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Show 16 THE DESERET NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 28, "1945 TDingham' Five Wards Divided in To Hold Big Victory Meet Utah Stake most One of . the complete and extensive reor- gamzatiorf programs ever car. ried out in a stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints was accomplished Sunday When the live Provo wards of the, Utah Stake were divided , and eight new bishoprics select, ed for the western half of the Provo area r The ward divisions were rati- fied at a special stake conference Sunday afternoon in the Provo Tabernacle, underthe direction of Elder Spencer W. 'Kimball, member of the Council of the Twelve and Joseph F. . Smith, to the patriarch presiding Church. -- The session was conducted by Victor J. Bird, recently sustained as president of the Utah Stake. According to EldetKimbalL the five wards have, had a population of approxi- mately 8000 persons which is considered too large for proper administration and operation and to give the individual members an opportunity to partici-pat- e in "ward act ivi ties." Accord- - ingly-t- he divisions, were made creating opportunities for nearly 1000 additional officers and - l com-bin- ed -- sET VOICE OF VICTORY will emanate from this navy privateer bomber, tomorrow and Wednesday,' Utah communities will hear a stentorian voice thundering from the skies, admonishing them and urging bond purchases before Dec. loud, speakef system of this plane can be heard for 10 miles and Us volumn is equal to 100,000 radio loud speakers. It was used by the navy against the .Japanese as a propaganda weapon. PB-4Y-- e Bonds cap-pel- Ujwll.be on displayirj.. Prp.yp. .r ,, PB-4Y- -2 gone-over-t- -- xnd-VVeb- er anti-aircra- ft ed Congress -- nother Three Executive Places non-defen- se 40-o- tly Morphine Buyer rAwaits Sentence Changing his former plea of Joseph Lapetina, 46, today pleaded guilty in federal court to an indictment charging violation of the act ' He forged a physicians prescription for morphine, he admitted, and obtained the narcotic, at a 8alt Lake drug store. He has served time in California on similar charges. He will be sentenced Dec. 5- Innocent, -- anti-narcot- ic he was faced with a fundamental eonfiiet-which- made him ask to renounce his citizenship after an appeal for a classification as conscientious objector had been denied. He elected to be his own attorney. He told the jury that he had .heerL-university-stud- ent in California and had immediately registered there for selective . service. RLe h.ta.,1 a ke u. A.U a y 1 000 I was taken into, a concenrAlte nd Event tration camp atJa the ntoTanforan the race" tracknnstcad of-iAt Hill Field army, because of the political from farmers and other This instal- pressure who wanted to eliminate HILL FIELD lation played host to almost groups persons of Japanese origin from 1000 visitors Sunday," as Utahns the state. Later I was moved to inclemthe braved area in this The government, which ent weather to attend the open Topaz. way-a- ir too my rights" as a 1 from house which was held me to perform asked citizen, p m. to 5 p m. the supreme obligation of citiThe visitors were permitted to he said. drive their cars on the field and zenship, The jury was told that the sewere directed to a parking area lective service act applied to the near the repair hangar. which had served on defendant an'd all citizens and the that relocation and all other bombing missions with security-measur- es taken during ce Eighth were oil display, - as wellai, the war; had nothing todo with the case on trial. Wina and a ter flying clothing, a life raft, Found Guilty and a bomb, Judge Johnson told -- the de the displays arranged for the fendant that his philosophy and visitors. The Link Trainer, used arguments are not evidence war to teach when he took the stand ln his throughout the blind flying, to pilots was also own defense. demonstrated to those in st As a witness you must stick tendance jn theopf rations hang-- j to.facts remarked ar. but as your own attorney yoiL Music was furnished by the can argue anything you "wish to 708th AAF Band throughout the the "jury. afternoon. a As matter of course7ihe"jury The purpose of the open house in verdict us was to aid in the recruiting of brought the violation of the act by Sumen for the regular army. Re- gihara was not disputed He will cruiting officers .from Salt Lake be sentenced 5. and Ogden were on hand to .angwH"flttgsllsn&anrt glve. out information pamphlets on the regular army. Since the recruiting program In got under way at.OATSC on Under sponsorship of a group Sept-.J7- r-a - total - of- - 371-m- en have been inducted inJtheArroy of local patronslhe Swanee Singers will appear in concert of the United States. Frlday at 8 pm. in the Granite School auditorium, it was High of Woman Found announced Body today by Herbert W. In Car iu Her Garage Urry, who heads the list of sponsors. The body-"said the affair, fea- MUrry Dorothy Johnson, 39, 831 Elgin hiring the male chorus and guest Ave., was found at 6 40 a m. toartists, jwill be a benefit, proday by her husband," Albert R. ceeds to be used to help finance in automo--bile the Johnson, tours for the singers. " family parked In the garage," city .With 32 years of service on police-reportits"recoTd,""the""Swartee"Singers Sgt. R. A. Cahoon, chief of are now under direction of Earl detectives, and Detective John J. Donaldsoi with Virginia TayFerrin, who investigated, said lor Bradford as accompanist. that the woman apparently con.The group won honors at the nected one end of a length of world's fair on Treasure Island garden hose to the exhaust pipe in San Francisco in 1939 when andplaced the other-- ", end it placed third uv a male-chor- us front window-o- f the contesL-Al- so -- tobefeaturedon through car late last night She then Fridays program are Betty Jean started the car and left it Fun Chipman, coloratura soprano, and Merrill Bennion, reader. A nlng, they said Mrs. Johnson had been ill for program of classical, patriotic some time, it was reported. and sacred works will be given. Tickets may' be obtainedat five music stores in Salt Lake: Price Ceilings Daynes Music Co , 47 South Main St ; Beesley Music Co., 70 South On Cut. Up Turkeys For the first time, specific Main St.; Rogerson Music and Co, 261 South State ceiling prices have been estab- Appliance Klng-IrviSt.; Co., 25 East lished for cut-u- p portions of First South St; and Summer-ha- ys turkey, such, as legs, breasts, and Music Co., 17 West First wings, Marion Harding, OPA South St. price specialist, Raid today. - -- The portions must be taken from young Grade A turkeys, he said, adding that consumers should bene fit from t he act io n 1946 because they will now be able to With the municipal election smaller amounts of buy turkey, of the way, political interest selecting the particular portibns out in Salt Lake County already apthey want. The ceilings were set at the pears to be turning to 1946s election request of the turkey industry general Alv county in nrder to move the big supply without undue loss to produc- - clerk, today disclosed that candidates may file petitions from ers. to May- - 30r However; April-2- 0 he noted that inasmuch as May Seven Firms Join In 30 is Memorial Day, the deadline probably will be moved up Bonds Buying County to May 31. The primary election will be held July 9, with the George Morgan, county A- -- tomorrow from 12 to 5. Karnes for three of the wards Voice From Skies have beenfifficiailyjipprQyjEiLb; ar Finance-official- s today adthe ward members concerned. vised the public not to be alarmThey are 1 Park Ward, in the ed in the next few days when of a stentorian voice thunders power plant area made-u- p a portions of the old Provo Third victory loan message from the "and Fourth Wards; and with a skies. population of 600; 2 Lake Tihs voice of victory, adreward, made up of parts of JPion- -. monishing Utahns and urging neer, and Second Wards, populathem to buy more bonds before tion 718; and 3 Smoot Ward, Dec. 8, will emanate from, a population 873, made from pornavy privateer bombtions of the Second and Sixth er, equipped with the power of Wards. Boundaries and popula100,000 radio loud speakers. This tion groups were chosen for the plane and loudspeaker equipment other two new wards but names was used by the nayy for . Jap will be selected later. propaganda.. New bishoprics were named Home stretch promotion ideas for eight of the ten wards In will include Treasure Hunts and the stake jwith no changes being dances throughout the -- state. made in the ProvoThird and War Finance officials left today hur D. to tour the state and organize Sixth'Wards, where-ArtTaylor and Frank T. Gardner the workers to redouble their efwere retained as bishops res- forts. pectively. New bishoprics yvere listed as Co unties in Race ' follows: . Park Ward Gregory E. AusFor Bond Prize tin, bishop; 'Ralph A. Britsch, Although Wayne county first counselor; J. Benson Egan, he has top-i- n second counselor; ward clerk tu the Eighth Victory Loan, be selected. only three other counties Lake G. Marion Hinckley, have sold over 50 per cent Leonard Braithwaite, Grand has jLtheirauotaSv first counselor; Sterling Durrant, attained 73 per cent Tooele second counselor; Frank Goold. hai 53. per. ccnt wardclerk" 53 per cent The tank and Second Ward N. Halvor Mad the two guns sen, bishop; Gerald Stone, first will go to the counties atcounselor; LaMar Scott, second the taining highest percentcounselor; John Spendlove, clerk, age of quota and the one with Maude Spendlove, assistant makings, the. biggest im- -. ward clerk. provement over the last Smoot Ralph B. Ladle, .Msh- drives. The thermometer on the op; Bailey Lindstrom, first counScott building points out selor; Ole C. Anderson, second the" fact that Salt Lake counselor; and Walter Prothero, . ward clerk. -- county today-arrivat 43 Fourth Ward Theodore M. per cent. Kane, Daggett and Duchesne are lagging Taylor, bishop; J. Wallace Boswith less than 10 per cent. well, first counselor; Elton J. Wayne county has been Sumner, second counselor; ward awarded the navy fighter clerk to be selected. -planer butthe other prizes "Pioneer James F. Paramore, not will to be presented bishop; Dale Wall, first counsel communities until or; Merlin Terry, second coun of the end the drive Dec. 8. selor; and William G. Cook. Ward clerks New ward taken from Pioneer Ward W. Frank Killpack, bishops Chester Olsen, first counselor; Leo A. "Taylor," sec(Continued From Page 9) ond counselor; .clerk to be seOPA restrictions are done away. lected. Howard I. .Young, president of New ward taken from Fourth Ward Reuben D. Law, bish- - the Congress and president of the Pi Farrell D. Madsen, - first American Zinc, Lead k Smelting counselor; James :M." MePhie, Go.rSt. Louis, Mo., said new devin base metal second counselor; and Lindsay elopment-work mines had been put aside during B, Anderson, ward clerk. At the special conference ses- the war because production came first. sion Charles D. Sessions was susMr. Young approved of legislatained as president of the high priests quorum with W." Ra.v- -. tion now pending to extend the mond Green and Seymour D. stockpiling act of 1939 which was Gray, counselors, and T. William sponsored by Sen, Elbert D. Jones, secretary. Dr. HaTold T. Thomas of Utah-- .- Christensen and He voiced disapproval of J, Earl Lewis bill backed by administrawere named members of the stake high council, Three va- tive agencies which he believes cancies still remaim in that or- violated a principle deemed important by the industry that ganization. materials stockpiles should be held for purposes of KSL Fills national defense Function of Congress Only .Congress should be al- Radio station KSL today an lowed to direct the release of nounced the appointment purof stockpiles for thre men to executive positions poses, Otherwise they would be with the station. suspended over the head of the Lynn McKinlay, 420 Second industry, he declared. The members of the Ave., has been appointed acting 'program manager; Ted Kimball board of governors of the conwas named supervisor of public gress convened in private sesservice broadcast "and Wayne" sion at TO oclock' (his morning Richards was appointed to hear Julian D. Conover, conprogram finance supervisor. gress secretary, speak on ProbMr. McKinlay, who has been lems Confronting the Mining Inwith the station since 1937, was dustry. Utah members of the western formerly public service broadcast supervisor. Both Mr. Richdivision board of governors are ards and Mr. Kimball are former A. G. Mackenzie, manager, Utah Metal Mine Operatorsed Assn.; E. employes of KSL who were atscTiarged'lrom the serv- H." Snyder, president,-Combinice. Metals Reduction Co., and FjA. Wardlaw Jr., manager. International Smelting and Refining - leaders mthe Arguments Fail To Win Acquittal (Continued From Page 9) la dered by the South High a choir, under the direction of J. Armont Willardson. Chairman Warwick Lamor- Federal Judge Tillman O. eaux statcd,lTtis to our pwn- ..Johnson and a jury today heard U best interest to buy bonds. an able lecture on the American The Wings of Victory airmada Constitution and the Bill of .was viewed by 43,000 Salt Lakers Rights in "that" document"from who purchased over .594,000 In an American-bor- n Japanese citto inspect the izen, George Jiro Sugihara, 24, bonds and stamps interior of "the -- planes, accord- tried for, refusing to report for ing to W. F. Gordon, in charge induction at the relocation camp of the "Airport exhibit. "The at Topaz. airmada sold. $75,000 in E bonds-a- t The- Japanese - AmerlcarT'Said Logan, Norman Salisbury said'. Co. Patrick D. McMurrer, assistof the congress, accompanied Mr. Conover to the meeting. ant secretary Fire Damages Home Spontaneous ignition was given by Battalion Chief A. Ray Ward as the origin of a fire which t Sundays fa Air-For- B-2- 9, 's, T- sight-were-am- the-cou- ry rt,4 on-D- ec, Swanee Singers Concert Friday Of Mrs,-Marga- By Stock Show Raymond C. Wilson, -- New Assignment Given Coir Leslie BrCr Jones" Set ne Attention Turns Electiorf To of--f inerree-- nd build- 20Final rtmoff-slated-for-A- ug out that the election date is set for Nov. 5. name of Ure-Pe- tt and Morris, finance firm was excluded from a recent list of local banking and investment companies that have agreed to purchase $1,600,000 worth of Salt Lake County Cor- poration bonds. A letter-submitt-ed the- to TI1 all slrandod your county commission included but Wands" Ihal " REDMAN an" six"of""the""seven concernsln-volve- d return trips can qWt prompt in the transaction. ings, today-pointe- d service from tuck distant points as New York. Washington. D. C- - Chicago. Kansat City, Denver, Loe Angelee. Seattle. moving Backman, Maw Discuss Geneva-Stee- l Disposal 'I Methods whereby the Utah state department of publicity and industrial development and oth- er local organizations might aid in finding a suitable buyer for the Geneva Steel Plant at Provo, were discussed today when Gus P. Backman, executive secretary, Salt .Lake Chamber of Com- merce, met with Gov. Herbert Dial for Details nEBmra ' Van & Storage Go. ' i" the Holladay Representing Lions Club and business men, D. W. Richards Jr. today appeared before the county commission to ask full-tipeace officer protection in Holladay, enlargement qF county" bridges" and aidnrT decorating the community for Christmas. In making hU request for full, time protection, Mr. Richards pointed out that although deputy sheriffs are assigned to the Holladay area, they are called away many times to meet emergency situations elsewhere in the county. He also suggested that a deputy be given an office in the contemplated Holladay one of the countys postwar projects George Beckstead, deputy, county sheriffs office, said it would be impossible to covasign a deputy to full-tjerage of the Holladay area but assured Mr. Richards that an attempt will be made to keep at. least one deputy there at all fire-sta-,ti- chief a South St., on Forty-eighGwynne Page, eommisisoner .01 roads and bridges. Mr. Richards request for county aid in decorating the area for the Christmas season was refered to Commissioner Page R. and County, Electrician W. Carlquist. Should it be approved, the Lions Club will furnishJhe necessary equipment, the petition said. th John B. Dies in Merrill Canada John B. Merrill, 79, former resident of Lehi, died this morning at Hill Spring. Alberta, Can,, following a brief illness," according to word received ,in Mr. MerriTFwar born in Lincolnshire, Eng , and came to Utah 53 years ago, settling in Lehi. In 1900 he went as a pioneer to Canada where he was engaged In the nursery business; He is survived by Tus widow, Mrs. Isabelle Gibbs Merrill,- Hill i Spring: three- sons, Ma- grath, J. Booth and Donald Merrill, all of Hill Soring: six daughters, Mrs Jezeel Hendrick" son, Salem,' Ore F Mrs. Sarah Merrill Tanner. Edmonton, Can.; Mrs. Gewodoline Merrill-:Tan- : ner, Lethbridge, Can ; Mrs. FloMrs. rence Nielson,- Hill Spring; Lanra,W lghLlPxavoand, Misi. cific Coast Steel Corporation, a Edith Merrill, Hill Spring. Delaware firm,tff do business in ""Also a "Sister, Mrs. Eliza "A; Utah.-- Offices"Tvtlibe"located"in' JamesrSaltLakerja"brother; Fall quarter examination week the Continental Bank Building Fred Merrill, San Francisco, two sisters in England and one in A. A. Critchlow and at the University of Utah opened W.George " Watson, local attorneys; were Australia. today. It will continue through Sat- named as legal representatives in Utah. U. Dean Addresses urday, after which students will for the corporation have a week of vacation. RegisSouth High Girls tration for winter quarter 'classes Study Guild to will begin Dec. 10. Miss Myrtle Austin, dean of Lecture oirDancing --women - Registration Kourswill be-- as of the University of f follows: ton Utah, spoke to a special assem. COPPERTON Copper D to H inclusive, 8 30 to 9 20 Study Guild members will meet bly of South High School girls 10 20 am.; am.; 1 to M, 'tonight, 8 oclock, at the home of today on the subject Things N to Si, 10(30 to 11 30; Sm to Mrs. V. S. Barlow, according to That Mark a Girl as Having the 2 2 10 to A to 1.10 to p m.; Z, C, Mrs. Richard H. Willey, presi- Behavior of an Educated Per3 10 pm. son." dent. Winter quarter classes will be Mrs. Grace Oswald. Bingham, After her address. Miss Austin'. in session for two weeks, then will on Healthful Bene answered questions asked by the speak will close for theChristmas fits of Dancing. group about girls vocations.1 holidays Dec. 22. . Steel Utah Status - ExaminatlonWeck On at University Assignment of Colonel Leslie Jones, commanding officer of the recently inactivated Eastern cVstnct of the Ninth Service Command, to the post of at control division director headquarters was announce today by Major General William E. Shedd, commanding general. ...Colonel Jones. succeeds. Major James O. Rasband Prior" to the colonels assignment as commanding officer of Woman's Face Cut. the Eastern district last May, he served as deputy director of In Tavern Affray the command's security and J. Dellane, 258 Mrs, intelligence division, a position Second Harvey South St., was treated hewas appointed fo--in January for facfTIaceratlons at Salt Lake General Hospital after an altercation at 12.38 a m. yesterday at a tavern on Redwood Road and A tool box, tire, tube and wheel Fifth South St. were stolen from the automobile Mrs. Jellane and her husband. of James R. Bell, 621 East Thirty-tHarvey J." Dellane, got hird South St., while it was into ah argument with the manparked; near 1764"Fourth" East agement of thetavern over the St. last night, according to police price charged them for their or- reports. der, according to police reports. B. C. ret. . vice-presid- First National Bank, resumed his duties as president of the Intermountain Junior Fat Stock Show today, following his reelection at the board meeting Saturday. James A. Hooper was elected vice president and Clem S. Schramm secretary-treasure- r. Kew' members Of the board of trustees are- - Arthur Smith, Salt Lake City; S. M Jorgenson, Sa- linaf Rulon Peterson, Riverdalef Gov. Herbert B. Maw; Charles LaSalv A. Redd, Moab Alonzo Hopkin," Morgan; Dewey Sanford, Delta, gnd E. W. Jenkins, Salt Lake. - ed; did $85 damage to the brick dwelling of Mary McKen-ne- y, 241 Sandberg PL, at 4 54 a.m. yesterday. B. Maw. one-sto- 5. Officers Named Requests Police Protection t STtfGBAM All pepped up over their football teams winning the state B championship, today Bingham high students completed plans for a huge yic-totoschool at the assembly morrow at 12T5 p.m. - The student body will turn en masse to honQr.Jtheirjtcanuwtu.ch beat Park City, 14 to 6, to win the battle Saturday. School officials announced today that Horace T. Godfrey, president of the Jordan board of education, and Coach Ike Armstrong of the.Umversity of Utah will be the guest speakers. Coach Bailey Santistevan will introduce the squad merhbers. Park Citys coach, principal and learn captain have been invited to attend the rally. Chris Apostli, president of the student body, will be in charge of the program and immediately following . the special matinee dance will be. held in the gynrw nasium. This is the thirdyear. times. that Bingham liigh has won the The commission referred " the Coach matter of enlargement of three state grid title under Santistevan. bridges, all otwhieh are located -It is hoped by Bingham school officials that a member of the Company-Get- s Utah State High School Athletic Association will be at the rally to present the championship Records on file in the county clerks office today showed ry PROVO 2 High Holladay Hear WHEN YOU THINK Of- - THINK irmTrmES OF. Sfiyle miecfiir&c (So. BEAUTlrUl CRYSTAL AND MODERN LIGHTING FIXTURES 630 SO. STATE |