Show ll 11 1 7 MARRIED by the editor feb 26 at the honse of elder franklin D richards richard q I 1 in this thi is c city it mr M r JARED C ROUNDY and ass mss zan VI SA J 1 NE may their table ever compare with the bounteous richness of the cake received ex in north kinyon kanyon ward on an sunday feb 22 10 by bishop john stoker mr r ROBERT deku TELFORD and miss REBECCA R at the same mine time and place and by the same mr CHARLES H and miss mca ANN hi TELFORD also at the same time and place and by the same mr mi JOHN D TELFORD and miss iss SARAH M COLTRIN to those who are to love inclined we say just keep two things in mind one is when you th labove have read contrive to follow where led and while you spend the honey moon heep up and do as they have doney done enclose the printers their just fee so have hare bliss eternally on sunday evening eve nine by bishop john stoker mr NATHANIEL P WORDEN and mrs HARRIET SESSIONS 0 0 |