Show proclamation by UT the acting governor gov goi arnor of tha territory ot of kansas whereas we ilav haro been reliably informed that a number ol 01 persons 4 claiming leg i lI tive powers cowets and arid authority over we tiie people of tile the ter territory rhory of kanas tj ar ao a o tj tj assed assemble lida iida in the town own ot topeka tomka ton tor virie ane e of adopting a J codd coda of luts lats or or ajer ejer ex emihl uglier functions in ili violation ol 01 lim she acu aci ol 01 coit Cott Co bogres gnes grehs gres organizing the tile territory tern tory lory and of the iss isk adopted iii ILI thereof and il it now appearing tila LILA a military exists in this tills teni teri tory lor for tile purpose saoi of sustain it 1 tilis tilla ullI util 1 ful 1 I 1 t u andtius und and rid thus iii ili fult to subvert ly by violence all present con and und igli agil authority and arid whereas tile president of the united states slates has by procia procla pro dinn dinu mV llon tion bear iric irig date the ilia nill hill february 1856 dec deca aed ned ed that any such euch plin for foz the de determine tion tiou ot of tile the future insi Hulious of tile tilo territory if carried into action will the fact of insurrection and arid therein commanded all persons engaged in ili such unlawful combinations against the constituted authority of the territory of kansas K or the united states slates to 10 disperse diperno di perse perso and retire peace ably it ly to their respective abodes auda cereas satisfactory evidence exists that aid proclamation odthe of the dent has his been and is about tobed hobed to bed be disregarded re regarded 1 added ly I 1 y the persons or combinations above re rel rei erred to now nov therefore 1 I denial Vf lodson acting aeling of lle ile tile lie territory of kansas by virtue virtie of authority vested in me by law and arid int n pursuance purs pars uince of the proclamation of ilie ilia president of the tile united states stales and to the end upholding of the I 1 legal and avid constitutional authorities of the territory and of preserving the public peace peace arid and tranquil ity layo do issue this my proclamation forbidding til bli persons claiming legislative powers arid and authority I 1 as aforesaid from assembling organizing or attempting to organize or act ia in sav legislative capati capacity ty whatever under the penalties atta ed to all wilful violations of the law and disturb disturbers disturber dis turben ers eig tf the peace and tranquility of the thu cou coo country gitry in whereof I 1 hava tu to be affixed tile tilo st antal at of tile tiie territory this thi r s ath day ol 01 july ili in the tile year of our lord eighteen and aud fifty six arld and of v tho the tick i of if f tini tire states the eightieth DAMEL Gu vinor K T tile proclamation ot of tile tiie ilo lie Pred fent Jent aud and the th orders order under il it r quires me tu to suai suat alli aili the execl blvd of this territory in ili hereby that I 1 shall this tion ut tit a ajl all hazards K E V S sunner SUMNER uli ull N E R col lat cavalry |