Show f FRIDAY EVENING MAY 4 1923 1b ROICER HELD THE OGDEN STA She's Swiss Miss s' Pull- 2"? ir 41 1 KANSAS CITT May 4 (AP)— wealthy youns real estat broker who told palica he believed his home had been broken up by a middle-age- d business associate wa held without charge here today while hia erstwhile friend lay near death from three bullet wounds Hurrying through the crowded union station here yesterday Harry J Wheeler made his way to the disprivate office of C A trict Pullman companyHiljer auperin-tendeand without warning fired three times at the Pullman official All th bullets struck MUltr one entering the abdomen SLUMPS TO FLOOR As Mjjier slumped to the floor Robert Blumberg Pullman employe who was in conference with hia chief started to lead Wheeler from the room but when they reached the door Miller rose to his feet with the aid of a chair Blumberg said Wheeler again turned his pistol toward the Pullman official and shouted t "Hs's on his feet again Let me ' go back and finish him" Then as Miller fell across a desk- wheeler hurriedly left the office Employes In other offices attracted by the shooting pointed him out to police and he submitted to arrest1 with the remark he was on his way to the police station anyway "He broke tip ray home" Wheel er told Chief of Detectives L A Toyne -- I tried to kill hm H caused me plenty of worry and I'm t rU4 I did it" Asked to describe events leading Up to the shootinsr Whepler told joyne ne aia no care to reveal the details pending his arraignment EXTREMELY JEALOUS ' Wheeler who at 8? hap developed an tjctentive real estate business was described as extremely jealous In a divorce complaint filed by hia wife April 10 last Mrs Wheeler charged heir husband had refused to provide ample funds for herself and 10 year-old daushter Several religious pamphlets were found in Wheeler's pockets A passage on "the superiority of the Individual" was ' underwerid The Wheelers and Millers had been friends for 10 years Mlllsr recently purchased stock in a company formed by Wheeler to distribute an electrical device he invented and t two often conferred in the Pullman company office While Wheeler admitted he had sought to collect money he Idaned the Pullman official he denied this naa anytmng to do with the A ': §1 man Official Claims He Broke Up Home i - - - H 1 '' ' -- "& can j 'II : 5 lif "I s" ' '8 with entirely new an omereni features ill - ' They didn't miss thlr Swiss at the Swiss beauty show in Saa Francisco and this Swiss miss TilUe Camenziad woa tne trophy as - the prettiest girl of Swiss descent r iiiiiiliiilii-Miin- barber so LVES ft tpt - SPEECH Rl The new -- f ' The key is embedded in a patented key groove that protects it frW loss in transit and enables you to grasp it easit and to remove :it with two toners Jj Now Is the Time to Use Arsenate at Lead You'll find It priced right at this store PHONE 2&0 ® OSFARR& cam i 1 r I 70WASMAVE itwy CMMSWIMflM ISMl TMtnil ft iff B vacuum can is key-open- ed i i: - - J pi v- - n -- -s- 10— —pj—ii tui uupmiMW sw ict t ft " B it key-open- ed ing an exceptionally tight seal to keep the coffee fresfr after the can has been opened i ' iiif i t t fill For some time we have packed MJ-Coffee by our own patented jvacuum process adopted Ari TKere are no rough edges snywhetc cai the M can to cutyour fingers BotH the edge of the can and the edge ct the lid are tolled into smooth surfaos No matter how you grasp them or how Hard you press or mb your fingers ainsi them there is nothing to cut or annoy you Most women will find this the j greatest feature of alL jB - B se of its overwhelming supitmafcy in produdnc thehigbtandmostuniformyac Sim attainable This orocess brincrs the cafk& tn wsar ftK§ kitchen as fresh as the minute it was roasted And I rsity' 11 - en- be-cau- 1 Tor long years TrobettI had the hig:h school's- But he continued adding to the private collection of books begun in his bartering days and toiled away night after night until he had mastered some 143 languages EXHAUSTIVE TREATISE Meanwhile he worked on an exhaustive treatise on the origin of human speech His comparisons of the 143 languages had convinced him that the common origin of the human races was on the Asiatic plateau where the Aryan race first started""" The JLlncei academy awarded him its grand prize of 10000 lire— then $2000 King Vctor Emmatw uel Hi invited him to Rome to congratulate him in a private audience And then Trombettl took up Etruscan For 18 years with some interruption during the war he has been steadily at it Here in Florence in the heart of the country so full of Etruscan ruins and remnants of the lost race's beauhe will lift tiful ceramic art another corner of the veil that has hitherto shrouded the history of that ancient people who so much influenced the: Romans with whom they fought and by whom they diswere eventually displaced persed or destroyed) M-J-- M-J-- j or j The new vacuum can has a tight cover that fits inside the body of the qui mak- - poet-profess- hi 'T?v tirely devoid of sharp or rough edges insuring you v agains t ditting your fingers self-develop- ed is - t t f FLORENCE Italy— (AP) barber's apprentice 28 years ago ed r j n E key-opene- d People self-educat- P vacuum can Mote important still it is packed in an vacuum can with entirely new type of striking new features i- - of Deciphers Language Ancient Etruscan ' MJB CofiisnowpackeinaI'5pcr LmmMimwmiwwmmwfma4tifmMmMii 1 i ' :f - r il'"t 1 Jean-Franco- (Standard in Quality) - II " and dint of privation and perseveranceby Professor Alfredo Trombettl ia the cetttral figure of the First International Etruscan congress He came to present the savants at least the rudiments of an Etruscan dictionary and grammar the fruit of 18 years' study of ancient inscriptions which he compared with those of the Romans GREAT DISCOVERY Miller who Is about 45 years old In circles his dephilological and married was said by physicians the of the anciphering language nave a cnance to of recovery cient Etruscans is ranked as the greateset the discovery eince Cham-pollio- n Frenchman the younger by means of the triple inscription of the Rosetta etone opened up the mysteries of to the world Egyption hieroglyphics ''- in 1822 When he was 17 Trombettl was working in a Bologna barber shop and studying French and Spanish as best he: could by means of pocket manuals While shaYing- an old notary public who had a reputation for erdudltions the boy would fesk for corrections The notary offered to teach him Latins Alfredo made rapid progress A obtained municipal scholarship througlvGIosue Carducci ACME SPRAY of the University of Bologna enabled him to attend the ' unive- MATERIALS njir- i§ - -- amriiryiiPtfTi If4 II " v nt 1 been waitiii —V on ve FOR SHOOTING Attempts to Kill L NDARD-EXAMINE- R now better to preserve the coffee after you have I I 1 t uus f n J Key-camm FcliCU U1C can acvciopca tfS lot of the Italian teacher in rural 1 wv-nav- -- — iiitf withaCOverthatCmIrlariffrftrrinlr — —— — - ftrrrif " I' ! i Coffee is blended of only the world's finest fo&bodled cSecs andhas been known foryears for its unquestioned supenonty or flavor It is character- MJ-- i pill r 'ft- A B - ' : t 11' xi f I I I -- REBUKES i 1 i - H ir v i ' B mild mediumor strong- Y 1 M I f The lid fits inside the top of the can If b not necessary to span ithe can with the hand to putt off the lid ISimply place both thumbs under the jedge of the lid and exert a sliit lifting pressure rthe lid will ipen easily X-R- AY you drinkM J-- f 1 V t Try this marvelous blend today and note y°ur whole family enjoys i satisfying flavor r 1 I Because the lid fits inside the can it is easily replaced More important still fseaL the hew type of top makes a This protects the coffee after the can has been opened and keeps it fresh to the lastspcon-tui- l I BIRTH CONTROL AUSTIN Texas— (AP)— Use of the Xray In birth control is condemned by Ir II J Muller professor ef zoology at the University 01 Texas Dr fuller has attracted wide at tention among scientists by his sue cess in employing th y to IS A FACT t l ! SOME modify the genes or life giving cejis ana to stimulate new char FOfc&S AVOID THINKING actertstios in living organisms thus X-ra- II you are witting to think about real estate you will be anxious to come into possession of property— it's the real safe wealth of the world accelerating evolution He says that "undesirable and harmful mutation" or basic changes Often occur when the powerful light is used in birth con trol efforts The zoologist last year won the $1000 pme offered by the Ameri can Association for the A&vanee ment of Science for the meat not able contribution to the advancement of science presented at the organisation's annual meeting His paper read at the Nashville eon vention last December eavrd "Him ray experiments on fruit flies ie reported mat py cirectin? care fully measured rays among the genes he had been able to alter some and leave ethers unchanged Eventually onDr Mulier Plana to his skill cettdn in an effort try to perpetuate the good dualities of the genes and eliminate the poor ones i Now available in Other sizes laterJ one-powtdsi- ze ! o : ) I ! o cx Nowavailable in onepound size Other sizes later s i ! Awe folliflairof 'ed ''ooffee -- r r If you worry over past mistakes you'll mate more as your mind win not be concentrated on vour work I a |