Show I 1 copyright deemed J history Y OF JOSEPH smith annil APRIL 1844 monday 8 at 92 am president smith took his hia seat on the stand and arid requested the sing a hymn ile he called upon elder B young to read corinthians 15 ch as his hia own lungs were injured elder B young said to continue the subject of pest prest smiths discourse yesterday I 1 shall commence by reading the chapter of corinthians from an old bible and requested W AV W phelps to read it d prayer by elder B young after which the choir hoir sung a hymn president joseph smith said it is just as impossible J for me to continue the subject 0 of yesterday asi abi as to raise the dead my lungs luns are worn out there is a time to all ail things and I 1 must wait I 1 will give it up and alid leave the time to those who can make you hear and will continue the subject of my discourse some other time I 1 want to make a proclamation to the elders eiders I 1 wanted you to stay in order that I 1 might make this proclamation you know very well that the lord has led this church by revelation I 1 have another revelation in rela tion to economy in the church a great grand and glorious revelation I 1 shall not be able to dwell as largely upon it ife now as at some other time but I 1 will wiil five give give ayou you the first principles you know there has as been e en great discussion in relation to gioi where it is and when the gathering of the dispensation is and which I 1 am now going to tell you f the ethe prophets have spoken and written upon it but I 1 will make a proclamation that will cover a broader ground the whole of america is zion itself from north to south and is described by thi the prophets who declare that it is the zion where the mountain of the lord should be and that it should be in the center of the land when el elj 1 drs ders will take up and examine the old prophecies in the bible they hey will see it the declaration this morning ie ig that as soon as the temple and baptismal font are prepared we calculate to give the elders of israel theli meir was kas washings bings and anoint ings and attend to those last and more impressive ordin ordinances andes without which we cannot obtain celestial thrones but there must be a holy place prepared for that purpose there was a proclamation made during daring the time that the foundation of the tempie temple templo tempio was laid to that effect and there are provisions made until the work is completed so that men may receive their endowments and be made kings arld arid priests unto the most high god to do with temporal tem things s but bat their whole hoie hole time will be taken en u up 1 with 11 ith things pertaining to the house of god goj PT there ere must however be a place ilace built espre expressly 83 ay for that purpose and for men to be baptized for their lead dead it must be built in this the central place for who wishes to save his rather father mo her brothers sisters and friends he must 90 through I 1 h all the ordinances for each one of them separately the same as for himself from baptism to ordination washings ard I 1 and receive all the keys kes and powers of the priesthood the same as for himself I 1 bave baie received instructions from the lord that from henceforth wherever rever reier the elders ot of israel shall build up tip churches and branches tin unto the lord throughout the states there shall be a stake of zion in the great cities as boston new ew york ac there shall bhail be stakes it is a glorious proclamation and I 1 reserved it to the last and designed it to be understood that this work shall commence after the washings anoint ings and arid endowments have been performed liere the lord has an established law in in relation to the matter there must bo be a particular spot for the salvation of our dead I 1 verily eerily li clieve believe this will ft ill lii be the place and hence henie men who want to save their dead can come and bring their families do ua gieir air work woric by being baptized and attending to the other ordinances for their dead and then may go back again to live and wait till they go to receive their reward I 1 shall leave leaie my brethren to enlarge oil on this subject it is my duty to teach the doctrine I 1 would teach it more tully fully the spirit is willing but the flesh is 13 weak god is not willing to let ine lne me gratify you but I 1 must teach teich the elders eders and they should teach you god made aaron aarol to be th the mouthpiece for the children of israel and he will lii ill make me to be god to you QU in his stead and tile the elders to be mouth for me a and nd if you dont like it 5 you ou must lump it I 1 have been g iving giving elder adams instructions in in some principles p fifles lepeak to speak to you yoli and if he makes a N mistake lista el I 1 will get up and correct him elder elde r G J adams preached a discourse which occupied three hours and which could be heard beard a great distance president deit joseph smith turned over the conference into the hands bands of the twelve choir buns suns a hymn hy mn prayer pra er I 1 president hyrum sin simah it h called the conference to order at 25 23 minutes to four pm and arid spoke e to the assembly one I 1 bour hour our and a half hat he treated upon the subject of the elders preaching abroad ile he said it was waa a matter of con on that the elders of israel should know what they were about when they go to preach the g gospel 0 they should like paul lul be re ready d Y to give a reason tor for the hope pf af their they calling when they are sent to preach the gospel they should preach the gospel and nothing else if approved themselves ane elders are sent into tile the world to preach faith repentance baptism for the tile remission of sins and the laying on of hands bands for the reception of the holy ghost and they should let the mysteries alone god has commanded you to preach repentance to this generation and if this generation will not riot receive the first principles 11 3 0 of f the gospel arid and the book of mannon me they thet 1 will vill receive nothing greater jurt juit mernon marnon 0 and do 10 as you are told and god gott will vill bless you it is the power of god that is going to convert the world and nothing but the power of or god every man roan who knows me knows that I 1 have taught these principles from the begin ing it is the honest and pure in heart that will hearken to the everlasting covenant they are those who are noble and good they will feed and clothe you and arid receive your testimony and we want the elders to gather out the good seed to nauvoo the day will come when you will see the wicked flee when noman no man pars purs neth I 1 want you to be wise is as serpents and harmless as boies dove doye preach principles that will stand the test of ages teach them good precepts and siave save souls go forth as men of god and you on will find friends wherever you go drink beep or of me of and a great 1 and mighty work shall be wrought in t the i le world hundreds hund rids and tens of thousands shall flock ti the tb e standard and go up to zion many other marlis remarks re were mide made by the speaker after which sidney rigdon made a few remarks and arid concurred in what hat 1 br hyrum had said I 1 12 minutes to 6 adjourned to april ath at 8 am tuesday gat 9 at 8 am the elders assembled at the stand president B young byoung presiding and were addressed by liy elde elder lyman after which president B young youn said what has hag been eiven given ia is correct the speech and conduct of elders one towards another is frequently wrong one elder will speak evil of another and while you undertake to trample on others yeti you will sink yourself A man has haa sinking principles betit but bul if his feelings are elev elevated atea he will build up others and build up ul himself just 11 1 t as sure as one elder eider tries to build lim kimsell seli sell up p oo 00 the destruction of another he will surely sink himself I 1 would like to sit and hear the brethren teach for a week but as business busi busl noss ia is pressing we must hurry through preach repentance to this generation faith must go before repent ance and ard of course all men must follow the course and obey tile the laws and ordinances for the he remission of lins sing sins so as to receive the gift of the i I 1 i holy ghost and then 5 you our r mission is done let a man who goes into the vineyard mild amid up all he can if a man prea preaches c hes anything in error pray to god that no man may remember it any more inore no elder will correct another in public before un believers unless he has sias the sinking principle I 1 call all the elders together to witness that I 1 always use chanty charity for it overs covers a multitude of sin sins let t us obey the proclamation of joseph smith concerning the elders abing forth into the vineyard vine vide ard to build up the temple get their endowments and be prepared to go forth and preach the gospel you may build up tip zion and learn to be men and not children chil chii dien it was a perfect sweepstakes when the prophet called north and south america zion let us go to and build the temple with alt all our that we may build up the kingdom when established and her cords coros lengthened it is is a perfect knock down to the devils kingdom there is 13 not a faithful elder who cannot if he is humble and diligent build up a church there are many men will give you ou large bums sums to build a stake of zion where they li live ve it proves the words of the prophet of the last days the T he priesthood pries tho od is ia bitted fitted to every capacity in the world there are blessings and conditions in in that priesthood that bulit suit every man th this will suit the condition of thousands because e it is as broad as the heavens deep as hell and wide as eternity I 1 am asked ased all alj sorts of questions about making gods goda and devil devils and organizing the eternal worlds but we could not get it precisely into our understandings so as to make them I 1 the god we serve sere 18 is the god of abraham isaac and jacob there is 13 no need of breaking the law of the land if you keep the ladof the lord I 1 want a wife that t lat can take care of I 1 am away who can pray ay jay iy on hands hants anoint with oil and baffle the enemy and this is 13 a spiritual wife I 1 tile the sweepstakes is a perfect knockdown to the devil we will vill build up the churches and establish zion and her stakes this is a fire which cannot be put plit out it has spread far tar faster falter than ever it did before if ifju you sou kick us and cut cuff us we will turn urn the world upside down and mae make e the cart cirt drav draw the horse we want to build the temple and have hive the roof on this fall in in the name navie of israels god got there are hundreds of 0 f elders who will sell their property to build the temple let fet us pay up ouri ourt our tithing if it there ane arc any men who have not paid their tithing they wilt will not get in in there let the branches send teams with w ith provisions to work borc all the year we are acquainted with w ith lih the views 0 of r gen smith the democrats and w lugs tugs and all factions it is 13 now time to have a president of the united states eiders elders will be sent to electioneer the government ment belongs to god no man can draw the dividing vi line between the government of god and the government of the children of men you cant touch the gospel without infringing infringing upon the common avocations of men they may M ay have helps and governments iu in the church but it is all one at last patriarch hyrum sm smith alb said I 1 never knew a proclamation to be understood at once prest B young wished to draw the tile attention of the brethren first to build the temple and get your washings anoint ings and endowment endowments after that to build up branches throughout tile the 1 nations we must do all we can to build the temple and after that to tb buildup build up churcher churches the gathering will continue here bere until the temple tem ae is 19 so far finished that the elders can get their endowments and after that the gathering lr i n 9 will be from the nations to north boitt and south t ii america which is the land laid of zion north and south america are the tile the wings the gathering gather big hig from the old countries will always be to head quarters and I 1 have no doubt this conference will do a great deal of good we have ever every power and principle to teach the people say bay what god says and eaino more never deviate one fraction from what god tells tella you elder Rig dona dons remarks were very correct give out the simple principles a man never fails falls who only says what he ile knows and arid if any man says more and cant give reasons he falls short preach the first principles of the gospel preach them over again you will find that day ater af er day new ideas an and additional light concerning concern 1 n them the I 1 n will be revealed to you you can enlarge ithon them go so as to comprehend them clearly you will then be able to make them more plainly understood by those you teach so that aru will meet with scarcely any honest man roan but will obey them and arid none who can oppose adduce sufficient reason to prove all things and you can call convert every honest man in the world the knowledge of the gospel of jesus christ is not riot drez prevalent alent in the world although it is written in the tha th holy book bool you ou can prove it b by the holy book they process profess to believe in n a and your arguments will be so strong and convincing that people will hear and an obey it by thousands the savior says that to you it is ga given gaen en to know the mysteries of god but to the world it is to not given yon you on have power you yon are authorized to put down every foolish tiling you hear a vibe wise man roan will put it out of existence existence as be he con gon along for light deavet cea veth fa unto light know ledge 1 10 knowledg knowledge e and intelligence to intelligence we engg engage e in the election the same as in in any other principle youage e to vote for good meny men and andia if you do not do this it is sin bin to vote for wicked men it would be sin choose the good and refuse the evil men of faise false e principles les ies have preyed upon us like wolves u pow pou helpless lambs lamba damn the rod of tyranny curse it let every man use his liberties according to the constitution dont fear man or devil electioneer with all people male and female and exhort them thern to do the thing that is right we want a president of the V U S not a party president but a president of the whole people fr f r a party president dis franchises the appo site party have a president who will maintain every man mail in his rights I 1 wish all ail 11 of you to do all the good you can we will try to convert the nations into one solid union I 1 despise the principle thab that divides the nation into party and faction I 1 want it to grow up like a green bay tree damn the system of splitting up tile the nation into 0 opposing p belligerent parties whatever are the rights of men guaranteed by the constitution of these united states let them have bare them then if we were all in union no one dare attempt to put i a warlike foot on our soil I 1 dont like to see the rights of americans trampled I 1 down I 1 am opposed to the policy of all such persons ons as would allow great britain or any lott iott other e r power powe r to take from us oreg oregon on or any portion of our national territory and damn all who attempt it lift up your voices like thunder there th ere is power and influence enough among us to put in a president I 1 dont wonder worder at the old oid carthaginian Cart hagenian an lawyer being afraid of joseph smith being I 1 n elected ja A unanimous vote was passed by the immense assembly |