Show can mccau you reach them several gentlemen of the ile ai 11 0 o ture hire dinin dining at a bostoc I 1 M a gentled an w h 0 I 1 can yon reach then them T 7 mr M extended his arm ann towards the dish and satisfied him himself elf that he could reach the pert aters 1 and answered yc sir the le legislator was t taken aken aback with this unexpected rebuff from the wag wag hut but presently recovering me himself he asked will you vou stick my fork inlew one on iem era ithen then mr M took the fork and very coolly plunged it into a finely cooked potatoe pot atoe and aft it meret the company roared as they took the atee joke raan and the le victim atun looked more foolish than before but bat suddenly an idea struck him and rising to his hia feet he be exclaimed with in an air ot of conscious tri triumph now mr M I 1 will trouble you you for or the fork mr M row roe to his feet and with wilh the roost most imper tur tar bable gravity pulled the foi foik k out of the potatoe pot atoe and returned it am airn dst ast an unconquerable thinder storm of laughter to the utter discomfiture of the 9 gentle tk jiin from B 0 it itis is with truo loe ogre as with apparitions every one talks of it but few fe w have ever wen it 1 Discord 94 dia cord is horrible as the musical nero sat when he was waa about to be hung hune 1 5 arf 1 1 ww 1 do you know said Z curning canning yunkee yankee W it a jew that they hang han jews and jac jackasses kasses tog together lither in 10 portland indeed brot brother lier then ita it ia well web yott lou a and ad I 1 are not there bif you harbor malice against any ff tatE be ingy you cherish a worm in your beart tt in will eat out oat all its goodnew good neo 5 I 1 W g dr johndon compared plain plaintiff tift and t in ia an action of law to two men duo ducking tax aw 11 headst I 1 in a ead and during darin each other to remain I 1 aw ut i under water I 1 A |