Show MOTTO TRUTH anid AND Li LIBERTY berty nErTY 11 we ive propose to publish a small weekly sheet as large as our lo 10 eai cal al circumstances will permit to ic c called Deser deseret ct news deigned g originally to record the passing events of our state and in coni vion refer to the arts s era cra embracing bracing ge teral terai education hedi nedi i ie law divinity 1 domestic 4 d political econom economy yand and every tivie thit that may fall under our ob sc pvc tion which chii h may tend to promote ya to the best iter terest est cst welfare i las aloas ia i and amu ement ment of our fel w r fzens t yens vre ile hold croves craves r responsible 0 o ali til t i highest U J urt of for AT kr ald wid aid tile the lil ili hest J 1 of luit I 1 or mir our ene exe ution 5 i we p spell il vc we shall shail greak speak r without recard to lien or ia ty fi wh ri like fike other othor otho r nien men f f r lt lot hin him who has his eyes pi ir vs i s in meekness and ii les lis its s i receive a disciples reward 11 shall ever take pleasure in f r nr un catin foreign loreign p as e c 1 i we e danity in re raci ni in ing g i nr n T r i un ratios s arm our friends f t h r f and a ar and ij and solicit or L 11 is ts for the news forn our and poetess sits bits ta T first iminter r may be ex r t es cs early in june as ab sub r ns vis will v warrant arrant waiting k t oi of suo 2110 subscribe rs 7 ns nis 0 6 mrA brahs mt hs liva fira ba bly pit lit adva adua e S aie jie ae copy i cents per square i es and aad 50 each succeeding in rtin 1 for half square or 8 cs Rs TP ELLErs sellers AND ri Ts caits per copy wim wlm th hiser n of their namos names place ot resi resl 4 ic time of arrival airl airi leaving companies of K 20 and upwards entered at once 20 cents each A paper that is worth printing is worth preserving if worth preserving it is worth binding for this purpose we issue in pamphlet form and if every subscriber shall shail preserve each copy of tile the news and bind it at the close of the volume U R their childrens children may read the doings 0 of their fathers ther wise might have llave been foro forgotten dotten lotten ages ages to come |