Show A ra vir RA RAIX jjr fell on the citi city thursday a ro I 1 q quite r u fit warm for the season for the news G S L city oct 26 1850 an adjourned meeting of the seventies held in the bowery at early candle light was opened by singing and prayer president joseph young laid before the congregation the object of the meeting stating that at a previous meeting they had voted unanimously to build a hall gave his views respecting the same samland and presented tickets representing shares of five dollars each to be taken by individuals making them stockholders president brigham young suggested that the title of the hall be altered from seventies intelligence 9 ence hall to the seventies I hall fall of science and the shares be increased from five to twenty five dollars each he then spoke of the manner of construe construction tion churches and halls in various coun countries coundrie trie s and of the best manner of constructing ting this so as to seat the greatest number of persons and not obstruct the voice of the speaker when it was moved that the name of the hall be called the seventies hall of science barred moved that the shares in said hall be twenty five dollars each carried moved that no shares be given away carried president B young called for names to be given in whereupon two hundred and eight persons subscribed making five thousand tw two 0 hundred dollars joseph young was appointed trustee when lie requested all persons who had subscribed to immediately bring forward to the trustee such funds as will forward the building 0 without delay and 10 or 12 strong men are arc wanted immediately to go to the kan to procure lumber before the winter sets in among the mountains on motion truman 0 angel was appointed a committee to draft a plan for the hall having P power 0 er to call to liis his aid such pe persons r ashe as he may think proper 0 A smith then called for one hundred men to accompany him on a mission for about 12 months pre pairing themselves with the tile necessary outfit for the trip president B young stated that the field of labor would be in the neighborhood of little salt lake where we want to plant a colony the brethren sung a hymn and were dismissed with benediction by J M grant JAMES LEWIS clerk G SL city 1850 MR EDITOR sir As the people here will eie cic long be b left to their own resources in consequence of the high 0 prices of merchandize merchandise dize draining their means mearis I 1 desire to furnish for the benefit of your readers the following receipt hecei for making molasses from mater water melons scrape the melons fine not using the rind then strain them well through a woollen cloth boil down five gallons to one I 1 have tried the above receipt with much success and therefore can recommend it any person can very easily make a gallon per day the molasses are a asgood as good as the N 0 molasses yours respectfully FURMAN PURMAN MULFORD why are the letters from the united states to deseret Dc seret via independence pen dence mo like the departed spirits of the roman catholics because they have to pass through purgatory to get to paradise our devil says that when he descends to the lower regions he expects to reap a fine harvest as its a great number never get gel through the th e london mining journal cont contains airs an account of a new now patented motive power for the arb propulsion of carriages on rail and com common mon roads J without engines 1 steam air magnetism 1 or animal 4 power A tt |