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Show t 'Tfff taka City, Utah. Nov. DESERET NEWS. Salt Ex-Premi- ers I 28. ISO Got Girl Trquble? STRICTLY RICHT Consult the Army Denounced Jn Diet Nippon (AP) Prince ' By Hal Boyle Hol ' rpur Somewhere in America there is a never will Jtnow hpw much she owes tq her husbands comFuroiTOKYO manding offu r maroJKonoye, former premier, This is a true story, so for New Guinea I worried myself was named from the floor of the 'sar that her sick," thinking about what anonymltyyletTir I husband ywas a sergeant which ought to do. I was la love with Japanese house of representahe wasnot tives today as one of two men both girls. I lost weight and wound, up Thestory goes back almost tq for fundamentally responsible of the late war. in a hospital. They sent me back the war.'L The boisterous hpuse sergeant had a lower rank to Australia to rest, I had maalso heckled freely melancholy en. He had been married only laria, but that wasnt really the short time, and was a sad and trouble. I saw 'the girl again. Premier Baron Kijure Shide-har- a steamnawhen nis sorry guy ship She came to the hospital all the after his state of the ed out of the Golden Gate more time and I really was m a tati-spi! tion speech to the diet. than three years ago And yet 1 loved my wife parTakao Saito, There followed three years of and still do. asserted the from liamentarian,life among strange people and Now Im in a fix. I never wrote my wife about the other floor that Konoye and Pearl strange ways. At last the servant wan eligiHarbor Premier Hideki Togo girl, so I cant tell her now, and ble for discharge on points, I dont know whether to go were -- responsible for the war, but he showed no jubilation.-- ) home or go to Australia and try adding that the Japanese people hate these'men more than anyI guess Ive, got putty In to arrange a divorce from there. one else. (Togo is awaiting trial head Instead of brains, he Its running me nuts. my Somehow the word of his suspect; Ko--, told a tent-matbut I dont predicament got around, and noye, free, has been eyeing wisl- know where 1 want to go," one day the sergeant was called fully a fresh plunge into politics The friend pointed to the picbefore his xommanding officer, 8S a commoner antHiberal ) a ture of beautiful . Sergeant, he said, Other members promptly de-- ; girl on a packing case that serv J have a .manded: seras a ed table, beside the little job for you. We have How about Kidb (Marquis cot -- and replied,-"Yo- u geants some classified material we JCoichi Kido, former Lord Keeper must have putty In your head if are sending bark to the states ; of the privy seal, a job now to a to home want dont go you I want you to take itback. ' abolished.)- wife like that, -; Shidehara in- - his outlme -- of . yourast army waThat's the trouble," said the irlt will be The leaves tosignment. plane Japan's paramount problems not wife Shes my sergeant. morrow and you will be disthat the path to final resHolding his head in his hands, charged soon after you ar- o L toration of peace is still long. i w m o be-- , : explaineL Ttve." ShideharaadvocaterBattftJ:y,-- i 1 1 1 -- J met her In Australia It - The looked- 1 I 111 1 sergeant Cl growth ' to alPST oncerTdtr deredj but reply7 managed lution to the nations labor prob- know how the Australians treat-e- d ' Yes, sir A lems, and pointed up adherence j us whdn we first went there At tent he the flap paused;" to the government retrenchment i ey nothing" too good for us, P gg and ! Wwws 1 ... added, JurnfidJlowly "Jiolrey "embracing administrative do Tor us.' wouTdnT " Thank you, sir. . of reorganization, I and' met at her a bullet-headedance MANJLA-7(AE--BlLtWhen - Gen. Tomoyukt the sergeantcaught the pensioirsystem and abolitloni took her home. She introduced the plane for home next day,' of subsidies. Military pensions j Yama.shita described himself today as a subordinate commander me to her parents ,1 was pretty there was a happy grin-- on his except for disability already have having somewhat of a bystander role in the defense of the Philip- lonesome,' and I guess face pines and hence not accountable for the long list of Japanese been wiped out by order Of Gefor theybad jiboyijuthe On lhepacking crate - beside atrocitresToetailed by the prosecution m hij-wneral MacArthurr crimes trial. Middle East. They took me his empty cot Jus friends found Postwar rehabilitation- - of the Testifying in his own. defense into the family, and before I Of the beautiful the U. S. military nation itself occasioned gravity before knew it, the girl and I were he from Shidehartr Existing controls- - tribuKaLYamashita-declar- ed than we liking earti other better must be removed from private always was under orders of Field j.had a right to do ZZ initiative and enterprise, and ef- - Marshal Count Hisaichi Terau-ch- i, I dont know just how it hap- supreme Japanese ' forts made to renew over 5,000,-used LotelLthenc all (AP) lanff of feet fonheSouthwest penedl 000,000 (B) square about myjwife injthe states and iThenavy transport! Admiral E 7s never had eontrol-o- f the laid wastes hy war; he saldr I never thought anybody could air force, marine transportation W. Eberle set a transport speed BATAVIA- ,- Java, (AP) The take- - her place, but- -1 guess I corps, naval men und 30,000 oth-record for aPacific redeployIndonesian governor of western was in Austialia 'oo long er Japanese troops in the Philipment trip by sailing from- - Na- I Java asked British the It command would be I all thought pines. Los Angeles In goya, Japan,-t- o -- Asked whetherhe we left there, but today Jo halt military action at over-wh- en ordered Bandoeng, and was told that .it was worse. When I got to 14 of atrocities, Yamashita muscu- - Nationalist forces must evacuate gestured with residential area north of the lar hands and replied through his j the East-We- st F E R S S H EA interpreter. 'No, absolutely not , tomorrow: Railway line by noon- . O HsfREiHfrinc t AP) The ; : CHUNGKING (Further, Yamashita -insisted. a-? In the of a tense. - Chinese -govemjnenf admitted he had determined that- Manil- situation in midst the sumrnorcapitfil ftadcfensible and had ordered 4 the wa& M loss Important the todays ! Salt Lake Rnierod th ftl approach-.Ynashl- ta he Javanese pottoffic governor his traps out last December. Sets southern .HonCi province high-Citf at aecond flaw mat tar according 10 be-- contended it was ed British headquarters in Ban- - Act of Conrrcaa March ) 1871 way eenterOf Feisiang .to ofa AATES an SUBSCRIPTION white under Shipment Just flag, Japanese navy troops that re- doeng tieging Communists, Ona 1100 Moofb said. Si 18 40 Received! T Montha tPald tn advanca) But Nationalists, meanwhile mained there, although he didn't ficial British statement v allied 110 M Earlier, strong patrols Ona Taar tPaid tn advance ktiow of it at the time, and that reportedly began (Tba abort rate applt to Otab arut he himself never at any time had been ordered out in Ban- Idaho 4 landings at the captured i and Arison herada. $6.50 to Wyomlm even had his headquarters in the doeng, about J5 miles southeast tdd 88 renj par montlt bandting seaport of Hulutao. Indo- - rmatag charges to of Batavia, disperse the described by Felsiang. SHANGHAI-(AP- ) 'oT r n. -- a e, ark-haire- ed O Q fT - II . -- 3 rl lAKIAf Ja Tl Of ITIPs I uff. noth-Irig'ih- d -- they-were.-t- ar J Indonesians Told coro-tnand- er V ToIvacuateCify Paci-ftcra- j gOhina Reds lake. Rail way Center I w his-lar- Th -- PeiLaridPcncill ' LOVELYJVELOUR. STUDIO COUC- HWhr at a prmium and mor slrapuig accomthis sol th prob Uni. Covrd In xtra havy grad vlour far good look. Full spring conrtnretion4or comfort long-delay- ed $35' Man-churi- All - Supreme t the cltym one area of which gurgents main objectives, fell ing, the Philippine con- -. some 60.000 former civilian inhis counsels denied three-montCourt h siege iftet a ternecs of the Japanese were tribunal In the tention that fpilitary An unconfirmed dispatch Commercial was illegal and that Philippine the Chungking courts Bhould take jurisdicDaily News said government civil eu landing al tion. . forces Yamashita said the first Hulutao- - recently occupied - by Manila civilians had been government troops after evacu-- knew was upon receipt of mistreated The forces. Communist of ation forwarded via protest whether Spains not say report did: Tokyo on the killing of its naS. transports were used. him An American military leader, tionals. The protest reached com-- r in April and.he asked the Shlm-b- u Majr Gen. 'KellerS,Rockey, Army Corps in Manila for an Marines in mander of U. North China, was quoted by the investigation. other witness, Shlgemasa Shanghai Central Newr a former Japanese Diet spondent as taking a grave view Sunada, Yamaof the situation in North China. member, testifiedto thathis let shita had refused troops Rockey aaid that the marines celebrate the fall of Singapore ara not contemplating any dras-had - held memorial ' measures against the Com--- - but instead the- dead andhad y for" services munists who daily are attack-- tj erected a monument to the fallen I line between rail the ing and - Chinwangtao, but enemy. eontinue-to-b- eprotected. The railroad is the only sup-pl- y in marines line for 50,000 i naa-sxari- h. V , - fr other atatca add FOnYOURCOMIEm SALT Favoritism ProBelsked WASHINGTON - JAP) ) Rep. requested Monroney in the house today that the army p. investigate reports of discharge and "air transportation priority FT for professional foot-- i' ball players. Morvrpney said he was shock-t,-e- d by disclosure in the army 5 newspaper, Stars and Stripes, t;-- that 64 members of the AAF- Hawaiian Flyers football team flown home, since Nov. 12 while thousands of combat vet-- 5 erans have been unable to get y transportation. , Only llof the 54, he said, were tt eligible for discharge under the r revised point system, and only X five have 60 or more points; Monroney said he expected the 7. army to make a thorough investi-- f gation to prevent a recurrence J-o- f thts favoritism: ' If the point system is to y L! work, 'Monroney said, it must be handled in a way fair to ali- (D-Ok- la low-poi- nt Sandy City Rideout Mercantile, Draper Stringham Drug, Riverton Faulkner Store, Crescent H. D. Nielson ft Co .7 Hunter Taylorsville Mercantile, Taylorsville Mrs. Millie Wykert, lark H ft E Service ft Grocery,' So. Jordan - We urge that you take full, advantage of the convenience THE STORY OF JESUS By Elite R. Snow -- offered by- - stations-a- s places to pay-jo- ur electric service bills. Look over this list. quite likely i' pay There is station in NOTE: rr 3675 TEA SET or rad fop DOLL CRADLE b1xl 25 with inehes long and fun ptfinriHild nd Vry 995 larg 295 HASSOCKS ROC helpful to yoiL- - Imagine a hlgh finish EASEL LIGHT CO! xzssas a SQUARE HA8SOCK, Pillow Top. 18 Ihches Square 695 v t f I BLACKBOARD purpose blackboard, the reverse side being a target beard for with chalk end darts. Compltle eraser andsef of four darts. ... Double wh 5SS & Attractive wicker cloth, hanp.7 In a- - choice ot pastel shades. Thr.. slits. Small sisa, 23 Inches - & 695 Brightly colored leatherette ear such welcome, ered they're adaptable gifts. Select now while our stock is large. th joy of th gtrl who has chalr for hsr dolly. Maple-- . through the night depository located near the norfh front door of our Salt Lake City Main Street office. UTAH POWER -- DOLL HIGH CHAIR time after closing hours opportunity In modm, optical wUoeuippo4 departs rat. Vry attract plug hoeu. Apply la porton, writo or wiro K E R Folding typ. Vary sturdy hardwood construction Not Ilk illustration Bills of Salt Lake City customers may also be paid at any fin : . JUNIOR PARK CITY ,AREA Coldorwood Store, Hontfer Kamas State Bank, Kamas Tn oddition to th above list ara eight regular company offices maintained In Salt lake City, Sugar House, Bingham, Park City, Coalville, Midvale, Magna, ' and Tooele. ntiT'httf Our fertabl platform rockers is being DISCOUNT. Ideal offered at 20 Christinas gifts some zJUJuOW DAVISCOUNTYAREA T&imBlOjOKSi OOKCRAF. ROCKERS -- hearts of children. Smiths Saving Senter, Centerville Former's State.Bank, Woods Cross . Bountiful State Bank, Bountiful Registered ANDERSON JEWELRY COMPANY Its So. Main. Salt lako tiie Blu AREA Bank, Sand- y- OPTOMETRIST i PLATFORM to gladden . Wanted! a selection aamld SALT LAKE COUNTY your neighborhood that will be Unusually lth de'lghtiul I trembled at Karachi, The Bombay observatory estimated the quake was felt 250 miles to the north. C OPEN Blvd.-Leav- en. The earth shook and buildings The army should jealously guard the system or it will itself dethat " the stroy combat veterans and the public .have In it. Experienced, IS So.-Foll- BOMBAY, India -- 4 TOYLAND AREA East-Brya- One (AP) of the most severe earthquakes of the century, believed center' ed in the Indian Ocean around the Gulf of Oman, jiggled seismographs in many parts of the J. world today. What was described by some as a tidal wave rolled into the . Bombay suburbs of Juhu and Verso va and swept a nurtiber-o- f t fisherfolk out to sea, Bodies of J three women, were recovered. Earth tremors continued' "for three hours. Numerous communities in West India were shak-- LAKE CITY y... Nelsons, 479 South Sth East Stroet Sixth Avenue Drug Co.; 402 Sixth Avo. Success Pharmacy,. 466 East So. Temple Waterloo Pharmacy, 402 East 17th n Drug Co.r 1500 South 15th Pharmacy, 1702 South 11th East Freds Repair Shop,. 867. East 9th South Hawthorne Drug, 1253 Seuth 9th East. Jtratford Market, 1570 Stratford Avenue Hyland Pharmacy, 3291 Highland Driva er Holladay Pharmacy, 4802 Holtaday St. Sooth 2702 State Store, Drug Utah Drug Company, 3298 SouthState 34th Ward Store, 880 West No. Temple. Riverside Drug Co., 880 West 7th South Redwood Food A Prod., 3502 Redwood Utah Power Light Co.r 625 E. 6tho. Quake Rocks Inciia Coast China- - orth ROCK MAPLE BEDROOM GROUP When maple a good looking as this, can be s bought at a price so lowrlt's lime that many Each piece is well dewere refurnished. like. signed, with a "diiferent" touch that you In a soft, honey tone. Four pieces, bed. Chest, . . vanity and bench, only. .. 11 Fei-irpi- : VELOUR STUDIO per atom cent . r c 40 Th, Aoriitt prHa i, aidaalrei ntitled to th oe of ptjbhcatloo at a new dispatch credited to er oof at he wire 'credited In th paper; a1a s irw it new mihltahed herein pacTi nd modation, you Sro5TOPr!Rf-pnnnQp- M UUn 1875 ' -- 7 51-5- 7 16x10, 475 high Msdlum six., 13x10, 21 inchaa high 025 Large sixa 20x12, 29 Inches high . 7 kviHElyblU EAST FIRST SOUTH . . FURHITURE COMPANY - |