Show A rat RAT STORT the chicago democrat tells the following prefacing it with a remark that the r if i of clicc ciucio go are noted for their firmness and daring darlng A few dab day since a cat belonging to a friend became the parent of an inhere alne ling litter of kittens which she was career career ly tearing as all well behaved tabbies i 1 A few nights bince since however puss ii n i att tacked by a regularly organized barid band ol 01 rata rats which sad to relate contrived to kill the parent and make meke a prey of the offspring in the morning the cat was found bitten to death by the side aide of nine of her assailants sai lants whom she slew lore before overpowered by superior numbers this thib encounter is we 11 believe without precedent A schoolmaster hearing me one of his hia scholars read the boy when he came to the word 11 honor konor nor pronounced it fa fall the newter emen told him it kho aho should Z be pronounced without the II 11 as thus onor very well sir repe the bd kd asi 1 I will remember far for the future nutane aye sald said ad the master always drop thi the II 11 the next morning the masters tea tda with wilh a hot muffin murm had lad been brought to wo hidek desk but the duties of his vocation made mem him wait till till I 1 it was cold when addressing add the same boy he told him to take it to the sire fire and heat it I 1 yes air sir replied the scholar sel sei iolar and taking it to the fire ate it presently the master called for his lib mull muffin gil dil 1 I haye hare ate it sir air as a you we hade me said the bov boy eat it you sou scoundrel I 1 hade bade sou you take teke it to the fire and he heat iusi lusi U dat dut bat hr air answered the la lad iad 6 yesterday you told me always to drop the ibe t L JI iles I 1 f |