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Show v- 2 Salt Lake City, Utah ; - I Design For Defense HE . DESRh I NtWS- r.f Timor Acts Of Japanese Protested Technique Of Improves Greatly , WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. (AP) Here are some questions,, and answers clarifying major defails of the retread tire rationing pro- gram: nS flnl srtlrle In the . ex. This If til twen cam-plrt- a shirk has praam tah errire, "Da Ira Par Daffnaa In ITIah. anf aerurata plrtura of alvlliaa hafanaa Cntil auah a timo a propraaa warraola a aparlal feature handilns of fa fauna work Tha Daaaral. Xra will earrp In lla dallr nawa aolnntna tha lataaf aothoritatlTa Information on tha rulaa. rarulatlona, plana and ttork af tha Itah' '' Defrnaa Connell anil Ita raiaatlao aubdl alaiona, In thin final artirlr, Staff Wrltar l E. Pvrpaaon talla of lata daaaloo manta, what ha believe tha wasknaaaaa In tha a tala prof ram ara and thin ft axpactad to coma. 'EntTORU KOTE: el nitre Deeeert i Newa BY L. E. FURGESON.. A tremendous 'development in the technique of civilian de- fehse has become, extremely noticeable in the state and nation since the start of this series on Jan. 17. In one month's time, schools vided. and classes have been established The Utah Defense Council now for defense training by the U. S. 18 paid workers drawing an has loOffice of Civilian Defense and aggregate of $1,673 monthly. A cal defense councils. Vocational, check-- of the $125,000 state deadult " high schools and colleges fense fund by a Deseret News, sre offering defense eourses. The period of planning and rereporter showed authorized ex$20,000 to cruiting is nearly at an end. In penditure- of only Salt Lake, an average of 200 date." City and county units, some persons ge taking courses each - - day in various fields to enable of which hoped to get into the have practically them to take part In civilian pork barrel, made up their minds that the activities. r ' Because of its relatively safe state fund is limited for ' of the Utah Defense Interior position, Utah- has been Council and therefore they are Itself to fend for left largely - while - Federal officials concenmaking arrangemenis for their trated on establishing workable own money. The Salt Lake City and Coundefense units on the civilian Defense coast. ty and Weber County Councils have a few paid workers Even though it has worked e to handle necessary alone, the Utah Defense Council, through the foresight of jobs. Provo and Logan have been Gov. Herbert B. Maw and Execu- reported as ready to adopt a similar program. -live Director Gus P. Backman, However, the manpowerhas anticipated the national defense Is almost wholneeds with almost uncanny acly voluntary. It is an individual curacy. and WORK COORDINATED community, county, state national affair. What started out to be a hodgeAs Utah was Undergoing its of individual ideas has OCD of' podge been shaped into a coordinated preliminary organization, were D. C., In ficials Washington, workable pattern approved by the U. S. Office of Civilian Debusy answering Congressional fense. charges of needless expenditures and appointments. Although training programs are underway, others need to be OCD RESIGNATIONS The reslgnation of Mayor developed. and Mrs.' Roosevelt, Not enough Utah pilots have been signed up for the Civil Air clearly that civilian de. will follow a military patPatrol Decontamination Squads fense more tern closely and that sofor protection against gas are almost totally lacking and more cial reform, important as it Is, will be left up to agencies esnurses are needed. tablished specifically for that One group which deserves special credit is the Medical Corps. purpose. Utahns can expect increased Composed of doctors and nurses, the Medical Corps have organisemphasis to be placed upon the ed quietly through their resalvage of strategic materials and metals needed for war as well as associa- spective professional " tions. an increased 'list of rationed ar. ticles. During the last month, there has been a definite division of Haphazard methods of gatherduties of various groups. Voluning paper, iron, steel, aluminum teer organizations have been and other materials will give forced to work with local civilplace to an organized program of ian groups and have acquitted salvage work. Town: city and state campaigns will be coordithemselves admirably. nated by a regional officer to tie Weaknesses of the state program are two-folsent to Utah. If any two things will create bad morale or hinder The trouble of disposing of the an organizations operations, polarticles, which has been a maitics and individual jealousy will jor one in Utah, will be Ironed do the trick. out. When the whole program of County defense councils have civilian defense is working effibeen, ser up under county-- commissioners for ease in organizaciently with trained personnel, tion and to obtain official coun- - the only work-ou- t it may get may be on trial runs or test ty support in fumK facilities and equipment. PRIVATE AMBITIONS Whether emergency crews will ever need to battle flames from However, while this has been incendiaries or rescue bombed accomplished in most cases, in other respects it has hindered devictims or evacuate refugees is not known. Emperor Hlrohito's velopment because a few individual lords in Tokyo have not anwar have been unable "politicos" ' to see the civilian defense picnounced their intention concernture as a whole and have a naring Utah and anyway, the U. S. row view. which makes tliem Army, Navy, Marine Corps and afraid that some other individAir Corps have to be reckoned ual or some other unit will get with. more publicity or prestige. Even though civilian defenders The Utah State Defense Countheir may never be needed, cil and its respective subdivisions training will not be lost and the must beware of charges of policitizens of "the state will have ties because civilian defense achieved a new high In civic being a voluntary program which duty and cooperative spirit, affects everyone cannot be di ins - ' -- admin-Istratio- n - " st full-tim- n ' . , black-outs"- ave Learn the and Rumba while Arthur Murray Introductory rotes are Tn effect. Fox-tr- The new ot OgcTen , studios will be open each .- Portugal,, Felj. 21. (AP) With the nations presa protesting against a new violation of Portuguese territory, the National Assembly was called to meet this afternoon, in extraordinary session to hear a statement by Premier Antonio de Oliveira Salazar on the Invasion of Portuguese Timor by Japanese- - soldiers. The session was ordered last night afterthe premier met with his cabinet for two hours. Previously the Japanese am bassador Called twice on Dr. Salazar to inform him that the Japy anese- would leave the Portuguese half) of the island "after if obtaining their objective Portugal would maintain her neutral attitude. The German minister to Lisbon also called on Dr. Salazpr, and then took a special plane to Berlin. The result of his visit was not announced. , announced The-Japan- ese v British-Portugues- on Feb. 27. e I Maurice Gustave Gamelin?; On Triail For French Defeat Charged with responsibility for Frances defeat by Germany, five forjner French officials have gone on trial in Riom, unoccupied France. The five are Leon Blum, former premier;' Edouard Daladler, also a former premier; Gen. Maurice- Gustave Gamelin,- - former Allied chief: Guv la Chambre, former air minister, and Piefrc Jacomet, former administrator of national defense industries. The sixth defendant, Pierre Cot, former air minister, is not being tried because he is living safely in a suburb of Washington, D. C. LAST DAYS 5 Lomond Room 701 Hotel Utah Ogden, Utah DIAL 5761 Salt Lake City Dial v ROME (From Italian BroadThe (AP) casts), Feb. 21. Italian high command acknowl-- , edged today the loss .of a submarine but said that one of its torpedo boats had rammed and sunk in a few seconds an enemy submarine. The Italians said that accord--into British reports most members of the crew" of the lost Italian submarine were captur- ed and taken to Gibraltar. g tt tv v v. If the Japanese plan to act likewise, they ' might as well have avoided committing a violation of our sovereignty, A Vox declared. War Powers Bill At Head Of Calendar WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. I5EV A week. Slated for consideration Tues- day, it 1r one of five important matters House leaders hope to dispose of during the week. Others are legislation to repeal pensions for congressmen, to set up a war damage insurance pro.-grato create a womens auxiliary corps to aid the military, and to extend the life of the special committee investigating activities. The rules committee' has set aside four hours for debate on the war powers bill, which would give 15 extraordinary grants of authority to federal agencies for the duration. The most controversial elau.se in the proposal would let Federal Reserve Banks purchase direct government obligations from the treasury instead of on the open market as now required. Opponents contend this authori-zatlo- n would permit too much market manipulation. Senate-approve- d HOLIDAY MONDAY Also in controversy is a pro- -' vision giving defense agencies broad jrowers to inspect books and accounts of contractors and to require them to be brought to Washington if necessary. The congressional pension repealer may be considered 'ahead of the war powers bill, since it was tacked on to a minor naval measure by the Senate and can be considered as soon as it reaches tho House, ' Leaders said the House, margin for repeal might exceed the 7n to 5 vote in the REMEMBER CUT- - . Wilminster (Wilton Type) Reg. 4.95 3.95 sq. yd. Wilminster (Extra Heavy) Reg. 5.95 4.45 sq. yd. 4.95 sq. yd. Hy. Wt. Axminster, Reg. 5.45 Burgundy, Heavy Wilton, Reg. 6.95 5B5 sq. yd. Beige, Heavy Wilton- Reg. 6.95 . . ST95q. yd. Genuine Argonne Broadloom (sidewalk 4 tested) yd. 4 ..... iplary Genuine waffle hair pad when sold with carpet orders Square Yd A REG. $6.00 ALL WOOL FRIEZE TWIST CARPET Guaranteed by Axelander Smith Carpet Mills In the four most popular shades- Maple Tan, Alice Blue, Rose Glow, and Green for only .95 iq. yd. ' I We have roked our minds for bargains to give to you in 9xl2-ft- . rugs. Our stocks are clean and prices already low, but here ore 9 more individual rug specials you will find them with our regular stocks, with special sale tickets on them. There are price groups a Of 24.50 36.50 44.50 54.50 ... GROUP II Regular Value $54.50 W hav a itock oi heavy weiqhi 9x12 Wilmiiuter ruqt. terns but just as good as ever and gives us an excuse price. 7 patterns GROUP lo . ' III Axmineter all wool face rugs ol finest quality 9x12 six. are offered perhape ior the laet time during the emergency in the following groups: month 75 Theie are last years patat a remark-abl- e to oiier them choose from. in various colors." Genuine GROUP IV ARGONNE 39 4750 5750 RUGS The famous sidewalk tested rug in 9x12 is Ihs rug that children can't wear out. REDUCED - In addition to above patterns we have 24 more patte all at low prices and priced at a saving to you. By Fred Neher RATES SCBSCRIPTIOJf .Jfto On week 7S Six month (paid In advance) One year (paid in advance) $9.50 The above rates apply to Utsh, Idaho, Nevada and W.vomtnr. 91 FROMROLL 6 widely lue Rose Blue Rich Rose GROUP - elatee hare selected different colors and designs from our broadloom carpets now in stock. Even the regular price carried over from. 1941 is a bargain, today but on the specially reduced numbers listed below the savings are1 sensational. . - Th Audit- Bureau of Circulations Published Afternoon Except Sunday Entered at the postoffice at Salt Lake City at second claim matter so March X cordiDff to Act of Conrres other MONDAY roaaioont. We LIFES LIKE THAT CLOSED To bring your own measurements. To select your carpet now and have it laid later. A small deposit Will hold for future delivery. All of our men who handle the laying of cqrpet are experts. This is your insurance for a perfect job. (AP) RIOM, Unoccupied France, Feb. 21. (AP) A chronology of pre-wa- r developments in Germany and France was among defense items before the special tribunal of Riom today, presented by former Premier Leon Blum to support his charge that this is a political trial. terest in the proceedings yesterThe prosecution's selection of He sat with his eyes day. June, 1036, as the month in ahead and his shoulders straight startwhich France should have squared. ed strengthening defenses drew " Former Premier Edouard Dal-- ' fire from Blum, one of five leadadier and former Air Minister ers of the old French republic accused - of "for fts fall before Adolf Hitler's legions Daladier conferred frequently" in 1040. with his attorney, Maurice Ribet. It was in 1036 that Blum's It was learned last night that came front the accused Paul Reynaud, who government popular into power. replaced Daladier - as - premier-shor- t Carefully the former premier ly before France capitulatdeveloped the point that Hitler ed, would he called as a witness rose to leadership in Germany, in an effort to prove charges of removed her from the League a lack of military preparation of Nations, instituted conscripby his predecessors. tion and occupied the Rhineland Other witnesses will include before that time. Georges Bonnet, who was forHe drew the conclusion that eign minister at the wars start; the Riom hearing, arranged by Kdquard I lorriot. former- - presiMarshal Petain, was aimed at dent of the Chamber of DepuWev-ganties. and Gen. Maximo blaming his social reforms and the parliamentary who succeeded Gamelin system for Franco's military defeat. as Allied commander in chief. Of the defendants only former Officials estimated a verdict Generalissimo Maurice Gustave could not be reached before Gamelin appeared to take no in Aug. 1. STORE You U bo ostouodod, as hundreds of happy buyers already hare been at the wonderiul values oered during- AXELRAD'S GREAT RUG SALE Every rug or broadloom is offered to you at a substantial taring. So buy now for present and future needs While YOU still havo the opportunity to SAVE AT AXELRAD'S Blum Reviews History ToShowTrialPolitical New war powers legislation heads a list of major measures to be taken up by the House next AU .... - . Member Hotel Italians Tell Of Submarine Sinkings inde-fective- ly (JhccBcsrat-Nnn- Arthur J Murray DanceStudios Ben V. IF YQU IIEED toil , March 1. is-n- Senate Thursday. beginning Feb. 23rd irora 9 A.M. P.MVIt's iun learning the rumba, t with extango, waltz or modern Gain perts. Visit the Studios Monday. added popularity. Surprise your friend at you? next party Monday gain - yes- terday they had landed troops on both the Dutch and Portuguese- portions of Timor, which is 800 miles east of the Allied naval base oL hoerabaja, Java, and 450 miles northwest of Darwin, Australia, also the location of an Allied naval base. The independent newspaper O Seculo declared that Dr. Salazar would tell the naHori 'w'hat to do at the National Assembly meeting this afternoon. The Portuguese people stand, with their leader." Q Seculo said the reasons given by Japanese were "inconsistent and that Portuguese rights to Timor and its Integrity need not be stressed. . Portuguese Timor was - occupied Dec. 18 by Australian and Dutch troops to prevent seizure by the Japanese. The Catholic newspaper A Vos declared that according to a recent agreement the Australian and Netherlands troops were to be withdrawn from Timor after the arrival of Portuguese reinforcements due at the capital, Dilli, thedlre without a purchase certificate. Q. Whaj does the purchase certificate allow? A. With a certificate, you may buy a .retreaded tire or have tire retreaded. If you buy the tire, your old tire must be are turned in. The certificates good for 30 days and may be used any where. Q. When, will I know whether passenger car tires canbe retreaded? A. Probably around March 2 OPA will clarify the situation. Applications may be filed after A. Taxis; cars used to transport certain construction or mechanical workers; essential" executives and personnel; federal, state of local government employes on" official busines" cars used to tarry farm produce ana supplies; certain "essential" traveling salesmen; cars used for wholesale newspaper delivery. Q. How is the retread program related to the new tire program? A. New tirtve' quotas must first be exhausted before retread certificates will be issued passenger cars eligible under the new tire program. Owners of trucks, however, will not be given new tires Q. When jdoes the retread rationing program take effect? A. The program took effect at 12:01 am. Feb. 19, except for actual issuance of retread purchase certificates. Local ration boards, all of which have not received necessary forms, will not .begin issuing certificates until Monday. What restrictions are alQ. ready in effect? A., All supplies of retreading and recapping material, as well' unless local boards are satisfied as retreaded and recapped tires, their worn tires cannot be reare frozen; no dealer may sell treaded; such trucks will take a rertead tire or use rubber for preference overt eligibles on the if and when list. retrqgding purposes except to honor a purchase certificate, Q. What are ti1 chances of if and when eligibles under the by a l local board. Q. Who-wilbe eligible to buy present conditions? s. a retread or have an old tire re-- , A. Very doubtful. OPA has treaded? said that it is probable" that A. Only owners of trucks now no crude rubber will be available for retreading passenger car eligible to buy new tires are now able to obtain retreads; there o tires except those already eligible to buy new tires. At best, retreading material available now for passenger automobiles, if and when" group can the although a list of passenger car hope for no relief before April. cligibles has been established "for Q. Suppose I left a tire before use by local boards if and when Feb. ID and ordered it retreaded. such matreial is made available .Can I get the tire back? by the War Production Board, A. Yes, if flic retreading has e if and when Q. Who are-thnot been starred; if the retreadeligibles?" ing job ds done, you can not re LISBON, Shortcomings Of Program In Utah Are Analyzed In Last Article No Materials For Passenger Cars Exist Notv And Future Looks Dark Retreads: Extraordinary Session Of Assembly Is Called Today Saturday, February 21, 1942 - site choice oi patterns and colors.' 50 This COST pGSpUOO EASY PELIVERY riuitomiBctsmi TERMS BY TRUCK OR FREIGHT WzM. JS? 125T3. .UBIMfCOBI i CC Allowed TO ALL MSI! f-- . cant take thU report card home to on a war footing.!. Pop . hes 255 SOUTH srm ST. 'Mott Anywhere |