Show OUR CUE correspondence amt elden Ws iss cloy slob VAT LG i om 4 alt k IC OF mcle mole si sasi S exl mil 1 nley 1 lon loe TUIS culs THAW yead aylon aylos ac C 01 OI T gis lait 31 P 1 ruxton SUITOR or THE N aws pear year ift As As you and yoot are aro already taw law that tha t fiert fieri thu ciji klig july 8 1851 ot of alyd general affairs at of the church la in st states and to su an intend them alkalis of oni eari eart eartless fest lest to ruit tilt it my nty fa A sr nl ad tp to the the saints glints ot of the tha condition and whereabouts re ibbots emigration I 1 would preface abrath had a pleas I 1 trip over the plain last int itt company com gny ath bliler eldr orson spencer Spen cerind and others eari cari ring ying with ae the united states mail mall for meek mcgraw co I 1 tor for or which artlee i hes hey have as yet eul etl iv vin vrn tie ther then prom j ts itce lice the contrary tont 1 I 11 i e reached r e iced st ge louls the weather aws casts cess ivel lyel y shot hot and sl kitei ily lly parc parched h e d up I 1 I 1 palled called t special clai 6 the ath of Ko november vember rember ad 1 aj esti k V ba zigh i at and tad qa ordained residency resi resl dency cp ac ar fur inal full a bull report ot of which I 1 refer your readers lothe the fist io lip ot 11 aop JOP 11 about ov omber I 1 commenced th blip i th diw under vry circum I it st inoes inces anees betit has gradually increased alid nd fek aek iet ned ts CU circulation and influence until its tottering p chi adim steps haeb hava ba e been b een superceded superseded super ceded ty by th the e firmer rree rlee and bolder tread of sit 0 d bm anc ana hen nhen I 1 left it in july T ij tast last tit tet its lis I 1 was about about abent i and 4 the abla able management sl eid eld cr 0 5 spencer wha bearge in my absence absence by y ehner eldir jas as g JI ciare t V cyst st its circulation will be greatly extended and its blows maws tell for w wes wea T saint aint and sin sinner hier fier J 1 I 1 1 I iett left sipro 09 gp ve e wit ith a light grit carriage gia ana tour moles mules in company tty ity with wilh ith emall ali ail all lynx aug ae 3 party co misted consisted ot of t tap twp pw pew it eludes which I 1 shall call f I 1 veen pl wes coaches nor or wt agon ans oe one was named im Brig haul bara oung young anchet ari arl other othen fact each dhati diati ay iy by 6 mules besides the vas one wilh with eacil each leam team x to whip whig tip up 1 aney ey were ere heavily laden but by feeding on buckskin bucks do oath ioa th andi and curbes curses dealt out they succeeded in reaching nig dig blue blua attha usual time at which thich station they ther puma pupa part enough anoush aai aal baals Is fot for a shange change and tadas gio glo 11 pour poor cond condition j pushed rushed on to kearney Kear nev arri arrived vedon on afternoon of mth wa met the sait gait late mall mail sor tor july on little littie blue aug auga feyad 12 day days A at devils bevils gate for or an esq esc from Lara Larain le and ard hen then wn went nt forward and met tha the escort about deer creek this mail mall would reach teach independence I 1 gon pen dince dence a about b aa the middle of J august ll t ij party ty some broken down mules them anden andon reaching kearney took the balance tt of t the mules which they had bad driven dov dot do ti and nned arned teem them ajalon towards laramie Lar anile which place they reached rea c ea through g il increased whipping and curs curses ua iii ns on the hi left let l ret et 0 one ne laule nule on the way wat arld with dM cully raised a dogtrot ifould say that we dozot b ny F lort fort ram 1 icar kearney which accounts tot fot the good time lime madi party the former practice has been to debald the t ney i ti i 1 06 tie tle nf then efad efat teab ii an escort is as to meet near ash hollow the t down coming IT mall mail ath ake a uke escort irom from laramie Lar amaie arale I 1 I 1 1 thia this i liine e wg we ml t capt r etchum wilb the e doan 0 un ea comins coming t I 1 n rock pock on tie tip the morning and on the NEXT dar D V some SO miles below met the down going rca ali all 6 up to overtake oren oven tale nako thee escort cont conn cort which had haa started two to days ahead of them on reaching laramie laralle Lar amie amle mr G alky conductor of our bur ur party wa was informed inform ed sd tl at a rahe ieti jety T of 1 wll wil 1 capt ke ecart 1 I I 1 there thene therefore fort lorl out to ti overt overla atte alte ae a 3 8 1 t irttie little ahead abeal and ind adris cd the conduct conducts og to tb follow wh which ne no prom prompt isad pd to to dont dar day f e 1 I i bit vit I 1 traveled with the ox train un the night of the mb and lio ito mil mail party yet so I 1 lef ulde elda the th unter ford on ou piatt platt platte yr and aad ta arric d lre nere cere irlas llie aa dight night of or the aut ut uit Wh wather ther capt ketchum las yet returned with his is e cort ort I 1 have nut nat learned learne learnt 1 on Ouen emigration graton gralon frem from rump lump Is cop aop has been tn unusually usually large doin d 11 doln duin ein rin the last season peason may bay ni ly of whom are obliged in st loul louls and along tho tnt frontiers and others olbers in new hew y T rk ric ab ad ans amireau plazi amir naU nall the crossing ule uie plains may perhaps pa e less eian fian that of ome wine drevlow pr evlo evio years 1 the tie place plaze s lecter tron felid avous and out outfitting outwitting fitting for the we Fg mornion Mermon grove 1 it ios IUs is wv bup but paled with gs and ana revue ri vue for family ran faa ilyus us situated in ill the tiie middle of ot a h aih h undulating 6 0 miles milts wet of theft tle ile tie 1 I reat bril of the ral sotira riven river aalf way between weston and st ph 30 miles north we leant a worth and 11 2 mills eastok mail null road the landan iani lani ling lins g nearest the 1 la is elc escrib tent lint tint ani a mind eind prat pral pralle prams le ri road roid did frum frym the levee revee evea breet to the anel 4 1 new and ind MI tl two call cail 1 atckison Is spring tpring in m at that point th rasa axi ani abil growth of which is mainly miny tei ted to our ww ernig emig raf rat radon lon ion la latr r in the sea iwasa G rk our oun 1 il nier raer chans chani hale halo been beed aea attra cid d tand cde ade t hat that a an ting point fr for al all their late trams I 1 c xau ulu ned from L 1 louis to that p ii arii and e i nuel to filp ship them as they arria it mill july jay eight comp companies antes autes have been beci organize d ant attel out ont my superintendence and are now 0 on their way ay froin mormon grove to this yda tda pins lists of all ail but bat the sti str ah I 1 haahn to thos B bollock they IB in ali ail according to the tha of tb tha the p com corn panli p antes tv tr iho ibo thousand usand and sandfort forty s nix rix im persons perso nf three hulid linn lynndred dred red and ani foite fotr rot roi r wagons ani and arri ef hundred an ani I 1 sixty stave g vun vin n hiyi 1 three hubb hufi hundred dred and andorthy jorty one cows an I 1 young stock aaa soc ninety aw borses borges nl tal caules twenty fourno toan i loss 6 f fi urh ir hun bun bundred hundred unfired dred ered and thirty guns guas and pistols and f fourteen huida d and ana sity pounds of ammunition thy hoart doc doe ds not embri embrace thop thos tho families fau fan ies les and aid teamster tea n iwho ani ari are ane with alth trains agns which il ilo 4 or ot in atole a been supplied from our 4 8 ath tb amft andal abdat at t compa company ilo qt f pr rii 10 p asset lier tier e t tn are tre 0 eader mio indris and c I 1 aslet d by kia ela S 1 fullmer and israel bartot ei an aug ard 3rd and eider elder adsett and m sel sei pa q ihra 11 thra 19 gr 1 miles out at 1 f i J the tike ath company church train allred ailred left lert left tem em 20 miles outon of the itil etli r tho the tho ath company 1 3 T passengers jeal tene captain thries barles i arpe k iett lett S asi anae b rea rca q Masted 0 w will wiil ath r i nion CL fh bill lh na pac the ath company capt ja pi lert ao broye juia ji ithe abd them at the upp erFord of plat piat platte te on the fhe oe tae jae 2 1 t L tf 14 ina lyod feird fc ird ballantyne assisted ty by elders eiders glo gio giwer att iti and andl gadmer Gad mir itt left the crove prove alro tro e july suly 3rd ard aad ive h e overtook them thel n th ride bide hof hot of and journeyed with them co to wl er creet creed were pere jr we left them orl on the eherd capt S clr mir 30 out 14 9 it 69 89 4 mes mex or chaiem cheera wo 1 r eth rth they w ere ene a Jiu ilu ildred wed annles i 4 lk ies les out 0 or r tun iun tarea er e dap rit sent tit from the grote find this thi we B e 4 mit wit L I 1 I 1 1 p 29 I 1 41 N the and 2nd company mp any orga iced jao w who hd dulia of cholera on little blue leaving N T guart h 61 pc jett flier Grove june latt aj etien atten the ali wil obad aut angi A wilh xinh zil xin iii 3 k 4 M it ri I 1 company we ff a passed them on th the lver weer aug U I 1 iam lam am haip hipp happy ko a teal leat lear obia leko say thai that h ail all athe ithe companies ra paules were in health beaith and aud bo tasking ging ving prosperously ousby and anil harmoniously siy and their stock doln doing well we ln met mel e alst most of the rel rei if teams it 6 agi on 7 t teer aper 0 per i Wll gil lUd iud iod id frain train of or arch lie was wag A about to t sta arting irom hein bein T t heln we left tib their 11 t ekl eki a we ite passed w n 11 mae nae ar ray 1 ola pig piato To the thel loth SOth I 1 ii i 1 8 i tl ff tl it braf r t I 1 iless rs ding Ling ton toB d co k u ail iseo on muddy creek 43 45 miles oia oja 14 he r Y 44 rold beyond BT clusta Cl unta unna urtA the tte gui guk f r we passed 66 iralia going to afro 4 W ae ogilva the sioux vergy verdy 11 aff the road a feidt the lahs aba ado alard aWard Guerri guerriera ers saw a fika pawnees on I littie little bilue the Cheye were areu at r gecels auni anni atles raw paw 4 iw uw fat t plait bridge fridge traders all aling the road wen wera badly and ald ali ail lall all from below we removing to japal 01 t to to the tle aa ad nd those above nta ins to toom TOOT 4 e do down aown iii lii 1 llen fien hen t tue next wt e escort co I 1 cam vp 11 a kiy ply kern kerr and ot otherl heri herl hoa voa wee bec ve top stop slop pin A t S macea vo the escort 1 severt compan companies comp antes ies fea of 0 5 ot infantry fantry ln and 3 2 d df Drao drapans dragoons ons ans gre vre T yra a ia foras roris rora foris fity da di s cam pal pais pals D nand ind atou atoa lt t esima um at va it was understood that the would ba be directed towa towards dds the bourl where chera mhd auk ant m were f roop lip u 1 a 3 1 1 1 to he gathering i the agent frem laramie had cri crl in n I 1 A a anah 13 ayra avra aye ave a talk taik and aal hecei reache ethel e fw thel n iti but bui hey id I 1 ue not cl an and alb ull nil mold told a not pot ot T ba tri a wa cigal general liar II irly ariy y who B ho was tr fezou ou allond nir Vir littard atilid leie lebe itte tite nal nai annl this tills sy ade til tile I 1 af j water ss irm and 1 l A adf ads f T i of S ailbe 17 1 S cearto De anro arto 11 t I 1 ll j i W r T 4 B 1 f permit ma 1 ao to hall ball rou yen by repress I 1 j keys of r ariar aner 3 ears earb truly ay iy does my ii Y heart 6 ar t rejoice bejou i in to f em 0 4 te t pat pa a heill and s self seit wita alta with the third of emigration beau ja I 1 tirui firul danks banks of 01 tm this crystal sona song cusee to see you lii lly I 1 avith with v ith irly toy brethren whom I 1 loy lor lovy 4 tn fit the fie tie alesh flesh shat a well ato a to enjoy the endearments of my dear I 1 wuen when 1 I left only for lh e ajr syr 0 ke o 11 1 too numerous are lre ire lae 4 enli enle ent tah winch P 1 h avagay bashbo fates td ekpo portray Ht preset b hope t anre ully at ane atura pernod 6 to jude june 22 I as appointed to tato jabo ta karge barge of alt ah xh he at saint tF then clevi bleat gaii OA inin inan V care qs stair taboa tabo ebely emely afflicts afflict 4 and br bis dad and dyff dytoh 1111 ved hed 1 0 their ranks with 21 pir tari tali at t e as dho dug donatin fo nacin farmr at t grove grovef prepared by the hand band of 0 our much respected brother I 1 for the n m Is ta as 11 a acom t P W acca zoe toe a pt I fector t ari arl and ane corn coin pany pan aj cwi as ms 1 1 I in lod low double feast featt to tn rheet i beet dil ani aal 1 pr prial tal kal lat 0 prepared gm d auer uner I 1 the 1 bri erint erinn TX his hla hia 8 ca ala vla pa for f or g catherin ga a therin ting israeli israels masy many many were any reflection reflections when I 1 1001 tool the parting parties hand hana r ba diab ssi who nho have tood arm firm in Ifor mormonism monism id ia early varly yi ars arg yven the artillery of 4 salan salaa ta feel 0 the foundation of mormonism but lut alas alai in van vrin and no now w race a TroiS hafa fafa brad thereof I 1 faed oil the e alp alu ad 1 beheld those i to bave bare I 1 faced having borne borde i fAlih ful 1 1 0 r alch sobie omae han hafe haft in this enlightened age ago fuffered guff tuff ered lav have I 1 esar tb r hire birt end and are re on home with alth with m joy jv that bunted worthy tot 84 giefer sitter hs this lor for jor ibe the swart san swa pt ans e k having taken the dirting handi handiest handl hand left eft with fite brethren ta tytha uia arr yh fc afflicted 1 illic ted cato calup p caming the grav gravee graver ep f rom ew io to three thred ree rea rans n each loudly ot of their drui gate late ate reached Ite ached camp pm nex next nest t 3 t all night aej dmd louia alent about fob dob do b d I 1 zei zel ceu CPI ani aad 25 1 n i ck csc get gat t aluag v I 1 ason wes wea elder elde blair biair to bom fow a ol 01 the he aa as i 1 tr turned neap I 1 saw oma ome ova a ta nyan nian a P stagg cr and fan t T I 1 rao ran iu aidi and laid fiands n hn liim and ia ile lia 13 t 1 anig 6 ie in anz ith the finst first 41 of the choi chol chaer ch oer era teter I 1 ter witnessed caused iny moy roy 1 I heart d a r t y pain a i and w y sh should oui d tk d empy e r L lave have a ve y 4 destroy thel of the be gathering saints sint Sl nt T the acet ean vj 4 uter soma foma arrage arrangements ments j ila camp f docen faba alery and thia this iw eve satan not b bang beng ren attacked nty iny person with cholera but a dose areef of oil ani and through the messing blessings i if the priest te t 0 bath death att alt aI tHough llou ilou eldr ead wao vao has uis ten ter ad vomited and cramped cramp td i I 1 arm art apy to t ay a Y i ON N I 1 n ti t 0 prine liine pi p ind ine i n is q 4 death ea th soon roon lef lei t air calp caia alli iiii 7 e hava siaa ao haai hat han 1 ora dra ota cass cas ca s ct cf ra na sels asels peace and prevailed and andt am happy to salty awre a not not ana t t a worst people lt vi the world r as seery svery jo i because be causs 0 f the terrible dronfo 1 am t tou ij b by lg mountaineers its alts ts equal pear was found round b hered herec ere erd X can highly recommend Sem inoes cut ofru off which Is the lett left 1 fl hand road about 6 miles ebli thia this side of 6 springs and as eva 1 b hereafter awill 1 wilt i gile ve the waler nater leg lug g places first about ohe oae one j mile a sulphur r crew crea in anaf d so some me grass but dot oot a desirable place tp trl camp cap fiva nie ale to atna benall 11 a stream and aw tolerable good drass grase then thena 6 rollee to a spring and some grass right ot of road 12 miles water ar alej atal aill adel astuti ab ruti tuti mues to old liand pas tb ro adare adart ally hut but butruch much letter jetter than to cross the deella backmo I 1 ty oy thi the M ili ill iii nl na I 1 uninformed an 1 Informed ad tili olvat t strawberry ot j beir deir c crees nel rel 1 an and 7 other er screams deais zenis 1 a are 1 re drle dried 4 and 44 ri ii wr for fon |