Show TERRITORY OF UTAH proclamation by the governor whereas vacancies have recurred in the legislative isla tive assembly of said territory by revon reason of the ZE resignation aaion of hon orson spencer and orson pratt councilors councillors Counci lors and the hon hoses hosea stout stoat daniel spencer john brown and nathaniel V jones representatives of 0 S L county also allo of ron hon J S fullmer councilor and the hon andrew L lamoreaux representative senta tive of davis county and hon benjamin F johnson representative of juab county now therefore I 1 brigham young governor of said territory by virtue of the autho authority rhy vested in me do hereby proclaim order and direct that a special election be held in the several precincts of said counties at the usual i places oj of holding elections on monday the eig eighth th day ay of november next ensa ensuing ing that pl boom be prepared and furni furnished she d L for the un us of the severah gac flaa aid jd countie 8 sand that public notice be given and returns t anere ere 1 of made according to the laws of said territory regulating special elections given under my hand band and seal of I 1 LS said territory at great salt lake ci 1 ty this eighteenth day of september A D one thousand eight hundred and fifty two and of the independence of the united states of america the seventy seventh by the governor BRIGHAM YOUNG W RICHARDS seely secy pro tern tem appointed by the governor |