Show DISCOURSE by president lieber heber C kimball Kim lail lall bowery june jane 7 1857 reported BY G D WATT watta I 1 feel as though I 1 would like to express a few of the sentiments and feelings that are passing in in my mind we have had much pr preaching eachin fl I 1 exhortation hor bor tation correction and reproof and some might say a great deal of chastisement though I 1 call chastisement neither more or less than re proof or correction when we are corrected by our leaders it is 0 to o set us right to show us the wrong course and induce us to pursue the right one it if I 1 do wron wrong it if I 1 get astray it is perfectly right that some one should correct me and when I 1 am corrected it is s not right for me to tily myself for it I 1 do I 1 sustain the course of an incorrect purpose when I 1 am corrected it is my duty to listen to reform ald ara walk in the straight and harrow barrow way if we will not learn by precept nor by bv example we have bave to learn by the things we suffer Is ihnot it not better for people to learn by correction than by bitter experience the old saying is that experience is a hard mas ter 2 0 there thare are some who are not so much benefited by preaching as they might be because they do not remember and apply what they hear it I 1 has a plea piea pleasing sing effect upon the ear like a tune well i i played upon a musical music inn instrument ns but mak mal makes males es so little of an impression that it cannot be repeated by the hearer the word does not enter the ear and proceed to the heart beart which is the place of deposit there the word of god should be deposited posited which would be at the seat of 0 government in the human form we each have a seat of government within us because we are incorporated bodies every man that comes into this world is an independent being upon the same sarce principle that our father and our god is independent only he is independent to a greater degree being further advanced in perfection he came here and helped to organize this his earth and having baving had bad an experience in in organizing earths before he be came here he was capable and had every principle necessary to create this earth and fill it with inhabitants it if thele there bad not been a seat of government in him and all those powers and faculties necessary to propagate the human species he never could have done that work we are his sons and daughters now what it for us to take as a people it is for us to go to work and live our religion practise it in our lives and the more mord you live it ana practise it the better you will be and it willbe will beget et a love of truth and righteousness in you that you never can get rid ot of in time nor in eternity then our posterity will also partake of that holy principle which is in us wherefore they will naturally love the truth from their infancy A great many people do not th think thal that our characters and course of lifo lif eare oare are going coln goin 1 I to affect our posterity but they will the sed seed from a good ripe cucumber will produce good i fruit like that which produced the seed has the woman an interest in this thi a well weil as the man she has the tree that bears the fruit affects that fruit for better or worse the savior says I 1 that a good tree will produce good fruit and a corrupt tree cannot produce good fruit fluit but it will produce corrupt fruit upon the same principle how can call a woman produce a good posterity ahei wh eishe she is corrupt she cannot it if we will do right will do just a as we have been told in all things cewill we will wiil dwell dwelt in peace and quietness letness iciness from this time henceforth and for ever q an and u I 1 I 1 know it for some time past the weather has been warm and the ground parched b by heat and now the lord has again given giren us its rain what a beautiful shower we had last night do I 1 not feel idank ful yes as much so as for anything of this nature I 1 ever received did it bless me yes it also blessed every one of you whether you have any grain fruit and vegetables vegetAl eq growing or not why because if you have not you have I 1 to live upon the products of the fields and gardens of some of your nei nel neighbors 11 ebors it affect every one of you as much as it does dogs me you are brI blessed essed as much as I 1 am I 1 can only eat what one man can eat I 1 cannot partake of these benefits to any greater amount than you can and all that I 1 expect while I 1 dwell in the he flesh is what I 1 want to eat clothes clot ciot lies lles that are arp comfortable to wear ivear houses to livern live in and what I 1 want to drink I 1 cannot drink all city creek myself I 1 can only just partake of enough of those blessings to sustain myself my feelings are that we are blessed above all the people that ever did live that we read of we are blessed above the people of enoch and far beyond the people in the days of jesus for i they were driven scattered and peeled throughout the world and they have never yet been able to gather again but we are gathered and a we never will C be scattered again no ajer while the earth stands if you will do to as you are told will we go to jackson county yes we will go there just as we will to the city of fillmore independently we will go and come at our pie pleasure sure and no one lo 10 molest us and we will build up p that city and that too upon natural principles just as we go and build up tip farmington in davis county or this city or any place we occupy how will itebe if be with our enemies the lord deals eiith them thern and leas leads them just as much as he does you ani and me can lie he hold hoid them as with a bif fifthe the same as yon you can a horse yes and he can put it into the hearts of that people to send up tip a petition here for the he mormons cormons to buy that t at whole land and we will be under no necessity of shedding blood god does not want to shed blood without it is necessary an any y more than he lie wants us to go and slaughter a beast when we have no need of it but when we have need of meat and are driven t loit tolt it by necessity then it is all rrth rights if it is necessity necess necessary iry that we should shed b blood 0 0 then en it is right all alt things are tight right that bre are done accord according lQ to the will and pleasure of god my feelings are to exhort you to pray you ie be ye reconciled to god and to his servants and if ia you vill will be reconciled to his servants you will be to god and you cannot without how can you be reconciled to a bein being 3 you aou ou never saw and not be to a being you do s see e it if you cannot love those you see and associate with every dap day how can you love a being you never did dirt see it 1 h impossible and one of the greatest sins you OU commit is to sin against those you do k know IV hose those bose wham whom god has sent and authorized for fop it is is liis his authority which you rebel against and in r sinning inning against it you sin against god tile the father who sent seno senU hem them upon the same principle when we send br Bern bernhisel hisel bisel to washington should they take lake him and misuse him they show despite to the authority that sent him you send a minister to Eu europe rolie and should they cast and whip him they show despite to the authority that sent him to the whole united states in case they had sent him our father and our god has sent brigham and his brethren if you rebel against them yo yoi yol i rebel against the authority t that lat pent sent them you sin not only against the au authority t h arity or servants he has sent but you sin sin against igal agal it st god who wha authorized them if br brigham sends br wells to we me as a delegate to authorize me to do a thing and I 1 refuse I 1 sin against br bocham and against the one that sent him now brethren bretl uen ren what are aie we told to do read a revelation that joseph received of the lord to thomai thomas B marsh concerning the twelve le be told them to go forth and preach the gospel to every nation kindred tongue and people or cause it to be done and after your testimony cometh the testimony of ea eartha rt I 1 I 1 bakes of famine of fire and of desolation it 5 shall shail b all ail come upon tie tle lie he world and it shall beyll beril begin at my y house saith the lord that is with that louse eouse house houge portion ort on who rebel against him in the midst of bf hs big you can also read other revelations wherein the lord says that after you have done so and eo so he will send famine and earthquakes and desolating sickness etc etc and that lie he who reject eth you reject eth me and lie he that reject etli eth me reject eth my my father and my nay G god od when you do to this you do it ft at your own risk and to your y our own sorrow and distress and the he spirit of god w J II 11 so teach leach you all the tile time lime these calamities are coming 9 go 0 and read for yourselves if you do not believe we me and br brig brigham hain bain and the twelve believe the revelation I 1 that god gave to joseph and then it if you to to not believe Jo joseph seith believe isaiah jeremiah and the prophets aud if you cannot believe them believe jesus christana christ Chri stand and if you ou cannot believe him believe the father voice and if they believe the father they will believe all the tile r st 11 ye yep br brigham si mys avs lys that if you believe the fa father er you will believe all the be rest you can beleve eleve li jesusy end if you call can b believe belleve lieve jesus you calr can believe belleve his apostles and then you can believe belleve joseph and his big apostles and br brigham and liis his apostles has hr br brigham bot lot apostles yes he lie has ordained twelve br joseph ordained twelve and so did peter br brigham is an apostle of jesus and I 1 know it just as much as ever joseph was I 1 do not asi ast arkyou you Vou to believe that for me I 1 know it is true br brigham myself and some others walked with ith br joseph in his regeneration but we do not know whether we shall sit at his right 11 hand or his big left or not pot that is for the father or others to fo dictate it matt ereth not however fc for if we keep the commandments of god we shall triumph over the world the flesh and th the devil and over every person living upon gods footstool that does not surrender themselves and all they have to him brethren and sisters this is the time in which to prepare a ire tre if you are not saved temporally in thi the these eti eTl valleys leys I 1 shall riot not be if you will take a course to io bring distress on this people we shall have to be distressed I 1 have learned enough to know that when we were in kirtland and distress and desolation came upon this people I 1 had haet to suffer with them I 1 fled for england br joseph and br brigham fled to missouri and every man mail that would honor mormonism and sustain it had to flee hee why because some would not honor it trie ane righteous righted us had to suffer with tile the wicked and it is the thie ungodly ungodly who bring trouble upon the righteous and t they ey have to pay that deb debt if it Is is tot not lot in ten thousand times ten thousand years they vill will have to pay the debt for unlawfully bringing dig distress tress upon the righteous what shall we do the lord is blessing us and such a time 0 of f blessing I 1 never saw we never hate have been blessed so much as we are this year go tao to the north to the south to the east and to the west and yo you u will see the earth matted over 1 with ve vegetation elation to such an extent as I 1 have never before seen go into our 9 gardens ardelis and orchards and you will find our trees even now actually breaking down with fruit we shall have to thin out the peaches on the boughs or they will ivill break before they can ripen riden the tle 70 joad load that is up upon them the limbs are bri breaking aking down with a apples es plums currants and every kind of fruit t hat that we are raising raising and the strawberry vines would break downa down if they illey were not alrea already I 1 y on the thie ground I 1 never saw the tile like in the states nor ill iu england nor anywhere else the people are doing right they are waking up and the lord looks upon us as a good father looks upon his boys who are in the field antwork digging and watering the ground in the hot sun u up P to the knees in mud with their wives and thein children says lie he my boys you are good boys I 1 will give you some rain rain I 1 will wet your crops and rest you a little while but I 1 will not let you have but a little water for if I 1 send the rains hore here the devil will come upon you with his gang I 1 will not let you have much rain I 1 only enough to ease your labors a little while that is tile the way my father feels and I 1 feel so when J 1 have his spirit and aDd that is the reason I 1 can comprehend him when I 1 have his big spirit you have heard me say that I 1 felt joyful funny jocular according to the portion of the spirit of oi the lord I 1 enjoyed do I 1 feel like dancing and jumping yes and like doing everything else that is good and comfortable when I 1 have tiie the spirit of the lord I 1 feel so and that makes me think thirk that my father in heaven felt so before me breg brethren hren ahten 0 t o and build your store houses before your gra grain in is harvested and lay it up and let us never cease until we have got a seven years sup ply you may think that we shall not see times tims in which we shall neej need it do you riot not comprehend bow comfortable it will be for us to know that we have grain enough to last us seven years but it would make me feel bad for br brigham myself and a few others and the ti tithing thin T office to have our granaries full and cherest the rest of the people pl have none why because we should have to hand band out of our gra granaries as ione lone as there was a kernel left voi vol ceWe Vol Voi should have to buy the whole of them yes we should have to buy youl your fine dresses your jewelry and everything you kave cave have got which we shall do 6 if you do not lay tip up in store I 1 ask would tunings have been with us as they are now if we had riot not repented and commenced anew now 7 ibs lbs of flour are dealt out of the tithing office every week to the hands upon the public works and can the supplies that are in ill that office aney have not been able to yet for some of the he cellars are being dug out to put in grain we have not riot storeroom enough to hold it and we are obliged t to go to the flouring flou deuring ring ning mills to get storage for it and the man who deal puttee flour say that they have not riot reduced the stid supplies plies piles on hand band that they con idu inu ally keep about so and a little more so if you can account for that go at it does the lord cause our buo increase he does docs and that too upon natural principles sow one orie bushel of wheat for instance and when you harvest the product of that you get say from 25 to 50 bushels where do those 25 or 50 bushels come framl say that igo I 1 go and put pounds of flour into my bin and that I 1 afterwards take out forty times more flour han than ban I 1 put in how bow did it come there upon the sama sams principle that hat one bushel of wheat increased to forty I 1 will take one peach sone arid and plant it and iti in about aboul four years that peach stone will produce a tree that will bear from to 1000 peaches where did they come from there was only one planted atwall they all ail come from the elements ee mets then cannot god gott increase our grain in th the ehin blin biln as well as he can inc me ease it in the field br brigham and I 1 once star started teI tel with 1350 1350 and traveled miles paying 16 for every hundred dred miles travel and paying for from froin two to thice three meals of victuals a |