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Show - Many People Do Loye 'Fat Mant--A- ll of Him - , HOLLYWOOD That- - old saying about nobody loving a fat man is a lot of goos,grease take it from J. Scott Smart. ror Mr.,.Smart, whose distphragm resembles a water. melon patch in June and who weighs a neat 260 pounds, is beloved by a goodly portion of the country's radio fans from border to border and coast to coast The cupid of porcine-feature- d the air lanes has been in Holly- WHAT'S PLAYING . CAPTO L ...Abbott I understanding about their problents. "We could have lots of fun together," wrote a jolly lady living in Denver. 'I weigh $16 pounds and have had all the ground floor rooms in my borne double-joiste- d and doubl floored. We coUld dance to our hearts content and never have to worry about accidents." Despite the fact that Smart loves to dance, he was forced to turn down the lady's well-meaoffer. "I can't stand the high-al- titude, in Denver," he wrote her, Fat men, too, write Smart about their problems. Most of them want to know how to on their obesity as Smart has don. and get' jobs in the movies. Others send him diets which they say have helped to bring their poundage down. Smart answers these letters politely, but doesn't follow the diets. "I should lose. 50 or 100 .pounds and my jobV!, he says shrewdly. RIALTO"On the STUD1011ealed I Divide"! apartment, which By L0E:ELLA PARSONS hunt enough r mother is "Of Theo I Sing" was a rib room for Gleg.--Heon President floover's adminis- living inktheir house In Contration, and now the revival of necticut. 1 have been helping Oleg the famous George S. Kaufman-Morri- e Riskind-Georg- e Gersh- with his collection," she said. win satire on politics is being 'He's been very busy and 1 rewritten with pokes at the model for him, and we've bid Truman administration. dinner together practically In the original version Billy every night." Genesalls the 17th for a vaGaston had the lead. In the 1931 revival Robert Cummings cation in Europe. In 'People Will Talk," (mr, Is the boy who'll get the laughs. This is right down Bob's alley, Praetorius") the ' picture ends too, Ipecause there's no one bet- with Jeanne Crain about to become a mother after a romance ter at light comedy than be. 'arising from a I tracked down Gene Tier- and marriage ney and asked- - her over the doctor- - patient relattonship. long distance telephone if she Cary Grant is the doctor. Now Darryl Zanuck has and Oleg Cassini bad separated, on a sequel which be will since there was talk to thatil tall "After AU I've Done." Of effect.- - SUBSEQUENT BUN : 011 a Wins mid Omit."apo ARCADE "Mark, et the GãthL "Samson and DOUAI, Thing" sal "Prenekie." Little Dividend- - Mid GEM"Patliert -Reran', Agent" "AbbottHOLLADAY tad Costal' Mat the Inirisibie Matt" MARLO"Only the Valiant" aad 'Cry Danger." MURRAY "Soldiers 'nave and "word et Monte --Cristo." Vendettaand "Noraila." QuEEN eta RICRYD. O. A." and 'toe Gotta It Mint." 11OUTHEABT"Patheire Utile Dividend' and "teat Mel Cain. Gereeter iaad 'Oat IEVAit"Inspectee BOUNTIFUL S i ,"-"1.0.1...,..nrqemoo,o1,44,,m,Komp.,044 cap-Reti- re - irrArtnia Para" and I DRIVE INS " AIIIPORP-..B- , tery-thrille- - - - - ',beer li "Cossty - ob. 'told me there was' truth to the story. She said leg's' apartment is hot and so she and ,Tina, her little daughtor, moved into her mother's , .01140.1.11.11 '7. ' vi OP ODA E tfi pgp130 s 4. -; , 410'; - N go ife Aty mot NC 0--l- SI i.k.- 4 V 1, I' - ,W (,,,,,,d1 Lg. s osoo, trptu olas Serianadelia ate ...1,r Ilits511 A Artm,r,,,, --- a. ) -1) 4- SIDT Klot - Pa all SaleWor It It ow ended ..,:z , 1 , TOUR ,),.. i VI Acto,,,,ki, apeni coave ioe ....DaNAL, rit,,,,v14i. im".......,) AliodoPliKalf NICK CAIN' Web eon. Soft. Goias Om" PRRVi wr, it , .&, 1: Ham' j 4,4f-UffAr,',.- CARTER cut lowly I attmN Niko 4 mon tiantionabled haw Itrvg aunt WettISE 0 (.1 EVERY N SAILV 0 - COOL i4 C;Cti 1411 RUC I' 0 ' ' - is PARKING FREE I ti COND T1ON teJ ( a ...Ay trt.1.(11, -- 1 lili,tart::siot I ; t4 4111.0: , ri, ., . ..........................oefil , Arta 7:AS P. AIL kr,i1 0 I g. - kt" 4 stwt;igg I RIG ERATIO f' CA) 0.0 . Cwoliskin al r isl 1ts' "Itovenuo Ag onr itiOt 4 1411')J"-T- P. Va) V 4,11:4- tilbS 4114,,--7;- OM a,urEig 00111 TIIIINT-41014- AT 6 ILI.:0;1 t, lit - VAISOM &pm& )1 ..-.--- 7:1ST P.M. PM vi 1 $9.77111010,411 trottairsla mi: - allot WIC I ; Alt-- . mm;sol Proems GENERAL" "iNSPECTO Ira wort "COLT trilb RAND01110 &DAWN 4r. iExcam Roma scorr-au- ne Mg PIOT OPUS IN ADMISSION ----, A CAD 4 2SC " ffitol GE ONL 7:--7 bitV man IfrikAA - stye 2111" :2001110-06- VALIANT 10406 maw r ausirs' i...1limptisegbd "'H O Dos Amedwo.4etes Meows ''ON AWING AND A PRAYER" smote mom -- 30914 Nigh weir Open ple.41w $kew 11,111 I bmoo Joe. bra' fitottir -- . ' -;- ;41111111';;;ev.tablinv:, . firnrj:g -- --- mut atm IWO mat WorgatrzraRIIIIIKEITCS Doane stoal-mt-na ,goat "INSIDE STRAIGHT" . rip ii .1. 01010IOND . . SIMMER RAM) (PIDUCED FIGURE imisogroiliter' ervVrakotiOnittAmilislitiama ISPONI BAIR opoolop . 1,..1'. 11 . rOt11000111 OOP ,, a - MAIM , -- , St Olt for ysor motto. FREE 4 . VW ll l''' WHAM. 17" tr ti 1'1 to'pl!,' ,,:- 1: 16Aritf.4e !: 4.4"$ twos l taie .4 '011 I k ,ff Ilk 4,, - cotizt:u1,87;,..ar,,,,z? .0.7710070,00"mmomme.onlol efi ro70.4rp.,,,moTt i: Set ,8.14-1- ' he tey.of ALILItli 11101 (4-414- Z'4 MAIL OtectS PlIOMPWIT laerno s.z:us 0;yeticker- oho titiomito60 tiowl-1-1, !CM. t Mei Reer-4- 1 tt sod $IMI home doiesop4116, W0000mrSe - - SSAS NOW OW lAilt ..,....... 'F ' . , ITm CA .0 7 , LIIIEn: CONSULTATION-- hi k .1,01 ";1"1 forl Nat 04 woos. OvititS -- colons Fieldale' Sebst - A ..a ALL SLITS Madrid courses RsIV Asa OUTLOOK- S1m04011 to 14. 01: 4 POS t , .434.5:1116 Li,-- WARDROBE , - footividoolly LI j 414 PERSONALITY , '7!! tyre.,14 .1LCIST .'t C17:7,Lan Jr-J-f yf rt::1 0,4. -- 1 11 111 STACII OIONSIONINglialliEWININEVIZNISIEWNS 11IPIttrt" TIMM PAW : - y MALY VP YOICZ - SEE YOUR GROCEL 01 IIII; ....7.-- fi u-- u ''''4;t4V4101r11111 rJ 10111P MURRAY JONES', ORCHESTRA .,,, ' - rbikp results. Alter and enhance your DANCE: 1 SOIriotokeJ Friday :IS te.. , ' 'CLOVER CLUB DAY' It;, 3 - Ir . - ON OP ; CUISIG117,LTHEERAFIt'i Mothers & Daughters! NEED A CHANGE? Take this vacation with . IT ON THE TEUDIO I LTOM0111110W-- 0110011garcrszloreze tosh4 SOs' MIDWAY A11'6 P. M. BARGAI ,' 1 SWIMAT 10. Sibbiebor bcatroom . SU ') k ANNONI: 1 Al C . fl-,------ g',..".i, '' a Owl the '' --- 1477 EME 60,' .A ?el -'- - 1 A. . 01 c4wrep,e, - GOTTA STAY HAPPY' 845 '11 Was II ALI !1 tan osikos,111sodatt Adsmisaies gST sow TECROLORI. ; r MUTTON ADUtwee"; & "SAPASON & DELILAH' NO NIONASI You tAST ,.., ws,.Y Alto MAN POWAINIJAPAIS now MINNS ILANAIN-InCT- ON 1 ..:, '1 rPt" irt, iff y 8 , 010711 P 0111001-4AMMI- A eitzeisiiN -- - PARADISE! fotYe371'5W,tri$.0 CUM 9 gC;1 hlUtTr,Ey; ams-Pi- et ')o-aVrqqrieg'-- in - , OF A SOUTH ra Wket , ,), ' '', It rvgr-- iie 0. -- ESNERB its. WPfnitS Kmrr000 6e3;!:LiktiC3 CARTOON 1141,a...,ot ' j,1!",1 aolyevau pi os ,1 PUS. cetOt 7 Oti THE PRIMMYE 14., rk, ,,,,:i.: ,.,..,.J S.OSPatv!"..z--- 1 ., ,.., ' T........., Et PO - (,---- 0- - .71;04,A C.. tobl Al:"1 lk, 0 JJ mut 111 pocw ri 11011.11ADAY 4'4" r Icon; LITCCri-J3C1- AND GET ME" ,Alro--"TR- Y . ot- .- OIS - Pam ,loopokie Statiorie M toji,lorribw, r1.41IL it0,04 PLO. THE FARM" cl rtjiiippm711513;:k1;f1ILU7,1:-fli- NOW! "MA AND PA KITTLE SAC 1.Y 4TTEtt!4005 611" S it Sic:is:in" NEWS , 1.1 , 0" 94' AOIA , csodartek W.UUDLAN Di Woo SUSHCES -- - SNORT - :It ft;:t. :' I TOOM tr , , I 4- .- &Ansi ATDOOAS At Altrel 11ATIA SlItto PAST rgm1PIMPIMPF4PorlOMPIPIIPS0IPMPIIPr",""' ezrollf - ,. SAS Mem W211 01 r"ating' iftif it - "NEVADA'q LATISI X- 4T1J GG 'IT ILWID1 L,Vik v 11,kX41tcl,-- b .VENDETTA' Jibs SOUK IMICHUM-AN- N 'SZ 'nom 0911Y0 Po? o Stave Stag rOisittitliti4 008,1 Lei; - to 4411.ARITY! 14.17 ,'( Specttet Tree, Iliso bells Taylor pams tobbillebt MOS i,fsrf.f) "Father's Little Dividend' 1411 nom Eng Ili, - 11111111W 6 S ..101 ctr (4bitia; ;14 I - I P 4 :4 , UK a 1 r i - , 1 - ... IS tuusi,44::Al' ,1,1, 0 !""1N TOM & JERRY I . 4A11,4i.;; t011b OPP OVItt oix - N tatiat 7; .114 1 tooav-op- tif IMEMEI ,.,,'"Sc9 :;- - ... - I.41Z; 41 , PAM --SOLDIRS 'MRCP' wigh llowaveriVfmloor Nauss Also "I01111 Of 1111,0613 CIUSTO' Seam 1110W.9008ef, Poole Conkm Mat,' k , 2 sfemlitcoloe 4c.i 4 soya opts I 411 LIMA MOMS ayes Iowa L1' 'p p nt , ---, i S? ri-jF .. -- 'uL r!1iw Itiob SpeRfte True ossgoo)ii I VOUS w;. 11 , -- - OP VMIII linen CARTOON DIHV 1. Oi'4NN 7114111,--......--.114deri- a. 1 4(.4'1111' Ct.' . pdAtlig;'''61' ..... ,,,...f,,., itAls-I-4 I II" MO hIf - (g)00gE,, .01.0:014;2:?.. soltaer it 01) hpant ims) IIIE PIIMIE hose a 6 - YL1 tZFLIN TOE' SiOnY kit "softie NtAaorg , sr' I , stdt sees EENTARE Of - Alaimo - lethiLertp.M. ORO D entes - ' -, 1951.-43 ccnirse,' Joseph L. tlanklewica will v.terite the script and direct the picture., which again will team Jearma and Cory. "People Will Tale, is a mild satire on the medical 'profession, and "Alter All rye Done" is , a satire ea motherhood.... course, not too amusing Auld, ot criticaL Jack Cummings, who, discovered Meanie dentally, Montalban (nhw one Of MGM's hottest actgrs), when was making "Fiesta" in Mexico, has another Mexican story for his protege. de-tid- ed Fair," AUTORDIMAbbett end Ceetelle Meet the Winne Mae" and tiopermit.' DOUNTIFUL Moroi' VIEW "Vatter& 'ritm" and ''Insielo Straight- ,ItYLAND"Al Immerses ot-- Oklahoma" and 'Greet Manhunt to Earth" and Tt , Rad To lio Telt" t" REDIVOOD--"Jaelipeand "Mieltoy." UTE"Bird et Paradise.' atitrWOODLAND"Bright turn of the Prontiersimm"; HE COULD BRING THE HOUSE DOWNJ. Scott Smart does a jitterbug with Julie London in the ,mys- r, "The Fat Man," coming soon to the Up- , - , end Pa Kettle Beek ith the "try and Oot Wm"imasea." June 6, - " Lvks. CREST-- -Tlia , - : - - Sing Brought up- 0 Date Cards." UPTOWN"lialiAnget" UTAR"Along - the Greet VILLA"Half- Anat." - 'Of Thée Crossbones" sad ."'Alt "Debbi Cadet." Salt Lake City, Utah, Wednesday, - daub ART"Olti."- CINEMA LYRIC , Coate sit - IN HOLLYWOOD , Prltr. I, nt wood to make a movie based on his radio characterization of "The Fat Man," and both Smart and the studio fully expect that ' his already voluminous fan mail will double itself after the picture is released. Scott gets hundreds of letters a week from citizens all over the country whose love for fat men is apparent in their coomplimentary prose. Take, the ladies, for instance. Smart gets an average of 15 proposals of marriage a month from hefty gals from New York , to California who want to hitch up with a gent who could be FIRST RUN NEWS,- - RESERET - MEN . t.i.; - io.m, i 1 1 , - f - 1:. ito," 4044,70 114,07,fr FA!0,10 |