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Show - . , - 14A I' NEWS AND TELEGRAM' Salt DESERET , take City,' Wednesday, Novembei 3, 1954 - , School Integration,' Bu1crVIaIkouI S Ilifirtx,'14.1gov. gruclv.,:qwwceAewek r .4,04TkO t.3rP.'.6,qcw, ' V- - r t , :0,.;4 fZe",:f. 'J 0. éViéi!;::Rési6hti:Sedil Delayed Pending c Strike Talks i'pl..oeofItidia..6",P.10.6 RICHFIELDOn the basis of questionnaires returned to the. Sevier School Board, sentiment is swinging in fayor of a continued ' Indian integration program in the district. The announcement was made by Supt.Elliott Cameron. Mr. Cameron said the board will meet soon to further discuss the problem and attempt to reach a decision which will be' , forwarded : to the Bureau of - - Deadline ..For Entry in - NROTC 4,, , 'High school seni6rs and graduptes have only until Nov. 20 to apply for college training in 1955 under Abe Naval Reserie Officers Trainfog Corps pro. , I -- -,- , ' :Applicants will be even tbe mental examination Dec. 11, ac- cording to the Navy Recruiting Station in Salt take CityThe physicatexainination ,-- will' be given In Yebruarl.--------- -'The successful applitants some 1,800 will be chosen across the' nation will enroll , next rear in the ',colleges of their choice, to complete a college a: , - r. -ft- education-whir-substantial- - nanci al assistancle t, olvY I r o m the ' must be be-who abply 'Boys . tween 17 and 21 years of age. They can obtain the necessary forms from the Naval Science Bldg at the University of Utah. at Ft. Indian Affairs. the first of its The program, s drawn intense kind in Utah,-hainterest both pro and con from varioul civic organizations and ' residents. Some 120 Navajo Indian stu dents were sent to Richfield to be absorbed in the district's schools this year. The problem at the. present is primarily one that could affect the area for years to come. The Bureau of Seeks Cancer Dressings,' ,:The Vtal;- Division of the - Americaddancer Society ,- Wednesday Addressed an appeal for old sheets 'and pillow cases to be made into dressings for cancer victims. Donors should deliver the material to society headquarters, 170 Social Hall for pick Ave., or phone up service. 1 ETusal 1111611ER 1 '- , - 1..151 4 I recreation rooms, Also under the program the -- , 2 bursed for extra teacher salaries required. In addition some 30 local persons would probably be employed in various advisory and chaperoncapacities. There seems to be little doubt that the program would benefit the area from an economic stand, Monday Aro Friday , Bureau of Indian Affairs is de. sirous of getting a large number of Indians into schoolt by next fall. Inasmuch as construction for education and housing would be necessary,the decision for expanding and continuing the program is requested to enable sufficient time for architecturai plans, bids and Mr. Cameron - ' $10,000 Your wow of Oa capsulesno safe no prescription 1:4 11111))1it40 le needed and Dormin must help you or your money no substitute. Thom P, tti 410 - r MAIN AT FIRSfSOkITH BIRTHDAY GREETINGS TO: Kent Beyer. son of 41.. and Mrs. Harr C. Beyer, 3772 Granger Dr.; Greg Damron, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Damron, 2376 E. 3000 South; Karen Christiansen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Ave.; Jeffrey Berger, on of Mr. and Christiansen, 218-9t- h Mrs. Lewis Gale- - Berger, East; Janet MacKay, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon MacKay, 306 N. 1st West; Merry Jo Walton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Clarence Milton, 110 W. Silver Ave.; Nancy Anderson, daughter of,Mr. , and Mrs. Donald Anderson, 1568 Kappl No. 2; Deniece Black, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don R.'Black, 933 E. 3385 South; LeAnne Welch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donn V. Welch, 405 L Lambourne Ave.; and all other babies 1 year. old Wednesday. Us. Mediation Service .commis-gone- r, S., West Temple. Mr. Reese said that although , LeMme Welch qeoliieost - -- -- Muir,-1784-19- e t - - pollfor-som- th he than-any- - -7 rw 1 -- 0 PI.11L'.,1(i,-l-0,:ot'4':m7: i 1503-11t- R 2425-45t- h y 886-3r- d 14. Science Shrinks Piles Without Surgery Student Wins $5,800 Award Ex-- U. - vandalism." new toothpaste kills riouth odor for 50 out of 50 ex-pett- were-reporte- , tery were .being repaired Wednesday after what police termed a "disgusting form of ' ere 4.2-mil- Geo-PhSt- OGDENMore than 130 tombstones in the Ogden City Ceme- ,1" boat Accept No Subotifuto Par. rto 's, webs S.L. Robed O. 'French, recently iw hic I s one o th largest ever awarded a doctor of philosophy given at the university, was es. , Finds Nese Moline Substance tablished so Mr. French could Science' bas Wend beeline substance that degree by the ' Univeisity" of continue h I s Fundamental simaks Piles. atOPS Pejo primed,. ends bleed. surgery. Dccson report actual logwithout Utah, has received a $5,800 re- - Study of Catalysis by Means shrinking al piles. Sufferers say, Pike have a problem." The secret is be ceased to search stipend from the petro- - of Infra-Reused for heel. Spectroscopy." thropyneealreacly widely Mk substance is now tissue. ing .tilused leum division of the American Ms research involves a new Available ointment iie infra-re- d Cheitical Society. technique for the fretaraloo A ebellesxrbc'id drutTrLa. red Ad.A The fellowship, study of solid surfaces. , Lot us tailor 59497 - ,,,, : d I 1 - post-doctor- al , iv 24 TODAY! CS .1")11 o A ' Salt Lake City, Utah 215 East Broadway i . -- .1 ; o to dp Fame. a LENNOX HEATING systom to your 2 home for maximum effitioney inal economy. CONVINIINT BUDOIT TIMMS 1 - S.IPIE lit SOIAE GIVE I GI . REG. 1955 'MODEL OM HALLICRAM1 17"-- - SCRIM WHEN - DE LUXE REFRIGERATOR -1- Judge Again Delays Tipsy Driving Trial T: For the fifth time, the trial, of Billy Hulsey, 29, of 564 Colorado St., charged with drunken driving, was continued in police court Wednesday until Nov. 18. The continuance was granted by City Judge J. Patton Neeley ',.' said Judge Leland G. sen would try the case. 11,1AS '1;; -- , N) 44;:t ' j' NO,. EXTRA ,COST 1 .1!110!N. "am,mm,aia I .woo. E .4..,b.K Bi AB d rntgea lu e 0 .:: I BC-0-M- WE BUST IM! 95' ELECTRIC MINIT MINDER AUTOMATICOOK SELECTA-TRO- L DEEP WELL COOKER WITH LIFT-U- P -- 1 ELEMENT , WASHES, RINSES,DAMIDRIES B FULL SIZE , Amial 1.114W TORE $3299- 5Guaranteed 111.11 1UU - 776zA,t(II7, - 701 So. State , Room Sot on , od Housekeeping Magazine! .1:11 : ;I:114 EllktgfJ I41 titM:ItZiv tj oz - For. -- Mari kyo by-Go- es A! cotot4Er "The toskst pople Is the world to do business with" - 'SHAVE" PRICES GORGEOUS NEW STYLING .00M.,,M. : D0117 JUST WE FULLY AUTOMATIC SEVEN HEAT ELEMENTS a FOUR HOUR - - AL EiR TV SET TODAY! BONUS-li,NE- W .: Lar- - YOUR .N4p9NA!Ay..:ADVERTISED LINES! - venue was filed. SLEEPINGCAPSULES NORGE, ABC, UNIVERSAL AUTOMATIC WASHER, DE LUXE RANGE OR MODELS 17" FOR $50 OR 21" FO R $100 (REG. $199.95) BRAND, NEW LATEST , PURCHASED' WITH after a request for change ol 11,--aa 'a YLE'S - - Now.'.-- A - Ono - least-anoth- er Weber-Aqueduc- , GiiiiieLmaikeii , -- Geologists Is Keith M. Hebert-son-, geologist for El Paso Natural Gas Co. Re succeeds Roger : , G. Alexander. A native of Provo, Mr. Ilebertson has been with El Paso for. two .years. Previously, he served with Sun Oil Co.- - and o Services, Denver. Other new officers - of the geologists association 7ate - Mil-- , ton Zeni, 'vice president; John W. Reid, secretary, and Kenneth W. Larson, treasurer. Mr.- Zeni and Mr. Reid are geologists for Standard Oil of California, and Mr. Larson for Sun Oil Co. 1.,39...'..D0.00...',., - The Man Says -- NeW president onintermoun- tain AssOciation of Petroleum 1940.0i ROOilit Thursday, Mr.--an- d -- 1 on Weber Project Work The Bureau ,of Reclamation crossing, two county road cross expects to call for bids this ings and "about 12" farm road. . month on construction of a dam, crossings. dike and a pipeline for the Utah's generally mild election Weber Aqueduct of the Weber -Dv- lt?I$IMIWT----. weather will remain for at Basin project BABIES WERE 11011,N IN SALT LAKE HOSPITALS day, the weatherman The specifications, listed In TUESDAY TO: the bureau's latest Advance predicted Wednesday. Highs of 55 to Construction Bulletin, call for I over the state Wednes- construction of an earth dim Mr. and Mrs. William Tso, Id. - seen with same the for 40 about 500 feet long and feet day Mrs. Ave., ' Lo- w- temperatures high,TanT earth dike. 275 ieet Thursday. , Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sisneros, 227 W. North Temple. will range from about 22 to 32 long and 15 feet high, and the Mrs. and Newell 1125 J. Wilson Ave. Price, skies are -pre. jar. steel or concrete pipe Wednesday.- Clear and Mrs. Roy McDonald, Sandy. dieted. At last! A toothpaste that de Dr. and Mrs. William U.. Day, 1219 E. Warnock Ave. A few rain showers The dam will tie into the stroys mouth odor not for 7 out . " Mr. and Mrs: Paul C. Glismeyer, 911 W. 7th North-in southern Utah aqueduct and help contiol the of 10 peoplebut everybody. Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Thompson, 120 W. Clinton Aye. flow of water through the pipe. That's the new ChlorOdent. It Mr, and MrsJam4i E Vehna Dr. Theaqueductrwill-connect-trd,J, e basnyorechlorophylf d Mr.- - and Mrs. Thomas R., the-pEast Blanding,: Satr- Juan County,- Gateway Tunnel-another toothpaste. Nearly 4 times Mr. anclialrs. Charles M. Owen, 810 Catherine St had the only measurable rain, ent Ogden water system. thia new Mr. and,Mrs. Charles J. Kalani, 849 E. 1st South. .03 inch. St. George reported a The bids will be. issued about as much as Dome. Yet does not Chlorodent stain. i trace. A trace of snow also was Nov. 10, the bureau said. Time BOYS:: . Irecorded do ' can other No allowed of for at the toothpaite completion Bryce Canyon. ' Mr. and Mrs. Stanford L.Hale, 2400E. 30th South. more to prevent decay or keep The mercury dropped to 21 project wil1 be 700 days. . and Mrs. Glen W. Kump, Riverton. , Iv", , early Wednesday morning at Bids are ixpected to be issued VMS healthy. and Mrs. Hazen C. Lay, 4326 W. 5615 South, Kearns.' Ivirt, and Vernal. in Dectmber or January for conBryce Canyon To whoI,help keep your .1T and Mrs. Eugene Millerberg, 6938 S. State St., Midvale. Other lows listed were Roose- struction flour miles of open mouth fresh and healthy, get Mrs. and 337 St. Wayne Struhn, Chicago ...Jur. velt, 25; Salt Lake City, 29;' drains a n d structures near Chlorodent today. Money-bac- k Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Gundersen, 4225 Holladay Blvd. Cedar City, 30, and Hanksville, Woods Cross. J'Also part of the guarantee. Giant size, only .Mr. and Mrs. Wilford G. Jensen, 4593 S. State St. 494., Weber Basin project, the work Wayne County, 31. Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Cook, 1044 S. llth West. , - Salt Lake City's maximum Includes one state highway Mr' and Mrs. Verdon O. Thurgood, 1107 Windsor. -Tuesday, was 61 degrees, Mr,..' and Mrs. Alanson C. Shepherd, Dugway. tWzZglaNagastratterwolsumenwmnsztustonmmezmig1 , Mr. and Mrs. Oliver C. High, 1039 Fuller Ave. Senior Citii4ens to Meet Mr. and Mrs. Ragnar S. Iverson, 2629 Elizabeth St Mr. and 101,11r1ford Tuescher, 740 Brownhig.- The Salt Lake branch of the Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hoffman, 1933 E. 4720 South, Murray. Senior Citizens will meet Thurs. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wayne Hallstrom, 80 H St. day at 2 p.m. at the Kiwanis Mr. and Mrs. Russell Groubeck, h East. Center, 1st South and Second , , Mr. and Mrs. Phil B. Day, 959 Pueblo St. East. A business meeting, pro. Dr. and Mrs. David S. Judd, South. gnm and dancing are on the Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sharboneau, Ave. agenda. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fullmer, 634 S. West Temple. FUEL DILL SAVE ir'''.111-111,1111- I Anderson . Den left Black Nancy Bid Call Expected Soon Mild Weather 65-w- , t to 544-2n- d 1...,KP.41ZE7.:4Pf4.:.,.4.y1.T...S.";: ' r, 'Walton MacKay , LECTRIC RAtIqES',' T Merry , August Nussbaum, pollee youth bureau officer,. said the damage would run in the hundreds of dollars. Although some stones were only knocked over, some had been split and broken. He said the work to reset the Robert Hatfield 2393 Stringham stones would be the hardest fta, , Ave. ture of tepiffitit the damage. m.ADVIIITISINIONT Monday it' was thought only about 25 or 30 had been overThousands With Insomnia turned. However, a cheek by Supt. James Martin of the cemetery showed that more than 130 were either tipped over or or chipped. broken Police said they are hoping ke Fresh Sound All for an early arrest for the ' Users anew Imre Donnie Sleeping Capsules have foundas you can- -. blessed sound sleep. Damns hae been clinically tested for safety and , Is guaranteed non-hab- it forming. The world of medicine progresses- -. pawky tolerate a sleepkm night that makes you tired and worn out the nest day. Now kte only 6lic per , capsule you can find the rest you , want. Doran& costs but $2.25 for 36 """.' 11.914 I ;i Janet 'Jeffrey Berger Night-lAwa- I .. - , point It wat pointed out that the , , Karen Christiansen Greg ' Damron Beyer P.E3 ANSUEIED Comely Nowt, 4t Kent ,;.44 tc, raertIlaki Ela Alk4r.t.110K, Provoan Gains, A wire screen was broken from a window at Star Laundry sometime Tuesday night by thieves who entered and cracked a safe, escaping with about PO in petty cash. , The breath was reported by YOUR ACCOWIT TO pending further talks over it contract dispute. '0. Union members Sunday apbroved a strike if negotiations fail. A Tuesday afternoon meeting of representatives of the union, Utah Retail Grocers Assn. and larger 'c hain supermarkets brought "no progress," R. L. Reese, union secretary, said. Another meeting was scheduled for 2 p.m. Wednesday in the office of S. Lyle Johnson, . ) tip , Wednesday too-soo- n ' , z - Thieves Get Petty cash . , . - basis" "day-to-da- y r, ar construction, pointed out. (1) - Members of Local 537; Meat cutters and Foodhandlers Union (AFL) continued working on a -- government would provide approximately $1,000 per student a year In average daily attend' ance, From these' funds constructo inDouglas. . Applications should tion would be required be in the mail by Nov. 15 so clude additional classroclassrooms for student enthey will arrive before Nov. 20- present elementary Cen- rollment and for Increases in at the Educational Testing . secondary classroom& ,' , I ' ter, Princeton, NJ. The district would be reim. , C , Indian Affairs has requested a strike has been approved, the members are continuing that , the number be raised, to union to work on a "day-to-da-y basis." approximately 300 for., another Some 1,000 union members coitract and a be that year are involved in the dispute. period.signed for a five-yeSome groups,. have indicated They are seeking wage inhealth and welfare they feel the decision must be creases, made and that in fair- benefits and premium pay for ness to all coneerned should be hours worked after 6 p.m. The old contract expired Sungiven a longer "trial" period... -, Mr. Cameron said that if the day' at midnight. a becomes program permanent one a permanent dormitory to house some 300 students would be constructed of masonry. It and 11 would Include-sleepin- g ing quarters, aT dininuroom; . -,kitchen, heating facilities and - , , - ' 246 SOUTH MAUI ST. DISCOUNT MART OPEN DAILY. TO 9 P.M. ROYLE'S DISCOUNT MART 01111Elt 7TH EAST & , 21ST SOUTH , , , , D |