Show australia SYD krny ey N 8 wale june 1857 1 ER bit we lye held bur special conference in sydney on the tha eth dinst elders A P dowdle dowdie and VV al wall tall were wera released from front their missions and eder eden stewart was waa appointed pres president ident of the australian mission elder T 9 clark dark was an minted to preside over the NS wales cunfer nic wic and elder Z snow was sustained in tha tt of the south australian conference elders eiders E iders sau sao and L R chaffi i are aro in ill N S sayi baisl district E eld id rp r J A kali kuti an and T E F lem iem jem iiii I 1 are ui victoira Victo lia iia coony i I 1 we that eldera elders Cb chesley ghesley esley primi J kib hib T johnson crandall Cram oram lall whitbeck Writ beek beck and ana J phelps are oll oil oli thelt way home lionie celluse unknown A company of if sixty nine saints sail tall from here to oil on board the american ship lii Lit alca cac pedro digert dir dig Di bogetti gett master masten eden vier WM W al wall Is lire silent ot 0 company and eker A P Is oll ler yer iii lil ybur birther ii th sydney harbor ship lucas weighed anchor jan 27 nine n in at our par bg t several everal toasts were drank to the pro of the tite shio shiu IL Lj jeas cis and aud the speedy beedy w d safe arri arrayal ar riyal ni of the file sene S fue eue in Z nii n when cali call captain 1 aill alii t drank the folio follo k olg mig i i g t a I 1 G gnome gudme nome edme he H c e 1 I t 11 11 ii those who wiio tarry in sti sij australia aralia p pace peace ace end nd pro erly eris it litti it nd you ou I 1 may way you be bligen through your our anburs lb rI I 1 ena and yet el gather gathor oat out miny many of the hottest poor lo 10 columbiana columbians Columb lass ians free akil avii soil va Gf ore one orz ROBERTS zoliro rs CK co rk 11 4 company |