Show J 0 if i GLOBE cofre COFFEE E AND DINING rooms stai stal staines iles fles oan Can candland diana dlana between livingston ein kin ead cos and council blouse meals always ready parties supplied GLOBE RY FAMILIES ann AND EMIGRANTS SUP plind PLinn WITH BARD HARD LIGHT 2 i ly vw SS J E WINDER have a ia large rge J of I 1 1 1 BOOTS SHOES ashpes AND LETHER LEATHER for tor sale persons froni from the country would do well rell to call cali ball and see before making their purchases v IN 13 mrk RS alid and OIL oll ai wanted ganses HAWS maws M IRS RS S A B BOWMAN has constantly vail on hand a good assortment of ladles Ladies straw blidt at hen tier resi resl residence dence in itt the tho vard waid wald opp opi daitel ltd ite bishop chewill she sell fon for t or reAson redson reasonable red abie able prices 43 4 3 W nallan barnai barral bay BAI ral rai EAl WV fes ies respectfully informs the inhabitants Inhabit anti antl of f gnat r t salt sait Lae fake city and arid vicinity that tha bb rib intends carrying oil on his Ms dusinus in the house giouse formerly occupied by A L nate rate north temple bt st ward ward nard and 11 ll III n arrant warrant all work domety houe tone by mm hini to give ave satisfaction as he understands his ausnes busnes bus nen nes in all ail al ls its b branches all che jewelry neatly repaired charges ker ver Y isoder e ate ats 43 3 tt f NAILS MAWR nars NASS D SABIN in oper atlon for malting all linds kinds 0 of I 1 nails nalls tol toi order arill lo 10 u ill fil exchange nalis nalls for tor wheat hear heat corn potatoes a and other produce pro Pio duce dace come on with nith isnow it ilow liow Is fa the accepted time a WANTED tire tine and baill dan ban iron for which nelch cewill I 1 uis his shop 4 i lin itu 0 ura manufactures dijt f rot NOT 60 ADOW I 1 DOW copper tin smith and Plu piu plumber aller ailer will mill mace rufes lff aft t pumps to draw from 50 tu to W feet mid aad portable garden forca forc pumps to throw water ab fee feet also aiso all kinds of ol block tin work as s soon as liis his tools and machines arrive from the delps delvs dev dei ilg alg gate NC NB all ail kinds or of china and guenar Qu eniT vare ware neatly clasped ac ct tc i E emigration ini gration street str e 61 eth ward wd am ON yane yani AT AIR lic of elc JO LITTLES gS furniture andlar ariage depot ward koelln koci Kocl ln ng dining lining and cuil dlena dienA chairs table tabie loun lounges bedstead ileda liada tead c carriages manufactured and repaired we are alo prepared to paint barria ts antl anil other ornamental paip tino ting at short notice and fot for prices alo also for sale eale an or milbun wilbur or band carriage one spring ng carrio carria carriage e and arid a spring biogy anvill v ill lii take stock ia in erchall ex chail chall SC lumber v wanted anted 4 3 ain G tre undersigned undersigner under signed would respectfully X announce to alio inhabitants ats oi 01 arld arid and the tiie adjoining couri counties ties that G grinding done gone can be b on blurt notice all ail baa n of the year as ile lie we mill milt springs gs never freal fraai at E 13 T B bensch tear go 0 pa s mill situ sito ofed from G 4 E 4 I 1 cov I 1 ph I 1 0 wai wal ran ted to in mako make ake as it aine fine de fi flour and as good a turn out as any mill in the territory 43 am E T BENSO densey T 0 CU O 1 sirock stoe suir sulf i ra ephe HE undersigned undersigner UNDER SIGNED want w rit to t 0 pur p u r I 1 v 1 I 1 7 i q bead boad of cattie cattle Ife head adot adof of ti mules u I 1 es liberal prices paid in iss assorted orfed merchandise wheal wheat flour wa wagons goas or on of duc dac ne me apply to I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 61 51 am w IT tit lit naj 10 v i 11 basse MASSE BAT nat IV AT T levi Stewart ss store diore is my authorized A agent nt to bettle settle m my y land claims of f 1852 and 1853 capi CAPT V w ir Is authorized to lo settle all other I 1 wid land claims please call gents arld arid settle settie and sad saw sa d ana ar il us ui trouble 2 am S M BLAIR brana braud sheets dinv inv brand ai 11 li 11 N NOTICE is lie lle reby given that the I 1 baand sheals now treavy bound j cm can behl bebi bahaa 1 I by at the tho ortre price 1 1 bsh oi or bok bot at cmil price taken in Pc ing cattie cattle est raved rayed or those lug wil will find it to th thein their ein eln advantage to have ha e the Brand sheets by aillem for re reference arence 11 II B I 1 dat recorder of brands A stove sida henet henrt ENRY J JARVIS jaryis jlii bill wl give a good price 0 fora a no J charter charier oak stove in good tn cun dailon it will be advisable for all parties patties indebted to ta rn me who wah wih to avoid tb the edisa disagree Ir ables liel iiii iti tin I l COSTS to gettis settle up immediately t corvin PATIENCE has its bound an d ny is limited 16 1 6 divinity J JARVIS F von soe FOE up sra 0 lun lur ti MW V MILL near too el c city a aj given aiso also ik a s st sot t of af givens tools toots soi foi which w a 3 yoke 0 of o ocen xen ren or yourd yours cattle will hilll be ta toe taken tae e in payment granted yr Fi ranted anted a liand haud to work lin jin in a chair f factory elther cither as ag a journeyman or an apprentice enquire of I 1 43 4 3 tootie cily city husz LUSZ 8 ewey 7 aeo zeo luc lue f n 5 i I 1 1 tirom ROM this city one drack brack mare pony JQ white in her tace lace Brin bennied bridled led an on the right hip 2 dim will alo also one straw strawberry berry borry roni romi I 1 on lh th len leu hip nip W if fr any information or return of the tho be ve I 1 biily bt belly lly ily revar remar re waded ded 13 1 3 WM r X MCINTIRE amaki A A T GARDNERS MILL fro larthe sub J LU S Ec scriber riber berr berj on dec 17 one daz dax daric daret ai litty ba house nto no bandi and one sorrel somi white face race belly arid and legs branded brandt d J on right mp hip both buth heavily shod 6 9 or 9 eaps bafs old any their hereabouts wilt be thankfully thank ully lully received by ccarles hollers Y S 7 U A yr D FROM SOUTH WILLOW CREEK ran range ep a white piebald PONY branded brinda J 3 on lett left ilder lider Bh I Ider alo also aio a white pony with light red ars lieck and breast branded JA on near shoulder arid arld 0 N X on near ilip aranda probably 1 supposed to have haze crossed inta into yale vale yand Q ix or battie baitie whoever ve and arid dilver deliver dellver dl lver iver them to J B 1 51 malben maiben alben east eist street streel 0 or to the subscriber in ward near shall L la rewarded reward td attl litt I 1 IL 1 z WigI its quarter A R H kawon 0 ON N SOUTH TEMPLE STREET in ih the second block west of the Ta tabernacle bernicie all work wor nor k done by willbe be warranted equal in work wort 1 manship to any iu in this territory Teni tory all linds kinds of produce lumber act ca taken for work r give me a call liike NE asis tylear fhe phe HV AMBRO TYPES are aie the most JL clear and durable durable pictures that are now made I 1 all who baut B aut I 1 A GOOD LIKENESS of bf themselves or children should call without delay at 4 i WRIGHTS ROOMS orl South temple street one doo door east cast of A ivina lvina I 1 1 st stafe C open from froni tog iop 10 ocio oclo clock cis cli am until 4 pm p m produce taken to for r work A B R WRIGHT natian ayas ayag C SEALER of lits aud measures n bublic macii MacIl mach lne ibe shop great salt lake cit i 60 am SPEED SEEB seed T tsee ar PLOW ewt 7 I 1 HUNDRED D row HOW HODGES ets EIS celebrate 0 ONE ed s steel yee tee plon plows s on liand land and for gala by 3 n AV IT TL HOOPER tante varten 0 T apen P at THO thousand USAND pounds of WOOL I 1 JL in chanze exchange es for merchandize merchandise dize by I 1 l am W wn IT HOOPER WAGONS hayt HAYY b A AND LIGHT WAGONS as XH clanged c h anaed for f or stock on early application to 0 GILBERT WAGONS I 1 WANT to exchange 0 eight eighth eighnor or ten wagons suj sul tibie tible for the kenyons bor tor fot lumber and Sa caingles Ingles I 1 have sl light iron iren as axle asle lawag TI afons 01 for sale saie for casba cash caU catt leor mules ism W 11 11 COPER coyer I 1 VA aora aota vora av ruba rura T T AND WARRANTS or valid applina alj ald R js gions for sahle saree purchased or obtained an on commis slon blun liberal prices paid in G goods coas or grain apply to 61 am VT ir t 11 or their legal heirs who liace pot received the tia travel ei pay and subsistence subsist subs sence erce due dua from the V U S government can ob obtain the same iame by maypa through s si 51 sm IV IT HOOPER I 1 auction f bardy and a i nd goddard GOD dard auctioneers alu ala ac a are re now prepared to receive household furniture ture merchandise cattle horses IIo lio wagons harness grain c to dispose ot of by pucho public auction at their abc tion lion idi fart farj latt T t lia iia street NB N B those who are ara leaving will find this a dooh good chance of converting corm corn erting their goods goo Js into cash NOTICE uhe PHE undersigned undersigner Under signed ld hiyi ing g been a ag P JL ia pointed by the tho jilda 01 of probate lor jor weber county administrators of the thee estate t of daniel da A lei jet birch deceased hereby notify all iier lier sens ns kno ving ning thenis elves indebted to said ald estate esta teto to come fol foi forward ward without delay for settlement and und all alit persons perso is haying having claims said estate will plu piu pil DIL a e file theiu thein with james brown drown on or before the tue day dav f june AD adi ADl 1857 jang J aafjes iny INI administrators 1 45 an birou 1 1 1 AB IN Is lih BEEN APPOINTED AD fl 1 of 0 the rotate of ttomas thomas tennant the judge of 0 the probate court cou goi rt for great salt lare lafe county counts the tha hereby bieri by requests all persons knowing themselves indebted td said estate to come for ward w ard without v delay delai and cancel the sanle same end ond id those hav iii ili against said estate wili will please file them with the tile 01 of the ithe aforesaid court authenticated as s will mill permit amt ami within the time specified SP ec islea bilawa bi law DANIEL SPENCER s administrator i i partnership heretofore existing JL between lew leu stewart ste art william J stewart lonis lows 4 P drexler dresler and win saoai under the paine name of levi lievi stew I 1 art co Js this day dissolved by mutual consent all persons holding bolding due bills against us or themselves selves indebted to u us also biso to lel levi stewart and brother aie afe are requested to cal cai cail call and settle bettie immediately and save costs evl levi EVI sap stant rt will continue the ille business at the old st stand d d hyc hye he be hopes hopt to merit a of patron patrons ag ape are e prom arom from bigold his old cui cul cu omer omeri D mules mule and oats 51 tf HUHE U undersigned undersigner under signed having been 4 aph pointed pointe by the J judge ude of probate for great at salt lik at county of of the estate of A A iv babbitt deceased hereby notify all persons per pet sons irn knowing dug lug thetus elves indebted t sad zaid estate to comp forward without delay for settlement and all dersons persona having claims cla cia lips a said bald estate will wili ili iii please file alie them then with tle tte thellon ilon iton illas eilar smith sinith probate judge oa on or i first derot dasy ot huiea e A D 1857 aulia JULIA ann ANN AV 11 hhooper HOOPER 1 1 J I 1 great salt laze lare lace city dec 20 1856 7 42 tf hoyo i ovo oyo J 1114 undersigned undersigner undersigned undersigner under signed signed have on hand a n d I 1 c intend ill ili keeping keepin 9 lip up a gc eral assort meat meal of at provo prove nonn now situated lu the house bouse eed red their hapcic of woodi c nearly every ally brought to the ibe auntry country they tiley expect ona f rec malt falt uit os ot staple groiss froin the states this season thy are buy uny ing log idd admi warran s or r valid fot foi foff the same ctt att catte abid nd mule 11 arlow wilf mt ac as gs apt apton ant in ln the purchase purr hase of 0 stock stuck and will travel tra el twice a month morth ie oe ier r awen leili and aud rayota for or that eliat purpose orders aidem given on IV W 11 II hooper ot of salt lae lac olty city for if preferred 1 ism sm 11 II 3 eldredge cp dissolution GE 11 f 1 T partnership heretofore existing between wm will II 11 hooper and ald aid thos S merchants ls of 0 S L cit city olty t doing bui business finess oie hie name ardistie of williams Is auts ahls lids day doob dlou cd erd by niji nili tuai cowett win tin 11 II hooper havin hasing hav has ing edlee d ili til entile interest ofT of llos hios S Wll wil llanis ia Is alone dt dit ait receive revive and receipt for the debts duo the late tire i farni aarni all ali abts of the eftim to tobe lobe be pad pod b I 1 i all persons persona knowlens themselves the melves indebted id to the tle tre lao iao laa ale nirm firm ard are bre hereby respects respectfully ully and cat cai nestly solicited d to t alf ail all wit houtA fiak plak and pay pa or adjust th thi t ir acce cats cals 1 oten ten o cows or young wilhe e e taken taliesin tali talk enin in pa pay nen inen buls buli buts it aa importance that all abts be sei lse 11 1 Q s L reu ret isu 51 aa 3 |