when Ogdenites go to Salt Lake Salt Lake salesmen come to Ogden to sell goods and Ogdenites go there Trucks carrying the goods ordered pass each other on the highway After all it is difficult to say where Salt Lake begins leaves off Each year sees increased home building along the highway beautiful with Fine cottages grounds are the rule The highway will soon become a residential boulevard The era of good feelmVbe-tweethe two cities should become permanent! for it won't be long until Ogden is calling Salt Lake South Ogden and Salt Lake will call Ogden North Salt Lake IS a fact that women who are ITmodels of veracity whose yea is yea and well-know- lii'i v- L adkis MODERN SLANG 'BE YOUR AGE" IS GOOD ADVICE TO A WOMAN BUT IF FAILING TO GIVE HER CORRECT AGE SHOULD BE CAUSE FOR DIVORCE LAND WILL BE FILLED WITH RENDING AND SUNDERING OF MARRIAGE BONDS mpl6rsp ae "ib ArftfeAp at tasAs cnsv as coMMrttfeis Has SlCERELV hi von pipj?rAsf -r 'peAisoi-iMAMriHA- Dorothy Dix $Af£&' — GLAD -yEUVRlAi3 I KWoui THe 3ISPARA3IM3 festival serveshonor in BfccrTrte "THE W&v4cTtfe a- C By Ahcrn PEAT NOGTJCm BRAVE FIGHTER BUY IT KEEP IT GIST RICH JOHN IVS AFT QUEKTIUH MIDNIGHT CANDIDATES old-fas- h FRIDAY EVENING MAY 25 1928 R: OUR BOARDING HOUSE "Today" - STANDARD-EXAMINE- 1 MOTHER BEAR INTERFERES m aw x a woman at so or 60 is tar handsomer than she waa at 20 In Hi her girlhood she was angular of figure with heavy rough features and nondescript hair Age filled in her hollows with flesh and made hAr stately Experience chiseled her features Into symmetry and gave them expressiveness Time crowned her head with & silver halo Many an old woman is made beautiful Just by the sheer goodness and sweetness tn ner lace N(:P ls vm£h alwuv rharmlnir u is hard and narrow nnriw rr There Isn't any middle-age- d or old woman no matter hoy dull she is who Isn't more Interesting that she Was as a young gin it sne is stupid at 45 or 65 she was even more stupid when she was 18 or 19 because the years are bound to have something No woman can go through girlhood and taught wiTenooa mna motnernooa no woman can nave blrtn and death and sickness and sorrow? no woman can have rubbed elbows with her fellow creatures for thirty or forty years without hav-in- g seen strange and wonderful things happen and heard stories more romantic and weirder than the plot of any novel hr AND If at 20 a girl had brains and a heartf she had intuition and eyes to see and intelligence to understand by the time she is 60 life has mellowed her and ripened her and educated her and given her a sympathy and understanding that makes her far more fascinating as a companion than she was When she was a debutante Hence why should women so hate their age that they He pitifully about It? They only deceive themselves as In the case of one woman I kno t who has got younger and younger year hy year until now she is almost twins with her own daughter i "Be your adjures the slang of the day and it Is wise counsel If Inage' still your body you Iare strong Urnand L'active If -mm U -VnilK till Ilk iMt iiltk nn inicu "i miii viaivu ariu jrwur nci l wiin icn- derness if your mind is still alert and Interested In everything about you If you are still capable ef enthusiasms and of changing your point of view and of learning you are young no matter whether you are 39 or 99 "And If you are middle-age- d or because of your agar elderly you are all the more remarkable f Then why be ashamed of It? — By THORNTON W BURGESS When children come to blows tii clear The time has come to interfere —Mother Bear X 1?VA°Z?L — —— — 1 — — — A i " I'' A'°7m 8° l° C tiey wVrV fight" 5°' ailments your and were your conversa-an- d ng They striking scratching biUng They rolled over and tlon generally Is like a clinic and you are peevish and fretful and over bumping into trees with now) tyrannical ana tmnk me world is going to the bowwows and that th bne on top and now the other orii fashions and the jrlrli and the dancing are not what they were in your t op Tney naa forgotten everything a ay men you are old even ir you are only 39 and calling yourself 29 jelse It wasn't at all nice for two doesn't help it: utue tsears wno nao just waked up from their winter's sleep But be all of that as It may I trust that women's Ivlno And all the time the one who about their ages will not be made a eause for divorce Life Is was the cause of this fight was full of trouble for women and If any old sheep can get any shuff ling away from the scene It fun out of masquerading as spring lambs let them go to Jt wsju i'rlckly Porky the Porcupine JJOIIOTHY DIX You know he ha4 driven some of Copyright by Public Ledger! his cuills into one of Cubby's legs Cubby had turned a back somer sault in his effort to get away and and whining and fussing Oubby he had bumped into his sister n millAd the rmlt1 rtiit mi K Then because those quills in his one was out he Jay When the last leg smarted so he had blamed his down and licked that sore paw He sister for getting in his way Most and licked and licked which licked as foolish a fights start in as it hannensi was the best thing manner aa that just n pnn i n nivi nnnm Now It happend that Mother (Copyright 195S T W Burgess)1 Bear waa out prowling about stretching her legs and getting the The next story: "Cubby Ber!nro kinks out of them after the long T an Appetite" Get sleep The twins had not seen her They hadn't seen her Since they ITALY HELPS TOURISTS went to sleep at the beginning of — Italian railroads owned ROME winter They had almost forgotstate are carrying patriotic the by ten that they had a mother But societies student organizations and out found They presently thiy visiting foreign groups at reduced found out suddenly and' in an un rates to make Italy known comfortable manner Without any warning at all a great paw pulled SIGN OF- DISTINCTION them apart Then two sharp cuff — France haa 40000 chaPARIS rollsent from that big paw Cubby andteaux possession of one la ing one way and his slater rolling "Wba-- wha— wliat do you mean?' still a distinction although most the other asked Cubby In a very small are merely stone country houses "What does this wiean?" growled voice Mother Bear "What is all this i Bear once more and her voice was fuss about?" " began Cubby point- "She very deep and grumbly?rumbly ing at his sister n "I didn't! I didn't do a thing1" NVery slowly Cubby obeyedMotner cried his sister before Cubby had j Bear told him to hold out his hurt m enance 10 say anomer wora xie paw He did so Before he M fell over backward and bumped aware was going to do into me and blamed me for being she hadwhatahe one of those quills in the way I couldn't know he out of hispulled paw 201 CENTRAL BLDQ waa going to " tumble over back"Oh t Wowl" yelled Cubby and ' ward" to run away But he dldn t All this time "Cubby was whim-- t started Bear growled run far Lovely Assortment was at not all like and it waa Mother pering which more and even deeper Cubby Mother Bear looked at hmi grumbly-rumbl- y than before Cubsharply She saw that he was hold4 by stopped nearer went one paw She ing up "All those have got to come out1 Wedding Gifts to him Then she saw the ouills from Prickly Porky's tail and she said Mother Bear "You may as mmu iu u understood Trousseau Gifts -w' maxedo upnotyour come out you will "So" Said ahe "youi have been If those after have a bad time Now you will meddling with Prickly Perky Commeacement Gfts all I've warned you It serves you either let me pull them out or pull out them in order to yourself" hurt You had get right 'I-think I'll pull them out to learn your lesson Now you'vtf! -' said Bridge Prizes myselfCubby some more" to hurt got get "All right" said Mother Bear do you mean?'? " asked Cubby in a very small voice "Get busy I'm going to stand right Reasonable "I-I- -I Yery don't want to!" whimpered here and watch you until the last one Is out Cubby So with-- a lot of whimpering "Come here'" demanded Mother fighting 'Yes " -- - — Harris Art Shop u-- v M "Wha-wha-wh- at - |