Show 1 wasted WAITED at our office oali ce gour hour wheat V heat corn corll meal ineal butter cheese 1 low dow and pork in exchange for llie tile nas fas ja I 1 we home homo affairs this week to case ease tv cave ve ruc rul in i i foreign pk etche ot which vc we cil cli give but few fires and flo fio lloyds flocia cIs murders a id rr rol roi berils cholera and perplex lcy icy of lotions are arc prevalent con cou bernoi ZD which we shall shail continue to sketch cli cil from the best information yet obtained it is believed that fluit til tib house wa i I 1 cu ill iii uve the wee woe acks n s in ju cleetta a S ealier and aud clerk and their p progress n s since ice lias has well weil compared has again appeared m in the states stakes hungary has fallen n i en bit rope and tile che present is like a calm before a more hereafter rcy 0 post africo ope opet fach tach ch sabbath chwi om 12 to 1 alel P BT |