Show 0 savins its asir ACTING bent beut prat plat pr at F the ibe fundamental principle of very every ant invention lias been very bim eim pie in 1 ts its dipti simplicity P 1111 if ity aty u is the elem clem elements e lits of its worth i its t s usefulness and lind adaptability inventions of complicated uko uto movement and visionary lie Ite i ories cories have never performed the ob object act ought sought to be attained for with adaptability accuracy and durability must be combined adof these desidera tums tunis are involved in the invention recently patented and known as smyths hs self acting ben bent lever platform the scale in question from its construction on the principle of gravitation is never liable to be out of order it must perform its work thoroughly because the laws lawa of nature govern it IB in size aize the scale is 13 a pigmy but for capacity it is wonderful weighing any object from fion oe otte ounce lipto mour tour hundred pounds it can be regulated by anysee who looks at it but for a ano moment ment As their cost is but a trifle one capable of weighing four tour undred hundred fi pounds costing costin g not to exceed three dollars and of only abbat about twenty five pounds weight the they y wilf wi speedily be as ab indispensably necessary essary ebsary in the household calendar as any other useful article of daily use evening Tr transcript aDscript for f urther further enquire at office of ot smyths hs patent platform scales 50 state et at coopers building albany D 21 patentee |