Show I 1 copyright secured I 1 HISTORY OF JOSEPH seith SMITH arail arb arr IL 1843 f tuesday 11 in the office most moat of the day come rain and wind A volcano broke out near kraning gs hatte in silesia wednesday 12 in conversation with mr bluet concerning the purchase in consequence of on the part art of the temple cammi committee atee and their interference ference with the of the architect I 1 gave a certificate to william weeks to carry out my designs and the architecture of the temple in nauvoo and that no person perso n or persona persons shall interfere with him or his plans in the building of the temple I 1 before the elders conference closed the steamer leaner amaranth appeared in sight of the temple coming up the and about noon landed hed hen passenger sat bat the wharf opposite ohp old post office building consisting of about two hundred and forty saints from ell nil ehg land under the charge of elder lorenzo snow who left liverpool last january afdera a mission cf hearly nearly hearly three years 1 I with a large t company of the brethren and sisters listers was present to greet the arrival of oar friends and gave notice to the new comers to meet at the temple tomorrow to morrow morning at 10 to hear instructions after unloading the saints the amaranth proceeded proceed etl up the river being the first boat up this thia season v about wnm in the steamer maid mald of iowa 5 hauled battled u apat t the nauvoo house landin landing I 1 and disch ed about two hundred saints in c charge arge of el eiders elders s P P pratt and levi richards these bad been e n detained at st louis alton chester ac through the winter having left liverpool last fall dan jones captain of the maid mald of iowa 11 was baptized a few tew weeks since lle ile he has been been eleven days coming from st louis being detained by ice I 1 was present at the landing and the first on board the steamer steam er when 1 I 1 met sister mary ann pratt who llad had been to england with bro parley and her tier little daughter only three or four days old I 1 could not refrain from shedding tears so many of my friends and ann acquaintances arriving in in one day kept me very busy receiving their congratulations and answering their questions T f was rejoiced to meet them in uch tuch 11 good health and fine spirits for they evere were equal quai to any that had ever come to nauvoo thursday 13 municipal Bluni cipal court met at 9 0 am to hear the case of dana v brink on appeal but adjourned the he case to the at ID 10 am the emigrants and a great multitude of others assembled at the temple choir gung sung a hymn ahyme prayer by elder kimball when I 1 addressed the saints the following synopsis was written by IV W richards 1 I most heartily congratulate you on your ate kte sate afe arrival in nauvoo and on your safe deliverance from all the dangers and difficulties you yon haye have hado had to encounter on the way but you yon keet meet not your tribulations are ended this day I 1 shall not address you VOU on doctrine but concerning your temporal welfare f ire lre inasmuch as you have hive come up here assaying to keep the commandments of god I 1 pronounce the blessings of heaven and earth upon you and inasmuch as you will follow counsel aci acl wisely and do right these bless blessings hall shall inel re rest a 1 upon you BO so far as I 1 have power with it god to seal them upon you 4 I 1 adlour am lour tour servant and it is only through the holy noly most that I 1 can do you pod god is able to do his own work I 1 we do riot present ourselves before yoi you as any thing bat your humble servants willing to gend spend and be spent in your service 4 and therefore ore we shall dwell upon your temporal welfare welfare on this occasion in the first place where a crowd Is flocking from all parts of the world of dif dlf different derent ferent minds ac there will be some who do not live up p to the commandments there will be some borne debran design designing in characters who would turn you aside and lead ayou you astray yoa you may meet speculators cala cula tors who alo iio would get away your property erty therefore it is necessary that we should shout property proT have an tin order here and when emigrants arrive in them concerning these things if the head headson the church have laid the fou foundation i S this 1 pace 1 ace and have bave had the trouble of delzi doing what has been done are they not better totter qualified to tell teil you how to lay out your money ey thai hat those who have had no interest in the worl work rl whatever some start on the revelations to come here before they arrive they get turned away of 01 meet with speculators acors who hat 0 get their money foi land with bad titles and lose all of their property then they come and make their complaints to us when it is too late to do anything for them the object of this meeting is to tell you these things and then if you will pursue the same course you must bear the consequences of your sour own folly there are several objects in your caming coming idere one object has been to bring you from sectarian bondage another object was to bring you from national bondage to where you can be planted in a fertile soil we have m brought rought you into a free government nt t that you are arc to consi consider def dei outlaws by free governments we do not mean that a man has a right to steal rob ac but free from bondage unjust taxation oppression arid and everything if they conduct honestly and circumspectly with their neighbors rree iree iree tree in a spiritual capacity this is the place that is a appointed 0 anted for the oracles of god toebe revealed if you ou have any darkness you have only to ask an and the darkness is removed it is not net necessary that miracles should be wrought to remove darkness miracles are the fruits of faith falth how then shall tbt they call on him in whom they have not n ot believed believe aud how shall they hear without a preacher and how shall they preach except they be sent I 1 god may translate the scriptures by me if he chooses faith comes by hearing the word of god and not faith by hearin hearing 1 and hearing by the word ac if a man has fi as not riot faith falth enough to do one thing he may have faith to do azo ano another ano another ther it if he cannone remove a mountain he may heal the sick where faith is there will be some of the fruits all gifts and power which were sent from heaven were poured out on the heads of those who had faith fath you must have a oneness of heart in all thin things 1 1 and then you shall be satisfied one way or the othe you have done with us there are a great many old huts here but they are all new nei for our gur city is not six or seven hundred years old as those you come asom fi om this city ia is not four years old it is only a three year old last fall fal there are very few old kett settlers lerg lera I 1 got away from my keti keli keepers pers in missouri uri url and when I 1 came to these shores I 1 found four or five hundred families who had been driven out of missouri without hoenes or ar food and I 1 ant went to work to get meat and flour to feed them the ile people were not afraid to trust me and I 1 went to work and bought all alj this region of country and I 1 crid cried out lord what wilt thou have me to do and the answer a was build up a city and call my saints to this place and our owr hearts leaped with joy to see you c uniting kni Oni oming ring ting here we have been praline for you all winter from the bottom of oui our hearts and we are glad to see you we are ara poor and cannot do by y you as we would but we will do for you all we can it is not expected that all ill of a you can locate in the city there are some who have mone money yand and will build and hire others those who cannot purchase lots can go out ill in the country the farmers want your labor no industrious man need suffer stiffer in this land the claims of the poor on us are such that we have claim on your good feelings for your money to help the poor and the church debts also have their demands to save the credit of the church this credit has been obtains hion bion alto to help the poor and keep them from a starvation ac those who purchase church land and pay for it this shall be their sacrifice fic bic e men of 50 and who were robbed of every everything hig in the state of missouri are laboring in 15 city for a morsel of bread ami ana there are those who must have starved but for the providence of god through through ue rte we can beat all our competitors in lands fanda price and every thing we nave have have the highest prices and best lands and do the most good with the money we get our system ia is a real smut machine a bolting machine and all the shorts bran and smut runs away and all the flour remains with us suppose I 1 sell you land for 10 per acre and I 1 gave three four or five dol la lars raper per acre then some persons may cry out youl your you are speculating yes yee I 1 will tell you how LI I 1 buy other lands and give them to the widow willow and the fatherless if the speculators run against me they run a against the buckler of jehovah god did not send me tip as lie he did ditl joshua in former days god serit sent hla hia servants to night fight but inthe in the tho last days he has his promised tuf t ight fight the battle himself god will deal with you M are ave himself rn self seif and will bles bless s or curse you as you behave yours yourselves elves I 1 speak to you aa as one having authority that you mav may may know when it comes and that you yon may have havi faith and arid know that god has sent me some persons persona may perhaps inquire which is the most healthy location I 1 w will 11 tell you the lower part of the town ia is most healthy in the tha up upper f er part of the town ara the merchants who wi will I 1 say that I 1 am partial ac but the lower eart part art of the town Is lis much the most healthy health and I 1 tell it you in the name of the lord rave have I 1 have been out in all parts of the city and at all ail hour hours got of the night to lea iea learn r n these things the doctors 1 lo 10 this thia region dont know much ranch and he hc lawyers when I 1 speak about them begin to say we wi will it denounce you on the stan stand f but they dont come up and I 1 take the li liberty 1 to say what I 1 have a mind to about them doctors wont tell you where to go to be well they want to kill or cure you to get your money calomel doctors will give you calomel to cure a sliver in the big toe and they do not stop to know whether the stomach is empty or not lot yot and calomel ort ori on an em empty ty stomach will kill the patient and the lotelia lobelia doctors will do the same point me out a patient and I 1 will tell you whether calomel or lobelia will kill him or not if you give ve it the mississippi water is more healthy to drink than the spring water but you had better di dig wells from fifteen to thirty feet and then the water will be healthy there are many sloughs on the islands from whence miasma arises in the summer and is blown over the upper part of the city but it does not extend over the lower part of tile tiie the city all ali those persons who have not been accustomed to living on a river or lake or large pond of water I 1 do not want they should stay sitay on the banks of the river get away to t the he lower part of the city or back to the hill where jou you sou can get goodwell water if you feel any inconvenience take some mild ph physic sic two or three times and follow that up tip wit with some good bitters if you cannot get anything else take a little salts baits and cayenne if you cannot get fet salts take or gnaw down a butternut tree or use boneset or horehound those who have money come to me and I 1 will let you have lands and those who have not money if they look ibok as well as I 1 do I 1 will five sive ive lve them advice that will do them then good I 1 less you yon in the name of jesus christ amen hyrum smith made some remarks concerning m the fhe prophets every report in circulation not riot congenial to good understanding is false false aa as the dark regions of hell closed by singing and prayer after meeting many of the saints repaired to the landing at the nauvoo steamer maid blaid of iowa towa arrived during meeting 1 f from 0 n keokuk where it went last night ater alter t the no f freight r e i S olt which A h ich it left to ena enable ble bie it to 1 get over the rapids I 1 was among them until about 3 when the boat left I 1 walked with bro eim elm kimball kimbal eimm kirn eighteen vessels wrecked on the irish coast by the easterly winds windi the gunpowder un powder mills at waltham abbey england exploded lit kit killing in seven persons the siamese twins chg cag changany Chan ang gand and eng ene married the two sisters sarah and adelaide of wilkes county north carolina friday 14 rode out to my farm and to the prairie with some of vf the emigrants sold twenty acres of land lane and when iwas I wab was again ridin riding out in the evening broke the carriage on the side hill i hen w we a all returned home on an foot I 1 I 1 give the follow following ing speech entire as copied I 1 from front the national as a specimen I 1 of th way the seed of joseph arc are bei bel being I 1 wasted before the gentiles SPEECH OF COLONEL COBB lead head mingo 1 ag of the he choctaws Choc Cho taus claws E east eust cst ast of the sippi in reply to 11 ducut of fie the U S brother we have heard you talk as from the lips of our father the great eat white chief at washington and my peo people ze e have called upon me to speak to you re the red mam ram has no book and when he fie wishes to make known his views vie s like his h 1 s fathers before him he speaks from his mo mouth uth ile he is afraid of iet ter writing itin when he speaks species he knows what he says the great spirit hears him writing is 13 the invention of tho pale faces it gives ivea birth to error and to bends fends the great spirit tallis talks we ve hear him in irk the thunder in the rushing winds and add the mighty waters but he never rites writes ur brother when you were young we were strong we fought by your side but our arms aring are aie now broken you have grown large my people have become small brother my bly voice is weak you can c ui scarcely car cely hear me wis wais not cot the shout ofa warrior but the beg bew bewail bewall ail all of an infant I 1 have lost it in 10 mourning for the misfortunes of my people these are ae their theli graves and in those aged pines dines you hear the ghosts of the departed their ashes are here and we have been left to ta protect them our warriors are nearly all gone to the far country wes but hete here are our dead shall we go too ana anu ana give their bones bories to the wolves brother two sleeps have p aed el since nave we heard you talk we have tilon ml n upon it yoa ass ask ask us its to leave our count d tell us it is our fathers wi wish ab we wa would uld not desire to dimple displeases dis pleass our father we respect him and child but the choctaw always thinks we want time to answer brother our hearts are ar full twelve winters ago a 0 o our chiefs sold our country every warrior that you see here wab was opposed to the treaty keatir rea tyr tir if the dead could have been eoln coin com ted it could clotild never have been made but alas though 1 they stood around they could not be seen or heard their tears came in the them rain drops and their voices in the iv wailing ailing wind but the pale faces knew it nol not and our land was taken away brother we do not now row complain T tid tin choctaw buffers but he never weeps yoa yos have the strong arm and we cannot resist but t the he p pale paie ale aie face worships the great so does t the e re dinan the great spirit loves truth when you took our country you yiu prom pros us land there is your promise in the book |