Show onti nad nud d from pare pape isa PICTURES FROM THE battlefields THE RUSS russian dussias ian ran SOLDIER sondi EIt elt ile jie is a sulky sullen stupid lookin fellow with a pa pale leblue bine blue companion like that produced by ahat tbt th doctors call wie hie of of 1 silver I in cases of disease poor wretch he looks like a 4 felon for ha lie has been treated all bia life ilfe aan hound bound ile he has a short hort straight nose the tile no tails of which ar turned outwards and seem like two small holes holm in his face ace ile he has ittle letle round eyes but ile he isi atoo too stupid by ill treat ment to have any expression in a them though lie he ia is in the tle first flush of youth ond strength his hair beir ilof a ruty bay bly or redish brown it does not dare to curl or wave and sticks slicks out in points and notches as though in despair of doing right turn which way it ni M 1 ile he is a square built powerful man but ho be is listle listie silent ei ent and awkward ile he appears susceptible cep tible of neither pain or pleasure to bave have no ng respect or love for himself ile he seems to have neither reason or instinct he ile is a machine ready to obey a touch of the impelling rod or to have something within him which bears hears and acts at the hoarse shout eliout cf of command but of hii hit himself he does dos not nothing hint ile he has lias no will wim no energy no pride of craft if you speak to him suddenly F a and takes an attitude of or dewed attention ile ho will not flitsch or stir for a blowout his ins eyes darken aud and his hi thick lips close ile he is dirty in his ills person and haats but net untidy or bt bl for he seems ilau son sou parade god ot oily ully ay knows what thoughts pas jda jd pa a s ills his mind for lor he lie never ut t rs any auy flu liu appears profoundly pressed w ith y his ow awu alid and inferiority to every one who weirs wears a good co coitano coi cot A taud tand and hud lie bows down abjectly beffie a bitof bitof gold ece lee and A sword whoever wears them ha ile has no soldierly love of pleasure ile he lovis drink indeed and he will sit silently i soaking raw us loi lot g as he can cali get any brt buitt the llie liquor hai haw ha no ito bruitt bri url ning effect en him he ilg is as impassive in it his cups us when sober HB he may way ina rna drink himself blind deat deit less les but lie lle w cannot sirick gay guy if an told him to walk down at precipice or drink a glass of speedy po poison ion lon tile the idea ot of remonstrance or disobedience ce would never dever occur to film him ile he would mould A ouid do either as merely a part of ills his allotted t bk ak in life he the fur which he was born ile he has ben told that the tiie french and Eli ell english glish are impious heretics a sort of plausible de devils vilsin in human shape lie he belue belie balides bolides es it devoutly for he has no reasoning powers no llo ile he believes thai that lie he will incur divine wrath by holding mm munion mith them that they wiil will poison him if lie he ets eats their foud foid that they will torture of him it he is wounded that their thein medicines are death ill in disguise their benefits a mockery their kindi kindl kindness lets a device of the evil one cue he if e does not tl ink these lings things distinctly and one after the other but such is tile the general confused impression on oil his liis aljet mind his ills clothes are ill made nude and scanty stanty they tiley are so thin that they beem teem beem till hll lut gul cu outside side iside a broad brodd whit band is slang over his ills right shoulder and descends to his hia left hip this sut ains lis nia sword it is not a very gord one tile the mass of ofalie tile tiie russian rus ian lan army arms are of course badly armed arme dirom from the s stern stein of speculation which aits ili in ever indeed the russi in tit soldier hus lias perhaps never dever had a full m mai mal meal al of holesome wholesome food even in fit hs lis lifetime ile he was robbed b before fore lie he was I 1 orn like liis ills father before film him and lie has lias been robbed ever since first by the lle ile lie biron baron and tile the since by every one who has had to co an with him in ili the army he lias has had biad to digest the ilia last lat sub tub 1 essence of robbery for lor iu in russia the commander in chief robs rob the ilia generas te and the tha generals after their degree decee rob the colonels and the colonels rob ilia ille majors and arid the majors rob rot the tho captains and the captain s rob rot the tiie ii lieutenants ants but all rob the tle soldier tg agether ether ither ruma nui rui sla presents perhaps liia the only example in history of a country governed by a military despotism and in which the tile sel sul soldiers diers have been een sue esi lully lert jept in tha the s une state stute of slavery as the rest of the community ni TIM THE RUSSIAN OFFICER he is a trim slim soldierly look ing man not handsome or even good grod looking but ilic nice he ile is shaven to the ext eme erne of neatness his clipped chios bre are faultless the general elegance of liis his exterior is iu disputable indisputable his uniform is 13 well made his hid manners are charming H he has lies none of tile the cold haughty reserve towards civilians which characterizes the austrian icer officer ff if you shake hands with him he cives gives such a courtly yet cordial squeeze that oui oil might foncy foney his hia very wel wei bred soul wag was in ili his ills greable fingers in society ha he is d delightful his conver adion acion positively sparkles les ies with good sayings and alid and is interesting from front its ila g egiy ty profusion of th thi the 6 most apt alit and well told anecdotes his courtesy is is winning to a degree lie he apologizes more readily and grace gracefully fuM for tiia them most trifling diny liny accident ihan than any gentleman in europe bolf feel positively under an obligation to him jilin for having baying inadvertently trodden oil on your toe oi or inserted els his ua elbow jn in your ribs in a crowd ho he is so accomplished a linguist that you would inwardly confess lie he speaks your oil rowil own language guage better than you do yourself lil alt all ill fInni finnigen indeed seem lo 10 come natural and easy to him bim then he is a traveller traveil r he ile speaks with equal about tile the north pole fole and the llie tropics lle lie tells you precisely what you wish to know in a few pungent sentences he ra raises i ses a pic picturing picture turIn lu YO your ur mind of any placa or person a picture of f suc sue such fi gin fin shed nihed anih anit perfect accuracy that time lime will tr try y ili in vain to efface it ile he is certainly not allt alit arary man yet le ile is said to be the author of ona ono of tiie the nusi most remarkable pamphlets of the day arld and his bit information on oil literature is astounding c ile he knows the tile policy and dutile men of every state ill europe thoroughly ile he lies has dined with wilh them and he lie knows more about them than you and 1 I who have lived familiarly with them all our I 1 ves yes tah chii is noi not pretence predence pre tence or r bis his knowledge is perfectly submissive sill sili to good taste it is never brought forward intrusive intrusively iv but it comes at the first lirt call when wanted and it id Is perfectly sound ile he would tell you something new of lord byron or of your own broth brother vr which would put lih character before you in a different light to any in ili which you had bad hitherto considered it from the intricacies and oddities of the tiie lid ild british tish constitution to tile the lastraw last raw theo theories the orie orle ries rles of the newest republicanism in germany slid and the private opinions of rudolph tile the fifty filly second hereditary margrave of Nood leland every thi tili g Is equally ally aily familiar to him film i i lie he has lias riot not the smallest prejudice on oil eject whatever you cannot argue with him it s ideas are so fluent and appear ap so reasonable when uttered that panting dissent toils after them in vain he ile appears to have cons considered dered every scheme schema of government which has liaa ever attracted t lie tire attention of mankind ile he believes that of russia to be the best he ile does not squirrel with you for thin thip thinking kirg differently if you really do fo 0 o every man may enjoy his hia own opinion and he respect yours though he cannot partake ar ke of it such N the dazzling surface of the th character tit ith r ter of may ma y among the higher classes of the tile most roost extraordinary people in ili the world but go deeper an I 1 you shall shi I 1 marvel at the low d depths of its infamy and dis disgrace grage the tha completeness of its rotten rottenness lIess and corruption ile he is an incarnato incarnate falsehood a backbiter with malicious intent a most notable ian lan sian direr tl i ilg he hag hap ha no high and in inspiring creed no soul no latart but ho lie has the jargon jargo u and seem biff of them 33 ile lle he utterly despises and sneers at the honor hollor of women ile he would connive at the shame thame of hn his wire hia his hla his sister ills liis mother or his child for his ills interest or convenience without the smallest scruple ho lie would dishonor the beirth of liis ills kinsman or best benefactor by means which should send him to the galleys galley ile he would eom com mit a burglary unblushingly if it was not likely to bo be brought home to him he ile would elye elle cheat at at play he would dexterously pick the pocket of his liis mistress iiii stress in folding hei het to his breast ile he the wages ways of crime from her lier without a pang lie he would poison her mind till it became mye wye as black as ids lia own ile he would give her aid ald and alid counsel in the tho slow glow murder of her tier husband if it any gala gain were to be got by it I 1 hi ilis philosophy li pure materialism li ha 3 does not believe in fit anything but the present moment ill hi idea of the tha last crowning glory of human ambition Is lo 10 have a year and live at paris whist opera dancers dinners suppers music dancing and wit ills notions of perfect happiness do not go an inch beyond Thou though ghan an unrivalled diplomatist and as clever as brunnow in acquiring popularity and influence under difficulties en cul ties he be secretly votes the whole thing a bore and would be much rather left alone to bobine thine in lili hi own way lie he kno knows 1 ks far too well the nothingness and uncertainty of place and power to covet it very much ile he would rather be a philosophical looker on always it arting iving the last news from tho best sources however lio iio wever and hand in glove with vi ith everybody so that lie he could just pull uha tha strings of political puppets now and then and yik tik tuske ruske them dance for his amusement in other oilier respect respecter Ei ho be would take no more interest in public affairs ihan than the tho marquis of or lord lilburne ile he acts sets upon precisely the same convictions at sebastopol sevastopol Seba as in pars pans ile he covertly laughs at the whole thing lie does not really care two straws about the issue odthe of the struggle except so far aa as it may some day affect his ills social position in europe is as a russian officer for tile tiie rest lie he despises alike as fools those who are fighting with him film or agamet him he lie knows the commencement of the tho bother was a mere inere personal pique between two old men or a political pretext for doing something which was excessively hazardous ile he has fins not a grain of or military enthusiasm but if it a poor or an abs uro man he lie welcomes the war readily enough as it possible means of personal aggrandizement diz ement As for the danler danger lie neither deither thinks dr gir eares cares much about it what is the use of liying if you cannot have a year and end lire in paris the rest is all bosh I 1 ins inn dmn ofru or ficca ricca if ha Is the very model of or a soldier brave amongst the bravest fer ter fertile lie lle of strat stratagem agern ard aid ata ara ia in bention ven ren tion lion 1 indifferent or even proud of sum suf buffering fiering and hardship military oama fama is as the tiie idol of his worship the charms of the most delightful afe lire would not weigh with him a moment against t the het ounce dunce of or a gloriod glo gio riou rlou death a name in it history hist bist ory cry lie ho ia is alike merciful ia in victory undaunted in defeat the tha happiest camaraderie and confidence exists between him and ard his liis superiors or inferiors ha he ii not no gauged gagg ed and co cowed ed like a british sh subaltern and if ha lie thought lie had a bright idea lie would state it to the commander in chief cl lef cef without the smallest hesitation and it would be received without any feeling of impropriety oil on either side lis ils asias has tho tile rare art of blending an easy and use ful familiarity with the tho most perfect respect there is amore cordial and affectionate brotherhood arilon action among french officers than tinn amen amon among ours there is no tuft hunting bunting or toadying t lle tile rich among them ile he is active daring darlng a good forager and a good cook ile he thoroughly enjoys enjoys all that u a enjo enjoyable Abla in a a campaign and knows how to seize selza pasi paso pashing passing irig pleasures a as they fly ile he will put a bottle bottie of win ia in ld lih 3 S pocket and somme some paper cigarettes cigar ci etts join a comrad comrade ci and extract a night of songs bongs and gaiety oat of the dullest guardhouse or tile the bleakest blea kest I 1 bivouac ho he his lins no longings after tat tan and comfort and clean shirts 11 he leo looks upon vla bia bin soldiering aldieri ag as the noblest pursuit in life this is is enough his vanity ii he liv is suret surer suro sure 1 t to 0 fa faw tew few it ardently TOE wee zouave ile ha is a small fine featured man rather loosely put together ile ha has that expression of 0 face which prepares you at once ence for any cool intrepid harmless piece of I 1 say harmless for aigoro among friends he lie is softhearted soft boft hearted as a waman woman perhaps more so ha ile is but full of kindness and devoid of envy ile he will believe of others to tho the full ss as marvellous marcellous marv ellous as lie he relates rel rei ites of himself and give them entire credit for suy auy species of impossible adventure to which they rimy romy I 1 hy y claim his ills mind is at orce shrewd and amii ma gln gin silve alive yet singularly free from suspicion the stupidest trickster might win his faith slid deceive libin and aud do fur lie ha does dons not know what it is to bear eu enduring during malice in spite of hh bli boyish simplicity however lie ho is unmatched lipi in invention aind and resources ile ha would livo live and road live well where ingenuity luge idge nulty would starve ile he would succeed where aud ard aud incarnate would fail he xe is braie brate to ansi fielt to chiva chira chivall chi vain lr unexacting good hu m 1 ored ready to oblige and assist others to a degree 7 that is u s 51 graceful and slid witha ig but lie he must he be humored for he lie lives ilves li ves in himself and if you put him out ite lie h will begin to 0 o adik about abort la soldat francas voyez ril nd bil then nothing in it the ilia is to be done liim lim till he is paci pacified fiet A v word ord however lio iio wever weter will viii pacify him hin I 1 belve beave a single klad gladness kindness ness would touch liis his gerherous geri gert g erous nerous heart mory more anore th than n years of or lits liti is ill a carious durious study but the llie more moro vori yon of arn thi th i raire hou bou izo ill |