Show bew EW STO STORE cl GENERAL 9 fineral assortment ant of A goo d S just opened and taid for s to none ever of in this market which are as follows DRY G GOODS 0 Ff finnel el of various caldi colors rs carpeting ginghams shawls as do lains prints etc GROCERIES AND HARDWARE raisins figs dye stuffs clocks hotis homis hoes pitchforks house rim cimmings D boston leather boots and shoes looking b glasses boston nails lalis glass teas cutlery tc etc ALSO A general assortment of station irv iry iry itic including luding the largest and best biety of school books ever rought wrought into this valley blank boks J such as blotters bloaters bl otters journals adgers edgers memorandums pape pap rink crink etc r rif olf O if our frien friend swill dewill pie please 1 ase cbill t mr bayliss pay liss house in ti the ae lt vard affard yard as south twe will take candre lii ili in exhibiting them g oid I 1 articles which if they buy we will williel sei sell sel as cheap as wo aa an afford W V WOODRUFF nov 11 1850 1840 HL tho the undersign cd ed would respectfully info inform i he ile R bublic that he is is prepared tc to i ive all kinds of stuck stock to his lierd herd jound round at black rock 20 miles moes vest of this city on oil monday 0 ji h week start from widow V xa res in the ward at 9 0 ok k a rn for further informs ira inquire of the subscriber CHAR CHARTS IL S WHITE nv 1 1850 CASH ind id for i od boef beef cattle b L WORKMAN uth nth ward joi JOB PUNTING PRINTING it T TI THE tue lie lle NEWS OFFICE 31 lin S TURNING kc ap JADER raner moo loo would d a buo ULO citizens of the va V diey that ill iti at they e have rented horace gibbs jungle Ii ingle ingie machine eight miles south east e of this city on south mill creek and are constantly sawing shingles at the following prices per thousand when the timber is furnished and 50 cents deducted when the tile timber gimbor is rolled oil on the log way and tile the shingles removed by the owner as fast as they are manufactured orthey will manufacture timber into shingles for one half for timber delivered to make 1000 shingles hing les ies will be paid 1 in n cash I 1 shingles for sale at 1000 per thousand they are also prepared to do all sorts of turning in wood and iron except heavy mill cranks and those may be turned in pieces and afterwards welded octal S A SMITH late of SL st MRS UR louis invites invited the ladies of great salt lake city and vicinity to the inspection of a superior assortment sort ment of velvet silk satin and straw bonnets Bonn ets and a variety millinery of Mill enery and fancy goods two lots south of elder J taylors house in the ward nov 1 iota patriarchal NOTICE W take this method to notify the brethren of the city and vicinity that viat I 1 will attend to all calls in the line of my office hereafter particularly on saturdays and dion Alon mondays days of each week also on other days day of the week when con lenient veni ent au aug 3 81 1 JOHN SMITH patriarch N NB B office near north west corner othe of the te temple tempie mple block no 12 AKEN UP at little cottonwood a arraj at scow JL cow liver ilver colored with horns adi pointing inward and two notches in her ears the owner can have bare her by applying 1 the tw subscriber at little cottonwood two tw miles lles iles above jordan river R collins colllns noy noy nor tf dissolution OF snip SHIP M HUHE firm of will hblair i blair AL is this day dissolve by mutual consent all de debts b tt against said firm will be e p s williams who is p to 0 carry on the arma nent scale and will ph sl tooly sell go goods 15 per cent beitf ermer ormer prices he only ony numerous friends to call ana aua see for them all those indebted to us ard are requested to call and settle thelvan counts ra ote or cash as wo we cannoe nante our business the darne larne same nine tine T 9 WILLIAMS S AT blair N B the subscriber i is ip re par ed to purchase any of wheat for which the highest prie rrie pric in n goods will be p paid i i d f T S WILLI V nov 1 1850 S ALT I 1 will keep sah sak con kcf scantly on hand at the following places black rock widow whites J E reese livingston kinkead and at mrs millers in the old fot fo oot t CHARLES S WHITE nov 1 1850 LAT AT 40 45 44 LON I 1 11 if ggs 31 DESERET NEWS evve evye every r OTHER nit DiT k TERMS 6 months in advance single copy 15 cents one doz 12 12 1 2 cents each advertisement per square 12 lines or less 1 SO incerti lna ina arti erti ons 50 cents centa NEWS DELIVERED at the post office wa fwu 11 ll I 1 inon ai ff matti latti feht 10 P A M AGENTS anson axson CALL north kanyon DANIEL MILLER north ISAAC clabe CLARK aber count county joel JOEI II 11 acrel creek WILLIAM CROSBY cotton Catton wd ia uth NELSON helson Ilic ains aiss san pete ezna EZRA E ara T boason tamie tomie BISHOP HOLLADAY and aud all vi tho the a ac j bishops in the city lp unless subscribers bers a adri 1 vi ua bato 0 J tc C C coi cox teary we shall send their pap rs incur 2 i tho thi r residence ie si dence |