Show s bai bal by elden eldon eider den der ernst Erast ni snow ho howery bowery bowery howert wery wert G S L city cito morning oct 4 1857 v REPORTED BY LEO il 1 feel like off ring a few of my reflections in connection with those remarks we have llave heard this ahls morning from elder hyde I 1 feel that they are orb timely aird good for the congregation of we the saints to reflect upon and treasure up I 1 would riot dot say gay anything to draw the minds binds and lions of the people from those sentiments w which I 1 I 1 I 1 lc I 1 I 1 have bave been bein presented by elder hyde this tilis morning but rather to and impress them upon the minds of the congregation that every person capable of understanding may be able to treasure them ethem up that theeo principles may abide in our gur hearts for says bays the savior if you abide in me roe and my words abide in you they the shall be in you eg as living water and ye shall bear much fruit now this people are not dot perishing for lack of v knowledge f acy hey ey have lave not a lack of the tile words of the lord but if this people perish for lack of knowledge at all it ie is because they do not retain retail the word of the lord which is delivered to them it i is not because it is not planted in our hearts but because our ground is not net properly broken up the ground of our hearts is not prepared that the word that is sown may bring brins forth fruit this is tile the trouble and the reason why we do not cot advance and bring forth more fruit and grow more thrifty in the work of the lord our god and increase tn creasa in faith falth ia iri power with god j in n unison with him and with those whom ile he has set over us and wilh with one ons another the tho trouble is not in our god neither is it in mr our fellow servants those whom he has set to be car oar leaders adeis le our teachers for god is with them end ile he would be wilt them much more abundantly it if we as a people were more ready to listen ito to them and here there was place found in us for their words and heir words take effect in our hearts then his bis spirit and power would increase upon us aud and there would be no lack lace the lack is in us is iu in the people and always has been and is not lot in our go god d lie he is walting wailing and anxious to pour out bless biess ftp and glory and honor and exaltation upon his people far moie more than we have ever received d far more than we ara capable of receiving edd end the only reason we have not received it long iong ago is because there was no place found for it the great laboroi labor of the lordene lord ani and of all his servants er is to prepare the hearts of tile the people to concentrate tha the feeling of the people to concentrate their faith and to make them oil oli one and to prepare their heir hearts to bring forth the fruits of the kingdom of god this is lle ile tile lie labor of preaching and praying of exhorting inviting and be tile tiia he time to move upon the hearts of 11 the ille people and convince them of the necessity of f union to impress it upon thein them that they may remember all those principles which alone can i ex x eit elt them and as was said by elder hyde the i is cf of our conduct rests resta upon ourselves and not upon our lea iea leader leaders ders derF tile the responsibility responsibly ity that igl lef resting upon our leaders is the rl po lisi 1181 doing doand what the lord abuts them to the responsibility of what this people is no more upon br brigham Brig harn than it is upon nr ln and no more upon me than it is upon you and individual soul in all israel has his own re to bear and lie he cannot throw it kofl whether it bo be good or evil wilether whether it be joy or forrow Fo irow whether yh ether it be affliction or blessings the responsibility thereof rests upon us individually ars brigham heben heber and daniel who a are re they but bat our fellow servants those that the lord has lias given us to ba be our leaders and the mouthpieces of the lord unto this people the legitimate ci channel iannel through which to lead govern and con troi this people but are tile they responsible any mor moor ethan you or jt 17 J t no not one whit when they have discharged their duties they areas are as free from responsibility as you or 1 I when they have done what lays in their powen power to do they are exonerated before their god al although hough they oal oai fal as no other othen men on earth can feel because there are no do others placed in their condition aud and it is 13 impossible im P 01 0 1 sible sibie for any others to feci feel as they feel end ead b have 11 the tho game same interest bay hay they bey have for the welfare of this people it is god who rules and leads it is god who controls control P the de stines of all men every man is in his bis hands bands to be used as ile he will ev er this people are ure led they will be led through that channel he has hag intended and whether ther they go to tha the east west north or south whether hey they burn their dwellings and flee flea to the mountains or re plain ulala here whether they fight the gentiles or turn their backs upon them what whatsoever soLver lver iver they have to do it will be the tha lord almighty that does it but bat he will do it through tha the channel he has appoint ed I 1 but will the responsibility of thousands bs be up on ou those men that are set over us to leadus no it 11 will not I 1 well am ara aware that there are a great many people who in their childish simplicity feel that ally any act that they do is nothing to them i so far as taking thought or having baving trouble troubie trofa ble bie in lit our spirits about what is to come or what will be the result of thins things itis well that we should set oar car hearts at resl rest and be at ca seand feel quiet and ibid our spirits calm as a summers morning and resigned 1 n ed and our feelings prayerful and peaceful bat ti as far as is feeling indifferent and like throwing off offlie the responsibility from our shoulders upon our leaders lei lel iders this should not be neither should we claim exemption from the responsibility of any ahin phin th ingin in israel every one should have a share of that responsibility and they cannot throw that sibl sivility lity off for upon my head bead devolves the responsibility of directing my hands and my feet aad sad other nl members embe rs of my body in their exercises it is equally the duty of every other member of the uhe the body to administer to the head the hands have to feed ned the head and the head has to be prop eriv erly guarded and shielded that it may be active and the brain vigorous that every movement may ie le wisely directed and every energy of the tha body in ia proper channels y our god deals deais d als ais with ug as a people he does doek not deal with br b r bli bit brigham bigham br heberer Heb enor eror or br daniel separately and distinctly from thin hi people or the people distinct f from them we cannot be separated we are one we are tile tim twelve apostles the file high af pf priests icsis the seventies the elders the abe priests the teachers the deacons he bishops every quorum of the priesthood every man mail in israel every waman in israel are members of the tile same body branches of the same vine Tine vineann and partake of the same earns it unless they llie ilie aie ale bran brau branches ches cheo that are withered and dried up god will deal with inith us as a whole all fhe the time how was it with israel of old as has been referred to by elder hyde they were led by the hand land of god all through he tile wilderness god led moses sometimes they led in one direction and Forne sometimes timos times in another bey tiey ley were brought up against the red eba sea and did not they in their blindness chide with moses because lie he hadded had led them thus looking at things naturally they could say you might have gone round and avoided this ibis snare we might have taken another road read instead of running right into this kanyon between these two mountains and against the red sea where there here is no chance to dedge and so we aie ate to perish by the tile armies of egypt close in our rear and the sea before us these were the tile feeling gofa sofa of a great many weak in faith and ignorant people among them and they were ready to pick up stones to stone moses because be lie had done it there are a great many instances 0 o of f the sam same e kind during their forty years sojourning sojo in the wilderness sometimes they were led into the wilderness when they might have followed some streams of water had the lord have led them in that channel and when they were led into different circumstances there were always some who complained and threw the hie responsibility upon moses mosel Prone exonerating rating themselves some to turn back beck unto egypt and a great many mady plans were in view to ettric extricate ate themselves from s except fleeing to the file almighty ghobad who had led them into those S and time and gaill the lord rebuked them and manifested his power to deliver hen ben them hem but who led them did moses lad ld them ko no tile the almighty im iby ily led them their moses was his servant and led teem them as the almighty directed him why did dd not tit almighty direct him to lead them round the red sea instead of through it it and why did not lie he lead them to follow tile the streams instead of taking them across the desert wily why did lie he not lead lend them a straight course from E egypt agypt to canaan instead of keeping them forty years in tile the wilderness who was washl ost to blame forit for it was the responsibility upon him liim or was it upon the people why y w was 3 3 it upon tile the people because they were a it people and a hard hearted people and an ignorant people we read in tha the scriptures that they were so as to provoke the fhe lord aud and ile he came out oat upon them thew in his wrath and consumed them from his presence sometimes by fire that came caina forth from irom his presence at other times by causing the earth to open and ltv swallow 11 row them up by thousands at other times by pestilence and anti at other times by fiery alyin flying serpents which came among them ard bt bit thern thirn 1 that they died why was the anger arger oe ol the lord kindled against them because of llie tile hardness bardness of their ide hearts crts arts and the stiffness r rf their necks it was not because of moses only ia in one instance did moses offend ruf cof rend that was wase not in any of his movements in leading and cont controlling roling israel but because ha lie did not lot sanctify the lord god of israel before their eyes when lie smote amota the tha rock of horeb hareb this was the only instance in which the lord condemned moses i but hut he directed moses how bow to lead israel and moses led them in the way he fie was directed and til they ey were blied forty years in the tile wilderness until most of them were worn out and aud peri perl perished gho shO were they a wicked people above all other people that their heir carcasses asseem should thus fail fall fali fall in the tha wilder wilderness neiss what think you brethren and sisters are called latter day saints were thayas they as a people more wicked than the tiie lest iest ft mankind that god should have llave dealt with them thus I 1 answer no not but of a fiu tin ii they were the tbt th best leopla upon the face of tie tle the earth and the only people that had bad ahe the priesthood of god amon among them they were the people whom god gild il had i ad dr delivered livered from rom egyptian bondage with an outstretched arm and by his power they hey were tile the only people god could make they had bad faith sufficient that he could goverd govern and control them and so far from being the worst vorst tile file they were the best bes t people upon the earth but upon t them ein eln rested the tile responsibility lity and they did not improve upon their privileges and appreciate their blessings as they ought to have done and lind for this reason were hey they set forth as ex examples amplest to all who should live after and the rasp responsibility of their carcasses falling in in thew the wilderness i Id erness the responsibility of their beail being led into the desert the responsibility ability of 0 all their thelt r trials and troubles was not dot upon ii on moses and their leaders nor lipon upon their god tiit glit but upon themselves for had they have been pliable submissive willing and arid obedient and had their spirits been pliable before the lord willing to be and fashioned they could have been led forth conquering and to conquer ro equer andreen and been planted in canaan just as well in two years as in forty and if this people were capable of receiving it the lord could as well give them the kingdom 1 today to day as forty years hence and if the i people ople opie of the united states would have hearkened hear kend kena to the voice of 0 the lord XV given en through the prophet joseph hey they might have been beeh b een a more prosperous and powerful nation today to day f the history of all religious generations and di dispensations sensations is is similar anh aad sli sll shows aws this ibis fact to us up that human nature is the same in in every age of the country and among every country and arid among every people that all men are subject to like weaknesses and have to be tau taught lit tit gradually children grow arow grow from inoa infancy r e y t to manhood and whether god leads our foo footsteps ts t ep slin in correct paths or not he is only beadi lea iea dingus didgus ils io to school heos hoos lip ja oni only directing our course in a round of 0 experience by which he trains ys is and malis makes us one cements our hearts together and rids I 1 our spirits of iniquity and abomination ile he wants to teach men and anti women bornn how to 0 o walk together in union and bo great grent reat lo 10 teach this popie people how to be bound to him and anti to those hoso that he feets feels over them hem and to teach leach Ws his saints how to reign in the house of israel as his servants I 1 do feel conscious that if the he men of israel do their duty duly and live their religion reformation will go forth from fron them through their families and it cannot be staid and elery every every clery branch of every family in israel will feel the effects of that reformation every woman and all her children will feel it if a manof manor man of god gol lives ilves his religion andis and is controlled only by the tha spirit of zion in his family and if lie he has a turbulent disobedient litin in his hh hig amily that spirit will be abject of that individual be separated from his family upon the same principle that hat turbulent persons that repent severed from this church by ille the vote of I 1 his this people and when that turbulent person i ia severed he will dry up and wither and will be gathered and buried with the tile ungodly it may be that heretofore the fanning mill has blown out more of the men than it has of ve women but if it has done hig this his it is is because tile the sieve is not quite fine enough but as the he work of reformation goes forward it irwill sift to the te very tery ry bottom and every member of every family in lit israel will feel the tile effiec enells ts of tile the elein clein element ena ent that will sanctify them for the we lord almighty or separate them from this thia people every man in israel wael is re responsible in a certain degree forthe conduct of bi b n wives and children ile he has covenanted coveri anted that he will assume that re that ia is he will assume tiie tile he responsibility of the tile sins sins of his wives if icae fails fals I 0 o discharge his duties towards thern them in teaching and leandine them in the be r ways ays of life and salv |