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Show Words About Music SymphonyTo' Open Season Teacher Joins NYSTA SL Returns To Assembly Hall Monday Night State Symphony To Appear On Radio The McCune School of Music and Art Symphony T Orchestra, under tlje direction of Dr. Frank Acceptance of John Marlowe W. Asper, will give its first Nielson, Salt Lake voice teacher concert of the season in the into the exclusive New York Assembly Hall, Temple Square, -Singing Teachers Association Monday, Dec. 10, at 815 pm. : - wasgiven considerable attention Thii will be the first appearin local music ance. of the orchestra in the Ascircles this.; sembly Hall since use of the week upon Its building was restricted near the announcem e n t beginning of the war. Walter by Louis W. Booth oboist, Will Golde, president be the soloist, playing the Con- - ' of NYSTA. certo for Oboe on Themes of Mr. Nielson,' by John Barbirolli. Pergolesi director of the MUSIC-ARTICIVIC Ricardo Odnoposoff, brilliant as a. Mr. Booth .is ST John Marlowe South American violinist appears' on Salt J,ake Civic - the oboe performer-c- m th g S tudiciin Musie series at South High School Auditorium Friday,, one the leading musicians o n ' Temple ist one Dec. 14. the state. Building, - The orchestra wilt open its of the few voprogram - with the brilliant cal teachers in Overture to "Oberon by Carl the Intermoun-tai- n Maria Von Weber. The major MrJiielson area to be Ricardo Odnoposoff," who on 2ZHe wiu appearln the second work of the evening will 1945-4accepted by the association. The his American . dcjjut ln 6 on of the New number series Symphony in D Major. - by organization numbers among its Yorks Carnegi- e- Hall "imme the Salt' Lake Civic Music Asso- Johannes Brahms. Perhaps no members such famous teachers diately established himself as ciation at the South High School other composer who has lived in' Mr. Odnoposoff recent times is more one of the outstanding jviolinists Auditorium. highly of thp day, in thejivords oMhe for association members NEXT- - WEEK'S, for the absolute I York T m e s ,'m ak c s New his according. -toGJeedMiIIer...ijness and'sfrengtfi of his' music CONCERT SCHEDULE debut In the Salt Lake area president. than is Brahms.- The other Monday Met un School of Muale 14, at 8:30 pm. Although -- of Russian descent, number to ' be .played bythe Dr. and Art Sjmphony Orrhntro and f rank W. Aaptr, conductor, Odnoposoff is a natiw: of Buenos orchestra is the ever popular Lout W.Rocth, okoo aoloUt. Aires, where he was-- 1 discoverPeer Gynt Suite No. 1, by Ed- Hull on Temple Square, ed at the age of eight by. Erich. ward Grieg. 115 p.m. Tublie Invited. vlo- Friday Ricardo Odnopoeoff. Kleiber, famous Austrian con- The public is cordially invit- JLV Saft 30 pm. Aimpirea: Muiie Aaaociation. sent- to Berlin to study admission charge. The"Johnsori"sisTers, Peggy CarTFlesch at Kleiber's suggesFrances, Janice and Jewel, a tion, and in- 1932 hewon first as Paul Althouse, Frank X5 among 325 contestants in Forge, Mario Chamlee, Rcinald quartet of Salt Lake girls wide- prize an international contest in known for "radio performly Schofield, Werrenrath", Edgar -will appearycarsJatei .he.won. first guest artists AmyElierman, Harold Luck- - ances,with The .Deseret News prize in the Brussels ConcoifTs stone, Carl Gutekunsl.Sonon Al- of Elizabeth Troubadours at .lheSouth Cot- -, International : Eugene YsayeJ berti and many others. his several years of tonwood Ward chapel, Vine and considered the highest award a Flayes Simpson, the Westminster h South Sts., Sunday violinist can attain. College ladies glee club will study in New York. Mr. Nielson Fifty-sixthere annual Christmas follows: "present-i- ts His'program. studiedvith several members of at 7 p m. They will"be accom - - ,r "pageant, A Mystery for.Chnst-ma- s. j the organization, and during .the panted bytheii- - mother, Mrs. ?. Foli toreHi Knti!p, - past two summers has sponsored Edna Evans Johnson. by McKinney, at the Mickey Finn Bach Chtfonne . , .Ladies1 Literary Club, 850 East II The male chorus will present 'Mr. AlbertL as guest .instructor Mmor--..Qiazo,inoi;south Temple St, Friday rXec: at his studios. JUST ight number tinder direction of t'onctrto.ln a;; -- 4 14.ar2 Bert Glass, with Bessie Murk t Fleet polonaise Brillanie GOOD FRIENDS? Wiemaki APE YOU THE BIS Yilla Loboe Ross-ber- g T ot the Ttlatk 1 TO BE H. SHOTS the and Werner HAPPEN REGULAR 'Presented 't h e 'medieval piano WoH Peter and Symphony Notes Prokoieffrfune CIGARETTE GIRL IN MISS at H. Saeta. and the DRIVER. the James the will organ. Ko Nin hannki manner, Granadma Orperformance The Utah State Symphony A NIGHT CLUB HE O DARE will. ..toir Paganini Auer - gos- -. tanmt. chestra will enter" a new ; field Donaldson anddeiivertheOWNS A PIECE OF." Jen-su- n H. Harold Alice message Jack son, pel Hood, Hurd, on Christmas Eve, when it prewill speak on waid history. Howard Snethen, Walter Miller, Chorus sents amJiour-lon- g program of Allegro The musical .follows: Paul Richmond program Christmas music' under .sponsor- - Wilcox, Marjorie Ball and Mary Trxlnf Saaver At Clearfield Jul lor Th- N wc Tioubaitour, ship of a local firm on radio Ellen Manwiil in the cast, with lected station KSL. James Sample, who Sacramnfal muic The Allegro Chorus, a group ' s Mian Murk Suzzana ' Bingham, Elizabeth Mr. Roteberg and hisLos for this left of Salt Lake women singersun-"de- r morning Walt Lwte O Minr ' Alice Hood. Clara Simn-so- n, Barker. to return The Lof? Thord ?ulln an direction Tif Cr Kearns Ferrer Angeles iiome, plans Bessie Jenkins- Schofiel- dand direct the concert' as a final Send OutTh TbyNwa TfoiibadourV Gounod "will appear in a Light Doris Warner and Melvin, Van The Ntwa Troubadour appearance before the ensemble S program at the Clearfield Ward Der Akker as soloists. Accom-p- a .V Alleluia Liethnlevcki r. this season. chapel, Sunday. Dec. 9. A readrusts will include 1 r e n e Att- - Jit P. Johmonr - Mr. Sample caused 'some sen- -' Chrtatma Medley ing by Helen Pyper and musP Holmes The Johneon mtere Stilley, pianist, andBeu con FUf Without A Stains sation as a combinationWhite cal elections by the Alleg lah Frances Gifford, violinist. Jum Sinnnf Mnore Along a rehearsal .ductor-piani- st during Strings will complete and Brahma Singing The performance will be refor the December concert series, Lullaby The Goodnight the program. Nee Trouhadoure conHe last peated at the First Presbyterian which closed night. Church, C and South Temple ducted the orchestra from the ' . Sts., Sunday, Dec. 16, at 8 p m., piano while rehearsing the Cob. By with the public invited, and at. relli Concerto for Strings and the Kearns "Hospital, Dec, 17 at the Haydn Concerto . last week, - heard ' is -- Glossies the hero, 7 p.m. sung today, by lessonx over his rhythm getting" . Aminta, a part thai was orig- effect.;with exceptional Brahms: Concerlo No, 1n B - naiIy ,8 by i maje g0pran0This .style was. used by the - for- Or- - - Here it is given good reproduce Bullock-Pupi- ls masters, especially Mozart, and flat Major-Rudolf-Serkl- Piano and -- piano, ance and authoriUtive perform I iT Recital Series few employ it today. Dimitri chestra. Miss Pons and Mr. Wal4 Mitropoulos, conductor of the with The Philadelphia Orchestra ter, by I with the elaborate violin Gladys Bullock of the Minneapolis Symphony, is one of under Eugene Ormandy. Col. obligato played by Mishel Cune..Schoolo,fMusicand.ArL 6 records. 5847 and Is Scheduled to so present a faculty will present her students Columbia at last.has this great in a series of two public piano " Mozart concerto during a radio - J Speciol recitals to be held Thursday and series with the NBC Orchestra, symphony for piano and orches-tr- a The Nutcracker Suite. Spike Friday evenings, Dec. 13 and 14, which opens tomorrow. in its repertoire, and the reSmith Jones and his Slickers, Su- at 8 p.m., in the McCune recital Scorchy sult Is worth waiting for. For not san Scott andCityChorus. Victor hall, 200 North Main St. Duets, He'LL PROBABLY BREAK THE Is Musical Smart Set, numbers and the three two-piaonly is it a magnificent InterLOCK ON THE FIRE ESCAPE WINDOW. WAIT TO MAKE CERTAIN be THEN Concerto will featured. records. Grieg pretation and technically perfect. IM ALONE. ThoM partiipatinr Tbursdn.v etemnir Tschalkow-LkyJSjiiWith to .k apologies, Karen ' Lbdpn, are Kimlyo Kobaaih. performance by Mr. Serkinand Lu se s en.es J a DeH a a ( a n, Peru jn Jimmy lorny.Jpin ynC7J F.nk,777ett,i"glTfieprich-tohe- d "PhttadelphisrOr cracker melodies, for 'the fairy .viaa, Patricia Febr, Xialureg Dre(tieT, Lead, France FelV BarbarlJUL Billy Wrirht, f chestraunder Jheexpressiveba-torrxi--tale of the little- girl and her Tommv Sttphens Barbara Kuettcr. Shu old H.- - Bennett,- - Salt Lake bariMr. Ormandy, but it is dream of the Christmas gifts In -- lev Marie Hunt, Glfvna Cord, Donna tone, as soloist, and a magnifiFairbanki, lermice Sebarffa, Raymond a most appealing and entertain-in- g Roberta. cent choral arrangement of El- -. .most fortunately on high fidelity Miyuki Kobavaihi, Marilyn manner for the Marilvn Jb Aim Lnnev, fronr TakRoiu Cathedral," youngsters. ssTEnterihgThe shellac, a Columbia feature of Donald Barbara HuttquiL Irrne Wagners -- Lohengrin, will- - be late. -- The work is one of great Fuzzy pressings DeHaan, - Ion Wood, Charle Penroae, drawback. Helen cott, fouie Moore, PhvHi presented . by the Tabernacle magnitude and it receives treata rue, Cleyon Mont Mary Firman. of J. direction Choir, under ' ment worthy of its scope in this Popular -- -r Fldore Verema. Tom Chamberlain. Maxine Spencer Cornwall, on the Sun- performance. The set represents Helvorsen, Earl Beecher, Norma Wheeler. Oiem Two more-goo- d reasons day 10 a.m. CBSl- broadcast from another-trium- ph on Records for Stdenta pertormibr. Friday tvenin , one of the Temple Square.Mr. Ormandy and the Philadel-phiaT- T Les Browns are Julie Mann. Jill Hrunaon, Helen Alexander SchreineT will fea Stoker, Donnie recording orchestras in Nebeker, Marjorie whose" recording1 of the Watanabe. Carolyn Teerlink, show -- Joan -ture works of Franck and Monk Ninth Symphony- - of Beethoven the popular field Willi, Wilma - Flandrr, Barbara on the famous Tabernacle was released last month, and for up this week in his latest disc, Vincent, Barbara Znmaait, Beverly Rowland Merrill, Colleen Moaa, You Satisfied WonLBe program; and David Cirrlaonwho shows keen un- Marv Anna Watanabe, Jenkins MrSerkin, Light Come to - Baby. Do! (Col. Law ana Marahall. Jack derstanding for the lofty music. Mr. Bennett and Choir Janet 36884). Les orchestrations are Andetoii, .rnith. Loi Humnhrte Caniabi5 in B - Major.--Respighi: The Birds. Chicago swell and so are the Doris Day Howard White Yvonne Stiver Marilvn Abide With W Hewlett, khirley Frame. Donald Water De- Mr. Schreiner Orchestra, vocals. Symphony. TomCham-"berlaiworth. Evfjffr GuafaveoAh Eaierins- - the CaiheiLfrom e- Defauw- ,- conductor. Vic. sirCarol Wood. Lultr Anderaon. Wayner Lohengrin One of Ray Noble's best in a SP-1. two .. . records. This Tabernacle Choir ?d Ml Tu1 less familisr work of a moderiH T Jimpty Arms (based on a Rach Ottorini-R- e. - the late Italian,t Symphony maninoff Concert melody) and Yotk New spighl, gets excellent treatment, Tomorrow It Might as Welt Be Spring To Present Recital Artur Rodxinakt condmtor in performance and jrecord- both 1 (Col. 36893), withRoyLanson violinist, Yehudi Menuhin, Joanne Morley, daughter- - oi excernu from imiair ing technique. MendelMohn. . v pm. Also new is - Roll Mr. and Mrs. singing. A M. C. Morley-o- f to Midsummer NirhCt Drenr7 Violin Concerto in D Major. Operatic Arias Sung by James Them Bones and Beethoven. Humble 1434 Stratford Ave., and stuDimitri Mttropoulof Melton. Vic. NBT Symphonr Blues (Col. 36879), three, . featuring 3 pm Moran. of Mrs. Eva H. Owen, will rondiKUn records. James Melton has Big Bill, the blues singer, with dent Tha Magie Flute, Wil Overture to Be presented in an invitational A ' London Symphony. ham rare and the exuberant drums and guitar. quality piano, piano recital Sunday at 4 p.m. at Saturday. Dec. 15 Philadelphia Or Orm vndy conductor. The Ginger Snaps really hit the home of her teacherT 1325 expression that assures listeneheetra, Ehirene Th Nebbs ar heard over Sla- - I 3 Cimadeeu. vpiamat. Robert are ers an artist. it off with a lively beat in Juke StratfordAveMiss-GaUrTmngthey hearing - p m Beethoven, rleDOS fie t Net KALL Sunday at 2:30 p.m. t-- 1 tinn vmpheny exBox Joe and give plenty of Maior Mnrart, Piano Concerto in A whoTIoves to sing. He has an a reading on the will present r Die Overtam-tr-ccellent voice for these six arias, sentimental ontrast "In" "The Major" Warner program," and Miss Nancy Morincluding two favorites from Gang That Sang Heart Of My ley will play the second piano Massenet's Manon, one' each Heart (Vic. pSrt in an ensemble number. from Mozart's Don Giovanni the and The Magic Flute, Preislied from Die Meister-sing- er and In Fernem Land LOOK OVER from Lohengrin Jy Wagner. -stra Supporting is Jhe Victor under Paul Brelsach and AtlD CAROL BOOKS Sylvan Levin! Recording is exBy C. B. H.. t., - Viol inist On Civic Music be-4h- e jped - Quartet With NewsChorus Glee Club To Vien-na.-Fi- ve . OfferPageant Under-direction-- - 7 --: -- sn Jn Cotro-Mane- r sr Ward as . New Records c. h. j - n, . Pia-str- o, 12-fn- . Bennett no 3, Choir Soloist J Mer-nT- -- -- -- Sh4ee,-Florenre for-194- Kl'Sl.o- -- yn Greene,-Maril- T 12-ln- ch 4, M5 Air YourigPianist . Philharmonic-Stmphony- KSL-CB- 12-ln- ch KDYL-NB- K5L-CB- T TI -- THESE CHRISTMAS Or-che- SOiiG cellent. Mozart: Complete Line of Columbia Quintet In C Major. Budapest String Quartet ' with MlU-jKatlms, viola. Col.. records. 586, 4 Herein is a dejightful company ion piece to the great 'recording bythis same ..ensemble of the M-M- M 12-ln- Masferworks j, XMAS CAROLS heart-rendin- . and Largs Variety' Children's Records - Needles and Record Albums Record roelowod es this poqro and eQion he ordered o aeeored ea K 9 70 SOUTH MAIN G Minor g CARL FISCHER'S CAROL BOOK 1 Containing 34 of your Favorite - Christirios Songs -- - Containing Ninehildren' Songs with Pictures- by Mozart during the written trying periods of his life. This work is bright in comparison to the G Minor and in it the performers have again captured the true Mozart. The performance is benefited by excellent repro- ' CHRISTMAS CAROLS FOR TINY TOTS quintet, same month he composed the C Maior and during one of the most duction. Get Yourt While Stocks Are Complete - WORLD'S FAMOUS CHRISTMAS SONGS . Contoining 74 Songs of Nativity, especially arranged for Community, School, gQ Chorus, Church Home -- Plu Tax and Potlag - Mozartr L'Amero," Ssro "Cost (The anje from II Re.Pastore Shepherd King). Lily Pons, soprano, with Columbia'' Opera Orchestra under Bruno Walter. This aria, only-- portion of one of Mozarts earliest dramatic works GLEII BROS. MUSIC CO .SoU-Lak- e .City. SYMPHONY --Two TICKETS L Ogden Big Stores ON SALE HERE NOW .a V-d- en t MAY BE SUSR!Clb.i4 BECAUSE |