Show OHIO legislature legi lugi L IT RE deb det 21 1849 balloting ballotin Z 1 for speaker 91 eaker i resu nied tie tle the tic result of the tile ballot wa theil then announced as follows for john Jolin lf TL lim JIM jibbes 17 landall 17 and an d so the tile colit led until the when li sir mr hendricks announced that aj he had a proposition to offer oner i mr air hendricks we have it ave now bal bai over times fur speaker essen effen a choice 1 notice a goodly number of the r ar rn r avs ff 1 lob iob byl hyl lk L i anu and mid rid i 1110 irlo I 1 now V fc i tt propose that the setla senators 0 tors C cease aas balloting and let the lobby lobbs choose a speaker for u al al i cht we ar are e unable to select for ourselves laughter r I 1 the tife ballotin balloting wa vas ras then 1 cd ed and nd continued with the tile same ame result as LS before 17 for fur mr dab dabbs bs and 17 1 for fon mr randall handall 1 until tilo tile ballot was wa rc ached reached wll wil when n there being no choice the senate satiate ibok a recess I 1 I 1 |