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Show - THE DESERET Salt Lake City, Utah 6 Saturday , June 20, 1942 NEWS , "V Staid Old What 's Qoing N. Y. Hall Goes Broadway Hollywood Follows The Book Closely Careful -- Planning Gets Reward Systematic Soil Cultivation Is Effective . of one thing. And that is, untidy with during the spring months. These s Mcs. g season is over. The garden Bhears must be used vigorously; plants must be clipped and trlm- med and shorn of all dead stalks yand is to resume Its normal garden green and tidy self. Once these relics of past joys have been cleaned away any garden no matter how simple will regain a good measure of charm and at tractiveness. So it is the shears to the rescue after the iris, peonies and other spring plants have made their adieus. TRIMMING IS HELP Bv trimming back especially those w Uh poor foliage, Such as the delphinium and Oriental poppies an many pne can rejuvinate otherwise garden. unkempt Good foliage Is as important as bloom when once July has arrived so cherish and take advantage of all plants that are blessed with this good trait, and do not hesitate to shear hack- - severely the spring plants whose foliage is whispv and flopping; cut such plants back severely and thcv browning--ieedpods-lf-an- will soon send out fresh growth to their own new well-bein- One thorough swash-bucklin- and going-ove- r ran - anv trimming slumping mid-sumer garden to a lemarkahle revive- g de- . - dong' gardcn-lov-er"- to achieve. We wish for, no we irtuallv long for this happy state for no ailing, pouting plant ever gives pleasure to its owner, vet here is a simple and important means bv which it can be attained in opr gardens, vet old hands at gardening many still neglect to realize the importance of keeping the soil well stirred about the plants CTTTTVATE OFTEN This does not mean that the gardener must .rush out in the midst of the 'heat of mid sum- , mer to cultivate the hard ground under the broiling sun, but if a gentle stirring of the soil is be- pun in spring when the ground is soft and mellow, and it is continued at frequent intervals all during maintain-th- at there will be ft-weeds, heaphv. good looking plants, and even Toss need of contant watwing. Such cultivation is casv and simple IF the giound has not been allowed to get haul and crustv, and to go over the with tlie piopor tool will be a pleasure on summer mornings en gai-de- n and evenings, and this can be done methodically, bit bv hit, until the entire garden lias been stirred. Tell Me .Please- - your established perennials a thorougli stirring and notice how they lCspond. Ask any successful rose grower or at your lcoal flower shows how they achieve their f success and in every case you will find that these gardeners practice regular cultivation of tile soil. BENEFITS PROVED All of these lules for good are followed at the countiv garden of Mr. and Mi W. Jerry Crowley at i7l! Ik UseMORGRO Now, If you want to hoo Bountiful LAWNS . . FLOWERS,. PLANTS & GARDENS. MORGRO b Utah, trad Idaho' Porioct F.rtilii.i, Mod. by th. Wasatch Chemical COMPANY 222S So. 5th East Salt Lak. City Chocolate Soldier will open a season of musical comedy and the hall is having its longhair cut and its face lifted for the new era. As pretty girls romp through the hallowed corridors and kick their shapIy legs at rehearsals, Hollywood fab- - Now At Centre The'ater Ann Sheridan and Ronald Regan in a romantic moment from Kings Row," screen adaptation of Henry Rellamann's novel, now at the Centre theater. Others in the east include Robert Cummings and Betty Field. best-sellin- prize-winne- i. mfoi-iii.iuo- garden-- keeping -- garden a u e iv ided wilt n Much of the ' l.o ii ans peonv plant is cl ir it - dug l, leiii.'iind in one laigr pant v.iiloiii division tile locus will to supply food lie. 0 rol' If possibl c.i wait until lo .iJ August oi hepumbci for nio.e the plant, spi mg moved no sulk otten and peon.ea pool-ltc i yeais Kali is the time lor such wink. Please accept my sine ei u thinks for you f kind oids and good luck to you m Mm. It. C, Salt City WlltPs Will you kmdlv tell me what caie a uischt.t plant nc ds now? This was a giu m .Motluis Dav, and it i. siill iiv;i ui a little bloom, o.i pi i.oi iking t in-so well as Shall put it outside (qi the Him,.' W bU lsTT Os, von siiould find a cool shady spot in tour gaulen for out fust hla plant. Some place wlieie It will i nerve legular uateung. Sink lie pot m the giound so that it v. ill not city out H'tlv The plant may go on. blooming foi some tune, but if llie foliage is pool , try rutting it back quite severely. This will inutile new glow til. Anxious, Cedai City asks Rteenllv we planted some veiv puiipeis and now one cf jiue them looks dusty and chv We aie afraid that we v 111 lose it and wonder what can be done to it. The others ail look fine. What care should evergreens of this .type have after planting? A NSW ER Evergieeiis aie often attacked bv t tiled-- mt 'pidetm delightful c liange and innot vation from the icgulur injTomTe 'Nelghnonmo'cT Guidon Cluli, tlie dull nuinheis, their lui'hands and file nils .will be the guests of Mr. utiu 'It a. J. Fied Davnes at a Moonlight Garden Paitv on Moneluv eve Western S. L. County Receives Promise On Beer -- hot werdh-'i-r tliev place v The Coujilv lodav ptomtscd olficial, cf the West tliai (lie Side Civic oi lj,i ii at loll will be notified of mv apidicaticm for beer liiens-em the western. p.ut of tlie count' and that tlie assoc laiion -wttl h. allowed to make legarding tin' approval oi denial of the applica tions. Tho ronimission's ilcdge of with the association was given as the result of a n s communication from John D. llill. association chairman, who asked that the organizat.on's officials he notified of any beer license applications in tile area ,. icpi esenurt by .association This aiea is bounded by Twentv-firs- t SoutirStreet on the north, South Jordan on the south. Joidan River on the east mem-bets- and Magna and Bingham on tlie wesi. Tlie commis.s,on agreed to notify the associations secietarv, J1. IV. Labrum of Murray, before the board takes anv action. on futuiff.beer license applica- - Car-he- w would throw them Safety Club Meets The West Side Safety Club met last night at 7.50 oclock in the Art Center to hear Mrs. S. A. Cotterell, of the Utah Safety Council-a- nd a representativeOf' the National Safety Council, discuss the Clubs safety program. Fifteen members attended," Bovd Chapman, publicity chairman, reported. Alvin Jorgensen, vice president, presided. the Boston Cnivei-sitNew England ConservaThe twin comtory of Musio mencements came on the same day, and the Don. I'U'1 family put schools, e log Venn Mvkmg' - tis-u- SPECIAL WAR HEROES STAMP BOOKS WITH 4 25t STAMPS FOP con-stru- plant ti agments Tiv The i illicit finger's extei lor is A cord moolh. stainlc- - steel s i ounce t s it lo a 'box which (lie Finger with 'neives. These nerves lo ite the metal In the Jlesh. -- futn-i-ho- foliage. vied "till wami Tin- - will wa-olf Hie minute spinti- - Should o plant show no nnpi o einent fioin scull t ecine a dusting powdet coiitaining sulphur or some locommcndecl liv liquid spiav the mu.sen man In vour locaii-tFrequent washings with hose usually inipi o e this condition. 11- e. .Tlie finger - the invention of 17. leseireh Samuel liei man, and test engineer of the New Sul)-- " ork City" Independent son, way Sysiem. Berman's Jerome will represent linn at Rochester. It took Berman two voais of ww King an bio spaio time to the instrument winch is expected in hdp save American Hie soil writ and eiv cle p soaking, and ai-- o 11 h Finger the Mavo Clinic in to Minn . to dxploin a suigeons there bow to operate find robot finger designed to piece- of metal buried in living -- lve dec given n ou . for if the ,.ie pkinted teicives pliicv nl lulUv.iting wa-- c June 20 (AD A' voting medical student, giving vaealio.i, left up several clijs NEW-IORK- I c .Fif tween Redwood Road and the new" Army Air Force Replacement Center, a distahre of . 2.5 miles, will be let shortly by the State Roard Commission which opened bids vesterdav afternoon. J. M. Sumsion, Springville contractor, was low with $9,700 for. the job which mud be completed within :K) working dajs. h"-bn- New Robot v c of . ibex Inventor's Son Will Demonstrate i A 1 contract for the oiling med for lire to be - I ,. ning. .In no jx. at x p m. The spacious Davnes garden at it", IlarVaid Avenue is one of the finest in the utv, and is bullion a wooded anv on slope Club membeis aie looking foiwaitl to an enjoyable evening m veiv pleasant suriounrlmg- - No of tpe luh will lie held dining the summer months but a twilight garden tour was en loved last evening wlmli included husbands of club members. Several local gardens weie visited during the evening hums. Cuinmis-io- I ci mon.li-Tnnee- A ah-en- your garden As a To Build Road the. actres. "Anil in I'm going to buv some mere . rase she might some dav be-- e a brother. Hell have to go to college. too you know t Miss Faye, who bis been from her studio for more -he than avear. will not frcameras again befnre lale fall. "Meantime, she otirs to oo to New Yoik .Till v Id to lem her fill orchestra Kidmreutrn here Harris and v il about Oct 1 v Garden Party Is Announced out. Eetvausrhton Dean- narlti e Thcvre , Moonlight bigljJL-md'ATtdre- p lumself With t ed in Jr. I nl o a above It (Started c e li-- c tlons. cl o . lariame Sembriek ciazv, would hit a couple of octayga, go also na Durbin and cap-tor-- n is ii inqi.utited Sec ui guidon column next week for iurthei discussion on gat den up keep.' " .. i Ihd fi can icfiige heat and ru.-inl. end a fo all t i belie id Mi i, snc'wn winking n uhieli aie featme of the garden , v is Clou aim ng-i- nil ulic lit (ui a can tills lie moved. ANSWER v peony which Their spring lock gardens aie tnmmed bark after blooming and their well stocked pernomal borders of which the mid summer phlox is a pi on i nent feature aie also kepi nea- t- and titm and "veil cultivated at all Sic li a in a hectic afternoon scurrying Most people have trouble makfrom one graduation exercise to ing up their minds exactly wtfat another. , caieeis they want tpursue, but Music, of couise. won1 out, and few- young men have been so Al put aside his Blackstone and vexed by conflicting ambitions picked up a baton. as All Donahue, whose orchestra Water Survey.Planned , opens at CocSnut- Grove, Thurs-drone iie"2?rf A study of water utilization night only 'day77u wanted The Donahue family problems m southern Nevada handsome young Al to become will be made next week by Ralf one of Boston's leading legal jR. Woollev, senior hdraulic enlights. The boy was casually gineer for the U. S. Geological interested in abarristers career, information Survey, to .obtain but he was even more engrossed for a government report he is with the idea of making music. preparing on water supplier and This mental conflict continued resources in the Great Basin. He all through college, so that at expects to leave Salt Lake Monthe end of his educational i direr, to begin the stud'. de Al found himself in in'" astonof gi duating ishing position fnim two not"d simultaneously Io ig-i- -t i L in l.C 1 . ear-old- Hobinton, Jin Wyman and Broderalso Kiy By Blfht-wetick Crawfoizi Nancy Kelly. Richard Carlton and Albert Baaeerman. wilh VICTORY Pawaire," Bahama Stirlmr Hayden, Madeleine I arroll. G Carrol! , alack Flora Robaon and ' Submarine Raider, with John How--arand Marruenle Chapman. ' STUDIO Reap the Wild Wind." with John Wacne, Ray- - Milland, Panleoe Goddard Racmond Maaaev, Lynn Overman, Robert Preston, Susan Hayward and dharlcs Eicklord t ''Woman of tbo MURRAY Murray Year with frpencr Tracy. Katherine and RefinaM Bainler Hepburn, Fay Owen, also Sim Your Worries Away, with Bert Lahr anil Patsy Kelly. GEM The Bujrle Sounds." wilh WaJ laoe Beerv, Marjorie Mam, .Lewis 8lon and Georye Bancroft, also. Redskins and Redheads. The Fleet's In" MARLO (Sugarhousei with DorotHV Lamour William Holden: with also Danseroufrly Ihey lave John Ganeld and Raymond Massey. ARCADE 4th South and 8ih West Walter Brennan, Walter Huston in Swamp Water Hopalonr Casid in Outlaws of the Desert The 9t h So and TOWf-ih EasO with Droth Lamour. left g In Hold William rl Eddie bracken O c ns ii - rr the yeai n' I Al Donahue Comes To Coconut Grove Thursday and,-th- lii. 'more, the seriot for doubler- - " oi eft ill'll to. Shell i Ran to v.lnle a Nazi i p, i in- oiHio b?e bv n thit-.i-rmound liei neck. i,i,ir; a lope to Movie ccn-m- t - wine oppo-e- d .the M angling scene, however, so now Miss Rvan obeys her dictates with a revolvcr harrei pre-se- d against her neck. That'-- , more humane Alice Fave has startl'd buying rf her bonds in the def'n-no -- Alice Fave, Kar- 'c, II"c in - v o' c.,,1 6200 South in Cottonwc oil 11 HI, Mr. and Mis Crow lev c.ipiv woiking in their hoautilu! Hoc or th garden and as a le-u- lt regular care the lovely scene is neat a as always pm tliruug1--ou- t her ciate?.' c i back-toget- -- -- Garden- questions are answered each Saturday in this must be column. Questions written in irk or typewritten, usirtg only one side of the No moie than three questions tpi be answered for each enquner. A stamped and envelope should accompam leque-l- s for cm v.heie cuiu.es g c. si pi, III s , qvipment r g carpenters are modernizing the stage, primping up the dressing rooms and brightening the house. New footlights and spotlights will be added, rooms once used by the worlds greatest musicians redecorated in a gayer mood mid the whdle stage streamlined. It's too. going to be Some old tenants have a gleam in their eve, said Robert E. Simon, Jr., president oS Carn-gi- P Fall. Inr. Their youth is bnrv? irwvcd bv the sight of pretty girls in elevators in baths or I,--- . Some 70ing mightn't like it, but I do He scoffed at the suggestion lhat there was anything in using the roncert. haTl for such afriyolous performance. You want to remember, he added, we're not in the concert businessTVe just rent the hail. Said John .T. Tatten, house manager for 38 years: it. bht I know- some who wouldn't. Paderewski would sarril-egious- began rolling, copies of the book were kept handv about the set where they could be referred to readily, Studio officials say that when finished, the film will be seen as following the original story as rloselv as did Stella Dallas, Mrs. Mlnniver Row, .Kings Mr. Chips and 'Good-bye- . STRANGLE SCENE OUT Actors portraying ' Nazis In the movies apparently aren't going to he permitted to get too tough with their actress asso- - classical. After 51 years, staid Carnegie Hall has gone Broadway. the Next Tuesday night poods - iccom-meiidatio- The more wo hoe The more we grow savthe old gardener motto, and each year we realize more and X - xmyura c Watering Is next In Importance in keeping the summer garden green an fresh, but this has a close second in cultiva tion. The longer we struggle with garden-maitainance, the more Ve are convinced that th.sis one of the most important of all garden tasks. The soil must be kept loose and free from baking if our plants arc to thrive and our gardens are to present that pleasing look of satisfied contentment that lush, heartvnd appearance which eerv plant-a- Crowley workfhg among ber flowers Cottonwood garden at 6711 Sixty more the tiutli f this old adage. No modern pill or itamin can do for the 'garden what this old practice will accomplish in making plants thrive and flourish. Just try this cultivation out n nual plants and see how much bettei they do live pl-'- gree. . AV. second Kouth'KfrfPT.- also leave behind them a welter of litter to be straightened out and removed, bloom--In- Jerry the of Edwirt Laicny CAPITOL YORK, Gum-chewin- g But first studio stoiies released. Charlotte was depicted as "fat," and one cartoon even Indicated that Miss Davis weighed about 210 pounds. So, Mrs. Prouty. slightly disturbed, promptly wired Miss Davis, who replied instanter that she never bad any intention of weighing In the movies or 230 pounds anvwheie else.'. With that- - point settled, a friendship and corresnondenee developed between Author and actress that resulted in them taking the character of Charlotte 'Id "pi pcps and putu ng Jier again. Script writers then followed the novel with unusual fidelity and 'when the yam-e- ras Results Of Planning flower-guest- , (Wide ble heels. Bette at in the 'V crowded that CENTRE Kintfl Row with Ann Sheri Ronaitr' it uteri rmjiiiriTre C'oburn harle ran, Betty Fields. Claude Rains end JuuHh Amterson. with Nor We Were Dauunr LTAH nun hearer, MeLwn lourlae, Gail Patrfk. Lee Bowman - and Marjorie Mam also hid Glove- Killer. with Van Heflin, Marsha Hunt. wrth The Gold Rush. ?RA'MONT harhe Chaplin, also. "Mexican Pt with Lupe Aeie andJLeon Errol, fire. also, ' Defense of Moscow June 20 (AP) chorus girls have invaded one of the last shrines novels for buys ulous prices, throws away the plot, brings in six new writers-an- d nine new characters, and then produces the picture under different title. This may be true in some instances, but Mrs. Olive Higgins Prouty Is one person who has just been convinced there are many exdeptlons. She is ,fhe author of "Now, Voyager. currently being adapted to and starring that redoubtable perfectionist,. Bette Davis.- Originally, Mrs. Prouty invented a feminine character called Charlotte (Miss Davis), a psychopath, who in the opening chanters was depicted as an overweight, dowdy, inhibited old somebody, who wears thick spectacles. cotton Stockings and sensi- ll after the festive spring 20 best-sellin- g garden - MMtlll be a place of cod beauty if we will obsene a few simple and easy-r- u lea :of good-- - garde- nkeeping. CLEANING HOUSE to expect Every house-wif- e keep her house well dusted and she knows neat,-a- nd that after she has plaved host to many guests there will be considerable straightening and picking up to do . . yet how often will abandon the garden-make- r Us June NEW g . her poor garden to TED GILL BY Just as firmly as grandflannels, pa believed in red calomel and the hickory switch, movie-goinsome sections of the public are firmly convinced while we take a comfortable seat in the shade. But even though there are fewer flowers in bloom during full-we- The Classics HOLLYWOOD, News Garden July, the Trend World) Editor been ou 'caught in that Have slump , . that gardening vearty ' off season which follows the sudden-- ' spring blooming, when ly there are few flowers, many weeds to conquer, and a general spirit of languid inactivity? "Oh, my garden is a sight thing in right mow . . . "not a such alibloom, . . . One hears bis on every hand during July and early August. Only the faithful few can weather this trying time, and can keep up, those' enthusiastic fires of spring when hot weather arrives. All too often we abandon our poor garden spaces to the pests and drouth - Chorus Girls Invade Last Shrine Of ' BY HAZEL. D. MOYLE The Deseret Now, Voyager Is Typical Of New n 1- .electro-magenti- h v tieat-tnen- c X AHCADE " free nDmissiomr - (SHOW BOOK AT GATE YOU KEEP Walter Walttr-Brtna-an, Huston "Swamp Water" Hop Along Cooidy la 7 ln 'Outlaws of the Desert'1 BOOK) GIRIIT PRTRIOTiC CELEB RATS DEI T0 -- BG TIME v DANCE TONIGHT Pope III Again BERN. June 20. (AP) Pope This. XII. taxed by work and audiences, from Vatican City today to be mildly ill for the second time this vear. HEAR MUSIC BARGAIN BEFORE 1:30 BROX rted ENCES OF 14 BRITISH was-jppo- AND AMERICAN WAR HEROES - NEXT THURSDAY JUNE 25TH ONLY DONAHUE AL M)-s- ' UNIVERSITY of UTAH STADIUM TUESDAY JUNE Cottonwood Club Will Visit Garden The Cottonwood Garden Club w ill- be entertained bv . Robert Harkness on Monday. June 22. at tlie Town Club, at 2 30 after which the chib mempm, bers will visit the Municipal Rose Garden. ACTUAL EXPERI- AND HIS ORCHESTRA Dlf n) Fall tie Thu Grand load. Girl LATI DANCING Hmi EVENING 23, 7 P.M. BOOK RURILRBLE RT RLL STORES, TKERTRES, ROD RT SPECIRL BOOTH RT I4S SOUTH mRIN. STREET See the War Heroes Paracle Tuesday Noon. - Omw tXadsi DDBlHwUDCBTON 'THE FLEET'S IN" 9t Suited Swim RtMU nw and 'Dangerously They Live'1 Saratoga Glorious Water Waltx Night Saturday Paml.ti. Barmond Goddard Mau.y-Ro- b.rt Ray Mtlland Froaloa 'REAP THE WILD WIND' I |