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Show .loF .,. - i- Solt lake, City, Wednesday, November DESERET NEWS AND TELEGRAM, n, 1953 - - I title Big Ones -- , 1 . , littlator Convicted:- 11011e , ' - lat Caused.. - - II, 1 -- .,-- - Ell - - DENVER - (INS-.Score- . of s 7 government and private i- - - -- -- - . N 'I ov,ik . PEGGY L. PEDDICORD stewardess killed , , ''--- - - ' , -- - - - Tony Ruote, 26, live about f one and miles fromthe crash scene and spent four years In the- - isTavy on aircraft earriers: was In my house at about 7 p.m. or shortly after when I heard - the. engines of the big plane rev up. , one-hal- II Itt .. - - I I iv 11 ,- - r -- -- -- -- - - 110.0 it -- ta Itio (UP)--Prem- ier Oporimolir e, . z 101 4vo . HALL LEE - - photo! airliner -- plane engine reving up JERUSALEM trouble. Then there Was-- one aNS)-- drown-stances.- - - Israeli El. !: It was understoOd that:: a tqF , -- physician will testify, probably In: an effort to bear out the de. Ifense- - contention' that the Bar n gfiliR David liarbor,104 soldier was not re. big explosion. It looked just said .Wednesday be was sponsible for his, acts.-- Defense I like the sin coming up in the gurion hope' for a light len. meet with the rulers attorneys to willing tence :". PLUS a big red. morning of all the Arab states ,.1411i- soon TAX court ,martial - Aboard Greyhound's Stenicreher or Elewart Troller Then the :plane came down at possible'Ltoseeka solution found-Alle- yguilty-- 7 of four and there was another eXplosion to the current Middle East charges:of trafficking with the Suspension. Ride TRIPS 7DAILY-Enjoy the .as it hit the ground. enemy- The government origiwide glare-proair conditioning modem ASK ABOUT OUTHOUNDI - I ran from filed seven counts against windows comfortable reclining contour seats! Pre- nally FAMILY PLAN Heochallenged,Egyptilin picture hint to but thestVere cut four the crash scene as fast as I mier Gamal Ahdel Nasser and during the lengthy, proceedings. could. There was no sign that Arab rp.14rt44;:::'-c,..vr-fellow his leaders: They 'Alley, convicted of collaborat. r--r- i, was There were alive.' anyone with-th110 sounds o'r moans tttni and rnmmit, 1 enemy Ay now have an Isiportunity- to ing , , , of the wreckage. And as far showTtollheworld what they ling acts-- detrimental to the , 0401E11-yzAmy, Was a captain when be see, no one there really wantwar or peace ( on the peace of was captured by the Reds dui,. felt there was any point ofgett-EL SO...TEMPLE WEST 107 Israel is an assault , on - the ing the Chosen Reservoir- fighting Into any of the wreckage ' e to try to save anyone. peace of ing in December. 1950. East. Premier-Designat- Ben- e -- A '11GE11. - 4 velvet-smooth-2-- -- - - of , - 6 . 7 - - -- - - rik , - 44 - ld CZ J: litUitit it:to)01 - - , , - - 34 'the-Middl- r . . ir... ,. LABOI 0TMORE170E-THI- S , to k. ..' I - t 1.0 , A-w- ing A , !site! Chief .EWITN ESSES ran outside and heard the Okays Meeting as if in ti - ' - moo, 0, -- . -- igf . , -- , -- - - PARIS d '1,-,,- ,, - oo,, Edgar vived his last confidence test proposed eleptions. rte. wants - - the voting to take place either raure railed Thursdaymight for by only 12',votes., the confidence Dee: 4 or Dec.. 11, six months Faure placed confidence vote in the Na question on the date for the earlier than originally planned. MEADE,on, his plan to tionaLAssembly 33Wednesday's vote was 'elc-- 4 Ronald E. Alley, handsome career officer,' has hold new parliamentary general Nationalists Show Off pected to be mainly a contest year-olbetween Faure and his fellow; been convicted by-7- an Army elections next month. ' Radical Socialist, Isle The harried On staked court martial,- of collaborating premier Might Quemoy, who is Pierre Mendes-Francwith hii Red Chinese captors the life of his government anew ' FORMOSA (UP). TAIPEI, after three days Old nights of while a prisoner in Korea.' leading the opposition to the The court returned' the vet,. debate in whieli 11 electoral Nationalist China showed off premier's election., plan. diet late Thursday :after dent,. system were ,proposed and its armed might on the offshore cal observers predicted it would , close. down by the assembly. Island of Quemoy Tuesday in be crating four hours. The- - trial voted In for The e elections, vote confidence calling and Faure, sea large-scalwill be a Most re. air, ground began last 'Aug. cent testimony had centered held in an assembly session late war exercise within miles of said he wants a new assembly, ' a France wonld tbat ;give around the question of the de- Wednesday. It will be nitre's the Communist coast fourth formal confidence test fendant's sanity. Wet planes and a stronger governing majority.,'... great number of naval ships and But his move WAS also believed Alley,' who faces a possible in,three weeks. Maximum sentence, of life in ' The vote threatened to bring foot soldiers, plus an array of aimed at nipping. 1.lendes prison,- was not sententedI- nm down the French government in 11.Soluilt heavy weapons, took France's- plan for a coineback mediately. The court martial the middle of the Geneva Big , part in the war games, accord before it can become a big pco litical threat. Faure au; ing to official reiorts.'' will reconvene to .lconsider Four conference. whether there were any' "mitian an mg an um es at an an no go so es inn no um as Ns mai En was la En its EN at Mt gating and extenuating 111111tR(çlthinese - ik,;) gators attempted to answer one i3 glaring' question - Wednesday: i Why would a huge United Airlines luxury plane explode t 1 less than 15 minutes after being okayed by a preflight check?" United Airlines public rela-itions official Kennedy confirmed In Denver that the DC6B plane which crashed into a sugar beet field near Longmont, Cob., last night had un- a safety check before - dergone JACQUALLNIE L. IIINDS off from Denver. taking dead crew member s '."among said Civil AeronattKennedy tics Administration Civil and ' - Aeronautics Board iniestigators were : literally combing the crash site for clues determine why the plane should have crashed.. t Continued From Tint Page He Said the CAA and CAB joined dozens of United Air hat,. been a couple of thousand Lines investigators in the probe. feet In the air. , Agents of the Federal Bureau could see a ilicker,T.. you I of Inestigation were also in- ' know, as the heat wave or.what': volved. t Kennedy refused to say the ever It Is, In front of the plant. ,. Investigators were looking for You could see a flicker like a lamporna light in . pos4ib1es1gns of sabotage, - but watching -' ' he aIsnrefused to rule out the the distance: Therilf disap i peered. possibility, - - - aureCaIIsor MD.-(UP)1- , I . - - 4 t 4 ,.... - 95 6, tio DE tiou VIITII I It :: -- 11 2' 11 gi, ft , t tit im , 1 A . ., Tf7 : ' - tl, , ,44bAlt I lr ,04. oAxt.. 11 ;air 7- Eu x( VO if , tt,,A f ft - pf,10.0 NIW -- 4, o 41.0i , ; ' $Itt-hf?'"- r i ,z, ;Tr' :z , ,0 ) PICTURL 100 automatic gain control; (11 Sync stabilizerlhat kills interference 43) 7 extra brightness; (4) 33 extra contrast. C21 "4-PLU- S" -- ICA Victor i5?TIPc;qt I TIL ..r rli'.4"1 )---'--- -T , 1217 r1123 :' 0 h &omit YOU SEE ITS Do Luz. ItoIr000rty oakoralood Intik &hood trirdood 0) rich . - 1' 1'1 - Ida 21O rAr,rd:,0.1 P:O.S0t,.b!0 El FL) extras PRICE.::.TApOiTT:SAriY01)...CAN'T-AFFORD..?.- , ' .ne TELEVISION PE1 LU only dryer, thed w1:1 . RCA Victor presents the new Everest De Luxe 111 a custom-style- sr. Dzies d contemporary console richly outlined in gold finish trim.: But magnificen cabinetry isn't all you get! The Everest De Luxe is h De Luxe 'chassis makes the ; television at its best. e even in difficult signal areas.picture sharp and clear today!, wet clothes In List 27 fateshalf elo Ems of an - 24-inc- , load of .18-2- ). ordin' crjr , dryer' I , - - - bigger-them-lif- - N Pails Applanceo-Litro- ot Ile;ot, 0 per wcck bar S Exclusive , all labrics' Putn'yloz, wool and cotton cal' in the. Low lieut.:4, cde lox ' - ' Cleat view porthole door. baffle. Clothes never seat to the cyrander.TT Criss-Cros- s ss 0 load onco in a liktimo offer t etiat-Unbreatra- ble ;,, ttlp ow - Colcr-Flyt- 4 Name, at tremendous scrvingi to yoilT famous and Boyenes gu;:tlity- - Melnaa. foe dinterwczret.- Guaranteed full year againit chipping, cracking' or breaking. Eight beautiful colors is from ; mix them or match theta. -- -- to-cho-à. ,' , I I clad charcoal qray - - greu . D:IYEll ' , 1 . - t, - glow coppsr . - , - N. garderga white I spray liuii - turquoise blue Place settings in solid colors niy. place setting rpiw , 'or-Str- eet 1:3TI::::3 , Noir. ems nip 1 to 15 onoEns COW11-1- .64 PCIOMPTLY FILLED ' PaEPIID cs : floor. Roo ' r' I 4.1 rql -) 6-4 - 'frit It:outwore erN on : 3 , Am icrucer, plate, bread a:rd butter piato... A ay clothes dry comapletely no wet spots 0 costs less to buyJust , pennies to use - - - - r bakes or scorches clothes , ir - cup,- . 0 low contolled hectLnever. - - ganilo Pink - - TULICLE FLUFF UTOMATIC : e - ,4 , - - mist grcrt L',1 11.1 t 0' c...or,,,',--- - e - - , 0 110V 4, , vith tho :plar-FlyezDirinerw- die I virashdaptain-,,- - yquiro'iloy-etteiu3ht,111,J:- cos AppnancesEtroot floor. Roca .1 r:r IA,. It , |