Show A burying ALIVE A paper was read before the french brench academy of science in which the following estr extraordinary instance was adduced as a reason for abolishing the present custom of bury in ing lug so soon after death A young female had been twice pronounced dead when only ili in a trance but had recovered in ill time tinie to prevent being buried alive A third trance came dame on and ili ill in colls quence cuenca of what had previously occurred permission was obtained froni from the constituted authorities for the body to above ground as long iong as decomposition should not have taken place A week ten days passed away there was still no decomposition but all the medical men declared that she was dead and at length she was laid ill in her cof coffin liti only a few minutes before lef iel oe tile the coffin coflin was to he be nailed down and while the bell of the village church was already tolling 0 for her lie lle funeral fin crai ezal cral a female from al an adjoining village wiio willo had been tile the school fellow the tile supposed defunct came to take lake a last farewell she silo stooped to kiss tile tiie lips of the departed friend and remaining in iii that position for some time the bystanders bys attempt cd ed to remove reir rell love tove lief lier lest her emotion should be injurious to her she waived them off with her hand and remained with her tier lips lir S upon those of other her friend and breathing D as it turned out afterwards I 1 the llie warm breath of office life ilfe into lier iler lungs at length bength she exclaimed slie she sho rising from lle ile the lie body pointed out unequivocal ua sius ip gf life she stated that as she bhe was kissing her tier friend she 41 she fet felt her breathe and ili in trew minutes was convinced of the a ad the female why was be dead was taken out ol 01 the tile colfin and placed in ili a warin warm bed and in the course ofa of a few lew hours fully lully revived le i she shu stated that she was during her trance fully sens gens wible tible to all that was passing dassing arcand h in and that she blie even heard bieard the de dea I 1 bell toll but was utterly incata of speech or sign to show that s e was not dead I 1 |