Show NOTICE N TVr OTICE is hereby given civen s lvin to the ilie citizen IN of great salt lake city pity in tha county of great salt lake state of deseret des Dee eret that thai according to an ordinance passed jan ath 1851 by the general assembly of said mid state incorporate incorporating RE said sald sai sal d cit city I 1 Y an election will be held at it the uie state house in said city on monday the uie ath day of april next ensuing for the election of one mayor four aldermen a and nd nine dine counsellors coun for said city the tile polls will be opened at 9 a m and closed at 6 p m precisely on said day JAMES FERGUSON fenguson sheriff great salt lake like county march 12 1851 1831 FLOURING MILL N OGDEN forty miles north of salt 0 ON lake city L FARR barr and C HUBBARD would re speet fully inform the tile inhabitants of salt lake valley that we keep on hand flour for sale also grinding done on a short notice FARR HUBBARD ogden city march 20 1851 ANTED for the deseret pottery a few W WANTED hundred pounds of good pig pim lead for which I 1 will pay the highest price if de laverel soon at heywood woollens Wool leys store E march 20 NOTICE WOODRUFF would inform his hi W friends that he lias has removed his stock of goods to tile southwest south west corner of the tile public square in the ward in the house formerly occupied by john ralston nanton II 11 would iiii still invite his friends and customer customers to continue to call and trade with him lie he also returns his thanks for the liberal patron age they uley haye have shown him he also wishes all persons who wilo were to pay their bills by the first of march to step ia im and do the same without any farther further call W WOODRUFF hirch birch al arch 2 1051 |