Show MINUTES OF THE GENERAL conference oftie of tie the church of jebus jesus arist christ of nf latter lattey day saints convened in the bowery adjoining the north end of ac the tabernacle great salt aake city and commencing sunday april 6 1856 at 10 am a m president brigham young tonne presiding on the stand presidents B young n H C kimball Kl J if grant of 0 the twelve apostles P p pratt 0 prat pnat is W V woodruff rs G A smith E T bensons bi A lyman L I 1 snow B X snow seventies joseph young levi levi W Hanc nan hancock cock ocko henry IT erlman zera Puls puis pher A P rockwood 11 S el redge rodge r dge dee I 1 agh II 11 ab quorum david presiding iding edward hunter patriarch isaac motley merley i presidency of the ih stake david Fuli fullmer merj mas f u n nadal aag ads P n U toung young Y jung lung irk ark rk of 0 lefere inference nce nee thomas thoma bullock I 1 i reporters geo D watt john V long I 1 i hor hoir sung eung a hymn called ailed to order by prest kilhan who requested the ouRn gatlon to crise clise vp tup keep kep order and be as quiet quiel a le es sibie sible that ail all oay may hear our religion rel rei glon gion comprehends comprehend the earth therefore let us tin be Sal lits lite for tor ery rry ry thing thins on i us this Is the be very giste to heaven heavin A hymn was read by the clerk buns BUOS sun sup by the choir prayer by prest rnest an st J M grant singing bt by the choir prest be B yi ang exhorted the saints taints to keep profound told the doorkeepers to stop driving away aw iy ay and it nce uce nee t os children n who come early in order to get a 6 seat scat t in which tu beat hear and worship comfortably A sinith smith addressed the congregation erder eider der george geurge B ying wing it is enough to try the lungs ot of a giant to speak to alluded to the church on the thi this immense etin eair degation with six e members tt it organized x was 1810 when latia of april and nw now those few have increased to a great and referred to the first cause which w ilich produced mighty peo people ml MIS the ex rn n order or 0 r governor boggs bogga in bourl d the people to make mate ma ke good fencers enoc enoe to save avide comfortable shelter for tor cattle cattie in winter and pr for sor egts compared of policy orber oilier matts matters and upon the of f health heath we benj benjy ay iy with the tho in illinois and missouri called cared to go en on missions miss icim were ol 01 persons radl read whose choss names were we reread read prest mcball those to come cone to tut the tabernacle TAter nacle nacie at 5 this evening hat and make arrangements arrangement their blessings they may receive f T r starting choir sos sog j ito 0 my rov Ft ther lher ih thon thou that benediction by elder W woodruff wood april ti 6 2 pm called railed to order by prest Kim kimbill boll udit bernard dernard snow snows was read sun sung bung bythe by the choir A hymn by prayer by prest joseph choir bung a hymn eider elder orson pratt praet abker a tims ties on the assembled thou thousands sandA to emble embie emmeitt em Meint mos mop and preached sames names of TO 70 persons scie bended scud cLed ed to bo go on were read choir bung swig an anthem done Bone benediction diction ly by lomenzo to 6 pm missionaries d their ble hie under the hands ot of E i ia i ii a 8 P P r grafl Pra fl 10 pratt 0 A S mithi W woodruff I 1 L snow and B E snow april I 1 9 1 am m showery meeting in the this tabernacle called to order orda by prest K dball sal Sai saigon gln gin by the cb nr ir prayer by elder eider W woodruff Wood chair choir sung bune C me ime all ye yo ainas who dwell on earth tarth the al 31 addressed eider elder P r rie riv irit irli T P pratt of liccy licey manifested y luied to the spirit prop tha the book of 1 mormon he be first baw when referred to th tb time loog lood and cont that antl anil rec 1 id d the pries arl at thi this time tho ele eie harlod with tome some of the results hur bur of the last lait dispensation n the close times we a are hider snow spoke ithon raino raisins abr uli uth and exhorted t tue the h gants cants to be faithful I 1 atis alid exercise TA w 1 eduin dmn dwa the caca ct th the read bullock eider elder to in K 15 dysthe iso the society soch Sock tj c 11 lit lii ural iral and iy ay by lawr of or fald faid aid zid society filers joni join ude nde and john T r brown were amm viti t talo tale 0 th the sandwich tag tas I lis Is a and aind james F r oleary cleary to in aslom to o voted f be batill il of the I 1 iet let st ward in henry 11 aon ion on vi ab s S L C jacob N ilar tiar darwas was wai vot ba bichop of the brit ward 1 G 12 kil h it laonard inard W nardy nardi it 46 igil Freder kle Kii K r 44 leih Aloni uTI url TI P to turn in property to to for f ir parsons who are w liing h beio help cl p the P R E reind choir sung oh lord thy people poop s we bless biess ly J U M grant 2 P pyu pm tu nali hall and a march by the band played east vast congregation callad to ord r by b prest farant choir rudis allida I 1 bring forth the royal tl dl adem I 1 prayer I 1 ewer emer iier lier W fr the lord all re nations natio nf praise 1 choir tu u 9 eder eiler t mated rated upon apon the tha deseret agricultural anul anil uan man society in wilh with a in passed by tha the convene deseret wi w as read by the state slate 0 of of kioa th C iii ii i ution 0 calli k and pres prest we r ej a bv pret pr et gra grant 1 s for approval tthomas or disapproval by the p pi neoplis ayli it wis ws knaul adopted by the vast host hobt of ot ei el ent for tor the tha admission adm aam legion of otah tah into the the M nii rui rUl alding elder bullock t and on pre presentation ty by redd read by anon T n in wa will prest grant w was as adopted A smith and john taylor prest C grant crant aut alt pr dented geo I 1 the he conventions convention and their election platea el acted by u is unanimously condri confirmed ned by the people anted the or of the irest prest grant then pres presented hurh kurb hut hurh hurb hur huth h ai as foll ol lowet lowes of the churtz esus christ chilst I 1 i aham youn toun president prest dent iatter latter day pay saints prophet seer heber kiwah yu mall art clr I 1 counselors colin coxin prophet seer ser and aud revelator rey ReT elator jedediah Jed edlah SI M grant second counselor prophet seer and i revelator rev elator orson hyde llyde president of be the quorum of the twelve apostles and parley P pratt oron orion pratt wilford woodruff john taylor george A smith amasa amaba lyman liman ezra azrat T benson charles C kich klch lorenzo snow E rastus erastus snow and franklin Frankl ln D richards members of said quorum ru in john smith f eldest eldert sen BOD of hyrum presiding patriarch reu reb john join youn young president of the nigh high trier peter priests ast Qu quorum joseppi joseel young levi VV ancock hancock II henry zera albert P nock Kock rockwood wood benjamin L clapp a and na 11 II S eldredge presiding presidents oyer over all the seventies bolm J ihn ibn Ne betker belker president prest flent ilent of the elders quorum james n H smith and aaron mciva his counselor counse lori iori I 1 r iward hunter hunters presiding bishop of the whale church lewis wight president of the priests quorum george dockstader and william whiting his counselors mcgee harrig harris II president defIt of the teachers quorum adam spiers and david bowman his counselors alexander lf ferlon herron Pres prea trIent of the deacons quorum john S carpenter and frederic eric A mitchell Ml his bis counselors brigham toun youn youngs trustee in trust for fhe the church of jesus christ of latter day saints daniel n wells superintendent of Public works 0 angel angell Arch liset for the church brigham young toung president of the perpetual emler EmIer emigrating aUng sung fund lund to eather rather the poor II 11 0 Kirri baill ir fr 0 llyde hyde G A smith I 1 K T banson benson Bai ison lson J mo M grant D P 11 I 1 wells I 1 gidward n iward hunter daniel spenser thomas bullook bullock john jolla brown browns william crosby A lyman 0 C elch rich lorenzo D P P pratt 0 patt r P I 1 richard and daniel McInto bb big hig lils bis assistants and agents for said fund david fullmer president of this stake of zion thomas rhoads and P 11 II young his c uns elors heman neman hyde nyde eleazer miller phinehas richards levi lavi jackman Jack maii mair ira eldredge john vancey vandet edwin D woolley john parrys parry window farr snow daniel cam carn and ira alnett arnett members of the nigh count tl george A smith the historian and general church recorder I 1 not one nega noga negative tive vote was given eight persons were voted to go on n mUtI oo president grant then related what is doing in england towards removing persons from that country this season reason ani anti called on the people to aid the P r E F company by all the means in thair their pow so that the company mar may increase their sphere bf useful ness nesb president kimball spoke concerning concern trig the missionaries sent out ou at this ibis conference lri ference and exhorted the people to store their brain grain for the time would come when people from the nations and stites states wiil will come rome here to ti buy boy grain from us no inan nun said be has ian lan language langu guate guase afe with alth which to portray the troubles tro ables that are coming upon udon the world and I 1 know it is so singing by the choir elder eider W V willes sung suns debret deaett De aret artt fhe the b hime home of I 1 choir hung tung gro cco 0 my uly father pallor thou that dwelled dwell est 11 benediction by elder 1711 willes les ies i i 6 pm president kimball sald said me of 0 the uie not haye bave had their lct but wm wui be given for their receiving them the apostles met in the tl tabernacles tsuie Tilie made and and se set let t apart 83 persons to their miss missions lons ions 6 pm the itieli 11 priests met in the coundi house the sev titles held their quarterly coi col conference conference ference terence in the council Cun oun cil cli hall 1111 tuesday 6 9 fl 9 a am in called to order by prest kimball ging by the choir prater by P patriarch Pi ariar Arlar chi cli isaac merley marley singing by the choir eider elder ezra T benson address addressed rd the congregation singing I 1 y v the choir elder orson pratt poke inoke a short whort time upon tira the divine authenticity of uhe the book nook of mormon I 1 eder eldr eld r patrick lynch kave gave an ti interesting Inte g account ci of i some sollie of his bis experience while iid tel ireland singing by the choir conference adjourned to meek meet in the th tabernacle on the gih gib of oetter next at 10 a ain aia m t 10 neui neul n ty patriarch john smith THOMAS ullock BULLOCK li clerk clark of Confer conter con istria rooe roce cc the conference was attended and tiia ille customary harmony characterized its lits action the tiie list of the tile names of alloe appointed on missions runs tins was not presented in time timi for tills this number eo g A frightful of or our middle class young men are growing up empty of a all ail I 1 knowledge but bul what tends lends directly to the making of a fortune 1 tune or rather to speak correctly to tile he keeping peeping hupf up if f fortunes attunes which their katheis bavo havo made ir fir them thern how many women Ls 63 well oell as men have we teen wearying their souls with willi study undirected often misdirected craving to learn yet not knowing how or what whit to t learn cultivating an unwholesome energy the head at the expense of tile the body and the hear catching up with the most capricious self seli will vili one mania after another and toil toll tossing sing atia it way away again ogain for some new phantom antom g forcing the mt memory ammy with facts which no one igne has taught them to arrange and tiie the renson reason with i problems which they have no me method thod of solving till they tiley put themselves intha chronic fever of the brain iii ili which jell often urges them to plunge plange as it were to cool the inward fire into the ever restless sei of doubt and ini mischief it is a sad picture there thare are many who may read these whose hearts will tell them it is a true one what wilst ia is wanted in these cases is a methodic and scientific of mind and a class on which to exercise that habits habit which will fever neither the speculative intellect nor the moral sense and those physical sciences will give as nothing elge else can give it Kinge levs leys glau giau glau giau icus |