Show bat tat AT w ar 45 44 LON i iii lil liu ilu 26 34 DESERET NEWS I 1 EVERT SATURDAY 0 months I 1 rl ft in advance F jl ae copy co 57 ants one doz 1 01 2 i ants eack each rl esq s labh ibl criag eding ag ri nj 50 40 i ewh erh each cach fa i i r rahl rati a 4 mire wire VO D LLERS catyb cabil h i lse lve their anz n nunes unes ies ica place f r silence tinia 0 oft arr arival al and ins reed red in the misled to t lir air friends to cobain ea q of 2 and vid upwards entered et ra once ta cents each ans u ra J aerts per iian lune t 1 14 r W S DELIVERED al the ho post poat 0 m e which open bac baca sabbath fr 6 i 1 V aj to I 1 f P M agents aga afas abts ois zis allyn N rth kanyon t ANI L MILL MIL N rth cotto catto bood ilaa ISAA clarki W i 1 fr er clinty it ti jon JOH s mil 1111 creek 11 su 1 JA i IL M q CRO ceo ili riv n t otton woo wot 1 1 hibbel tt 0 01 1 I N V san sin al pete peta T r bek dek tro T if at and au tit lit acting st I 1 in the ci v ehte uba cri crl r rs advise us t the contey contrary euy kuy vve wee shall na the thi ir lr papers t ti our agent avaunt re uler dier reavoe I 1 AT E EMI dint diot jint ki libants GRANTS 1 TAKE NOTICE I 1 eliyah ELIJAH AV ward I 1 ARD generally known by his hig hi mountain ward intends lea mou a name babey obarney ying yino ying ertah utah valley en an or about the first of october r next for the sout SooT HEKt mures MINES in california mr ward is thoroughly acquainted with wilh the SOUTHERN noure ROUTE and vait vei pilot emi Spi tanta grants ranta through to ald aid said mine mines ifor for ten dol dal craper isra lira per wagon and ten dollars for every kompany of five persons with packs or pick ini kai maia mila As fast as em emigrants i grants come in and an get beet ready for the journey they thay nik wib pan on a through great salt silt lake city and utah calley and encamp on hobble hobbie creek about tm ton miles milca sonth of the utah settlement where they will find goor GOOD reed TWO AND TO RECRUIT TIMIS TEAMS any further information wanted can be obtained by calling kt lt my rny dwelling in utah settlement ELUA edua 1 I WARD PILOT N 13 ho tin one will be permitted to in i the th train antil no hit fare is pud pid to anthe the pilot the contemplated route to th southern ij no worie worse than the usual rout roat from ia iw es do 3 mas was M rocks rock ud aad thoun taing are concer concerned although the th deserts are mote moye bior extensive we expect to leeve the old road near the tho foot of the mount mountain aln oln and near mahave mahale or creek I 1 will pilot the company either to williams Ran ranche clie cile or to the nj gold ld mines in that region just as a majority of the company shall decide for their cob cota vengence yeni renie nee aee E W G S L city pt S 1850 A 1 wo no 3 in aa NEW 11 0 A TV AV GOODS 1 HOLLADAY WARNER are opening and will be ready read y for inspection and sale by saturday dinst their fall stock of goods just received by their second train consisting in part of dry goods as follows cloths claths Cassi cassinetto blankets other cloths claths for over coatings mackinaw bed blankets Lin flannels merinos melidos Me Cali call calicos calicas Ca licos cols cambrice Cam brics silk slik bleached Shir tings Shee tings brown do do blue biu drillings drilli n s hickory Strip eid cid d 11 L ac ost abbt brg Is 5 bac I 1 mens boys noys ladies 11 hats ats and caps gen assortment hardware do toe Tou together ether with carpenter tools i S stationery stationery tati onery generally with good assortment mort ment schoolbooks sole upper tipper leather nails glass oil paints together with sugar coffee tea tobacco rice ck spices generally all of which they offer low G S SL L city aug 31 1850 no 13 3 ai i WHEAT we will ply pay the highest market price for und wheat delivered at our store oa on sonth ath temple street WILLIAMS BLAIR we aiso also 0 o wish to notify the citizens of utah ud and weber countice Count lego iego lee iee that thit we hye have a store erecting in each county seat for the reception of wheat and the extension tension ex of our oar basi bai ben new which we intend distend to conduct on as lib eral bral ri bernis ts can cin be asor aTor ded WILLIAMS A blair 13 no 3 ils ill GRAND franb CONCERT IN AID OP tiye THE PE PER PE puna WR ator thi jhb P POOR hoor 0 OR our friends fellow citizens and emigrants are ar e ed that there will be a grand pon cert in the bowery on the evening of saturday the gist gisi dinst in ia aid of the th e perpetual t t lons ions 1 fund for the poor POO admittance by tickets ti c bets 25 acts can be had at the tithing or post office doors open at 6 performance to commence at 7 WH wm CLAYTON 0 C P T G S L city sei set sept 12 1850 ROBISON MOORE RE will keep constantly on hand a good a supply U of fresh beef at their residence in t the eth ward wo we will also pay the highiet cash price pie for good beef cattle we are al 80 prepared pr ared to hed e cattle at our herd ground uhl kibies Kii kes ies PC eiith etith U til of the ame Awe american rican fork in utah vid ey or ori reasonable terms we will drive cattle at any time when a sufficient number are brought to pay expenses of driving sept 15 1860 14 N tf i lio klo HOPS P 8 A good price will be given for fr hops delivered at the house of thomas bullock on on first south street and two hundred feet of sheet iron wanted for a malt kiln immediately by MINER aco PATRI patriarchal ARCHA NOTICE IT take this method to no notify tiby th the Q Js brethren of the city and vicinity that I 1 will attend to all calls in the line of my office hereafter particularly on saturday saturdays s and mondays of each dach week also on other days of the week when convenient yeni veni ent aug 31 JOHN SMITH patriarch NB office near north west corner of the temple block no IC 13 |