Show the newfoundland ne dogs vengeance the american brig cecili cecilia captain symmes on one of her voyages from new york to rio Jn janeiro had on board a splendid pien plen did specimen of the newfoundland breed named napolean hewak he was owned by a seagai seaman named lancaster who WM wa naturally extremely fond of him captain i symmes however was not partial to animals of 0 any kind and had an unaccountable repugnance toa to a do dog 0 o much so indeed as tt it all liis his ancee tor tort had b died io led of hydrophobia and he be dreaded to be bitten like his fortunate unfortunate ur predecessors predecessor this dislike he one day developed in the most unfeeling manner for as napolean had ad several timex entered his stateroom state room and ard by wagging his hig great banner oe of a tail knocked paper and ink off his desk on the next occasion the captain seized a knife and cu cut t half the ibe poor animals tail off the docs dogs do 09 yell brought brou bt his master to ti she the the spot and seeing the cruel cause canse and the ibe author of it he lre lie without a moment lq hesitation fe left captain symmes to the cabin floor with a blow b ow from hig hii eledee hammer bammer nsf fist the result wa was that lancaster wn loit jolt in irons from which however he was soon rele irel irek captain S partly repented the cruel dee deet k on learning that napolean had bad once saved the owners life the ile white shark as all my friends are well aware is one of the very largest 0 of the he species it average over twenty feet and prid I 1 have seen it thirty seven and a half halt feet in length lenth it fa is the fiercest and most formidable of all sharks bu bup a few days elapsed after the catastrophe of poor napolean ere he became the hero of a most thrilling occur ance during the hit bit interval erval the noble beast was not at all backward in exhibiting his hie hi wrath at th captain by low growls when wh en he approached pro ached in vain iain did his master fearful for the I 1 life ife of his dog jog jo essay to check these signs of anges angov captain symme however offered the noble nolle dog dos no further harm hard one morning as the captain was stand standing inc inZ on the bowsprit he lost his footing ad and fell overboard the cecilia then running about ten knots an hour man over boardl captain symmes over oven board was the cry an ani and all rushed to get outtie out the fhe boat as they saw the swimmer striking out for the brig which was at once rounded to and as they felt especially apprehensive on account of the white harks in those waters they regarded his big situation with solicitude B bf the time tine the boat touched the water their worst fears fars were realized forat for fon at some distance beyond the swimmer they beheld bebell advancing upon him hire one of 0 the dreaded monsters a white shark hurry hurry burry men or we shall be foo foa too late lat lav exclaimed the mate that the splash that occasioned this inquiry inqui rv wa wal l caused by the plunge of napolean into the sea the noble animal had bad been watching the cause of the tumult from the bow of the vessel he had bad noticed the fall and the a few moments had vent vented edbis his hig feelings in deep growls as if conscious of the peril of his late enemy and gratified at it his growls however were soon changed into those whines of sympathy which BO so often show the attachment of dog to man when the latter is in danger at lat bat he plunged lir iii it and rapidly making his iris way to the now nearly exhausted captain who aware of his double danger and bein being but a poor swimmer made fainter ant anY and fainter s strokes while his adversary closed rapidly upon him pull boys for dear life was the shout of the he mate as the boat now followed the do dol doi whon huce huze limbs propelled him gallantly to th the rescue slowly the fatigued swimmer made hi ins s way ivay while frequently his head sank in the waves wavea ani and behind him the back of the voracious animal told what fearful progress he be was makin making while lan uan lancaster in the bow of the boat stood with a knife in in his upraised hand hind watch watching ing inZ alternately tik captain and his pursuer and the faithful animal who had saved his own life grgat great god what a swimmer 1 ex exclaimed c tair Tail neI nel the men who marked the speed of the splendid animal aniana the shark will have one or both if it we chont do our best the scene was of short duration ere the ehe boat could overtake the dor dog the enormous enor mons shark sharr had 61 arrived within three oars length of the captain and suddenly turned over 03 on his back bark preparatory to darting on the sinkin dinkin finking man and receiving him dim within his extended jaw jaws the wild shrink r of the captain announced that hit the crises had come but now Napole bli bil wiio wito seemed inspired with increased strength s 1 reng th had bad also arrived and with a fierce howl I 1 leaned leaped upon the teaming mig beily belly of the shark and buried bis big hi teeth i an fn n the mon monsters monster flesh while the boat swiftly neared them I 1 I 1 14 J saved if we are tire half as smart as that that dog is cried the mate as all saw the voracious monster hud deruiz deruig in the sea and smarting fung fing with pain turn urn over again apin the dog do retaining his bis hold bold and ami coming becoming beco le d in the water i at tins this juncture the he boat arrived and ana lanear cr bis his knife in his teeth plunged into the ilie water the captain also had sunk from ti vi ew W y but a few moments elapsed ere the thedo daz groe ron to the he surface and soon after lancaster suh the fhe insensible form of the captain pull them in and give mean me an oar cried tried the for that fellow is preparing for another attack his orders were obeyed and the marine monster was foiled h by v the mafes mares splashing water ia in his hil hi eye as its he came up again and but a afew few gec rec ec ends too late to snap off the captains legg legs while his Ms body was drawn into the boat foiled a second time the shark passed the boat plan clanged plunged ced ged and was seen no more but mt a trace of blood on the stir surface face tace oc of the water a sure token of the severity of his wounds from napolean the doat boat was wa now fullina pulling towards the brig and not many minute e elapsed before the captain was on dec deck k again feeble from his efforts hot able me to appreciate the services of our canine kero bero hern hero il 1 I woul would elve eive a thousand dollars he exclaimed c claimed as he patted the newfoundland who vrho st stood ehod by ni hi 4 side if I 1 cour coull only repair the injury I 1 have done dona to this his bis noble fellow lancaster you are tiow now fully avenged and so is he and a most ven vengeance bance it is though it will be a source of griet to me as long as am s I 1 livel live HEARING PRAYERS THROUGH A crace the following from the tho bangor journal well weli eu hint the quality of some peoples peo plea piea piety t recently a girl came from the country M W this this city to work it in a family that worships in one ow of the tall steeped churches at morning ghyers pt ph dyers ayers the door of 0 tile tiie room in which the family reading of the bible and prayers were had communicating with the kitchen was opened abent about two inches in order the t she sho might have the tha privilege of hearing she sho shut the tha door it was again opened in the sf sr me manner when it was i 1 I 1 indignantly shat the ile next morning the girl requested 1 leave to return home as she was not accustomed to bearing hearing prayers through a crack and she JA ad not care car to become so this little story lin its moral cone conc rone ndel idel arm tr im 4 jal LJ oher ober it 13 sai sal said sald I 1 fiat hsk bak hat a I 1 part pirt ofa 7 9 st 1 aoel E i ties that were chovert a s a ecla twy they bid did id nutria not rot do the thedor work wort of god vu as fa and d to mer fm e T will thay opo abitt WT av will I 1 it no f tre do the A r U lattea faithfully they never have bare time to apos apostal we cannot get our oun reward if we do not work and hold out faful unto the end erid it we fe hakl hasl alot flot done our owr duty and kert lert the tue of 0 god ive we should not 1 ia golato the presence of god we ve should be gin a kracen on earth we should begin it in our own 6 should lave ave peace enof own awn hearts hearty ana ancha a b 1 I 1 i 1 1 walis walls wa I ii to 89 L ko in coelo city and aud 1 i our this territory I 1 have a alios alius alio atys s booe cay I 1 want this liefl lierl peo ile to t 0 be bleb bleh Soland to ree tee fy e the salci and power of every man tb that at 13 s Is a patriarch ovar his hig hi yap vi family camily ana and ibry i lery pry man should be in the faith falth fait falt and spirl enough nouh fl ayn harda ard aad upal his own fanelly fa nilly anit anil bless them wan s cs but timy tiey all stop top duing dolog befaro they ther can naca clata elata this vils kils sing SV V have ilava all kims kini kin 1 la in the church e one inan ili thi work because lit tae the bacan facan can do doli dola etter than in the word but dut an all kulil mould receive thea thel thet truth rath fortha dor forthe the truth ht sake AI 0 how haw we ought to reids reide before beff ae go god ff ahat that we h ave 3 at goo I 1 men jllen to t lead ug aa as we xe habe babe bares bavei 1 antl ancl ta build up the langdom of ii 64 G oh 06 ih th e earth tarth ta iipp liels that alisi jad lad a d th tiie e find a H on ot dr ich ith CA 4 in nd T I 1 1 f d u upon unon doa don the atu arth as a icing ion lon as it was bec necess Decess essaT essaw rT an and thos that now trad ns us are gaje er b y ts ge avet a that they merhi were and tn daht dart A that thal bave haVe 14 thi the G ri it ran see it all ail that are ara ar e glae alt wit t egares I 1 i ot of tbt this life or dirk dirt dirtied ned in their thein minds minda 11 1 tiey they th inic ail all al I 1 I 1 are the same alme but sut t cata can sayi bay say wr unto th that atman juan xuan pt pr woman ihli hatwill alu no 1 Preil dency of this church go tp all should pray bow their loees lees aces before gody god th aber pre shall shai no ka 4 olp ahat v at shall shah bow the knee iq prayer tin aln lore bore tha lord vve ive tea Kliers of god we are re not the first flendy buh bul we weare are sent out by the presidency to tea teach eh the people and I 1 would say let the people pepie be lia one arid ardd awill siy sly that there therel will nut any people prosper who do hot bot upholds thad thae whom god hla has set to pres preb pressile tle ile over them I 1 da do nat not at against my iny brethren or of their families if lri I 1 do sae seb sed any thing thins that does not exactly suit salt me met ir t hold mt ray tonga tonsa aad and leave it in the hands of gody god tind not aspea evil of t rcy rny 4 n nel nei gbur g 1 I 1 thomi s DI B larsh apostatized from hat bit 4 a pint I 1 of strip j pings ping ud and we w e alf alt be cahour we do not le iet let q go siau sm ail ali a thany on overthrow us bit we wa watch r and aud an 4 pray fay leit lead we fre eor into temptation I 1 I 1 pray kiil the e ltd 1 U ai bilye fa 0 f j arlt r that we may ba be ito led to and Jb A n his ls kingdom f ir christy sake anen aner armer aroen j H the people again agala assembled at Al clock ciocu 3 by player prayer ly by elder E H 1 11 kelser keiser liels r eider elder tr rb T ap it and 6 id I 1 I 1 teer feet desp ased too oc cupy a hitie little tige time time in 1 n tp eaton t you this after I 1 will take tor for A of i the I ord yer 1 t th y kin come 4 pd ard and thy tbt will wll be done onar tat tal it ls ts dona donn n hea hta heaver heaven q f we 4 bare hare be e en anih 11 au taht ih jos jas los tube kube parm from our coq the ns fa ersI but neither larent parents beor shor llor bald f meaning 1 ning i of 0 those wards made use ol 01 in n taught his disciples fo 10 up kather father in to heaven there is no nn iny ply mind but postles had mad a correct dea iea lea 04 of what it ti to lf of gody Godi god forthe awer by the abe GB grut al chool hool hooi i eve nJma blui bluS seit silt the ibe thin sot adf of ilie lile kingdom of gody godi god who would teach correct and anil for teach in ardd arid vry IS it cost both bab jesus Ilves lives I 1 1 I 1 tb the apo etlea jesus jesua if it liewald rr h at j this time tbt th e 1 kinz kluz kingdom kins dom to tois toia rahi raif but 1 sas lk ibea that it was nat not fiven given liven to 0 o them them to lna t nop noy tili thi times ni AA sea gea gut get ch t h e vatar 1 I bao had reserve unto 1 aimse t 19 be rei rel reverted revealed bated iii 1 n tta tte laist brics many Man I 1 otus of ofus W wb ah tie eie lre phd lowi alteri eL eles teri terl r f 1 e i kingdom of god onia agal 1 olif nira nina derti derri e concerning that kin kingdom 0 at ath e commence me this ibis generation an A p the spess af G ol 01 was revealed or ha ma s amp tort f or jmj nother er var words the fullness of we the gospel giren siren bordan on earth nou inbur day r iti itt ili i ii j v our minds vr r or ima tp evl gr ili III s p tur fur burps and rl apa uon uan uis vii when I 1 j ajl by uie ute spir or god grod we coul ee e T g ot the the tha scriptures scrip tures what it took to esq la in ancient alays andee anid auld iha ani mun amun mn m m mb G ana ina orus acte we ted led to upon the Lord foh for fok doali to comel and tind that we we might live it to ben telila bet lav A f us ris did rewires rem rew ivea irea 1 pro ra 1 irise lais and testimony fa im thid q that dc dur dus prayers prayers should be answered iad a nd tew atia t veto we to see sec the kingdom of God established apin ahe the martji lilii ings gifts ard and and ara zees graces batye W tid lid in ingli iiii al w way was av I 1 believe that thai nave nare lial had their a moved upon by the hols koly ilot t dig dir fig hrit frit I 1 emford tiie tiye the tho ki kius king ja dom ct of god when W hen it gner Y Q lioan P carpl carmi eara eata ile lie waldi god h as pra pre ej oula ishael ih iti sti ip last last lost dayss das day which promises were ver e made rade Uy oui our tp the apostles and dut cut the biord or ul these I 1 blessings be 4 ar tile llie house bouse s af qt I 1 ysrael israel r ael ao 10 aliese shingi ardro fod for or imo imn dro Y ital n we ire havel ived ired tare e ceWe aj ago er 0 nur our 6 prayer prayers sf we vve haw hao h ave lived 11 ved to 1 sil dif er rom Q d full tall ledl qed weilia ve lived to see the tile hing of come 1 e it t t Is se set see up upon on 1 I i y tf r the earth to be e thrown down 09 rig jmj forever it Is Is given unto the children 1 aldr A oi of ran renwith men with will il al ilg jig its difo gifts ji graceg graces blessings ordinance mentis priesthood keys and wl t a and aal liffets ejects which tha ui up scene beno an the i comi ngat h i n M syu ryu N T r i i 1 0 o this ta thay ana imp even f wera prest erest pra bi the to tohonie cotus conie conle iri I 1 1 10 1 0 1 dd fa sow now brethren thren three thit this part of our prayers prayer ls alj fc of fg god lanc tiac list aei it ltv e A sou of w md 14 J 11 1 1 abea be acu li the ot of th tt eilt t ta k no I 1 it Is lp the he gospel and an d p es d 1 an I 1 v il ae ben gathered ather abber ir from any I 1 t ns u se everlasting jill I 1 S f fr ir lw up P ond part pa ft of ou our r P pray r lye iye ernd r text Is su heaven li eaven eiven the will of god goil Is tl done in heaven hehen he wen hen mosi most bow to I 1 n iii lil Is will wiil all keep tep teb tcp lis ills liis its all obey his bis I 1 counsel all are arc of one harn hann hart h ant art and mind all ajl te afi vit without ai qui nufa api mra dra all III they mir p ps assess ess unto the lord and are willing that the lord flolid houll hold hoid the tile les of and guti control all that the |