Show CUT GUT pilot peak july 29 1850 CAPT HOOPER sir I 1 am a cross the great desert after a hard drive this desert is over 80 miles without any doubt should any emigrants call on you for information you can say to them with confidence that they can not get through with their animals without at least 2 gallons of mater water ater to each animal and one gallon for each person without they can carry this quantity of water with a supply of grass no man should ever attempt to cross there was a great deal of suffering among those that came over at the same time that I 1 did but no lives lost but no doubt a great many would not have got through z had it not been for the active actie e part of those that got across early and hauled water back for those behind the road is very fine line especially across the desert and plenty of grass and water on this route with the exception of the desert I 1 chopo no one will endeavor to come this road without they are well pre pared yours in haste jno B mcgee capt hooper vouches for mr veracity it will seem curious to those who are not aware of the fact that the first towns built by europeans upon the american continent were st Ail ati augustine austine in east last florida and santa pe fe the capital capita of new mexico the river gila glia was explored before the mississippi was gold was sough sought t 11 california long ere the first white whito man had endeavored to find a home horne on the hores shores s of new england there are doubtless kmec standing within the fallen buildings of ancient panama that hae hao noi not commenced to grow atif tie sites of boston and neby NewY nev york orl were covered with the wilderness wilder nessi jav JAT era ena Iso Is of dails daily occurrence in I 1 leiv levy y 0 orleans deans sc cy y tho ho balers 1 n ers communicated MR EDITOR f i SIR since I 1 have been a journer sojourner Bo in your city I 1 h have awe afe been a constant observer of things in general and particular and I 1 must say that in my travels from maine to georgia and from georgia through almost every part of ahe he east west and 4 W north 1 have havo never met rilet with any order or class or even of air aff au classes of people combined either 71 or political i ly such a perfect of feeling oneness of thought and concentration 1 at action and general hospitable fealin feelings feeling r 1 it hp appears pears obe fobe more harmonious thin than man would naturally conceive to exist in in any family of brotherhood throughout the whole TV hole hoie eastern hemisphere it is true there are some spirits of discord existing ta among individuals here that misrule would call into action but the superior wisdom that governs the the leaders of this people politically and arld religiously prevents prevents its appearance they are ilo lin honored nored and hence a spirit of emulation animates eve every ry one in in order to establish peace and where wier e peace and truth prevail the spirit of f elyahu elijah G cod god od must prevail and lead this people this people nater after having been robbed and persecute persecuted were by violent hands armed with political and rann raft law in missouri driven into Il illinois lincis where they vainly hoped to have enjoyed that liberty politically and religiously which our forefathers f aught fought and bled bild to enjoy fr themselves and posterity and all others who should sh ouid seek an asylum in the tiie birthplace of freedom they their were again by lawless and blood thirsty hands sanction unction s fd od by b y tile tiie legislative departments of the state persecuted and driven eriven from their h homos ms poor and naked despised and forsaken by all except israels god and tile glie he hospitality pita lity of iowa t ti seek for themselves like the fhe fathers of 76 an asylum from the oppression pres preE sion slon not only oni 7 of but political bondage bon dae k ia in the tin quiet peaceful bosom of this fl fortified orti fied by the hand of goj god where they tiley could without molestation mole station worship god without any one on to disturb their peaceful re treat and also aiso to for themselves ves res a site st ite government which could not become corrupted by or p political biti rats which thank god they h have hive we done and by his blessing their united labors peace and good will prevail the gospel of good news newt s and glad tidings of great joy to all people is sounded rounded in til the art ort ear car ari of the emigration E mi and will continua n I 1 to be sounded to ail of the tile earth by their missionaries also alm bj b their united industry a bountiful bount ifill liar bar voie vie vig waving rall pall all ail over tills this valley in extent ron e fro iro hundred ial zai miles les leg and will crown baem em with willi a etch eich berrard rd while n the til hind of 01 T kindness is extended to the elii elid emigrants eints in in furnishing M them with means of subsistence to re cruit th themselves em selves and continue on ou their jour ncy their increase from all parts pants of tile tiie the world is extensive which with their thel own surrounded by natural fortifications and the blood of 76 flowing in their veins will ena cna ble them to bid defiance with liberty and truth as their motto to any f actions factions which maybe may be disposed to encroach upon their nights rights in this tills peaceful retreat but the spirit of war and contention ignot is not the spirit of this people but the spirit of liberty and truth peace and prid good will to all is the spirit by rl tich they are moved and the fhe one which will ultimately prevail revall until it conquers conque is all nations and causes them to bow to the mild and peaceful sceptre of prince messiah Alessi diessl all ail and the opposite spirit of war and strife will never be entered into only in self defence I 1 july 24 the anniversary of their arrival deliverance fruin from persecution and d mob law w was as celebrated by fay them in a manner mannet and order far excelling all the pomp and show of pageant power political aspiration long iong fil ced or protracted meetings s early in the morning the people began to gather and by noon to say the least were on hand to celebrate the day aj and it was vas t conducted without a dissenting voice contention strife or discord even iri in word or deed from froin the highest to the lowest and a feeling of admiration adu rested tested with all peaceful influences on the emigration as well as on the whole community this tins people have been called coaled fanatics by whom political demagogues and hireling priests and people tho the same spirit pervades the minds of the mass in iia these last days that influenced the minds of the fass mass of people previous to and in the days christ the jews cried false prophets and storied stoned them to death they crucified a savior and stoned the martyr stephen imprison imprisoned eo persecuted and be headed the apostles as fi fa naties and in every age fro from in the dy illys vf the A apostles every ruling reli rell religious elous power persecuted I 1 in some formale form all ail species of secedes or reformers and it v as that pott putt er that drove the tile puritan fat fathers liers to this tills continent an and ana it was that same inal influence aenice which winch has prompted them and their descendants defendants to persecute th this n lody body of but the apostles never tried nr even intimated such sich a thing and this tills people follow in their footsteps preaching peace truth anti anil good will and practicing it this is is what tile gospel teaches and cind ui they i ch it and practise it if this is 13 god speed the time wll wil ahn n all the world shall shail not only preach prea ch and teach it but practice it to the tard til rd and fourth gino rations yea to th end of ti glinc ime by their fruits jv FI kew them this th is PC p ople opie pl are of ut ume ime heart uld mid one mind in regard to religion and til tile e teich teachings of the scripture bul bw t all other oilier sects lre ire are at variance among themselves no two indi visuals agree agreeing ingin in regard to scripture showing at once anc e by their fruits that they hv have e not the true spirit of christ that this tilis people have not one lord one faith one baptism one god and father of all at cort corl seq tle ile antly there can be no union in tile the principles wt t peace truth and good will to all men but bui the result must be as it is is dinion vivion di misrule and oppression and when the governments of this earth as they are arc now corrupt carrupt corrupted ed shall pass piss away and anarchy P politically liti cally caly and religiously reign in terror throughout the world this people alone exempt from it mil will have hare to rebuild the constitution ution gienia giten in times limes of coldby inspiration and remodeled to perfection and hen then athis his hla hia place ivo kii ill form a place of refuge fon fob generations yet unborn i may you all live long and enjoy the th fruits of your our laam your childrens rr I 1 30 so 30 rise tip up and ind call you blessed is the wish 0 of your bour contributor ta S L DUNYON MD M D |