Show EMIGRANTS FOR UTAH COMPANY LEFT FLORENCE IOWA JUNE ELDER euder 1 C MERRILL CAPTAIN jamey james T W I 1 cream A maitha maltha E R brunson wife and 2 children george cussens ssell asell S ao A We Wool wooi olley lets leys L 11 II xia AIa ucley F naymond raymond S golding Gold lne wife and 3 child children ren nen m K steele james steelea stele sl ele eie 11 II M X turner wife and 2 children A J turner J W hammer jeter ClIn clinton B P brown drown henry neury Eck eckells ells pIls wite wife and 2 children samuel cursley and wife wite abraham hayes charles llam Ilam haamer hammer merj frances france nal nai illais david r coatney and wifel wite wife thomas singleton Sn eleton wife abd and 2 childr children eny tny archibald ke ken keo wife and 1 2 chii chil children deny deng mccaslin frost and wire charles william maylett marlett and wire wife samuel ruilt rudd edward rdward rudds ruddy Mat matthew matthiew iliew moore william senders SAnder sp wife and 3 children george bailey balley wite wile and 3 children william smiths smithy smith wite wife wife wite and 4 children joseph oark dark wife and 2 children john jobu cragher I 1 wite wife and 6 5 children 17 11 I 1 tripp phebe daniel dinel dunel wife am and 3 cl illren john Smi perler perley wife ansi anel ani 4 child children reny reni francis miller john Asli croft wife and I 1 children samuel phillip i joseph roe thomas 11 II gilen wife and 4 ch child id aln rin thomas nash Rash band wife and 2 children will william am giles wife and 6 chi children leren georgo georga agilee wife a and n 4 1 I child bild II harriet arrItt green join crook geared spra Sprat spratley it ley lcy ey james haggard wife wite and 4 chill children reny reng ann roe francis A brown broa n wife wire and 2 1 children A augustus P canfield cahn Cann iid sid ild nannah hannah it 11 brown joel A basoom lucina A burton henry izeory 1 I wife and 4 children colman top lin anci and wite wife V F wood Woud woodard ard susannah lit Liy laycock clock and 3 children giorge goorge and niza ellza S noot hoot M X C kinsman nancy bilbre killbreth hilbreth lith leth tind lind I 1 child oatha rine bro brown wn and 2 childr eus eup william black frederick uderick Fr spat and wife lawrence F fry fr SA samuel va vowel welli welti dwin edwin F whiting smuel samuel crati wife wile and 6 5 children gilbert Averit wire wife and 4 children jemmer Jeffer jefferson soa sta dimick wife sud aud 6 children william cf 0 palmer wife arld awl 3 children juseph and a id henry field william aud and witti janies janses mccloud joto robbe josto tye john joohn bardston bari Barl ston ir D r E CAPTAIN ciar 0 ahir neail NEAR IOWA olty CITY jue JUNE 9 IM 1853 emmund Itil thomas fowler fowier thomas eassey eilza bilz jonnson nom Hon inson mary ann bate hate mary ann Me Mea meadows ados dons dong andrew Gallo galloway wary warp wida and child david bu burwen w billiani Wil wll liani clarmon non edward wife and 2 children n lilli aleth frankl Frantl ln aleanor hll nil sarah ann sprig serl james ames shiun shinn aen ken and nod 12 children ii ann ana pi dilce ice ani an ant i 2 child children rei roi eleanor vau vaughan han mary ma mag mab op alexander ste steve stevenson enson naon wife and 7 children george gcorge ciaky alakl wll mil and 3 children thomas ivin ivins jilin jfhn powel rowel 1 wire wife and 6 childre children ii dniel daniel jones joner wire und 6 children Cc hildren many mary ann anti baker laker ands john lloyl wita wife and 6 children wm green arthun arthur Wilt WAlte wiit cr rap rep wife and 6 5 child children reni jolin john Deven deveroux aux thomas thomaa Kl chlus chius wife wile and still childs child mary ann jonest janes thus bourne wire wife and 6 childre children ii john wife wire and 4 children george iia ITA wife and child james dirch wife and anil 3 children abad abriam abslum bilm frisby ann llam lima I 1 hannah john asha vitro a aad and is J 2 children Preat breler Pr eier eler ers ert wire and 2 childr children tn 11 hester uester es ter and liali hannh nih june goodworth and 4 person john chapman james murray henry moss most george genaree waning goorge george williams janies jame doat ri wite aud sud 6 children samuel sal Sai nuel and wife wire and anda 2 children walter sander and 3 children arril sl richard shellar Sh eltar joseph argali j wire wife ire ife and C G child children rim william prall wife and 4 children villiam william wiiliam william morriss and wire wife james janits and salaia ja jones es jas bailer dalier wire wife aud and nd 5 children 0 11 briggs william IV uli liam ilam dirch kirch and wife eliabeth walker walter abraham auraham hurst and wire john lee leeo wife an I 1 16 6 children sirah and joeph jocob ash Jub jib welling Wellings wife and sad chiw chim john moyle wire wife and 6 5 c children hildren jhn john juhn bunney and wire wite juhn john dunney and andi wife willi william wliilam bur but tents yei yek william butler butier and wife john okley robert all vil and 12 Perso iks 11 tylor hrnry walker abd and nd wirt wife john kettle wife and 6 hildren children thomas wife and child joseph hafdell ind and wife sarah marshall and 6 children maria marla good john A phillips george Napp rl jo john lin lech and child chili thomas ani anil benjamin lloyd john jolin I 1 henwood jane lewis elizabeth Ilen llen henwood woods and 2 children jaines and ann warner sarah T miller william brough broush elizabeth and emms emas walker walter camu bind tind blary ilary oom commender oal Com oai monder alice drou Brou brough gli company D D yfem item carta IT lei lef lilt leit T IOWA cm CITY CAMP JUNE 11 II walter waller grainger Gral gnal nger wife wire ant ani 5 children william K X ait alt ken and arid 2 ch cheur illren n ellen kuen wandle wandie wal Wai idles elleu ellen wandle jr mary ilary matli Walli lerson terson thomas gallop and wire wife 41 jamms janies reid reidy wre ate and 4 children george muir mair wife and 2 children J hn frew a ife lie ie and 4 children aiex alix agnes stewart and 3 cb children ildren hugh clotworthy wife and arid 4 children mary wary mccowan joeph john At cDonald william john juhn tone wire wife arid and 4 children juhn juha bell bells wife an ajit 1 2 liili dreir s wiil KliK bettl betti shield david chambe chamberss ral ras wife and mn pon A M randall and on son elizabeth eilzabeth and aud emina emma al burdett Mi william wiiliam llant iiii 1111 samuel Har nar grayes Kravet wife and 1 children wiit wiil lain iain finlay wife and child william meikle wife and bud 2 hll hildren dren mry uary ury hayi hays ag n nea nes Ander anderon gont sont wife brid and 3 2 mii areri richard wl wife be and und 6 5 children mary ann done bone robert rolert r parker arker wita wife and 4 children bedson bedon eardley and wife manry bathgate and daughter william lawon georg georga peacock john gray wife and 4 61 children dren jamea james crawford Craw tord lord elizabeth rd Fl izabeth T eddle eddie catherine grainger Ora inger lnier jam james jamea dechman dechman m an john dreany wira wife and 2 children lobelia park J banim aw gardner gardn e r moth mother P r and 4 children nell P r and arid georgin a iri tri ipson oi sarah smart hannah nannah peter lend end izabeth alizabeth Kl gorge george johnstonn wife ant ant ani child janet janei Il ardle ardie ardle and 6 5 children andrew smith anna yar far josephine ludum and child henry E bowring Ba Do wring wite wife and clalla clil cili lf wliilam william and maria marla wright Wr ight leht rebecca sanderson san Ean lerson and 2 thilde n william wiiiiam hillhouse wife and 8 children eliza teth maxwell tand land 6 children elizabeth Dorr echi elen klen russell unwell elizabeth eilzabeth Maxwel maxwell lp mary marr gale gait parick berating hap han wife anda and 3 children thomas lucas wite wife and 3 william lawrenson wite wife and 2 children mary Ba elizabeth Moreho morehouse usi nai william cleator lie lle ator aton wife wt and still 2 children john mcclare Mc clare Clarf wife and I 1 children ilen llen rich Elli mill elliker kerg wira and 7 children J jhn john hn inid IM airl susannah bruner 13 aulph ramsay wite wife aud and child mr garet caret danle DANIEL D Yc mcarthur ARTHUR captain TRUMAN THUMAN counselors counselor p n SPICER IV CRANDALL 1 AN ACT to amend an act in relation to marshals marslin slin 1 sand and attorneys be lie it evaded by the llie governor and 1 asel asem f bly my of the territory of utah that aan an AA act in relation to marshal marshai an I 1 approved march 3 1 Is hereby amended by kiu klu out the llie word arto to leep keep hu bu office at the seat scat of Gover ninen in the second nue hue vt vf section Sect ln 5 in MM act v App A approves royed royeS december 1555 1855 |