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Show , , I 1 ..... ' ') ',.7S:.''R001'''' Britain an C B6INI ealn ' 111 -- , 5 Utah Listed Among 7 Major Grid Elevens Still Unbeciten Ry e r Golf Cup ' iT,, By lumi Newland wtt,., .2 (AP)--PORTLAND,' Ore. ,,.t. America's golfing ,.aupremacy ' Over Britain, at ;least 'tor 194, w , Irif was firmly established, Sunday, the result of a smashing finale , in the famed Ryder Cup Competition. 4173 In the revival of the interENS0EvRe mE Tim, rN national classic after. a ilecade, m oTntldaEy .D . the American professional stars handed. their British links broth-er- a '"111114Z1 the worit beating in the hostory of the event. The score ':., 10.,ft4 to was out of a possible i,;:,,s1.:i Vj",- . 12 tallies in the y .matches. !:The Americans ,completed. the '', rout"Yesterday by winning, seven :, ,,,, ,,,'''. of the eight ggles events in the. :,,,s :k.,z:.'::,..: , .4 ' and Maryland to Duquesne. Michigan will be at home against Indiana, first of three underdog opponents standing in the way of the Wolverines' drive to the Big Ninetitle and a trip to Pasadena. Purdue which blanked 0, Iowa, goes to Minnesota; Iowa to Wisconsin, 29-- 0 conqueror of Northwestern; and Northwestern to Ohio State, which dropped .a 0 decision to Indiana. for other Big Nino tilts. Illinois oteps out of the Big Nine to entertain Western Michigan. Oklahoma goes to Kansas State and Kansas to Nebraska for Big Six games, while elsewhere in the midwest it will be football still had enough names on its list of unbeaten teams to gladden the hearts of the n sponsors of other games. Suet unbeaben - powers as Notre Dame, Tech, Georgia Southern Methodist. Pennsylvania,. Penn State, Virginia and Utah survived last Saturday's grid battles in which the lone departure from the chosen ranks Villanova at Marquette, Santa was made by Texas, squeezed out Clara at Michigan State, Iowa of the group by State at Drake, Miami (Fla.) at 3. SMU, Cincinnati, Tulsa at Oklahoma Georgia Tech, headed toward A. and M. and Wichita at St. the Southeastern Conference Louis. crown and a poasible spot in the Mississippi State, which Sugar Bowl. kept its record spotW-In Its r xrritivt-nosing reviously once- - DUITIPB s ti hooks up with Auburn at Cal as the only major club with and Mississippi, which one. deadlock of the otherwise held third place in that league clean slate. by edging Louisiana State, 20- Michigan turned back Illinois, IS, meets Tennessee in Memphis. 14-- 7, Dame blanked Notre and Georgia invades Florida in anNovi, 27-- 0, to continue their other conference Mut. two-wa- y race for the mythical Duke Steps Out national title, while PennsylDuke remains out of Southern vents subdued Princeton, 26-to entertain Conference and Penn State crushed Colgate, Missouri butplay Washington and to share top honors in the Lee goes to Virginia Tech. Vireast. ginia Military to William and Gold Bears Back North Carolina to North Southern California- - not only Mary. Carolina State and Clemson to 19-but 1Furman for conference dates. whipped Washington. got an added lift toward the PaSouthern Methodist risks its cific Coast title when California. lead in the tough southwest cona week humbled by the Trojans ference against Texas A. and M. earlier, bounced back to hand at College Station, while 6ArkalUCLA's defending champions sas, which tied the Kggies, 21-Their first conference defeat. invades Bice; and Baylor; tripThe list is due ped by Texas Christlan,, for further paring this week visits ,Texas. when Virginia meets PennsylSouthern California entertains vania at Philadelphia in one of Stanford. leaving only UCLA the east's standout games. and Notre Dame still to play, Army, which shook off its loss and Montana, the only other SO Columbia by flattening Wash- Pacific Coast team without 3, goes to conference defeat. invades Idahl ington and Lee, South Bend to take a shot at Washington will be at CaliDame's Notre perfect record in fornia, with UCLA at Oregon the lest game of their popular State. 13-- 7 victor over Stanford, series. and OreerM, which beat Main. at Washington Georgia Tech has an intersec- 34-State for tional date with Navy at Balti- other Pacific Coast bouts. more, while other eastern headwhich its Colorado made Utah, liners send Dartmouth to Colum- !bah victim. 13-entertains bia, Wake Forest to Boston Col- Colorado A. At M.. while other to Holy Cross, Rocky Mountain contests lege. Colgate Princeton to Harvard. Kentucky to Utah State. WW1-- . to West Virginia, Penn State to ming in Tionvor tin,l San Jose to Temple, Rutgers Lafayette State to Brigham Young. post-seaso- 'I t,,, 411 t 'tt twd-cla- Scotchfolispme N,N 7 HEAVER'S FIRST SCORE: Versatile Don S4muel went over Stantnrd's goal tine on the play Saturday for Oregon State's first touchdown as the Beavers won 13-Other -0 Birm-Ingha- By Ralph Roden ChiNEW YORK(AP)--Th- e cago Bears, after a poor start, are very much in the running for Western Division hônors in the National Football League today thanks to the generalship of Sid Luckmaii, star "T" Formation 21 6-- 0. 63-1- 7. wins., 7, (Eicatittud Trom Presetting Page) to the Colorado 35, than Evans passed to Kilpatrick and Zisch to put the pigskin on the ,Ute 23. Zisch leaped high into the air and literally stele the ball out of the arms of the Ute defenders. McEwan, Strobel and Schrepfrman lugged the ban to the Ute three from which point the o over. ot out. Then, from Colorado's.... 39. Parkinson hit can Sandt with a pass down the middle and the Ute and went to the Bison four. The Utes failed to gain on three line plays so Parkinson stepped back and tossed a short one in the end zone to Tally Stevens. Bud Gleave converted for the 'Skins. That NMI the ballgame as.far as the Buffs were 'concerned. They remained dangerous until the end, but a pair of intereepted parses put anillt to determined Colorado drives 45 and that carried to the-lit29 yard lines. On the last and deepest .r.st, Evans passed Delmonice to move the ball from the Colorado 25 to the 43. Then he hit Pixier with a long one to the Vt. 2E. Ace Allen then picked off a pass tossed by fancy Pixler and the 'Skins froze the ball until the final gun. It was a bruising, throughout with the hard' running Schrepferman, Evans, Miller and Reilly maintaining a constant threat for the Buffs. The entire Utah line was out standing against the weightier Buffs, but Leo Priruiter and little Wally Raider, were exceptionally outstanding. Nelson, Parkinson. Allen and Anderson were all outstanding in the Redskin backfield.. The lineups: ' : ' , , e : , kational Foot 6-- all LASIT Team W. L. 5 3 2 Ptltsburah Philadelphia Washtngton 4 2 Boston New York WEAT Team Chicaso Cards Chicago Bears 4 1 4 0 8 W. 5 4 4 3 L. I 2 - Pittsburgh Bears Chicago Los Green Bay 18, 28, Boston 24. Philadelphia 38, Washington Detroit 35. New York 7., Neat ilanday's Garnets Orate Bay at Chicago Beira Boston at LOs Angeles. Philadelphia at New York at Detroit. Cisicago Cardinals Washington at Pittsburgh. 14. - Conference WEST Team - an Premise() Angeles Mileage EAST Team New York Buffalo Brooklyn W. L. 1 8 6 3 5 4 0 10 T. Pct. PP 0 .889 283 1 ,750 314 0 .886, 348 '0 .000 199 W. 7 8 2 I T. Pet. PP S. .778 255 1 .867 228 1 .280 112 1 .125 104 L. 2 3 6 Baltimore 7 Sunday's Bushy Cleveland 38. Buffalo . New York 35c Baltimore 21. Son Pram ism 26. Los Angeles (Only games scheduled). Coming Nov; Nov. Nov. Noe. PA 114 159 162 315 PA 162 216 256 247 - Dakota 20, North Dakota Minnesota 29, Pittsburgh Witronsin 29. Northwestern O. South , hard-foug- , ntest ---te- - - , Colorado !Coelho' .. Brim t .. Spicer ... Simons Creme' ... . . A. - --, ' AIWA,. Scot 61011100 ' - .i - version-01,- ' . , , " sec eubstitutions: . a. ,.. t Ih .... rb lb .. . 0 I Olsen Angeles Nostrum " O. . (II' ..)) 0 0 Wabash rs, Purdue 21. Iowa O. Butler 35, De Pour S. Oklahoma 27, State Hope ColoradoInds. 'Hen- drickaon. Pixie?. Ilse'', Robertson: tic. l Jones; guards, Clapper, king. Nelson Presteresi centerav Jump. . ,,,,i,:,; , Tabling. backs. Cook. Ivens. Miller. . Reilly, Delmonice. VtahInds, Tan Nandi," tackles, adorns. Me ,..,p , 7. S. S. Florida Stifle 'Hobart S. 13. ana "ALWAYS g 465 South Main SIMR O. tah e na turned linkster, T. D. (Spide) Morris putted his way to a 2 and 1 golf win over Dr t Ashley Smith to cop the Fort Douglas championship Sunday. Both fi- nalist s. hampered by soggy the weather, were all even at ' CO. I land Club course, whereas the British shototakers ended 25 strokes Over. The losers. for the most part, . took their defeat- philosophical- ly Captain Cotton, however, wail not in good humor when he de- - scribed the result of his singles match with "I took too many shots around the green." Cotton, incidentally . did not use two alternates, Reg Horns and Eric Green, during the two days, for unannounced reasons,- but seemingly to 'present the eat strength against the AmenDalcans. Horne, Green and Rees will fly to Honolulu Tuday to play in the 00,10 Hawaiian Open, Nov. Cotton, Lees, Adams and Daly will play exhibitions in Vancouver. B. C., and Sookane, Wash., shortly. Daly, Brit-th- e ish open and pro champion, will meet U. S. open titleholder Worsham in Chicago, Nov. 16. Ward leaves for home Nov, 12 and the other nine will sail Ibter. - . , SNEAD U. S. A., def. and 6 y-Ward, Adams-Faulkne- I 5. . U. S. A., def. Hogan-Demar- 2 r, Nelson-Herm- A.. def. an Rees-Kin- g, up. Barron, U. S. 2 and I. , 8-- The gallery of approximately braving squally weather in wind-u- p of the Fairway Derby. saw Britain's team cap- tain and one of her finest play- era. Henry Cotton, tumbled in two defeats. 8000, lop-sid- and M.. 14, Xantueleg '" ? ;',..:.;:;; end of 18 holes. Fort Douglag club officers for 1948 will be electea" ' by mall !with ballots being sent out Nov. I 4 and returned prior to Nov.,11 - '' 1 '1: ' '4'.,. , ,::?; , .4 Y - - ,''" 1.. :: ' .. 44...4':iif- .00- -, ... , ,..,,..i', '" ' ., .,:4;, A.::' i .' . , '4, .! ' ,; . ,:';f .::4:11!.'".,,'.':!,..:' ::.;:z,.': :.,..,:::"-,..7.,'- O. r: i, ,i.:: .., :,;, k, ' :., :,1,..;:,':,:','-f,- .';:',;.so.'',.:,.,-';- V 0OFFICIAL OPEII1C 4 : ,,.:,i.''!:',..:'.: ....A. ';'. :': ,. .....,.... -, lit lk ''Lot . ,. L ,,t i:A::,..;:s.,....,:i , --- i 3 -- However- so oTir-mAI- Fairgrounds Coliseum tonight. USF Takes No. 2 In Bronc,Rivalry STADIUM, FRANCISCO---(INS)T- he WI era now SAN 'cind furnishings shoes two N moldy to sorve.riu quality, smartly styled clothing, et Dundee's Always Low Prices. N , , $ 110 6 . - ( ar , -- PreS tone , - US. ........ 0 0 7 - t t - i ti ) . e 1 cs 4 1) . , - 40214 vtgazEfirsile ..,, 232 Se. Main, 2461 S. L. C. Wash.-111- Ogden 4, 1 v 7- -20 - . , t in our Pew tines of 41p complete Urn-veri- ty of San Francisco whip- I! ped 4ce:2) Remo-wa- it beat Matt Jackson first at the KEZAR Our Hew Store at . ...,,,--;.,..- .::,t HARBORS AMBITION, Remo Polidori, the Tootle middleweight, aspires to fight Paul Perkins for the Intermountain .title in the middleweight - aelass-- 1 11011, FRIDAY, 4':V:::'.;'-'7.;',- ... l'- ::!1 .11,,,, ....,i 1.0DAY0 -- For Ow' 1 ';', their traditional Santa Clara Bronco rivals 20-- yesterday before 35.000 fans at Kezar Stadium in San Francisco. --- ... Only once previously have the- Dons defeated the Broncos rivalry on 1 in ,their twenty-ye. .. the gridiron. 4g,11 , The Dons' rooting section reafter-th. mained in the stadium long , , ; game singing end cheering their victorious football team whose members carried CoachEd McKeever to the rooting sec. . where he was presented Cor. hnd East and Broadway tion with a trophy. Score by periods: ' , ma' Santa Clara ..- .. . .. .0 9 0 0--- 9 1111111111111111111111.11.11.1111111111111.111. IttS Ilatch ...,' .1:';;;,.;':' :;',.&.4,44 '.i..4,'",':'7:::'''s.',' ;.,:::,,,,.4;... :'.';':'.1. :! ,..".i.;r7'.''''..-i7.'..0,''';:;.4":.;;,:,. it;;i:::. I:r111) AD USTED Sit 'RES g, g, '..,4', (11111is 0 four-rou- ,,::,.,.,:,,;,i',,::r,.;,:,,;,,;,:,.,...!,:....4,:, ..:;,a..4. State 011. . ' '';' ',..x."..'r'' t ':''::',;:;:;,1.) ';,;i,E''. ' CAR COMPARE? ed one-pun- ch ;;;;; ;;.i; ''. den i semi-windu- p. ' .10, trirre ' a ' much-ridicul- fancy-steppin- "..:"';';''';;; :' vic- to get hopes i ,.1 1... .7Y4,:.:'t:?.,.',.,- .:',',.: " ' takes on Jimmy Wilson, Seattle, lightweight. This bout is rout!match with Paul Perkins. the ed over eight rounds. Washingiton and his handlers are confi!newly crowned titleholder. In the recent playoff which dent of a victory, since the Poresulted in the Perkins -- Jackie catello colored flash recently' trounced Lyman Holloway of !Burke match and a decision for Burke, the Spokane. who had enjoyed a Tooele athlete was left right out long run of triumphs. ' of the picture. As the setup Preliminary Bouts Chick ,Moriarity, Salt Lake's now appears, Perkins will keep the title some time, unless Pori; veteran welterweight, is on the doll' can dethrone him, since card for a six - round melee Burke broke his arm a few days against Tony Necro, of Ogden. ago and may not be quite 801 This is a match between a fast and clever boxer (Moriarity) and good when he recovers. a determined slugNot Forgetting Matt All of which is leaving Jack- - ger (Necro). Willard Chipman, the 'West son out of the limelight. Matt. AAU a crafty old fistic sharpster, is Jordan favorite. former' capable of messing up the whole star, will engagein Jimmy Pastoria the opener, deal. Jackson, too, desires to of Salt Lake contest. meet Perkins in a titular af- The opening bout' will get unfray and therefore will be shoot- der way at 8:30, it is announced ing'the works tonight, ultra-liPromoter Jim Downing. The by gressive Buddy Washington is the Tickets are on sale at the Mint He ',Cafe. cynosure in the Remo torious, e '''' '5,7:,.,,,; .' ''.; 40 LIPII IT 11 !liner at the Coliseum and, if I ;:do (totiotitci,vol ''....,-.''''''..g!'.- ; 110V DOES 19 '''i': 1', "" - , ,:.:;:4"t .., ,T ! , Phone 3:7644 - . Jo? s - fullSnea- ::,:':: , V a &rid ma is front of pest ces, cotdd pott sop is time ? Better mike estate t! t! t! post brake 1.1 - Solt Lake City, Utah t . . . 4V , d-Mangraum. ,:.',..,,,!;,.:1:-:;'.,,.!'.- :, ), TOSSTOPI N. .:";;; tie 4 44k. 's.'... otra..77 ,..; 441 , TAfES 137 FEET. t -- , ,' , Preebyteriah O. State 21, North Carolina 4.; (Iowa) 20, St, Timmas ,.,,xAT 6. ';' , St. Norbert 13. St. Ambrose 7. T. D. Morris Cops Fort.- - Links Crown SERVICE" CHEVROI-E- T i - ,, Conquers Britoin't Best ..f. 0. Loras 19. , more,"doubting Thomoses'.' ore dtscDverthat Streator service is .finer service. If your car needs attention, drive in where you get: ::;:. p ; Nevada 27, St. Loute-,2San TrInellet) 20, Sanl,Clara IP Louisiana Teeh 9, Southtidst, Louisi- - Washington and Jefferson 21. Cirnegie 13.. , Ing SouthWeet ! , .;.: Sunday Tech. More and 27, 20. tall le, and Mary 31, Wake Fared Iflaw 22. Howard It Johns Hopkins 39. Drexel (I. Alabama IS, Kentucky O. 50, 15ethany 6. 7. Hamilton Muhlertherg 21. Lehigh 14. Stanton 43. Albright O. No doubt about it, Thomas 'STREATOR SERVICE is TOPS!: Monte c New . ; Mississippi Tufts 13. Amherst T. Connecticut 14, Coast Guard O. Massachusetts State 7, Vermont 7 Wet. New Hampshire 65, Northeastern I. Wegner 6, Opals, O. Marshall 39. St. Vincent'. Rhode Island State Me Port Devon 1)70 r,. A. 12. O. Columbia 22, Cornell O. Yale 23, Dartmouth 14. Rutgers 31, Harvard 7. Penn 26, Prinecton 7. Oklahoma A. and M. 26, Temple Bates 9, Bowdoin 7. Maine 33. Colby 6. 13, RP! Lafayette 14. ilyrecuse 7. Penn State 46, Colgate 0. 7, Tennemee College 6. Alma 19. It 32, New Mateo 16, j N. '","' 6, Camp O. Knox 12, Cornell College- 9. Kansas 55. Ka116113 State O. Missouri 47. Nettarska 6. Grinnell. Coe O. Wilberforce 32, Lincoln (MI IL ,Iowa Wesleyan 12. Parsons O. Monmouth 0, Augustan' tIII.1 O. Washington (Mo.) 14, Illinois Normal 13., Adrian 24, Albion 6. Carrol 12, Lake Forest 7. Lawrence 34. Ripon O. Beloit 21. Carleton IL e , , ..,:,, SAM ' Vanderbilt 28. Auburn O. Goorgia Tech 7, Duke North Carolina 20. Tennessee I. Maryland 27, West Virginia O. Virginia 34. Richmond O. VMI 14. Devidson 14 he), Randolph-Maco29, Wathington College O. Tennessee RI, State North arolina College 6. , North Carolina State 91, Chattanooga 13 Anderson -- iI 34, Catawbs State 33. Rockhurst 40. Franklin 6. . ' ,N ' . - , ,,;c: Furman 7. Mississippi Stat 20. Tulane 8 Fairmnnt iPate 111. Concord State )2. Ohio Wesleyan 13, Mt:V.4ton 6. Cntral Michigan 33. Mich lea, Normal EMD01111 N Prinster Peotinsee yobier Tate &bribe: Coloritio, toutbdownlecbreptermam. Conrersion--lis- ch (placement). Utah, tourbdoposPartinsowleo Rafe pan. Parkinson to Stevens, pass. Con- ! , Ir .... re Delmonice ' Raider Is rg., .rt. Pudlik echrepremsn Mermen .1 Tanner --- - . Waren Smith It. P.- , .33, Florida 14, Ritmo la 7. Michigan - . .;:,- SSuth Cincinnati 34, Oh 1' ,. , , er y Bouillon If. 7. MrMurray 21, Austin College O. Arizona State (Tempe) 33, New Meal-e- a A. and M. 12 New Mexico 20. Yens Mines 20 ittel. Hardin-Simmo- 6. Elmhurst .13,111inois College - ht Xavier Dayton-9- (New Mexico) Military Inst. 14. Eactern New Mexico State- Teachers 7. North Texas State Texas State 7. . Browns 'strengthened' their first, place margin in the Western Di16. vision race of the Conference while the New York East Gomm at Army 65. Washingtoa and Lee 7Baltimore Meson (night).. Yankees gained undisputed posBoston College 27. ') Georgetown 9Boreklyn at Cleveland. of the top rung In the Boston D. 26 Fordham 6. 9San Francisco at New York, session eastern sector. 'Brown 20, Holy Cross 19. 9Los Angeles et Buffalo. --- ,, - Remo Polidori tonight w iI I launch his campaign to gain recognition as a contender for the intermountain middleweight boxing championship. The Tooele leather-pushwill battle Matt Jackson in the 10zround head IgettnhOn U. Carson O. Adams State College rd end-arou- - Langston Highlands USC IL, Washington O. California 6. USLA O. cellar-dwelle- Cleveland Los 10. . ' , rs - 17. Americans Far Better American Ryder clippers play- ed much better golf over the In "yesterday's sin- -two, days. gles they finished a total of 264 - A Angeles , 41, Polidori Launches Drive FOOTBAbl;:i CORES For Title- Tiff with Perkins Hampden-Sydne- Eagles Win The Eagles, Philadelphia trounced the Washington nedto 'remain Within a skins, half game of the Stealers. The visiting Eagles scored in every period tG virtually douse Washington's hopes for the eastern championship. In a- game between the cirthe cuit's two Westerii Division ' Detroit Lions 35-7 Win over the rolled to a New York Giants,.defencling eastern half titlist. It was the Lions' in two seasons third victory while the loss Was the visitii4 in Giants' fifth six starts. Meanwhile,' t h e Cleveland -, ... Oliver-Worsha- home crowd of 40,075 roared Occidental 6. Whittier 4. approval as the Cards' Paul Christman outpitched the liame 4 Western Washington College vaunted Bob Waterfield. Christ- 41, Whitwofth- 0. man set up both Card TouchMidwest downs, scored by Elmer .AtipLeague Indiana 7, Ohio State O. man, and Pat Harder accounLed State 13, Marquette 7.. Michigan T. Pct. 111' PA for the remaining three points Illotre Dame 27, Navy O. e .714 11 451 with a Detroit 19, St. Mary; (Ceti 6 field goal. 0 .66 151 130 -- At 10. Mop Wayne 14. Springtteld the Steeters Milwaukee; 0 .333 141 212 Ken. Statd 2. John Carroll 7. I .200 can't from behind a 10-- ii hall 3 113 Bowling Green 26, Finlay 9. It .000 lig 145 time deficit, scored seven points Western Michigan 38, Ill'eatern KenO. period and won out tucky T. Pct. Ple PA in the thir O. Ball State 19. Mancheater I .833 HI 82 in the last when -- Tackle Raipn Kansas State Tchrs 28. Si. Etencdirts 6. 0 .887 lea 138 Calcagni trapped Pacer aerial Oklahoma City 13. Youngvtoirn 19, 0 .667 134 83 Heidelberg 20, Ohio Northern O. -- 0 artist Jack Jacobs sin the end .300 133 15 Toledo le. Baldwin Wallace 6. 0 .286 141 170 zone for p safety. Miami !Ohio) 32, Bradley 27. Oreen Bay 2 Los Angeles 3 2Detroit ' 8 Sundays Results Chicago Cardinals 17, --- . . , kee. d-- s . rd 24-1- , ' , , 14k, - - 1 . follows: 28-2- Standings in No Football ' ,, 'N, I - to! f '8 26-1- , pace-sette- ''';' z,t, 177"MiliM11111,014,TUrrirldin Ben Hogan. who with- 17-1- 0. Johnny Zisch's kick was good and the Buffs went ahead, with lust 40 seconds left in the half. Angeles' Nabs One Neither team developed a drive is the early stages oi the third quarter but then Billy Angelos intercepted one of Tex Reilly's passes and the Redskins drove to the Buff 21 with a pass, Park:. the ineon to Haien sparking thrust. The threat, however, was when erased Reilly intercepted ose of the Utepasses on his own one-foline. Evans then kicked - ' . touchdown Redskins Slip Past Buffs it : , 0.4 ' was-playe- ,,,,:),..: ',,,,,,,;:, :.-- Sunday's Singles E. .J,, Harrison, U. S. A., def. Fred Daly, 5 and 4. ' Lew Worsham, U. S. A., def. James Adams, 3 and 2. -Lew Mangrum, U. S. A., def. ,! The Broils, defending loop and spectacular runs which more Max I Faulkner, 6 and 5. than Offsets the ,three champions, knocked off the 1 Ed Oliver, U. S. A., def. Charles falo Bills, 28-- 7 before 43,167 fans passes pitched Baltimore's by Ward, 4 and 3. in Buffalo 'while the Yankees Bud Schwenk.Sam Snead. U. S. A., def. Hentrimmed the Balti. more Colts, 35- San Francisco increased its ry Cotton, 5 and 4. 21 in the Yankee Stadium. second place western half lead Byron Nelson, U. S. A., def. Art Otto Graham heaved three over Los Angeles by downing the 2 and 1. touchdown passes including one Dons, 6 at Los Angeles. Lees, Jimmy Demaret. U. S. A., def. pitch and run job to Frankie Albert highlighted the Dai Bees. 3 and 2. highlight the Browns' eighth win triumph before 53,726 fans by Sam King, Britain, def. Merin nine starts. The loss dropped throwing four touchdown aerials. man Keiser, 4 and 3. the Bills behind the Yanks. A total of 279,052 fans witness-A- t Scotch- Foursomes New York, Spec Sanders ed the eight games with 160,445 Saturday's U. S. A., def. scored three times and along seeing the five National- League Cotton-Lee- s, 10 a id 9. with Buddy Young and Bruce contests ind 118.607 the three Alford featured a 'series of long games. Luckman Yesterday. - . ' .,,.:4,i,,,I lain. drew in his favor. Vietbrious King .aerebted his honors modestly, but his feat of standing alone against the AmerI ican ...landslide will be long remembered. as results went The two-da- y - (53). The tussle, which was a feature of In Palo Alto. (AP) the Coast threw lout passes while Rocky Mountain Wayne 14, Springfleld 10. Gettysburg 7, Bucknell O. completing 23'out of 46 attempts thilleCarti 26. Franklin Marshall 6. Utah State 28, Montana State for 278 yards to pace the Bears 7. Brooklyn College 38. CCNY 4 to a victory over the Yanks la. Geneva 26. Westminster 0. Normal 35. Paine College O. 7. Colorado Florida Utah U. 13, in Boston. Catholic U. 22, Netcpart News 7. Wyoming 44, Colorado State Linkman Ilassea Virginia State 9. Virginia Union 2. 13. p Western Miry land 26, 4 in the final O. Trailing, Colorado Mines 26, Western two West Virginia State 6. Bluefield O. Luckman hurled quarter, State (Colo.). 12. Clark 13, Morehouse O. six point passes within five minIdaho College 14, Idaho State Southern U. 35, Texas College 7.. utes, to Xnd Ken Kavanaugh to IS. Southwest Allard& minn: Btakumni. pull the game out of danger. lking Inge B. 6. Y. U. Denver 20, Oleave: center. Dalebout; backs, sumTuskefoce Inst. 24. Xavier 7. The Cards snapped their first Colorado College 19; Fort Hays Southern Methodist 14, Texas )6 morhays. Matthews, Allen, Evans, Park. Jason. Tob place deadlock with Green Bay 7. Arkansas 31, Texas A. and IL 21 Officials Oscar Meriastad. Colorado by trimming the Los Angeles (tte,. A. & M. . referee; E. Peed Collins. Texes Christian 14. Asylor 7. MU, the Packers while Fir West Rice 40, Ifhte Tech 7. umpire: 0all 0. Smith, Balt Lake City. Rams, field judge: Barney H. Snapp, Colorado dropped an 18-game to the. 7. Wichita O. Tulm A. to M., linesman. Weist Texas State- 26, Arizona State Oregon State 13. Stanford 7. Pittsburgh Stealers, Eastern DiO. (Flegsta if Oregon 34. Idaho 7. vision in Milwau14. Sam 2. , - America took possession of the shiny gold Ryder cup for the fifth time in the seven times it has been at stake since the initial competition,. in 1927. The Americans also won in 1937, the last previous battle for the trophy. The victory added to Ameri- -, can golfing triumphs over th e , British this year. In the ema- it,,,,, '''' teur fields the U. S. Walker cup '1641 team Nvo handily; Willie 'fur- y 4 ,0 ,..41 nese bagged the men 's title and 1trA. George (Babe Ditirikson). Zaharias took the Women. ,oe' (510,4 trovk n. ;,,' , t. quarterback. Defending circuit champions, the Bears nave won four in a row after dropping their initial two games, and today they are tied with the Green Bay Packer for second place, one game behind the front:running Chicago- Cardinals: luckman has spearheaded the Bear comeback. The former Columbia star. has cornpleted 77 out of 127 passes for 1206, yards, including 13 touchdown passes in the Bears lour 14-1- lugged I. . . 4 0. latter Mil, Indian kridders in the picture stie Deb - Chi Bears Win, Fourth Straight Paped By Passer Sid 1,uckman 441-- 0, Mused , Pro Football Roundup: 7, . ' Only Sam King saved the day,- and the humiliation of being stopped On every front by capturing his singles, cort;. test' yesterday. The Englishman, Professional at the Wildernesse Golf Club, defeated ,Herman Keiser, 4 and 2, in the eighth and.. final match. Keleer was an altitrnate; He did not play in the two-ba- il foursome but N1114 named to - n r 1- 14-1- - , I ., V 7-- ' - In E31,SLS1-9- '1 21-- - Saturday's Scotch four- somes he and Art Lees were on the losing side of a 10, and 0 count equalling the biggest margin by which ohe of these, ' matches has been won. Sunday's singles brought him additional grief. Sam Snead, took c1904t6tonEtsritmisehasoupreen, 5w tannnder4.. ', - By Austin Bealmear NEW YORK With (AP) Michigan and Southern California rolling toward the Rose Bowl on paths that are down bill the rest of the way college to . , r 2 : , : . , ' , , , , |