Show celebrations continued FORT SUPPLY j i f T i bugle b igie igle sounded bounded at sunrise v when hen i the hel lii vil 1 ill ll 11 flar w v I 1 r rj 3 on 0 1 lii lil T peov if V P lp 11 cole u a 3 I 1 t co colp ip ii ii i pd ed a ans fit s 1 I P i i i icicy licy ilcy a comm no hi i of ol 01 th v rs er 1 S L july joly 24 7 T cap capi i i 8 and aid sessions bands bandi ds si sd 1 ai s ve I 1 t 4 a m P e ag aarin main sounded and the i i con i tin the cou 1 1 11 ha d io 5 1 geor G eor 0 1 0 14 d dy y or d 1 the tile c ion ioa 0 as f ws vs I 1 capt W v i IM beeks a I 1 mal MAI ial iii band bandin in lol lot 01 in wi w i i I 1 iner inner our etain i t nn home horn e 11 1 capt apt tr 01 ol IL L cole ant an i h hi i ride nde company i i I 1 mour t i i form vo M i h blime bline k apt ip J v ward and an tou lousind lou young nInd ind ia 13 I 1 in 6 xin kin vin pints pants alue t uc shirts a A i ilis ills ins 1118 11 ll banner hanner vi 11 e e ahall yet et bei i whit whir i delight nf peo people I 1 C ept fi n v sanders n an ald aid te 24 y a ing i 1 n n wl twi sit i res blue p ulas red bish boshis s H raw h a 9 with ith bannet C capt jit 7 d 1 S s scions an anti antl sie s reg ren ade band in I 1 1 u ilona ith ich banners banner the rile Sare sere aade idie i 1 19 abw i rdv r n iv ll 11 capt apt J i alger aiger yr and 24 1 11 les hes in in wh I 1 te h 1 alap b i sa v breathes ot of flowers and par 1 mith with NN ith j i we ins duct 0 ir sistelia s of 0 rest nest 11 7 capt J ia lis las s youngai ai t 24 little girls if in C f dres sei spi kr r en cn sa bashi basht ashes 3 ind and straw hats hits h its II 1 with ni n ic i 0 flowers with banner let i f ir abou i K R chapla nl emmitte of arran cements h b inner lipar oh israel J thi thy pro proc isi ssi in n marched round the fort ori ort a A a hatt halt and a id were seed seated in the council lt 1 af ta T a marst marsa 0 1 calad r the to order older T v 1 ild lid iid ii d 1 I in singing the spirit of ofa ai i pra r b by myron C crandall Cran cean and dill lil ill chaplain she ic day music by tha brass b bud md the marsita eddied c 1 d upon several of or the tile breth r n for addre addres s q ii aich lim lum was eras responded to with li li usual HL i ji aci C i cap 1 ila lis 1113 d V urd ard alger a ward addressed the indians m 1 I own lan lar j explaining to them clem the tua natura nature of our celebi on lle ile the lie re we came calne to the 0 in O u It allis aills st when vilen they v were wera ra buziol one of the tha I 1 indians said eaid ho h u x a anted I 1 cited to talk ile he arose and i nj ild hu ho felt we to s grain growing on the snake mid tild for their thir th ir ehl phi dr u could get brad broad br ad to eat also suiter lutter and in k B fore you oa came here our childr n lvere ivere of 04 n 1 ingry angry now hey they can get gat bread and v galabo a wen won not fortunato fortunate in hunting m anent at AI idian lidian rn r pi john sia s J I 1 like to see sef se w va A t po pota taos ors bata and PAS P AS grow for it trl tri n k s my mv h an feel fe good to ta see ece our children ent eat the bl br I 1 you raise on the thi land you it A t us at fi f 1 dds nils when we come to your no to as iss hing h birg ing y you bouno 1 ive lve us something souphin som phin to eat cat I 1 am glade glada glad plad s the good things you raise the f 1 ajr they did not grow grow before catie CATIC A al I 1 pm flit procession pro pra cession agrain again formed led to t he h I 1 leips irge dinner linner tables and were i i d TA vy v u y the lama Lawa hites dispatched 1 I a p pAa p s beets bread meat ples pies ak 3 9 pud 9 bustards custards cus tards chickens coffee ac w i 3 a c antion they said that the they ila iia hai irver ea ca eli eit e i b t ich h a good dinner before 1 A f f er dilu i it t i s were called for trey twenty y div gio div gallo s f homemade bome home made mac mae wine ivine were rei rec r arad for fur the oe cri c 01 ol 0 b by br brg a lish and MI ben beu E r 7 el an ani J i swi awl they y want wanted d to drink T s ba bai i J I 1 want you to live and ev d diotha i e thu y v i m nute ruif raise plenty ot of the t I 1 t aings in t i lave ie had to eat eai today to day for they T mihe make I 1 dk e my LUY he f fei fel el PI god good g goi od join john said 1 hi L i W d a toast for the aladits saying if would mai mat e my ro heat beart hea bea t feel good lo 10 se sw our wor en flo look ills t le e v white ante women at 5 meet tio tic ug to 7 at 7 ine ina in ewt jg ji g was called to order and cotil I 1 us ins waltz willas colistra c hilra dances interspersed with nih bang sang ac alre a lre announced to ba be the order oraf r of tle the tie evening th thre re was au at intermission bermiss ter miss lon ion when the tile es assembly da d i anaple a aple j jus jul us i v i to a good supper lj DA icing w a bia bla uia i i resu reau reaume md d and the tho indians 11 na d in ID one 1 I mir m ir a native doncea accompanied oy I 1 leir own musie m ian lan at I 1 a m t was dismissed by br toh atohi a alger pi s pro tem tern taus pasa pass 4 1 a d y long to be ite fro remembered by t brethren 01 c KI ol of green niver river win writ AT I 1 r it dhori wi WK t committee WM LISIT I 1 of A baker baken i arrangements J it al li q wu ww M TH tit mrion mrian MP ton tan ioN reporter NO UlLO tV CREEK i al dirah arad I 1 of or i d c i n ff D rr IVre ola oia assistant vv IV L gin girt C of arrangements T R P ill nl IV daltrie daltov dai DAl thre tyre tiiE E A williams at brek bresk tia 11 1 als acra where aroused f m li ir a 8 a rs I 1 v I 1 the e r r of arti artl artiery erv at A 5 a it ir it f C 2 21 I 1 ft feel by B was waa cr till a led lff rol frol roi i thi all ji of tile tiie t ie li ii erty orty pole in 1 I a in till illi a tw 1 i i it P PI ir ringe mage paraded through t 0 p pi i 1 al I t f inning tiie the morning air wt WK 18 11 IS 4 1 lil ill at ba the ilia I 1 fc id i the bowery aird add vrr orr 19 1 1 ii A 9 it mi 11 a ilor ot 12 1 2 mounted ted ji flemen and ra i i i J i atud lu iu a carnage clarridge drawn by 4 horses horbes t t t ul d cor itel started out to meet tile lie in v d g i fearn ir rn 13 il wn 1 city ij I 1 4 i a i 1 ji I n i rn tn wa tha public square aad out to meet mat the box lider elder company lid ild aud iid emt eft cecot virl t afla iet let receiving the above alove na ed company the procession marched to bishop II 11 residence and nd received tile the auth of tile llie w mard ward rd ORDER or OF procession PROCESS loni IONS 1 martial band 2 6 young meo as front agn gard ird 3 A ith ithomitis of the co cot i iv 4 pioneer flag euth euto iod lod s by gy union we stand 5 6 aged failers fut fail hrs urs with banner motto If heroes eroes of 76 11 G 6 6 aged mother with banner motto moth ers era in I 1 israel srael 11 7 C G young men in form banner motto mottos zions giong bulwark bulwark 8 5 young ladles lidies in white banner motto pure love exal teth telli 9 6 small bos boys banner motto hope of israel 11 10 6 small girls banner motto mountain blossoms 11 string bang ban pla play playing y aig ilg del dei delightful agh t fu I 1 music 12 willow creek chair wull null baguer motto zons zons zona minstrels 13 two small boys carrying the lite deseret alphabet pil chabet abet 14 two small boys carrying the bible book of mormon and book of md covenants w with ith banner csc hyed hied truth will prevail pr eail 15 mormon ditt Bitt dlou dion mith with flit banner motto motta ram rim in the thicket 16 rear guard 6 riflemen after parading through the tiie principal streets the procession arrived ut the bowery and were seated ee cited singing by the choir prayer by bishop C anthem by the tile choir music by the martial baud band oration by president L snow on celebration union ac musie music by the lite tring string r band sling singing ing by the choir benediction by bishop E if IL pierce the procession reformed re formed nud cud escorted llie the B eli evi falp jp and suite to his ills residence resl resi deuce and returned to ie the bowery and were dismissed at ay 1 the inhabitants inhabitant sand and visitors sat down to dinner in the tha bowery the tiie tables werd ue reloaded loaded with luxuries got up in a style that would have satisfied the tiie palates of epicures epi cures A table was waa alsor spread for tile tiie shoshone sho shone indians indiana and nearly 59 50 of them partook of the bounties placed beffre them much to their satisfaction and delight after dinner bishop A cordon gordon offie rei reW up a thanksgiving prayer A number of to ista were read singing by the choir music by the martial band hand dancing commenced in good ee esrnest earnest rnest and uns was continued until sunset singing 11 ac intermission for one hour bowery dowery illuminated by lanterns dall Dati dancing clog continued until a late hour ki ill the he n night ht good order was obber ob sered observed ved ted bib bil by every A spirit of unity and delight finned filled tile UM bosoms of all tiie the bowery was ornamented with tite the fruits of the season among which were noted several large largo melons and a sheaf of millet the following are Belec selected ted from froma a large number of toasts the heroes of TG 76 we sustain he be deeds of our fathers rathers and teach them to our chloren S W settlers wanted in box elder emer county none need apply appi y but those who can stand the tha keen blast of a SNOW the hammer of a SMITH the dart of tile the PIERCES the of or the WRIGHT and the the thunder of the priesthood R HENDERSON Rel rei reporter lotter the inhabitants wore aroused at the tha break breah or day d ay iy by a elluta from the cannon under command of AT miller at 8 a m the tiie escort was wag formed by james picton marshal of the day addy and in to lter president r jacob G billera Bi Big dig glera hers lers at av 8 the tile president and ana ills counselors were rp received by the escort and the cannon announced the un furling tire ilia stars aad aid a id stripes to the breeze the escort paraded through the principal streets to a it bowery bulit for the occasion in the following order 1 it advance adrance guard jn charge of TS T S if oy t 2 2 military baud P C sperry 3 1 choir D webb 4 12 oung young gentlemen gentl emea A wool woolf f 5 presidency 6 patriarch PUr and major of the district i 7 committee of arrangements 8 indian interpreter and reporter of the day 9 12 yount ladies in charge ofa menke kienke 10 12 young boys L IL 11 bixter bister 11 12 young girls 14 T 12 rear guard Cs t G silencer algya algha at 9 marshal picton called the as beroby to order the choir sung lva Ura salvation tion to our god prayer by Pt W celiar music by Sper rys rya band president bigler made a few cheering and ap pro prop prom prate nate remarks my or T B foote dell deil delivered vered a ghert oration music from the tha band bra miller and woolf wook addressed the tiie saints on the past and present comic song by W kendall the marshal gaye gave g dee dve notice that the meeting would bo be dismissed to the tables to be set and that tint at 2 p m the cannon would announce the hour fo for dinner meeting dis dismissed mUsed by president bigler at 2 p m the entire population of or nephi sat down together to an excellent dillner the tha choir sung a song composed for the occasion and prest bigler asked a messing blessing at 3 p m the tables were cleared and ind dancing commenced darlng daring the aigernon art ait ernon songs were sung sung 1 by kendall and evans and toasts were e read among which were tile tha following president brigham soung young and Gou corneel three leading stars in the hirman firman wM may alay their light continue to increase until anft ards its benign influence unto tha ends of t G kendall nephi prem presidency dency god bless them S pach pitch furth forth 1 wits contina d till a bilt bitt late lilt hour peace i and nd good will were the order of the day hil nil U J oll oil jg aig i e c 1 b i i g i I 1 fbi 0 g of or 0 u r lit itt it a J m ini 4 A IV 0 ir cin cio clo C mi itu tiu G KEND ol 01 i 1 I floar arraign Arra igi ments SAMUEL istir reporter TOOELE CITY ate at VB of anuk fry try at sunrise bul BUI rise tiie m raid I 1 band tru versed ilio cita the tile ciler cli cit zis wili will liv levih iv str ins ids ol 01 mun I 1 at 72 a bamm th national flag wag wi unfurl I 1 ed to tile tiie breeze and saluted b by a afi musket musketry rv the signal for the people ale lo 10 ga owr r at 8 by the procession was formed ty by eli lee j il of the div dv dir d ir v in the fhe he cotow li g order i I 1 1 clit f capt john s br ss dij hija atia inisi ry 11 2 military escort commanded afy capt tulos lc le 3 presidency and invited guests i 4 orator of the tiie day and aud other speakers j 5 12 aged fathers 6 12 ag bad d mothers 7 12 young men crossed dressed biti wit wl alite ite lie pants red bsh ash and rosette ros tte 8 12 oun ladies dressed in white liue blue sash i wreaths and rosette 9 school boys 10 school schoolgirls girls 11 citizens nabb each division had banners with appropriate mott mol tots bei the procession after marching through b h them th caty repaired to the school house by thel liw choir prayer by elder thomas atkin chap chaplain iela lala of th tile e cay tay oration by lysander gee speech by john speech by ormus E bales bates ellder elder wm iydee lyder xyr G S L city chy was inai fel led to the stal staf stand fild and the he assembly in a spirited manner blany borits appropriate were given giren MUSIC at litter intervals vails valls giving zest to I 1 tile it e whole dismissed by elder alfred lee until 3 p m when they gln gin lain assembled to enjoy a po fo clai dance under be the management of Aless rs EH eli le leo and richard warburton the roo room in was beautifully decorated for the olec clec bion blon ion lon clappi ness reigned in it every breast joy lighted every countenance and all enjoyed themselves ives as only saints can enjoy and rejoiced that they were once more privileged wilh wilb the opportunity of celebrating th the day on which tile Pione pioneer ens entered the of the ibe and fouin a peace peaceful eui lul biome homo home forthe for the saints ORLANDO GEE reporter I 1 SCHOOL PARTY II 11 11 1 N DAVIS COUNTY AUGUST 1 I 1856 the tha procession was formed at the school house under the tha direction of charles D evans the sc hoaster and capt harris ae at 2 p m and marched to the sp spacious relous ocious bowery erected for the occasion in the folio following wi ng order 2 young men with a splendid flag representing lle ile lie tile beehive beo bee hive irhe with an eagle perched on its top the tiger immediately below and add underneath a scroll bearing the motto ever prepared musicians under the charge of major wm pitt of the nauvoo B brass drass rass Bad band bishops counselors trustees and committee of arrangements with a splendid banner bearing the motto in deseret wera werd free 2 young youad men carry carrying ing a 41 banner inscribed defenders of right 14 s nali nall boys with a banner lanner bearing the motto intelligence in embryo 16 young ladies ladles carrying a banner ilac ilsc inscribed bribed daughters of zion 24 small girls bearing a banner with the inscription otar parents delight in vartue Arr arrived red ved at the bowery at 3 meeting was called to order by elder charles D erans evans ft prayer byeller by elder eider aurtis dialogue on nature b by T sisters elli 1111 elison ellison harris and br bannett hannett Bei ber inett cuckoo solo on the violin by macj major or pitt recitation by sisters robins and phillips slip knots knot by elders eiders knell kuell and robins 11 u Dobb insi lusi a dialogue by ars harris roi rol roberts berts and find harris TOASTS the first presidency lights shining in a high place that cannot be bo hid bid C D E the committee of or arrangements their motto is order is is heavens first law james robins rollus tile tila trustees may their efforts to promote |