Show THE WATCH 1 I have llave now noy in my mv hand said edward Ev everett erelt agold a gold adich c li combines anibell filim eul cul and utility ip ulli appy prop proportion options ort ions lons 1 and is 13 often considered a very valuable loi appendage lo 10 the person of a gentle imn its I 1 liandi lund fice face chain chalu and edee case are ol 01 hoie hois bate fd iad tad burnished gold ite lla gold seals belis sparkle wilh will the tile ruby rally topaz MJ bap phine emerald I 1 open it and find the he works 0 o without which wincil tills dils elegantly elega furnished furn furu case care would be a mere shell thosa hands hande ilai lidi ide aud dud those figures without tife aie made of br arwa I 1 Iii eli hiieste este further furt lier ller hid hsk ask what hat is is the spi ing I 1 ly y which ril all thee the e ura dra pat in motion moti oti made ol 01 I 1 pin din rrt ift told toldia it is is made of teel steel I 1 at dk d k L ulal hat hut is is steel the llie reply is ie it is is iron which has lias undergone a carl aiu tiu process so then I 1 find tile llie mainspring mii m mil ii spring which flit watch laye lase always would to c mo no r tion tink less loss ris fis and und its ils hands but boyst tos is is not of gold guld that thab va is licit not good nor of araps tut sut rould not do but of if iron 0 1 iron is therefore the tiie anly only precious inetie and ans this watch all an edguena of socie society tv its ils hands and fitiris figurea figures which tell the hour rt s ehte the tiie inie anil lf cf of tiie tile ige ege rge 1 ge to wiy movement very every E esery ey eye is directed its udess asels but bat tp p leai real sapphires gapp sapp hires rublee rubies topaz u d elul ciul I 1 lre ire re the aristo aristocracy crucy its works of or brags brass are the tiie ciak dass by the uie and und ower of which the master spirits of or tie vie tle ago age anro moved novt 3 andeits birou a ron rou shut up in elways at work but nev never r thou elit alit oc of elc except pt it id is disorderly broke or wante winding up the laboria lab lah laboring oriu orlu class like the vve up by the pay vincnt of figs and wll wil which cli cil classes are ure shut up lip in ill obscurity and though constantly at work aud aid ald absolutely Ls nece noce ary to te tile movement of society as cis the iron iron is ia lo 10 the gohl watch are never of except when wilen they require oie div lliter r wac wag wages es or are in m gome some want or d gorder border of some gome kind kidd or 0 ther oilier OLD GORDON gondon AND ina nie laddies john gdrdon who died near nedr Turri Turriff fr e some tune thine ago the ey of one d nd hirty avo o A AU B tile the travelers rs who chanced to call at the neighboring inu luli IULI were by the landlady mis abs wallace to the cottano cottano ot of jho aho alli e eliere they wad gee see sa egile eelie she ghe used toray lofay the aulder aul bul det mail il i AV lii ill a the llie carld among the th isidor ls one da day lil lit out me close of harvest barvest was wha a v ho to collitt up to the door of tile tilo cot col cottage tage acco acce accosted sted a i venerable looking man mau employed empl empi oed ill in knitting knitli ug liose hose with so in my ol old 01 friend cu onu vou you ew goe to knit at your our advanced ovan eed ced period of life ilfe one hundred aud thirty thiry two wyla Is truly truls u rare ase age ID ideals deile eils ells in the mail nil be my graild grandfather eather rather vere 5 ere yere seeking ia im pin only seventy three find lihn finn ri r und the corner cerner 0 th houg hous 11 ou oil turn turning ilg the cemen comer the tile tl a debilitated old od main rain whose whitened I 1 eks bori borl test mony to ins his having baring ibi g pasted the tile im rn ridi an tit I 1 life aud and whom the ilia troug trang r at lit oncy orcy concluded cill eluded to be gord gordon 01 hitti sli ali you s sem gem erit elii wonderfully fresh freshly my good sir fir for eo so old q t man mail I 1 doubt i lot not I 1 you have experienced many in the course of or your our very iery log life wll wix willits Wil tits ow wull I 1 sir inq inquired aired tile the person addi addressed essed whose bose hose kose be beuse souse aase of hearit hearing w was somewhat someI nat hat impaired the I 1 er was repeated 0 O yell be wintie win tiu my father I 1 reo rec reckon lacin lles hes lies V i the yard there atlie the stranger Et ranger now entered the girden where he at last found round the venerable old nian man busily eini emi 1 aloyed in if d au pota potatoes toes und ind hennning huh hun nning ali tile tipe I 1 j battle of ol 01 Illif hahaj liw 1 I have had some difficulty ty j in finding you yoa friend as I 1 igli cars corg onobu encountered II 11 your grandson ond odd sombath ron son both Loth bath cf of whom I 1 mistook for you indeed lil iti deed timy tily til y seem as us old as S yourself your is rather bard hard f for fon e of your advanced vinced od ag age lt is lepri K d lohn john butt butk but hutt larn tarn I 1 am thank fa that I 1 BR as lh laddie laddis iad lad dis dia pour things are no very veny stout now ly bulaw W railway journal I 1 i I 1 I 1 era etz dr lanfard San sau fard who ho eruna erana examined inrid the hie eneff eye of beardsley ni ordered nt at auburn cotest ule uie last cene scene viewed kiewe d by a dying in rinn linn in remains ns fixed oft ou the retina relina of the eye publishes this interesting statement ta at first we suggested the saturation of tile the eye in a weak weata solution of which evidently produced an all enlarged state of the pupil on observing I 1 this wo we touched flie file end of the copti fe bieri a W biti ith tiie tile extract when the eye ee instantly became protuberant we now applied a powerful pov poi gerful lens len and discovered if in tile the pupil the rude worn away figure of a man wah a light tight cost beside whom i wab was js a around round stone standi ngor or suspended in iii til a air ir with i ith a small smail handle stuck ps as it v were ere ii in the tha e airth ath ta the tha a remainder was debris evidently iest cst from tile e d destruction et ruction or the optic and its separation from the mother braidi br lin had we had the tiie operation w when hen fhe the eye was entire in its socket with all its p powerful powerful coil coll connection lection with the tile brain there is not the least doubt but that we should have hare detected the list lisl idea and imbres impression sian sion made oil on tile the mind and eye of the unfortunate imn man the thing would evidently be entire and perhaps we should have llave had the tile contour or better still the exact figure figuro of tile the murderer the tile last impression before death is always more terrible on the tiie brkin bran from fear than any other cause and figures impressed oil on the pupil more distinct which hc hwe wea tribute to tha largeness of ih 0 6 0 tle tic tic tie i ever over zi zil ami I its 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