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Show Salt - Laki ThI ifeseril ;..."11 tit tfIR.IIPEPPOO.IEWND Utah May Get , Churcit Notices Plane Factory . Firm Wires Chambei 01 Interest Here ; Z J. M. Dunlap. The State Aeronautics Commission of Utah today notified Chambers of Commerce through- Rites Sunday EMIGRATION WARDPre. Marion G. Romney of Bonn& Wile Stake Will be the principal regular Sacraspeaker during ment services Sunday, June 16, at 6:30 p.m. in the Emigration Ward Chapel Seventh South and ,Tenth East Street A pedal out the state of the receipt of a telegram from an aircraft manufacturhig company indicating program has been arongIts interest in establishing a ed. , - in Utah. plant RICHARDS WARDElder Levi The wire was received after Thorup will be the speaker. at the Aeronautics Commission had Sacrament services Sunday June airto all letters dispatched 16, 1940. The chapel la loted at craft manufacturers urging con853 Garfield Ave. sideration of Utah as a site for LIBERTY STAKE CONFERENCE aircraft manufacturing plants The quarterly conference of away from seaboards, more vulLiberty Stake will be held Satemable to attack in the event urday and Sunday, June 15 and of invasion. 16. Stake priesthood meeting will The Aeronautics Commission, be held in the Tenth Ward at while withholding the name 7:30 p.m. Saturday, the men and business address of the meeting in the chapel and tne company, made public the text boys in the recreation hail. The of the telegram. It follows: general session will be held Sun--da-y "Your letter of- - June 5 to the at 10:30 a.m. in the Salt Lake Phillips Aviation Company was Tabernacle. Elder Richard L. referred to us as we have Evans of the First Council of chased the- exclusive manufacturSeventy will represent the gen, ing rights- front the Phillips eral authorities. AU stake memAviation Company of their CT-2- . bers are urged to attend. The training 'airplane together with conference will continue in the allengineering data, tools, jigs various ward chapels at 6:30 p.m. and dies, with factory personnel in Sunday, with services ready to go into production at charge of the bishops ofbeing the sevonce. We have made tentative eral wards. t' arrangements to build a factory here, but are not receiving the NINTH WARDElder B. S. Hinckley will be the speaker cooperation expected. We would be interested in making a n during services in the Ninth 410 Fifth East mediate move to Utah if we are Street, Sunday, June 16, at 6:30 assured of your cooperation and Music be will co. furnished by p.m. the Chamber of Commerce the Joseph William Taylor Moroperation. We have offers from several states. We can fly to see tuary quartet. you at once If you think it HAWTHORNE WARDJudge Os, car W. McConkie will be the worthwhile.", The Aeronautics - Commission guest speaker at the regular sacasked the Chambers of rament services to be held in merce for their full cooperation the ward chapel, Roosevelt Avto enue and Eighth East Street, and for immediate word as what they are willing to do to Sunday, June 16 at 6:30 p.m. Special musical numbers have bring the industry to Utah. also been arranged. The public is mu-ste- al a , ; - - Ward-Chapel- Invited. YALE WARDSamuel S. Musser who has recently returned from Optimists Fete Visitors On Way To Meet - ,- , - a mission to England will be the speaker in Yale Ward on Sunday, June 16, at 6:30 p.m. LINCOLN WARDJudge Neptii Jensen will discuss "Our Day in Prophecy" before the gospel doe. trine class of the ward Sunday School. Sunday, June 16, at 10:30 cm. The public is invited. GERMAN I, D. S. ORGANIZATIONThe German L. D. S. Organization will conduct Sunday Services, Sunday, June 16. at 12:30 p.m. in the Assembly Rail. The public is invited. A score of western businessmen, who are members of Op. timists Clubs in California and Nevada, were being entertained In. Salt Lake today by a corn. mittee headed by B. C. J. Wheat-lakpresident of the local club. The visitors were en route to Kansas City for the twenty-seond annual convention Op. t: timists International. Theyof were entertained today at a luncheon NORWEGIAN MISSIONARY OUTat the Newhouse Hotel at which ING Norwegian missionaries Dr. W. G. Ruckenbrod, vice pres, will bold a party Saturday after-noo- n and evening, June 15, at the ident of the Salt Lake club, pre. -sided. Community Camp In Big Cot' tonwood Included in the delegation are Canyons Judge William G. Junge of Los TWENTY-EIGHTWARDElder Arthur Richardson will be Angeles, president of the four. teenth district which includes the speaker during Sacrament Services in the Twenty-eightUtah,. and Ralph Vanes pres- ident-eleof this district Ward Chapel, 750 West Third North Street, at 6:30 p.m. Sun. day, June 16. Elder Richardson Is actively engaged in guide work on Temple Square under the direction of the Temple Square Mission. , Special music' Blood tAnsfusions donated by will be given. Melvin police officers today bad aided SECOND WARDElder in saving the life of Mrs. George Backman will be the speaker, in L W. Burbidge, the services to be held in the 1969 Eleventn East Street, who late- - yesterday ward chapel Sunday, June 16 at 6:30 p.m. The public is invited. suffered a ' possible fractured skull and numerous head lacera- - HIGHLAND PARK WARDEldertions when she fell down a flight A. C. Rees, former president of of stairs at her home. Her con-- , the will Mission, dition was reported today as fairspeak during the Hyland Park , Ward sacrament services Sunly good.- The woman 'was found uncoil. day at 6:30 p.m. The ,is scious by her husband at the located at 2335 Douglaschapel Street ' foot of the stairs about 5:30 p.m. - She was taken in an ambulance to the L. D. S. Hospital. where Goes To Mexico A. Prof. she was given two blood transDiefendorf,, head of the civil engineering department fusions. at the University, of Utah, left today Tor Mexico City where he Over will lecture before a group of David Welsher. 33, of 255 East Mexican federal highway engiFifth South Street, was bound neers at the of Mexiover to the Third District Court co. While inUniversity the southern re-- today on an embezzlement charge public. Professor Diefendorf will after waiving preliminary hear. give a short course in highway Ing in City Court engineering. , e, c. -- t h Police Blood .Donors Save Life East-Germa- n IVIBotind z CrossT Wor ' ACROSS 1. Cruet on a sore 3 A tube 9. Island in , iii'all ' I Arstazt lectivelY y 11. Sshaped worm 34. 11"rain 0 OS firD12 gtomm 36. Enticed Funeral services will be conat the Masonic Temple. 650 East South Temple Street,' n Sunday at 2 p.m. for John Dunlap, 61, high Masonic official, who died at his home, 3681 South 2300 East Street, yesterday after a long illness. The rites will be held under the direction Lodge, Ed-F. and A. M, with Carver of Ogden deliverward ing the eulogy. Funeral lodge will open at 130,' when the Knights Templar escort will report. Bttrial will be In Mt. 011- vet Cemetery. 1,,k Dunlap was born July 14,- 1878, at Ursa, ill., a son of Thomas Hatton and Mary Parker Dunlap. He came to Salt Lake 28 years ago as an employe. of the Western Electric Company. He entered the automotive parts business later. He was grand recorder of the grand council of Royal and Select Masons, grand- recorder of the grand commandery, Knights Templar; a member of Progress Lodge No. 22e F. and A. M.; a thirty-secondegree member of the Scottish rite; a member of El Kalah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S.; recorder of Utah Council No. 1; recorder of Utah commandery No.-- 1; secretary-o- f the Order of Red Cross of Constantine, and general grand master of the first veil of the general grand chapter of the United -- -12. ' , : Newt 27.Toequip 2& - " . : 2,,,nrudefthi,.. 29. Born i :- ao.conilltICUOn 31. Cut grail 33. Perceivo 64. A hint -; 35. Investigate Vt. Slightest--- . ':... 39. aun r6d' 40,,,Towishmooth 41. Mohanuma. - , dan -- 44. Bendjudges . J,, 47. Harangue , 48. A N.T.counti ' .,,,. 46 Bet 40.Beginthlt ,: 61. Anarchists ). 62. t - - 11 AirDlowIVN - 1a- Clique - 4. Stann .,7- - Street 5 aztaes . t Museum - custodian S. A snare , laillamir . tril 1.1 ,, y .111111106 . r langir Will Iiill1611111Miggill1111 rplAkolor lool NMI P 4 .411g A' A 11111 MIEN ' go or MOM . . AI II III iil iiii 111111111111111WA"1111111111111M - Vii111111111F d 11111111111MP Distributed by King Features Syndicate, Ina. -- .1q - - Wasaick 1 1 A - '-- --- Notice ... NOTICE The Board of Education Summit School District will of the South office in the High School meet in their Building at Ramos. Utah, Frza. June tlith. 1:00 p.m .. to adopt a budeve to govern expenditures for the year 1940.1941. BOARD OF EDUCATION. South Summit School District. . J.. JIMA A Y 'BOLT, Clearh, "WAR DEPARTMENT. Office of The Con. structing Quartermaster, Hill Field. OP den. Allah. June 0, 1940. Sealed ProPosels will be received at this of fire until elev. en (ILI o'clock A M. M.S.T.1 on the MI dot of July. 1040. and then the furnishing of materiel and opened for equipment and performing all labor to construct and coMplete A. necessary C. Operation, -inehlding thereto. at Hill Field, in Utah. striet accordance with Orden, Speeification No 1511-1end the drawinn mentioned there. in. Twenty Five Dollars ($25001 in the form of a certified check deposit made Payable to the Treasurer of the United States is required to obtain vane and specifications at the above ollice.'t , MARKET. L 212 24ntes Wo Delivor , Ith Ave. 402 L. 41711 - Wasatch - tree L4th --- Delivery Zast Hy. 1477 -- - DONTIOTI 67:Zest Sat Solt ' I y. MOS I fro Do livery Was. 'hasp le 904 W. N. 011 Wu& - 111342 - 'D. Nichols George BRIGHAM rites CITY.Final for George Delos Nichols. son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Nichols Jr., of Brigham City. who died at a Brigham City hospital Wednesday. will be conducted Sun-dat 13:31 p.m. , in the Third Ward ow, chapel by. Bishop W- - D. Steiner. In- , , ; ferment will be in 41" tit City Cemetery. . Friends may call ' this evening at the Nereid fit. neral home and at . home of George the , , W. Nichols Jr.. 303 et North Second West ' Street. Saturday ning and Until tims oStunre Mrs. Nichols services '" Hons. SUPTIVOTS include a twin brother. Clarence 3. . runmer of Salt Latta let. Fullmer another brother, Rudd Fullmer and a slater. Feirry4011Mer. both of tient Boma, Calif. ,., . Burial will be In CB"' Cemetery. -.-- -, , : .: , r1 ..4100:as,,,,w. Mary J. C. Dail Jane BOUNTIFULMary 13, died at 13111 . 1729 West George Spliethof. Second South Street. died at lila home at 1:11 p.m. yesterday. Born in Holland. Oct. 1. ISSt , Mr. Spliethof cams to Salt Lake 13 years aro. and for sitar years was employ. ect by the city Ira. , ,, ' ,:, ter department. , are Surd:ring , ,:. :,: ono brother. John , ... t Spliethol. of led W tes',.. Bluff. Calif. : ,' Funeralt '': ' 1 I i i 3 Walt - !tribal.may cutlet! flritTda: III time of services. Interment will be to City Cemetery. CIO IL i,. 4, : : 1;'!i:'7,, ' :,, 1.' , :.11 Maggie-M-11CEDAR Nt Mr. Spneiltof JJAIRIA ANALSall dikS.0 AAA FALL& services for Mrs. Marietta Creation Holm. .55. of 3904 Richland Drive, who died this morning lit ii, ie cal hoepital, will be conducted Sunday at 12 minder Horne. noon at 125 North 'Meru Street R. the direction of William detester of Soren W. and Elsie Mo. Jorgensen. Mrs. Helm was born Allf. 211. 1573 In Denmark. She bad been a resident of the United States for 59 years. 51 - of which were spent in Utals. She was a member of the Danish Sisterhood. She is survived by her husband. Johannes Mrs four deughte Holm, M.- - Hed: Elsie Sylvia Prates, Mrs. man, Mrs. Merl Nowell and Mee. Myrtle Lester, all of Silt Lake. and a sister. Mrs. Jennie D. Yina - of Colorado Sprints. Colo. Interment will be in the CNC Cemetery. A .rie In The State Thomas Maathius died OGDENThomas Maathius. today in a local hospital. He was born in Ogden flee. 23. 1424 a son at Elio and Wilhelmina Vogelsang Maathius. Be wee a priest and a Scout Cu the Riverdale Ward. Surviving are his parents and the following brothers and slaters: Henry J. snd Bert of San ,Franetaeo, Francis J. of Riverdale, Mrs. Leona James of Wyoming: , two grandmothers, - Mrs. Hendrik& Metalling and Mrs. Herman Van Brisk of Ogden Vesta T, Barhoglio PRICEFinal rites for Mrs. Testa Thomas Barboglio, 33, formerly of Helper. Who died Sunda, at Reno. Nev.. were to be rodueted today at 4 Pm. In the Mitchell Funeral Chapel by Bich. op Ernest Cullum of Lawrence Ward. Interment will be In the Lawrence Mrs. Barboglio was born at Castle. on Dec. 31, 1908, a daughter of Oriffith and Diana Reese Thomas. She is survived by three brothers. Levi Thomas and Ted Thomas of Hiawatha and Luther Thomas of Lawrence; four sisters, Kise Frances Thomas of Lone Deitch. Calif.. Mrs. Lucy Jordan of Salt Lake. and lifra. Sybil Jensen and Mrs. Annie M. Staker of Lawrence. late WiHaiii SPRINGVILLEWilliam Zeb Hunting. died ThuriPdar ton, SI, of Springville. It a hospital at Sawtelle. Calif. dr. Huntington, the eon of George and Ilia Snelson Huntington. war born In Springville March lg, lett die re. ceived his education in the, schools of this city and wu a member of the Third -Wird. He wag it World War tetem and a member of the American Legion Poet 211 of Springville. Be was a farmer. , trapper and paperhanger. are three sisters. Mrs. Wiida Dowdell and Mrs. Ma a Stewart of Spring, villa and Mre, Adelade Bueohner of Mose. vide. Calif. Friends mar call at Claudia Amoral Collings Dall, this morning at her home followict three months of illness. She was born at Springville. July 23, a daughter of Richard and Emma 141Wreikee Colimi.. Sha was married to bilintlel Fleury Dell,. July et, len, at Pinta. Aria, They bad lived in BountiSul for the past 15 years. funeral, services will be held Sunda., at 3 p.m. in the Bountiful Second Ward Chapel, with Bishop William R. Smith. officiating? Burial will be in the Waatch Lawn Cemetery in Salt Lake. friends may call at the home hi Bountiful Saturday alter 3 p.m. and Sunday prior to services. Mrs. Dail h survived by her hue. band and two daughters, Mrs. Mary Jane Sylvester el Eureka and Mrs. Edith Poulson of Richfield: le grandchildren and eight f : Eyload Z , , Z 1145 , , , Z J , Free , . Richards' .',: Rot E. Hy - OGDENServices for George Wesley McKeown. 10. of 3340 Adams Avenue. Who died Wednesday morning. vrill be conducted Sunday at 3 p.m in the Deseret Mortuary In Orden by Bishop William G. deMik of Ogden Eighteenth Ward. Burial will be. its Osten Citv ,Cemetery. Friends may call at the mortuary this at the. evening and Saturday 210emorning. 10 Adams Ave. residence. McKeown -flue. Saturday afternoon and evening and Sunday until 3 p.m., and at the mortuary Sunday from..3 to 3 flin, Christian D. Anderson JEROME. Ms.Christian D. Anderson. here Wednesday at the home at a nephew. John biog.. 3. retired farmer died 11011. iLean kWServices for Mrs. POCATELLO, Mary A. McLean, ta. widow of John IP. McLean of 454 South Fourth Avenue who died Tuesday in a local hospital, were conducted today at 7 pis. in rune's Chapel hi ortuary the Be,. E. T. Ferry of the First Downiid Presbyterian church. 1laride George Orwen Owen McBride. 64. of OGREN..--Oeor- re rim Orden Avenue. retired railroad work. or, died Thursday in an Ordeo hominid. Re Was born Juno It.- - 1114, at tante, ille, a son of Thomas and Lucy L. Me. 'Bride. Rs spent his eltIlY life at Grannie ville and then moved to Sublott, Ida:. where he was itrrared hi the cattle -and sheep business. Re earng In Orden- in-IIllig be started working for the Southern Pacifie Railroad ' as toolroom manager and continued in this position Until his retirement Aug'. 16, Int Re was a member of the elders' Sops Inn of Ogden Sixth Ward. He marrled - Salt Agnes- - Mentor.- - April 13.,-1- - 41.70 OOOOO 3. Insulate Storage and Moving Wain. So. 1915. Was. AUTO TRAVEL SERVICE OPEN s.m.' to So. West Temple. p.m. Wu. 10444. 173 A TRAVEL BUREAU Prompt service. Richards $t. It Was. 10432 13012 W. Se. Temple. BUREAU. Was: AUTOWAY TRAVEL that No. 2690. Open Day and Night, 1. Milner Rotel. 33 West 2nd So. With Attic Wool s des des des window shade. Lowest price; Free sample, INS Bo. State Bt. Walk 195. $323. Whore the Beet COS Senor Window Shade Cs. SANDERS --- CallWes. Legal Notice,: ' TO CONTRACTORS NOTICE Office of the City Recorder. IS HEREBY GIVEN by the NOTICE Salt Lake City'. Utah. Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake Juno 121h. 1940. Utah. of the intention of such Sealed proposals will be received at this City, Board of Commissioners to make t: the office until 10:00 o'clock A. M, Thurodai following described improvement. Ilth, 1940. for the purchase of ma. To grads and construct cement side- July terial f.o.b. job. and for the purchase ana walks on the north side of 21s1 South and small tools f.o.b. Street from Ilth to Slit Rut streets and on the south side of 21th South Street from Illmore to 20th East Street, said wide: all sidewalks to be five (5) feet 'inches said sidewalks to be four A-4one-ha- lf of be to thick... the topoint an inch thick, with three and one-ha- lf No Extension inch (Sidewalk base, (34) 231). according to, the plans, specifications and profiles on file in the office of the City Engineer. and to defray the cost Led - expense -- el said iMprovement or assessment to be paid tax by (Pedal with in five equal annual installments six per cent interest upon the unpaid balance levied aecording to the front feet or linear loot frontage upon and sellnat all lots,' Pieces or parcels of land rto be benefited and affected by said itnprovement, situated within Mks. 1 and $ Survey, and of Flat C. Big rieki R. 1 IL. S. L B. Section 21. T. 1 es upon said M. fronting or abutting streets above mentioned to the entire thereback same ownership depth of the from not exceeding 330 feet. and all within the district bounded on the north by e Redondo Avenue. on the south by Avenue. on the. west by 15th East Street. 21st East east by Street. and on the Notiee is hereby expressly riven that the city's portion of this special improvement shall be defrayed by Works Programs Administration grants in labor and material. - The total cost of Said improvement is estimated at Five Thousand. Nine Bundred ($5,959.35) Dollars, Sixty-nin- e and Dollars per front or 0 ($.95) of property, which abuttinr foot of linear is the abutters' portion. All protests and objections to the camimust be preng outin of such intention writinr, stating therein lot and sented block or description of property to the City Recorder, op or before the Ith day of July, A. D. 1940. The Boartl of Commissioners et tts first the Oth rerulsr meeting thereafter. the day of July. A. D. 1940. will consider anch. consider and hear and proposed levy, proposed objections to said- - made protests shall have been improvement By order of the Board of Commission' eel of Salt Lake City, Utah. Dated June Illh. 1940. ETIIEL MACDONALD. Recorder. City (fZALI Sidewalk Extension Ito. 231. 1940. Irina Pnblication :rine 12th. Last Publication July 3d. litan. () -- u ilLACKPOOT, Ida.C. E. Snyder, 015, died at his home on West Center Street Wednesday following a long illness. He had lived in illacklot only a short time. coming here from Snringfield. where he had lived since 1920. - lie was bons June 5. 1871, at Pa. In 1907 he married Emily N. Jack-- man at Sait Lake and before coming I. Idaho in 1930 they liveda in Nevada. Where. Mr. mine. operated-Surviving are his widow. Emily Jackman Snyder: a daughter, Mrs. Laura Remand of Pocatello, and a son, Richard Snyder of Blackfoot. --,, Services will be conducted Saturday at 3 p.m. In the Springfield Ward chapel, with Bishori Heber Wells of Springfield Ward officiating.. Burial will he In the Springfield Cemetery. , worice llids will be received at the office of the of Utah Purchasing Dept. ot the University until June- 24. 1040 at 12 noon on Beier', tific Laboratory .irmtrotnents ao specified. Lists may be obtained from the Punches. hie Dent. Park Building, University of Utah. The right is reserved to accept sill. Or reject any or all bids either by item. by croup. or Is total. BEIBrim w. mcynt. Purchasing Agent - BOISE oldinani widely known veteran mining man of central Idaho. died Tuesday in Denver, kiends here learned Thuroday. For years interested in mining in the Salmon River and Big Creek sectional. Goldman was one of the oritrinal locators of the Independents gains Ilear Edwardsburs , - Lemrnon. 35. wife of Richer 1.- mem. died at her home weal of West.. on Wedneoda. t She wan born .Julylk and Travel Opportunities NOTICE C. E. Snyder L - Stamps: Legal Notice will be ,,conducted Saturdai in Smithfield First Ward Bishop Merlin Van Orden. be in SmithfieldCity Cemeten Friends maY can at the inortnarl fit Logan Friday evening and at the home of Carl A. Anderson in Smithfield Sat, tads! from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Thomas - Wee. E. HADLEY TRANSFER 411 STORAGE CO. Mayflower Van Service. Wu. 1111. LAMG11 Motor VanaClty and out of tow haul.. Mollerup. Was. 1583 or Was. 2095 $4 PER 100 SQUARE FEET 4 INCHES TRICKINSTALLED BOND INSULATION CO. Was. 4810 114 West 2nd South afternoon, at 1 p.m. chapel by Burial will daughter axe. co. Stokers, - LOGAN.Services for Mrs. Tilde La. tie Anderson, who died Wednesday Nellie Thomas SHOR issues of Stamps now available. albums books or Complete assortment. stamp collectors.- - Deseret Book Co.. 44 East on South Temple. Wes. Insulation Tilda Marie 'Anderson Idaho..Test - Furniture Repair Co.. Finish inf. enameling.. upholstering, 40 South Typewriters 10th, East. Hr. 6820. and sell all makes typo. Ws rent UPHOLSTERING. all kinds. Furniture re. writers. J. repair E. Everett Woodstock APmer, 184 Jr. Dairies. Classic Funnier Co. IS West Ind $o. Was. 41,311. Slot So. Hy. 145l. ADDING MACHINES. TYPEWItrrEES. cleaned, oiled. adjusted. $ISS. MartM's Furnace and Stoker Repairs mat-sho1099 S. State. CALL Western Foundry tor all kinds of Watch Repairing water Jackets and store repairs. Wu 4414. reaardleas ag wwnwics cleaned, rev. cond. Matra Watch item al IL es d n, Viia Nellie T.- Lemmon UTA.11 So. Sitio NEW Furniture Repaired Cbristenien, 1.of Street, died Thursday F. Goldman Ile WILLIAMS He had spent his ensen Christensen, tire lifetime in Orden, where he was enraged as a carpenter until his retire. went in 1930. Since that time ha ow ended a saw tiling service. Ha married Ellen Baird in Orden, .1nl7 He was a former teacher in 31. 1900. Orden Eighth Ward and was a member of the Sixth Ward M the time of his death. Surviving are his widow: one son. Lawrence Robert Christensen of Ogden: Sloan Dickson of Salt a Lake: six grandchildren: ono brother and one sister, Andrew Christensen and Mrs. Christinia Spencer of Ogden. Final rites will be conducted Sunday at 1 pm. in Lindquist A Sons Funeral Chapel by Bishop Lawrence If. Evans of Burial will be in Orden Sixth Ward. Ogden City Cemetery. Friends may call at the Christensen home Saturday- - afternoon and evening and Sunday until 11 cm. and at the. Mortuary Sunday from 11:15 cm. until Limo for services. a 24$ RIDGES ENGRAVING. Was. 3723. William Christensen cm. at home. 11119. in Ho was born March a son of Andrew and Joanna BISHOP. conglitioning. ' we Rebuild Them THE HILT RIGHT wAT., Look For The Bic Sien - Was. 1106 So. 2r1c1 THE best and cost lees. will be tonducted services Funeral Sunday at 1 p.m. at Larkin A Sons mortuary hi Bishop J. Bay Williams of Orden Thirteenth Ward. Burial will, be In Ogden City Cemetery. - Friends may call at the mortuary Satevening at the urday afternoon and 10 funeral chapel and Sunday from cm. to 12:30 p.m. at the Bowen home. d Bus Depot air Shoe Repairing PillowsCall or Write., Engraving ul Twenty-thir- $10 7.40 4.10 2.90 5.00 - 11.0(1 5.00 tom 14.40 8.00 1710 1.95 J. MARVIN ventilatin& 11391-- Cleaning and Tailoring Co, Be was a member of Ogden police department as day jailer for 15 years. Re also 'erred as night watchman at Utah State Industrial School several Years and as night watchman at Becker'. brewery. Mn. SUTTiVint are two daughters. Boyer of Ogden and Mrs- - Flora two and Bountiful grandchilof Davit 5 I O. AND Heating, PLEATING. covered Wiens and buckles. Hemst dressmaking. alter. Tomlinson A 3. 1937. vnorati 711 Sheet Metal Works Covered Outtons it B. Expert la. CHESTER A. THOS.. Gen. rooting cow tractor A repair work. FHA bane Was. 1103.7 Est. Tree. GEORGB Tailors and Cleaners. Market. 124 E. Boadwar. Remodeling. repairing. relining. A. Bowen, 61. of 1074 Twenty-fourth Street, retired Ogden police officer. died Thursday night at biz home. He was born April 1159, at Farmingon. a son of Jonathon and Adelaide Rice Bowen. While still a boy be mayed with bis parents to the Salmon River area in Idaho to colonise. Later he returned to Utah and lived in Cacho where be received hie education. -Valley, Ia the Raft River area he wee tvell hors. breeder. known as a cattle-anOn Feb. 10, 1184. be married Alice WilShe died Sept. Ida. in liams Claude Creek, 853 cost.. , 2019. Canvas Goods OGDEN--El- lu at It Co. Cleaning' more lot the best,. 1615 So. tb 211940. water AUTOMATIC COLES, STOKER, SPERII Tent Ss Awn. Co. Affs. With Controls. Call Coles Motor A MaProof coven. tents. awns. 370 $o. W. 21 Was. 4513. Richards St. chias,Temple. Was. 6385. Elias A. Bowen OGDEN.Willitun CITYMrs. haggle Dean Marsden Richards, 44, 'wile of David H. Richards of Parowan and Prominent Iron County Church worker. died a Cedar City hospital Thunder. Mrs. Richards was a daughter of the late State Senator Lucius N. Marsden and Mrs. Mary M. Marsden of Parowan. She waa a member of the Perlman West Ward Primary presidency and had been active in other organizations. She was born In Parowan Dee. 4, 1893. and obtained her high school and at the old Murjunior college training dock Academy in Beaver and at Branch Agricultural College in Cedar City.. Mrs. Richards taught twit years in the Hinckley High School- ,- She was married in the Mantl Temple, June I; 1017. She Is survived by her husband. mother and six eons, David Carl, Arden, Clair. Reed, Ronald and Lucius Dean Richards. all ot Parowan: oven broth. era and sisters. William M. and Albert M. Meriden and Nes. Arthur Joseph of Parewan: Mrs. George H. Durham. Mn.. Rex C. Ward and Milo S. Marsden-o- f Salt Lake, and L. N. Marsden Jr.. of Cedar City. - Services will be conducted Sunday moon in the Parowsn West Wird aft,s. Burial by Bishop Wendell will be in the, Parowan i Cemetery. George W. McKeown Lake Temple. Sho died Nov. U. tall, and on March 14,, 11124 he married Lithe L. Morris. Surviving are his widow; the following Mrs. Harold Bramsons arid daughters: well, Mrs. E. M. Gardiner, Mn. Mabel Williams, Mrs. Wilford H. Williams, Wilford IL McBride and Leonard A. McBride. all of Ogden: Mrs. R. R. Noyes of San Francisco; Wesley G. and Leland J. McBride of Sparks. Bee.; - the following stepsons and stepdaught.ers: John W. E.d. ward M., Russell L.., Richard V.. Grant and Valentine G. Gardiner, and Mn. Fred A. Kissel. all of Ogden: one brother and two sisters. Thomas McBride of Grant.- villa; Mrs. Ella Davidson of Ogden, and Mrs. Melina Harris of Pleasant View; and 15 grandchildren. I - 1216 11502. ItY art Atvw 802 9111minqtaa 10378 CO.. Salt Lake Carpet Cleaning Co. 4311 work reasonableprices. pirt 1 BEAVER . FILIMORn CEDAR ST. GEORGE LAS VEGAS LOS ANGELES , i10 will be held at 3 p.m. 3undas,la the Rose Room at 31 Cut Seventh KIN ROMNEY RQUND wAT TRIP Rome until Sunday morning' and then at the hems ot Mn. Dowdell, 12 West Second South Street. .Funeral services will be beld Sunday Third- Ward- chapel., at S p.m Interment in the Erin-pree- n Cemetery. ttiq George Spliethof U. of - SAMPLE LOW FARES 60 E of a rheuntatis heart. will be eon. '4. ,::,,::,"i: ,4 ducted Sunday at '0' :',0?, 130 win. in the ' Hiller Ward Chap. ,: tx..::: 1 .,,. 41 East ThirtY ; .....- :: ., el, third South Street. -' eon of James Ths 1 ' : ,t :, rP S. Victoria and , 4.:: N. ::1 Hansen Fullmer. he , ,,: i' :: ,:::: 7 was born in Salt Lake Oct . 11. ISIS. ' .:' Until' the time of 11 bis illness he, was t tine:rtln'eAind'.,- ::1 ,,,. :, , son Service ' Sta. .1, '' :i!:, V MARTIN and upholstered furniture. cleaning..3AI., ental Ruts Specialty. 1630 80. Stets. Servo UTAH POINTS south ot Payson with convenient schedulto daily. Salt Lake .;,.:',..::.::',:',.. t, RugDrapery Cleaning ONE , , services for Ray Victor Full. ' THOMAS. b. 8 Reg. Faiene attorneys. 418 Beason Bldg. Was. 1262. FRANK ,47Ellig Emory I' met'. 23. of 3443 South State Street. who local hospital died Wednesday in a 4: re. NEW 1402 CASH RON GROCERY, NEW HIGHWAY MARKET ItayVielOi; Fullmer (. ' to BRICK STAIN Was. 10011. BURLINGTON TRA I LWAYS - L stained THOMAS -- 311 State And lunero Bldg. Potent Attorneys . Sus 1 ravel W. W. WILMALTH ir , , , , 10 Atlu CO. 101 lomat Sth West Weigle& 10372 Li li Is lo oat. Ave have 1502 $o. 13111 raid. IT. 12044 - SRICK structures semble new firebrick. OLD - Painting and Paperhanging Papering, Paper Cleaning. Celt rals, PAINTING, us today. Ii3, 0100. - 11460 Brick Stain Mining leases in producing properties. Inquire P. O. Box 404, 11. L. City. Roofing MURPHY. GROCERY EAST BENCH MEAT & GROCERY , NY. N I E'S DEL ROY. GROCERY Ft.. PCISIDATORSedburs. Ill Insects. Pennock. J. MORLEY GROCERY 171 1 I Shorpined Mining EXTERNEM AT1011 without tumieution. 1.50 per room. Jensen. ; Was. 311014. Was. 1785. la Woo. Lawn Mowers 114:4 MATettIALS loCIAP SHARPENING. repairing. leetory equip. Ideal Repair Shop. ISIS So. Ilth L By. Work.. Sill. Ramrod. led lug Extermination QUALLS MAKKET 1417 Inagua - Ass. - Ift. Silt ' Mast LICENSED a' ;;IST PEPPERS um AND s. ith West -.- ,r - MORGAN & VAN'S , A., 7 egol .61111111 102 South 0 will be lengthened ,--L- P son GROCERIES AIND MEATS Ilfah'S 1941 automobile license plates will include white letters and figures on a black back. " Do livst So CORINT White n. - Wed Radiators AVENUE MEAT & GROCERY none; .Tood Tot Loos' Wasatch )1153 , 0 New License Plates 40. all II 20 r Aglilligligil iiiiummilimr4iti Isis , ga air . milli, 4', . 30 m 11 . we III x. Ilst After completing lecture en. gagements in Wyoming the past week, Peter V. Ross of San Fran. cisco arrived today from Evanston, Wyo., at the invitation of the Second Church of Christ Scientist. He is scheduled to deliver a free public lecture in the church edifice at 566 East South Temple Street Saturday at 8 p.m. Mr. Ross represents the Board ,of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mass. MOPM,M,M millii. . 4111111 "CRAMER FOOD CENTER San Franciscan To Speak At S. L. Church Temple Notices S7S South Sad t to at. -la Wu. Welding & Radiator Cleaned. Eepairedi st WALLACE 0 11TH Wegh I SALT LAKE TEMPLE The Salt Lake Temple will close for the summer on- - the evening of July 3. and will re. Open for the usual ordinance work on the morning of August 1Z STEPHEN L. t.HIPMAN, inn As. ' COMPASIT 4000. Auto Radiators g0 go. a - ABSTRACT Jades Bide. Tree DAM"! 115S3 WorkOrnomentol ' Junk Wonted THE NIXON MARKET 121141$ MARGARET. GROCERY Who Will 1 RT. "Quality Timis for Hy. yQt.neehg. Family Notices tat So. 1423 So. State Dam XL 1st $O 1 , ground and the letter prefixes to the full depth of the plate to make them more visible, the State Tax Corn.. mission decided today. The name of the state and theyear will be at the top of the plate. They are 'now at the bottom. Making of the plates will begin within two weeks at the State Prison. LUCAS GROCERY Irmo D.flsry as s. 12tk MARKET We 4 , I' 11111111 cox , keynote address at the an National Convention Republic.in Phila. delphia later Milt month. Following the lawanis meet. In& Mr. Stevens win go to Philadelphia for the convention. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Stevens. 1 411 161 I.. S21 My. 4141 .3ervicei C. B. COWAN, 160 South West Temple BALCONY. porch. stair railings and Mi..h Iron work. Crwier Wire II IrtoW Work. Salt Lake City. Utah. Was. 4114. Ity 1350. 4 So. UNION ASSAY OTFICS INC.. -West Temple. P. O. Box ISM Abstracts of Title , Free Ds nosy W. 1st 'sulk Was. SUS LOCKV1OOD'S MARKET Reed Stevens, Salt Lake businessman,peominent will leave to. night for Minneapolis, Minn., where be will attend a conven tion of Hiwanis International. He AflIãkAd $OS to. '--- Reed Stevens To Attend Meet - Dr.. By J. F. Grosorisa 757-1- geet 21ei SSO - MARKET mati and 'Meals. Groceries. Tndts. forlorn) les 7171 ity. I Iron Assayers t4EGHBORHOOD GROCERY FOODS Volum" 11st & 0211 ifighlosel 1 will old 704-20- Ave. chthdtt Lake. 0 11111111111111111r.IRINI111111 I. Fanciful -- -- Awry (Scot) IC 11. - Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Sarah Dale of Carson City, Nev.,' and Mrs. Mae Moore. of Salt I dilillillit tint States. le 11111111111111' nowt 170 d 020 r4 miltilill. I we MADE UTAH HUTCHINSON'S FINE AMERICAN FOOD STORES, , INC. - , . ru.tak COIGN Dr.-Joh- a - 11 plitSICK STORES REMEgBER INDEPENDENCE ". 14;1940 ISpeciatted ireclory' I 1 Ma-so- SALT LAKE TEMPLE Two Bridal Sessions i lo. Harden 19. Fame 41. Frighten RGLII2 terrlq,,,..11514 To Be Held Each Week -20. Thick Made -- of s42. &Marai- To relieve- - congestion - during OM 414:1131;tg 21. Carbonised oats tree May and June, bridal sessions wen AMMER 13. Tapestry iron 43. Weight of will be held on Thuradays as well III . 14. Squander 22. Devout as - Wednesdays. India(pl.) 43131011101111111M Record taking . , 15. Jumps 33. Heron 44. Sheltered will begin at 8:45 am. on these 16. Ruthenium 26. Charge for days. promenade 45. services STEPHEN L. CHIPMAN.7 (elm) Teltratre Answer 71-17. Near to 32. Words, c01.- NIPHOLAS CI, SMITH, 4& Light blow molding 1& Recoiled GEORGE F. RICHARDS R. 21 Slant Temple Presidency. - ."PEliDENT )1 MIL INDE- JW!:.P.:.C:IIN'-,D,..Q.:,.- 0 ducted 4 tilltd Oat earwig's moo ellICIEIN it382111 crew's ear maimick of the family are urged tend. - WU, ZIE2IU miaow. Dodecanese To Conduct Funeral 'FOLLOWING . JOSEPH PERRY FAMILYA reunion of the Joseph Perry family will be held Saturday. June 15, at 10 a.m. at Lagoon. AU members Puzzle: - , ie WIIIONE.ZPILZi WISZ711.;iItoM11EP110 Trade With Your leighborhood,Grocers PATRONIZE THE 'sMIIEVEtwoD mum Masonic Officials . Yridif,-itil- Rile, Wickens nomas. Binca her marriage at Ogden. Utah, Nov; 23; lime, be had resided at Weston. Besides her husband and mother. Mrs,Rasmussen of Preston. She Ella W, leaves even children. They are Thomas A.. Jean Richard..lolus, Joyce. Margaret and Marilyn, all of Weston; two brothers and four sisters. Walter L. Thomas of Ogden: Evan M. Thomas, missionary In California.- - Missionary in California:- Mrs. Thelma Wayment of Warren. Utah; Mrs. Marie Mills of. Berkeley. Calif.; Mrs. Genevirve Hawkra end- - Mrs., Phyllis Larsen ot Preston. Lest rites Will ba conducted SunAsi---a2 rob. Ward ChaPel. with ,buriel in Weston is 1m rental of equipment lob. according to specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer. and the office of the City Purchasing Agent. nee. 'smeary tor the construction onof sidewalk;. the north in Sidewalk Ext. No. 231 side of flat South St. from , Ilth East St to 21s1. East St; and on the south side of 27th South St. from Filmore St. to 20th East St. Instructions- to bidders, specifications and forma for contract- - and bond. when at obtained the allies be Prepared. may of the City 'Purchasing Agent; upon dedollars.' at live (25.00) posit Tho work on any portion of the Side. walk Extension may or may not be pro- ceeded with. at the discretion of the Board an of City Commissioners., Ronda in 1111110Unt acceptable to the City May be In Instances. and all any required The rirht is reserved to reject any and. all bids. By Order of Board of Commissioners, ETHEL MACDONALD. City Recorder. (Seal) First Publication June 13th, 1940. , Last Publication, July 3rd.. 1040. , -- NOTICE OF REDENtrtION Union Picifis Railroad Ent Lk tad , . . - - " e OP 1iI Compul - lefudist Wittig tuts- MAO"( hoe 1, MI NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that. pun suant to the provisions of an Indenture dated June 1. 19, between Union Pacific Railroad Cmnpeny and The Equitsble Trust Company of New York. as Trustee. (now The Chase National Bank of the City of New York) tmder which First Lien and Refunding Mort- gaga Bonds bearing interest at Um rats of 491 per annum were issued. and sureldemenlat indenture dated as of June 1, 1913, under which Bonds xi such issue bearing interest at ::the rate of, 5 annum were hinted. Union Pacifier R Company has elected to ern cia. its option to and will, pay of and redeem an September 1. 1940 the entire issue of 4 and 1 Bonds, due June I. 2001. Accordingly. on September 1. 1940, all suck beads will become due and payable and will be redeemed at 10754 of tbe Men Yalta thereof. with caned interest thereon (including inter-est secured by the supplemental indenture or June 1, 1923) to September 1. 1040 . and there. after interest will mem to accrue. Boads no, able in coin or currency of the United State bee redeemed tepoo presentation and aunt render thereof at the office of the Trustee. 11 Broad Street, New York City. N. Y. Bonds payable Metering money el the United King- dem of Greet Bntain and Ireland will be re. deemed upon presentation and surrender thereof et Ore offices of the Trustee. 6 Lombard Street. LC. 3, London, England. Coupon Bonds surrendered for payment and redemption must, le any met. hove attached all couptma maturing subsequent to Septernbst 1. 1940. Interest due September 1 on coupon Bonds will be paid ordy upon end pitntadoa surrender of the coupon therefo, which may las attached to the Bond sturendered or may lei surrendered separately. Registered Bonds must be accompanied by ttuly executed instruments of eseignment mil -- - - - --- i --. 4 . i - , - 4.- MOIRDIATI PAYMENT , t -' ' - - - ,- i ' , I ThaCompany has authorized the Trusts; redeem the Bonds et the full redemptiois price, with accrued interest to Septenthee 1. 1,404 upos presentation and omen. der theiof as above prodded anus alter - - ' ' Dated. May 24, 1940. Union Pacific Railhead Company Ill, E. O. SMITH. TIINSSUIVICI May 29. IMO r, I - - |