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Show DESERET :Alli... ......, ' t......-- -- "741;4 r. ; , rzw' A , A,,,.:..-.- Lott. Eck,- - looduy Morning; November City, Utah, ;'' ,a Today big day big l'..--a 19, Ictr,---N- 3 !Thanksgiving Morn Pamela's Thanksgiving Scare for was the was A.110P7r2yr.... 4.....,---K- NEWS, ,On the mot nin' of Thatikgyiiir-iturkey gobbler ,t have loig of fun. shoulders, peck- - I help Mono. bake the turkey. , t Pamela, for the Parker family !perened on her i'.41'' . was going to Grandfather's ing at her bright red bonnet.' And to tie btore I Inn. woo farm for Thanksgiving. Pa me.a Mr. and Mrs. Parker and i' , feelin happy eould hardlysit still in schooldGrandlather and Grandmother! can't help rif she was so excited. As soon as!heaPamela screaming and or todas Thanksgiving Day, -- , I, :Arld,prainipa tells t ne st(nries. school was out, they left. tame on th e run. ..":7n d ever y one is gay. A , in On the way to the fern), they Pamela was running eircies,c 4 thing looks so good,. ,,' .,.., sang, " Over the River a nd Waving her arm, trying to CA tak e a little kite. .... "I just ' , ' Through the Woods," and when the turkey off her back. Paul I'm sure no one ' '114 -z ..' ., -,: 711' notice, ,..' ."' A they arrived, there was cera!,,iiWas 'jumping around, trying torlilknd M111.1 won't care a - : '' .7 "la' and screamboth were tollelP her, fat and her Grandmother E :',....,P. . '46r llungs. 111mmrn, that was rood. of at their the to'p !rig them. ' greet . ' , ' - ') - Grandfather came to the , Just Itake another weensey "Have you killed thit turkey l cue and got the turkey .agp. taste, ! 0.07.tra......--- r yet?" asked Pamela, first thing. !I don't Want the rit turkey said "No," Grandfather, "npt : You didn't give meta chance:At the bottom of the pan to 4,-,,,, yet. 1 wanted you to see that 14 aint. itortell you that this old gobbled. big old gobbler w hile he was he said, "but And oh,: VII cranberries, hales red," , ljust still alive." now and killl will go one; "May we see him nowriwem for oux ,r4ht Fib snitch some pumpkin rhanksgiving Paul and without asked , waiting REVERENCE SHOULD be the keynote of every Thanksder pie tomorror." for an answer, he and Pamela contributor 11 giving observance. Laura Mills, iWhile th bread is gettin' done.. scrambled out of the car and Daphne Mecham,00 from Woods Cross, feels this deeply and sent in this Lake Salt that was awful good, but points'Vum, ran to the barnyard. fine drawing to illustrate her idea. Laura was awarded tifraid I'm On Pamela noticed a 100 points for her work.- to be Thanksgiving's-goin,Ily Books New to. Called Paul funny insect and ' dull, to stop and see it. They forgot We have new books. They what do y.Oti know, 1 ate about the turkey for the lare interesting books. One story f:ause too much and bent over watchinglia's about. little bear. The name ' I'm full. ' Grandpa Gobbler strutted they decided that they would go iment Me busy little Insect. Suddettlylof our book is "Around Green And around all the other turkeys, with him back to the woods, 8 Pamela felt ILinda Lao something jump on'llill." We like to read. I lilt4 they all crep t!her back. She looked around the new book. He knew where there were that night ' Calm. Wright, 7 nice soft meadows for a bed, through the hole and followed! and started screaming, for there back to the where there was snow or we- - 'Grandpa Gobbler Was woods. After a long search,1 . let all year round, and some! flock. So II;ey found the On Thanksgiving Day iast !they nice roosting trees. But most! a great rejoicing and then .17: tear Iliad P:i my grandma and gtandost Important of all, he could tell went to bed. (krta:tr:,.; came to d ruler. We had turtrit .! They wondered when the hunters would come what would happen the next and dres. ing and cranberries. bunting for Thanksgiving dinno when were there .. asked me to say the morning They ners. Because of ,that, there In the pen. But even NK tked G. 41; ; prayer., ...t, k A (141, were very few turkeys killed turkeys I' ! tho - -turkeys were very During the prayer I thought very year. And lived happily they many ) hings that we could la Grandpa Gobbler was leading e ver after . be thank ul for. I should be , ' a to the turkeys iv frIti, hiding place' Laurel Fisher, 10 Ithankful or my parents, who when suddenly something . ...,,,,,,,aory100 Bountiful, points t 'try to teach me to live right. I i pened. A. boy had hold of ' ------- 4 lam thankful for my horn, mit ,:, Grandpa Gobbler. "I told you 1.1 school. my- church, and that 1. s...ibis would be a good hiding The Newsette --111 ............. live in a rree country. -. 1 place, Jean." A girl came run-:- I like the Newsette very much, ) My mother and Grandma did ,;125,,,,,,,-,,---,,,,,like to It and read it. dishes while my cousin and Ithe "Oh, you caught one!" like its poems and pictures; il ;Vent to! play. I had fun on blessof for thankfulness THE spirit: SHOWING proper the rest of tha tur- I don't think you can beat it. By no Monroe. Linda of Linda 140, ii, Thanksgiving. ings is thist di awing by keys had gone running. Grand' 100 points with het' sketch. Margo Ann Kay. 9 earned Gobbler was in a pa put pen Pictures. poems, articles, and with many other turkeyiL stories, too, found out that they had lived in The talented children send Thanksgiving Difiner .4 this pen all their lives. After Look at the great big turkey them In they heard how Grandpa All so golden brown; for me and you. li.ler lived, they said they would Why don't you go ahead and f smack my lips 81041 Ilk, to live that way. They said write in, tool ,iiiii I eat the drumstick down. that a man was going to come the next day and chopott their please! Join our dear Newsette.1 1111... comas the dressing brown , heads. That worried Grandpa You don't have to be profes- !Here And the cranberries, .ton; Gobbler, and he thought and sionaL He was walking Come on! Send in today. IThen I take some carrots thought. around the -fence when he saw a The Newsette is sensational. And past them on to you. 12 hole In It. Jane Boyd, Judy Wellsville-,-40He told the oilier turkeys and 119nratil Jarokwn, THANKSGIVING DAY point.s;Now tier,'" the potatoes ..' And applesauce, so nice; Great Day There's the celery now. . N, l' Oh! Here's the cake with spice. When Thanksgiving cornex each year, I hays some fruit juice, too. --: We greet the day with much for-It tastes so good to me. NokaiWit ' cheer, ' 4 Is here, too, The r.,411 .r..110.,:i .: i gravy Bectiuse we ail get to eat r'-- t '4 Igre.r.er .,' AIN IL; .. 14 As you can surely see. ;' A great big piece of turkey '2141.ANIE. t e Jr: 4 , e , I - I -- -- I - , , , . l ' , Ae',.,- , Al ',..' ' , . , - .0.. 11,1 :::--- - :4.-..- -' . '''''''',,'",,,- - , i. A , ,, - , : --.-....- - ,,x.. , i...''''''', - ,.- - ; - , . everet', -- , , -.- ,: ' 1 , .. .., ...t's Teti-it'- , ll off-her- . ju-s- din-ti'he- n - elt - City---1- ., the-wa- . !T .' Tale of the Turkeys 11111 Our Dinner Success - - 4 . . - .- k . 1..1i1PP-Y- . k- -, , - , 4 ...4,......414141.. i . I. - m.o.., 4,......."11141211114 .--- .11w, .6. ---, - -6.,--,-...- 47 I - - Gob-I.Ju- st . - I 0 , r ,e I - t4 'h . -- Itir , I 41' fr- - 14, :.-- f 0- ii ''''' - I.,i.et;I ,- . , ; ', : - .,.--- ?11, 1i:1-AA' , f --- ' - l - ..! ,,,.., ItIll.',.,06.7,,tT.,;;;00 4,111' it 4 It (..- .- ' - , , , ' 416.001,- - IT'S BEEN a long time since talented Rosemart Burtenshow, 10, of Blinding, sent any drawings to The Newet but here she is again with a contribution that earned Drawing Of the Week honors and bonus of 80 point& . i, f see the corn corning; Th peas follow It; Then comes the bread. Thii meal makes a real hit. I Now it's time for the aurprise. It's the pumpkin pie go I eat MY pumpkin pie. Now I give s sigh. For the dinner is over And thS pie's all gone away. Thersno more turkey loft And no more juice today. Linda Joan Adkins', ' points I. p meat When pie and cake come to the it tabla, I eat as much as I am able. When wit children play after .dinner, I lam much too full to a winner. I am 'thankful on Thankpgiving; I 'am glad that I am living TO see tho wonderful. things on ' 1 - Ili ,I,,tIts, '1 tcVi, 1 ,, e'' A, Z f');,k ,,,..4,,,,..,: ,,,1 00, - ,,,;:sz"vils 1 ''Vkk NEW c ntributor, Dal Mae Leach, $2, of 'Provo, sent in - fine idrawing 'which named )(trig Pronghorn. licwss !and of our birth. Donna Kay, 10: awarded 100 points to start his. Mona-1- 00 points ropw scors4 We should be thankful for the this I ,-- . ,.".i te i earth. . hob--- - |