Show proclamation by the president of the united states of america whereas indications exist that hat public tranquility and tho the supremacy in the territory of 0 kansas are bendan endangered ered by the reprehensible acts or purposes of persons both within and without the same who propose to direct and control its political organization n by force it aphea appear ing that combinations have been formed tb therein brein to resist the execution of the he territorial laws and thus in effect ebble effle ct subvert by violence all present constitutional and legal authority it a also aiso present so appearing that persons residing without the file territory but near its borders contemplate armed intervention in the affairs thereof it also appearing that other persons inhabitants of remote sites states are collecting collection money engaging engaging men and providing arms for the same same purpose and it further appearing appear inz that combinations within the tei tel ri tony tory are endeavoring by the agency of cm em lis isariel arlei and anal otherwise to induce individual states of if the union to intervene in the affairs thereof in violation of the C constitution i 0 n of the united states abates and whereas all such plans for the determination of the fhe future institutions of the territory if carried into action from within the same will constitute the fact of insurrection and if from w v phout that of invasive dg aggression egression cres gres sion slon and will in in either cither case justify and r require aquire the forcible in interposition ter of bf the whole power of the general gavern government ern erti ment as well to maintain the laws of the territory as those of the union now therefore 1 I franknin FRANKLIN PIERCE president ent of the be united states do issue this my proclamation to command all persons engaged in unlawful combination combinations a against the constituted authority of the territory of kansas or of united states to 0 o disperse and retire peaceably to their respective abodes and to warn all such persons that any attempted insurrection in said territory or a aggressive gres sive intrusion into the same will be resisted not only by the employment of the local militia but also by that of any available forces of the united states to the end of assur assuring inc inz immunity from violet violence ce and full protection to the persons property and civil rights of all peaceful and law aldin aidin abiding inhabitants of the territory if in any part of the union the fury of facon ixon or fanaticism ing inflamed famed into disregard i regard of the great principles naples of popular sovereignty which under the cons constitution ti hlll hiti orn are fundamental in the whole structure of our institutions is to bring on the country the dire calamity of in an of arms in that territory it shall be between lawless violen violence ceon on the one side and conservative serva tive force on or the other othen wielded by legal authority of the general government 1 I call on the citizen both of adjoining and of betant states to abstain from unauthorized in lel lei 1 PI meddling in the of the territory admonishing them that its ott organic yanic law is to be executed with impartial artial josti jusli juaice ju sice ce that all individual i acts of ille illegal gai gal interference will incur condign punishment and that any endeavor to intervene by organized force will be fi imly withstood I 1 invoke all good citizens to promote order b by y rendel ren deung ing obedience othe law to seek rem remedy edy for temporary evils ly by peaceful means to discountenance and repulse tf the the e counsels and tile the in suga stina hons lions of agitators and of dis organizers and end I 1 to ti citify their attachment to their country their 1 pride ride nide in its great greatness news neis their appreciation of the I 1 blessings les sings they enjoy and their determination that republican institutions shall not fail in their hands by bv operating cooperating co to uphold the majesty raa rai jesty of the tile aws caws and to vind cate the sanctity of the conati nion ution in tes mony miny whereof I 1 have bare hereunto her bere euno urlo set iny my band liand and caused the seal of the united states to be affixed to these prel presents dune at the city of washington the 14 eleventh eleve nih dakof february in the year of our SEAL lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty six ahi ahl and ani of the independence of I 1 tile the united states the eightieth I 1 FRANKLIN PIERCE FIERCE by the Bes resident ident W L MARCY of state ltd klu zip alp FOR foft kassas KANSAS tho the worcester mass lily S spy give sive q an account of a great lb meeting eeling in that city tyl tsy which whim cobes as follows dir nir mr bir Pome roys remarks were vere received with many demonstrations of applause and at their heir conclusion a collection was taken up lip in ar aid of 0 kansas about fifty dollars were yvere contributed in cash and written pledges given to 0 o the amount of one ope undred hundred ti and fifty dollars more which is is only a beginning of what worcester will and can do for tot the cause at the close of mr vs address the president called upon eli thayer esq to address the meet meeting IlIg 1119 and mr T responded in el eloquent r lent terms he ill e said lie he was a 1 peace man inan and his offer to furnish a thousand si superior perlor rifles hir mr sir thayer is s eti eri eriz aged aged aped in the manufacture of a newly invented ridle rifle said to be far superior to sharps was based upon an earnest and sincere desire desi re to prevent the shedding of blood A large number of men were engaged in their manufacture in this city and a portion of them would be completed in the com coming in week but as it was desirable that some additional arms should be sent to the territory at anc once he proposed to pay for ten sharps rifles at 25 each on Sondi condition tion that during the coming week other othet citizens of worcester would subscribe enough to make up the number timber ri to one hundred rifles several gentlemen subscribed for a rifle and ami sent their names names to the chair and before the tiie audience left the hall twenty three rifles equivalent to the tile sum of 2 were sub subscribed subscribe scrib d fo for fon r yf r th thaders ayers g generous e nerous proposal was received cei cel ved with 9 great preat reat ap applause pla se and a committee of three was ap appointed p hinted to solicit subscriptions for the requisite n umber number of course they will find no difficulty in securing the material aid hia necessary i at the close of mr Th Thayer ayers 3 address the mee meet ipg ing adjourned |