Show THE INTREPID JURYMAN extracted from an excursion from sid mouth in devonshire to chester chesten BY REV RET E butchek BUTCHER A judge en on the northwest circuit in ireland tried a cause in which much of the local consequence ofa of a gentleman in the neighborhood was implicated it was a landlords prosecution against one of f his tenants for assault and battery committed on the person of the prosecutor by the defendant in rescuing his only child an innocent and beautiful girl from personal violation when the defendant was brought into court the prosecutor also appeared and swore to every fact laid down in the indictment the poor defendant had no lawyer to tell his story he however pleaded his own cause effectually appealing to the judgment and the heart the jury found him NOT GUILTY the judge was enraged and told the jury they he must st go back and reconsider the matter adding lie he was astonished at their giving such an infamous verdict the jury bowed went back in a quarter of an hour returned when the foreman a venerable old man thus addressed the bench 11 my lord in compliance with your desire we went back to our room but as we there found no reason to alter our opinions or our verdict we return it to you in the same words as before NOT BOT GUILTY we heard your lordships lord ships reproof but we do not accept it as properly applying to us individually and in our private capacities pa cities it is true we are insignificant men we claim nothing out of this box above the common regard due to our humble yet honest stations but my lord assembled here as a jury we cannot be insensible of the great importance of the office we now sustain we feel glad that we are appointed as you are by the law and the constitution not only ti t act impartially between the king alid his sub subjects acts the offended and the offender b but to porm form ike ibe the barrier of the people arrain atrain against st the tiie tile possible influence prejudice or corruption of the bench to which we do not wish to offer the smallest degree of disrespect much less of insult we pay it the respect which one tribunal should pay to another for the common honor of both this jury did not accuse the bench of partiality or oppression no we looked upon it as the sanctuary of truth and justice still my lord we cannot erase from our minds the records of our schoolbooks school books by them we were taught that kings and j judges are but fallible mortals and that the seat of justice has been polluted by a a and aJeff a jeffreys ireys the judge f frowned at these words buethe but the intrepid juror thus proceeded my aly lord I 1 am but a poor man y yet et I 1 am a freeborn subject and a member of the constitution nay I 1 am now higher for tor I 1 am one of its representatives I 1 therefore claim for myself and fellow jurors liberty of speech the judge here resumed his complacency and the orator continued his address we have nothing to do my lord with your private character in this place it is veiled by your official one we know you here only in that of a judge and as such we would respect you rou fou you know nothing of us but as a jury and in that situation we look to you for reciprocal respect because we know of no man however high his titles or his rank in whom the law of the constitution would warrant an unprovoked insult towards that tribunal in which they have vested the dearest privileges they possess we sit here my lord sworn to give a verdict according to our consciences and the best of our judgments jud on the evidence before us we have in our minds discharged our duty as honest men iffe if we have erred we are accountable not to your lordship nor to the king who appointed you but to a higher lu gher ghen power the kino KIKO of kings kines the gie fie bench was dumb the bar silent astonishment toni ment and applause murmured through the crowd and the poor man was discharged let judges and jurors of deseret profit by the above example ed for forthe the news DEAR DEAK SIR permit me to trouble you with a dream of mine which if worthy of a pla pia place c e in your paper is at your disposal A f few L w evenings ago I 1 was reading the news when wilen my eye rested on the word word of wisdom together with your remarks ac octo to the saints you must know I 1 have llave been one of the best customers to the store keepers for tea cottee coffee ae and I 1 could not help thinking what I 1 should do in this matter and asked myself why it should come out at this particular time I 1 went to bed still deeply impressed with the question not being able to solve it when sleep came over me and I 1 dreamed that I 1 was taken to a high hill where I 1 coald could see the nations of the earth before me I 1 beheld a great commotion the people mourning and crying and all seemed in great distress I 1 looked round and beheld a man standing by my side I 1 asked him why this distress amongst the people lie ile answered that the destroying angel was abroad in the shape of the cholera that he was taking his thousands orom from the people and but few could escape I 1 inquired if the saints sainta would be taken he be said look and I 1 looked and beheld the mountains of deseret with their snow capt tops I 1 beheld the vallies vallice covered with grain and the lowing of the cattle and the bleating of the tile sheep on the hills was music to my car I 1 beheld that health and prosperity dwelt in their midst and I 1 rejoiced and gave thanks to god that his people were protected from the destroyer my companion asked me to go down with him to the city where whore the saints dwelt I 1 did so and entered their habitations they were clean and I 1 beheld that every man woman and child wore homespun home spun clothes the sound of the weavers shuttle the spinning wheel and the song of the maiden while at t work was melody equal to the harp of david when he dispelled the evil spirit out of saul their gardens round their houses were like paradise and the morning g r tew rew in loveliness round their windows v d prosperity dwelt in every habiba wisdom flowed from their lips the l I li i i ked healthy and their eagle eyes t e jre jire tire heads showed that there was a r hinging up like unto the first born dun adam tr f meanderings meander neander ings through the city we 11 I 1 d into one house where there were i people p ople uple gathered together I 1 ask f ie reason re adson when I 1 was told that it was a c n f f strangers whoa who were g going 7 ig ti to the d anes me s together with some of f the e brethren I 1 beheld that the table wag was covered with 41 the luxuries of life the bell rang when a sat art down I 1 saw that the tea and coffee were very F refuse fuse suse but the saints drank cold water I 1 WAS astonished at it and was about to ask my iny companion why they abstained from the ta and coffee when he pointed to one end cf if t f I 1 table where I 1 beheld a man drop down on or the tae floor the cry of athe the cholera was im heard throughout the room st L n T arter afler I 1 heard another cry and then tilen a anther and I 1 beheld that the destroyer was d aw og his work we drew drev nigh to the table w where he r e they had sat I 1 was struck dumb when ry companion pointed to the tea and coffee f r 3 opposite where these men had sat and h said your question is answered why the tile presidency has put forth the word of wisdom and if the saints will keep the laws of god and obey his word of wisdom they shall receive health in their navel and to their bones and shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge even hidden bidden treasures and shall run and not be weary and shall walk and not faint and the destroying ying angel shall pass by them as the children of israel asrael and not slay elay them amen with this I 1 awoke and I 1 have had no more trouble about tea coffee tobacco ac hoping that the brethren who keep large parties panties parn part ies iea will mill profit by this dream and show an example by havin having g their tables beautifully orn ornamented lamented amen ted with tumblers and the clear spring water sparkling in them which in vit s us to drink of the waters of health freely and by that means wisdom may flow from UL tw I 1 pi ps of all the saints and that our children dren will rise up and call us blessed I 1 sub scribe myself respectfully yours HOMER |