Show MODERN MIRACLES THE tur NEW MOR MORMON of STATE the history of these progressive times is full of wonders and many of tile the events border upon the mim miraculous culous amongst the occurrences of oatlie the present age ao the application of the mor jonsto enter the confederacy as a state challenges in in a most ing insy madnor A ane attention of this nation tile the history of the career of or this people from tile the period of their exodus from the tile states up io to ane 1 present resent time savors about as t s tile the special intervention of providence in their behalf as the tiie of the times when the choson servants of tile the lord led tile the israelites out of their bondage in egypt persecuted by all sects in illinois and missouri their templo temple desecrated by tile assault assaults 8 of mobs their holy of holies polluted by the sacrilegious ivious violence of law defying rioters they shake thrust of a civil civilized izod land from their feet and fise flee away to the desert and the wilderness seeking peeking among wild beasts and savages savages the security and abd peace in tb the c practice of their religious rites which christ enda mi denied them arriving in this fir far distant region they erected tars and their temples ind and beneath berl beti eath cath the smiles of providence their community rapidly increase in in numbers until cities towns villages and hamlets bedeck tho the valley of the great ba 1 sin and the noise of a nation of workers engaged in all the arts of peace reverberating rever berating am vig the mountain tops and the tho valleys disturbing tile the silence which since since creation had blooded brooded over over the tho entire domain unbroken save by the howl of a prairie wolf and avid the whoop dlf the indian under the of the labor of tile the people gradually the solitary places are made mode glad and the wilderness blossoms as the ro rose when suddenly an Jm Fm pird pire destined to rival riyal that which they have left behind them starts into existence oil on the shores of the pacific li hedging edging them thern about with a cordon of communities m muni ties and transferring I 1 bv by a miracle almost their ultima thule at once into a central locality 1 interpreting this thi s last manifestation to indicate that i tile the true location of the new now jerusalem of the tile lat lu ter day saints has been found they adopt a constitution and seek at the hands of congress admission into the tile union let them come we say and let politic politicians i ans patriots and prophets coi col consult stilt to gether gather in tiie the councils of the nation for the peoples good we have had patriots and politicians for dair our counsellors coun in times past but hut it a delegation of prophets from the salt lake might at this time prove very seasonable the mie following extract froma grom from a letter of recent date from the mormon mornion country shows that miracles arg arc still being wrought in their land ladd the crickets have not troubled us any this year hundreds and thousands of gulls made their appearance early in the spring all ali and as son sonn as the tiie crickets appeared the tile gulls made war on them and they have llave swept them clean so that there is is searce scarce af cricket to be found in tile tiie valley I 1 we look upon this as is one of the manifestations of tile the favor of the almighty for the mountaineers say that they never found gulls hero here till the mormons cormons came it WAS truly cheering to see the flock of these saviors extending several miles in length come froin from the lake early in the morning and eating crickets all day then at sundown form in a amass mass and wing their way to the lake for fora a nights rest one curiosity about them is that tint they dont eat the ahe crickets merely to live but after feeding 0 then themselves they would vomit them up and go to eating again and thus continue eating throughout the entice e day it is a matter of astonishment to see how fast they will pick them up and a person could form but a poor destini ute ite of the tho amount destroyed daily by these winged saviors suffice it to 31 sy ay tha that abom about three weeks af ter the gulls made their appearance scarce scar cea a cricket could be sew sen this is plainly a miracle in behalf of this people as the sending of the quails in the camp of the israelites and what makes it mar is the fact that although in the surrounding valleys where there are no crops the gulls came by them to the farms and stayed there till they had clea elea cleared rad them thern off althou although gli men were at work around them at a t the time there the re has been licen no damage dama c done by b v crickets this thin season sed at little rock ark democrat |