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Show ' , f . . Mesa' ay, August 3, 103 1 --- - The Deseret News, Salt Lake City, ljtah , , , About Town: ,Nelvs Of Society -I1 . II-- Honor ,Miss Hills Bride With Pretty Luncheon Compliments .Local Bride Mrs. Widtsoe And Daughter Entertain For . ' tier At 1.111211HT.rany Last Night - OrangeltrulYeRow summer blootml were arranged to center,. the luncheon tables' at the party given this afternoon' by Miss Helen McKay and Miss Eloise McKay, daughters of Mr. .and Mrs. William M. McKay, at their home, 1234 East Pifth South Street.. I Miss Emma Rae- McKay,daug- - , , . ' ' of President and Mrs. David of 1037 East Smith Temple Street, who Ashill he. ton. tome Mrs. Conway was the guest of honor. Besides the bride there were present Mrs. David O. McKay, Mrs. William M McKay, Mrs, George' R. mil. Mrs. David L. Mrs. Llewelyn R. McKay, Mrs. Joseph G. Jeppson, Mrs. Homer 11. Durham Mrs. Robert 'Garden Chib httr O. McKay , ' TeA-Airantmte- . d . , . 1, Neighborhood Unit Members 3lay , Take Friends-McKay- , Sawver,Red. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Fred E. Smith. The committee in charge of the event is headed by 'Mrs. H. D. Landes. Mrs. A. F. Palm and Mrs. Smith. In the receiving line will be Mrs;-- Seyniour Mrs. Parsonk Wells and members of the club board. The guests will be served in the garden by Miss Shirley Parsons, Miss Nancy Felts, Miss M. ham, entertained last evening at a dinner party at the Widtsoe home, 1425 Sigsbee Avenue, for Miss McKay and Mr. Ashton. Covers were laid for le friends of the affianced couple. A pink blitepreeden...centerpiecc Supper Fetes Miss Ashton On Betrothal Mrs. Julia P. Badger, Mrs. R. H. Badger and Miss Edith Badger were hostesses at a prettily appointed miscellaneous shower and supper given at the It H. Badger home, 125 First Avenue. The bride. the former Miss Tbeda Bradshaw. wore a.handsome gown of white satin coma bined with lace and carried bouquet of roses. lilies Of the and valley gardenias The bridesmaids wore summery gowns of chiffon in the pastel shades. Miss Gladys Bradshaw chose French Blue: D. Wright, orchid; Miss Mary ML turMarcdlle Twitehell. quoise blue; and Miss Lois Mc. atNile green. ALI the Kean. of tendants earned bouquets sweet peas and roses in harmonizing shades. A. Leslie Strube acted as best man for the bridegroom A variety of garden flowers In for pastel shades were used decoration. Filllowing the reception, the couple left for a honeymoon to southern Utah and San Diego. Calif. Upon their return, they will make their home in Salt Cannon. This evening. Mrs. tVillard B. Richards Jr. and her two daughters. Sally and Margaret. will ' entertain for Miss Ashton. - Boggess Couple Plan Motor Trip Ir..Eidin W. Boggess are planning a motor trip to oklaDr. flog-ga- s month. this homa City will study at the Oklahoma State Hospital where he has been ppointell senior interrte,, is cOnnectctr wUh The hos-pitthe University of - Oklahoma School of Medicine. The couple will return to S'alt, Lake in July Dr. and - I II , 1 4 , 10h0 Street. to IL ClarMrs. JoPOn 1319 South Elev- a Sa- . i ' , ; tea flavor ! " , . i Barbara Musmr, popular Mss is the Incentive young 'for a number of smart social ,, rum ismnts,,,,,plast Blanche M. Lewis. 11152 Douglas Street, presided over a prettily arranged dinner In the garden ofher home In honor of Miss Musper. She was satiated by Miss Florence Musser and Miss Mare Josephine teens. The gardens were attractively lighted with varicolored lanterns. and the itt guests were served at small tables. This evening. three Fistert of Miss Musser will be hosuessea at an informal party at the home of Mrs. E. I. Anplequist. 561 East Ninth South Street. The other tern hostesses will be Mrs. Car. roll R. Plirne of Richfleki and Mrs. Paul Buehler of Providence. Mrs. Joseph F. Merrill. mother Of the bridegroom, will give a afternoon at large tea Thursday her home, 1324 East First South Street- - in compliment to her ,daughter.in-law- . Min Musser, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barr W. Mttsser, 1201 First Avenue, will wed Li,gene If. Merrill next Saturday. , bncie-elec- I ' oy .., t. fit-lu-re Parents Disclose Coming Marriage Of 3liss Ruth Edna Jensen LebMr. and 'Mrs. WHliam horn, 537 Windsor Stret$ the marriage of their daughter. Ruth Edna Jensen. to Anderson. Richard Ida.. son of Robert IClarence Anderson. The marriage 'ceremony was perfonmwd July al by Bishop Thomas B. Child in the presence of relatives. an-no- , by I I 1 EA Rare Darjeeling leaves, groins in India's high Himalayas, give Tree Tea Orange Pekoe, this special qualityend give iced tea a full, rich Tree illavorto the last sip! Note too, Tea's most reasonable price. - l tUtZliW4K4 makes 4he difference PARADE OREEED Salt Lake Federation of was given a permit by the City CCinimission today to hold a parade on Labor Day, Sept.--47 at 930 elm will form at The parade North Temple and Main Street, march south to Third South, east to State Street,- - south to Ninth South and etot to Sixth East. where it will disband. ITbe - , iSeries Of Smart . Thy Tea makes the most deliciousiced tee that you can save. This is because - Tree Tea resists the loss of its goodness . R. Dodge, The couple have planned wedding trip to Yellowstone tional Park. he 1 industry is here and that's good for a lot of time." "But you like privacy so Mr. vou're shunning hotels? Rhodes, don't. you know there is no privacy in a parsonage? We may even borrow your room for visiting clergy." She tallied light. IY, not caring. '"I'hars all right. It's the mail. the telephone calls from the office in NeNv York, I want to avoid. So I:II pick up such small matters bat Preston anti live in lie arose suddenly as peace." Miss Saran Moffett came back with Mrs. Melton. and Sarah He was Anne slipped .away. courteous. deferential. Ellen the minister's wife yielded to Ms charm. The next time Sarah Anne RAW him her eyes were dark with righteous Indignation and her cheeks were flushed. It was ten o'clock in the morning. She alone was at home. She had bound back her brown curls with a red an ribbon end she was wearing old, white tennis frock,- for she had been working In the garden at the rear of the parsonage. A small creek meandered leisurely under the trees, back there, and she had a table, a few chairs and a shelf built against a tree. where the yard dropped suddenly to meet the little brook. But today the peace of the scene was not affecting her in the least. A stranger had paused and sato In clear, even tones: "Miss Melton, maybe you aren't aware that the parsonage electric light bill is overdue and I've been sent to turn off the etectricity." "Overdue? It can't be!" She put down her rake. The roan out some statements. held -How much Is it?" He named the sum. For a moment Sarah Anne eyed him furiously. Then she shook her head. "We can see by candle. light! She was thinking of her father's old ahoes. She eas wish- man. r 41. riteatenrstret - :2 11 :Miss i lusser Troth ()Zia' business conditione and I'm using your town as a focal point. You have enough factories within a radius of a. couple of Ifif IParties To Honor Front first sip to . - - 1 I a good influence for youth." Ilia voice was as provacative A5 eyes. t we "Ar,ezil you afraid may do to you? This is a parsonage and we insist on church a t tend a act- -"And-- 1 am a minister's son and you can't ithow me a thing about it. By the way, I'm Lynn Rhodes. I do some writing about, a NEW YOI1K. Aug. Phyllis Brooks and Cary Gmnt, featured movie players, returned aboard the linPr fie Ile France,-tode- v ,and announced their marriage will take place this fall in California, despite reports to the contrary. "The reason were not doing it now," said Cary, "Is that our movie schedules interfere. I am starting work right away on a new picture." new movie is The name-of-tto be either "The Bigger They Are the Harder They Fall," or the last half of that title. last- - Claude "If your mother thinks i'm - Fourth East ence Grastett, hanna Grasteit enth East Street. will take place Friday at the home of the bridegroom. The ceremony wilt be perform. ed at 7 p.m. by Bishop W. F. in the presence of Perschon. Hose friends and members of the two families. A reception will follow the ceremony. Mrs. Warren E. Davis will be matron of honor for Miss Dodge. Her other attendant will be Miss Phylis Karpowitz. Barry Perkins will he best CAti Grint Robert R. Porter arrived Sunday from Greenwich. Corm.. for a two weeks' visit,. He joined hts wife. who has been here for two weeks. They are 'visiting at the borne of Mr. Porter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Porter. 1381 Butler Avenue. imsg Mtg. Phyllis Brooks Weds Connecticut Man Joins Wife Here tiLILTEEN "Oh, hello," Sarah Anne Said to was the thin, young man who guest renting the parsonage Ilia eyes were bright, room. mockin g. oddly disturbing. "So you're the man who going to sleep under our roof?" The marriage of Mks Bonnie Mae Dodge. daughter of Mr. and Lake. next year. 46P2 Miss Dodge, .31r. Grasteit To a .Be United Aug. McKay. .0.1ArrEft daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred V. Hanson, :12 Thirteenth East ex- Street. and John M. Bibb change marriage vows. The ceremony will be pec formed at 7 o'clock at the family residence. The bride will he attended by Nliss Kallona Kellogg of Coeur d'Alene. Ida,. and Mks Dorothy Gibb of !Jos Angeles. sister of the as bridegroom, bridesmaids Mrs. Neil M. Matzger of Blymoia. Wash.. formerly Miss Ruth Beck of Salt Lake, will tie the attending matron. brother of the Edgar Bibb, bridegroom. has come from Lot Angeles to be the best man. their daughter and N. Farrell HorsMr. and Mrs ley. The couple were married earlier in the day in the Salt Lake Temple by Pres. David ' , An'Important nuptial will he solemnized this evening when t - Agnes Madsen. Miss haVon Mrs. ting, Mrs. Earl Ilvtting. Grant Syphers, and Miss Jeanne age. MasisB17,(..3.11.7747-407--Tit- Mat""SillAffil W ' Weds Tonight The Hvrinn J. Jensen Home, 2730 Highland Drive, wag the scene of a wedding reception last evening given by Mr. and Bradshaw. 2337 Mn;. Clyde Windsor Street, in honor of evening. The smart affair complirnénted MLss Eleanor Ashton. daughter of Bishop and Mrs. X O. Ashton. whose betrothal to Howard Carl Badger was recently announced. The long table. covered with a lace climb. was centered with "white and pink sweet peas and larkspur. and flanked on each side by white tapers in silver candelabra. Places were marked for Mrs. Julia R. Badger, Mn. R. If. Badger, 'Miss Badger, Miss Eleanor AthVan Miss Phyllis Ashton. Mrs. Louis R. Curtis, 'Mrs. M. O. AshMiss Brink. ton. Mrs. G. A. Kaye Smith. Mrs. 1Vilby M. DurMi39 ham. Mrs. Leo Jacobsen. Luncheon Honors 3liss Richards , Engagement Miss Hanson Horsley Couple Given Reception At Jensen Home - Page 5 , -- ammen n -ex -, ' .1 . . - liVortes Bid , tgh For Maughn Story . 10'Sheliatifillipefiethe'tees dot' tars on that new evenine frock. Ministers' daughters must not give vent to their emotions. She must not Fay to this impersonal man, if the president of your who is a deacon. tri Our church.. would pay up his does so my father could collect this bill." She must not add: "We might turn off the faucet that brings him spiritual help." No, this man was just an agent. Upstairs Sarah Anne had a few dollars, money carefully saved to take a summer course at a email univOrSity in an adjoining town. Well, she didn't need to do that. And, anyway. maybe the back salary would come. Maybe it wouldn't. Let the bill wan. "You turn off the electricity in the atticthe third door to the right at. the, top of the otairs on the second floor," she explained to the man. "Oaky, sister." He started tovrard the how,. It was just then that Lynn : hodes, slim and immaculate in white ducks. came from the house, spied her, and waved. lie started toward her. Oh, good golly, she mused. Re had to have something besides a candle. Maybe be could pay his rent in dvance and that would meet this bill. She waved to him and than etarted after the other man. "Hold everything." she told "Let there be lightI'll PaY" She wee breathless. flushed, annoyed when ?the came outside again. Lynn Rhodes grinned at her companionably. "Ruler he asked. "But met with an educational fund." he answered. She was aware that Ione looked dishevelShe didn't know ed and hot. that the brown curls were alba. crimim ribbon under the ing and her slim. lithe young body. with its evenly tanned arms and legs was vital and awake. "Suppose we get tome breakfastr the man said "But I. ate- hours ago. rve a even had a rerim at - the-lak- -- milefromtovnt." "Then you're hungry again. Come one. lime about making a day of It? I have lobe in Pres. ton, this afternoon. Any plans standing in the way?" She looked beck at the gotrden. Just a row of radishee." But site didn't want to stay AVhat she did now at home. wasn't important. Site was measuntil what? uring time ,until Until Jack married Judith' and she knew that he was gone forer. - ever? Until she was 'too old to care about love any longer? She mnght as well go, Maybe luxury t'OUItt ea.se the fringes- - of her - . (Continued from Page 1) by Preston R. Lee. 25, of 220 A other oOer. Street. The machine, ,ated by Lee Mitchell ot 410 First e 'Avenue, was hurled into a ditch and overturned. NVoit suffered multiple cuts and bruises. He was treated at the Emergency Hospital and, re- moved To St. Mark's Hospital, where his condition late today was reported as fair. Traffic Investigators G. l: flopki and E. 11. Christensen ' said the ilmpoct caused $430 dam- age to Wolf's Car and 8500 dam- aye to Mitellell's machine. Wompe Fails From Car t g - ,,, hurt. But she was indifferent to her appearance as she ran the comb througn her curls and patted them Into a row at the nape. of her neck.. She found a lightswreatweight tweed dusky rink er and a deepit- jacket. There was a beret of the durionnet, picked up for Stan at a 'bargaiti hasetnent counter. and sandal, that had rost little more. Ready at st, sots outlined full ted vth n taijtcr color, Inched up tier log and glOveS. The elfr was at the curb. It was s long. low. powerfully built dent'. it dominated ttie little street, where an occasional family car or dilapidated allopy stood in frant of somebody's house. Corrinne, coming along with Rob Ransom us Sarah Anne was getting into the cara paused, "Who's the lovely child?" asked Lynn Rhodes. "My siter." Sarah Anne performed the introductions. Cora rirme WAS lovely. That bright wide purple-blu- e el(Pg were rnysteriotta under their hlack lashes. She waii taller than Saran Anne, and willowy instead of sturdy in her own slimness.. She was such a child yet. Sarah-Annthought from the vantage point of her three years' sent-onlBut beautiful! No wonder I3ob Ransom gazed at her adoringly. Bob was a nice boy. ciean-ru- t and and browned. And now this sophisticated, nonchalant man a! other plates was giving or the seal of his approval. That was all right. She wanted people to appreciate eorrinne. Ilia she felt that the year-olcostume she wore was suddenly plain and unimportant by the side of the green checked gingham ;Iress with its organdy collar whim her sister wore. "Your sister. and I are rtinning off for the day," Lynn Rhodes explained. "First. were having breakfast at the Inn. Why not come along?" could eat a whole omelet," Corrinne answered. "Let's go with them, Bob. This man is an adjunct to our family and I real ly snould know him. lie snored under Our roof last nightor don't you snore?" Bob nodded. 'I've never seen an hour I couldn't eat? Staving around long, Mr. Rhodes?" "Bob's father ;3 one of your interviews." Sarah important Ann explained. "Ransom of Ransom Steel. You two should get acquainted." to,; The man's face grew grave. but the eyes held their mirth. "Good! I'm here to do some sleel writing." "Sympathetic or unbiased?" Bob asked, his voice guarded. be "Unbiased, of course, making arrangements to visit your plant one of these days." Bob'n face relaxed. 'Excuse the guard I tion0ed.4 he ,aid. Nvartare is making "IngituArial words these .good.lculleta-fro- in 'tiAtet have a eaie all' sandy-haire- d right.a we're darneal good oneand trying to work it out with We don't weloome any them. prying and neither do they. Our crews all right." " Iturmir woes" was bilsci wrttl pride. Corrinne reathen over io tiqueeze hts arm. The ear was. stopping and a man was staring at the driver. A short fat man with a huge panama on his big head. Ile stepped forward, grinning broadly. "Sweet toasted mackerel. whatever brought you here?" (To Bo Coottoord) ROUND TABLE MEETS Routine club matters and plam for future programs were di.. cussed at a business meeting of the Salt Lake Round Table today In the Coffee Shop of the Hotel Utah- - J. Loa Decker, presidem, wits in charge. Moore, .30, of bruise-- ,te, on her- - body, so 'inany I "i John Considine Jr. who came Ithrough with plans to produce Town". an money maker. has sold his hosses on an- sother idea. This time John sees in the life 4)f Mrs. Leland Stan- ford an entertaining movie pecialle etith Greer Carson ing Mrs. Stanford isounds to m e !the the "Mnt. Chi ps' influenee.1 Permission must first be obtain-ed from Stanford University. the founded in memory of Leland Stanford Jr.. who died was in Italy when he very young. His collection of antiques is part of the museum at the U niversity. This coilection is al- who wayS of interest to those know the store and of Mrs. Stare tom's efforts have th e univendty her husbands death. rehbuilt,rter d a'SLTOY an earthquake. "Boys be ".RailtonHeri Lion," since Gilmore's company has been added to Cobb's list of sponsors. ,kfter from his 1 resting .up eross,country air trip, the burly 'triton planned TO inspect the Salt Flats this afternoon and th leave by air for hos An- . where Mr. Gilmore has arr ti a r. reception in his honor. i'Libb plans to make his WA test run on the flats Aug. 16. If all goes well. he will make Iris record attempt two days later. Providing he breaks the mile he will go atter the five kilometer and five mile records on Aug. 19. and try for the longer marks the next day. Ile will probably use the same Campnell SPt hiS rerOrd i n 193.5. The course is about a half mile shorter than the one used by Cobb and Eyston last year. but'iii in 'better condition. according to Pillsbury, who has already had the course record. la 'Let miso,- ' I'm linh- NUMP, ' oith Fr.". ),in xi.- - Recital it o'clock noon j n the Tabernacle. The progra mDonau Toccata Adorn Thyself. 0 My Soul Brahma ' .. iiiinn!71iI,:.)::rrt.Seh:,:,,erso Favorite "Mormon" Hymn, 0, My Father" ...... Arr. by organist to Third IntrocitiCtiOn Act from '1,ollengrin" ....Wagner ... ' si ,NTT,71.1,,,,,,trnit. 1 .t111, 4kiiq to oi A WWI i !PT ATINt rt. 111,,1146111,1Clhat to ' - , ' ' .' e i 4 r ,, .. , Air Is 1, staffs MAI In. ,, , l'-- '' ,,, , LEEN Ilailli: i A reirTfPr? Ft 1 .as , - 1 'Beach. SporstOrtill!P , :0! , VIRGINIA WEIMERPfGGY SHA ""' at lit nign, nitt0103 otta 11,c Att. tast 1 lott so Estrat EDGAR ILEPINEDY COMEDY LJ :' St041 Nws the first time a foreign tr4- ..ait,T4111milzi MIMNEWLEil MAO i LAMA run has Over had American backing. Mr. Gilmore. who is president of the Itollswood,Turf Club. owner of the Gilmore Stadium ano a and proniinent California fish aff iciat thierested the Cobbs run from hobby angle as much as the eornmert, five,: .s.,taross- - UTAH &NY? vloofall till: ;tell I tUJIrILIP ircifivirc BtONDTtf. CRil ';11;1;1X17 THE SMOOTH RHYTHMS ADOLPH BROX t::172 (vial Toracrrr D,,cma moo,. 2Ie LAMES Writ See i THIS AD AND 1113IFICII MAROS Mit MASON 'WILL let PARTY lo lbw Colwell' Adeolooko lbws unlit Wait Two.. Avow $ JITTERBUG JAMBOREE.. OF 11939 McCULLOUGH'S ARENA DOORS OM las a 2So P. IL COLOR CART0011 do '7HE CHESTNUT TREE follow-up- of "The Lambeth 1 DANCE PERFORMANCES At WO and 10 Each Evening - CIL - ADM IT YOUR ENTIRE, Noir- P. W. 110 tettoistit ADMISSi0P2 011221IAL DON AND SALLY 41 "NARVIK SCAllOr 1111111,0 ' URRY KENTind His ORCHESTRA No Cover Charge thin Altar 9:30 P. M. - 11117111411N c. five-mi- arc oe kilometer run. August 20Official 10 mile and 10 kilometer run. Also start of 111D I ,' iv) FIRST RV! i Cs FEATURESI ! Mai bed -.7 - uotri ; - ',--. unlimited record established by Itosemeyer of Germany 1937 on the concrete straightThis away at lietchsautobahm mark is 223.9 m. p. hi Sir Mall. colm Campbell hobts the mark at 251.49 and the 10- kilometer at 238.07both estabhied at Daytona Beach., These and !he Atnerican and International markt for the same distante are the only marks remaining on the hooks accredited to Daytona , p,ith ut. saanarm: al.,' Goo" ('Id Mel"""" "th Alexander Schreiner will give 12 the recital tomorrow at worlds Wi?Onesidity t ' On Tabernacle Organ 'a siorky 11;erman Mark from the mile record. Cobb most desirous of bringto England and to the Benneing ville Salt Mate the as follows: ' ... ,. l'1" h TOMOITOW' I Aside. Outlines fichedule In Pillsbury, who has been charge of extensive preliminary Cobbs for run, arrangements outlined the Englishman's proposed schedule on the,alt Mats lest run, 'both for timing apparatus and the ftailtort lied Lon. Also stock car Class C run over same'distance. August 1SOfficia1 flying mile and kilometer run. , Kam plmn," stock car e and runs. The stock car records sought by Cobb are all held by At, Jenkins with the of exception endurance Studebaker's 15,000 run of recent ilate. Jenkins es- tablished h marks in a Cord S. 20.000-mi- .1,,,,aaa In stsid.o.---x,dw- ea-- will rg, y .ow Alau ,. Small company anri depositions are already in their hands. Warn. ers also claimed a prior right to the young man's FerViCell. (Continued from Page 1) machine. ''I just want to break the record.he explained. Known last year as the "Railton" in honor of its designer. the car Tv. .. t .';',Vitrr'Z'ri',.tr Lauaacompany4,pa. IC - : .1,4,,Itsle,calGa.smPainurnd,' tiro Po glilnd Alitlf.' 1,1111 (beater Moms, Saipti Bellamy sea Ann Dvorak, i cV:711,E,; "'"?'"r Git i j 41,1 ,4 Mum, ?Tank Allells,m, and E, E.,..,tiiit: I mobile in which he was riding colikled with another machine. HP was John riding with aleave. 23, f 971 Hiestel Road. The other ear was operated 1,,( Charles Harmon. 18, of 1429 Avenue. The mishap Michigan occurred at Thirteenth Eaft and Second South Streets. t ,',,, 1 - NG ON, 1St -- and ' , .,,. other !, tones lined, up for her but, iast year she made more plc- tures than any other top actress.' Warner'S call not see any wo. man's NtOry Without wanting it 1,or, l.1 1.)ayi:i. hut since Miriain 100i in.,' fine performance in "The Old M3id" they are divid- mg ome of 'herr cherished play All flus and Heaven Too." for i 4. . will do revs and severe lacerations of -both ears e. hen Alf. landed -at tit' rdadsioe. rough' gravel She eas riding...in a car driven by F. 11..lenranies, :5, of 433 Po.'d An Ccigh.,li court will he asked Strei-t- , ;.tiP ma, ri ioor to decide within the next three flew open. whet her Robert Donat Hannah C. .1o4inson. 50, of 1177- - - week.; hi.s broke iordract with Edward Crystal Avenue, suffered several Small cir v.'hether he had a right bruises late yesterday when the to make "The Citadel". If the automobile she was; driving colcourt finds in favor of Small. lided with another Machine at large damages will he - asked First West and Seeond North both from actor and- ),Ietro- streets. The other ear was driv.' Goldrim-Maver- . the Small claims he en by Alvin M. Robbins, 14, of had a definite cor gract with th 461 Ilaltic Court. ., actor following the "Count of Alvin GlatiSer. 2, son of Mr. Monte Cristo", the first picture. Donat made for an and Mrs. John Glauser, 1419 American N "'Hamra Avenue. title ref minor, and, .May,,, of DANCE or RITTIS I 810' ". ' i i.' .. e soon-to-b- i Mrs. Opal , BY,I4OUELLA O. PARSONS -'-Motion Picture Editor International NeWs Service .. HOLLYWOOD, Aug. 8(INS)The bidding battle of list week (.Meted around Somerset Maugtan's published novelette. "The Villa on the Hill." hosed on one of his short ' stories, Warhers saw it for'Bette Davis and MGM was equaiv eager tonat) it for Greer Garson for it has A great woman'S role. Naturally as soon as the bidding started the price Soared sky high with Warners finally payi.. S30.000 for the film rights,. a reeord price for an unpublished novelette. ItejVCnS knows 'when Tiette - i- . t tUittp 9 WALTZING To road-aid- Bouth First West Street, was reported Iry fair condition at the Salt Lake General Hospital today after being injured in a fail from a moving automobile last night flea!' Nsorth Temple and Twelfth West Mrs. 3,1007 red cuts and, .... , ,,' i 1 ':- 1 .. Merry, Miss Widdie Chamberlin, JoseMiss Hoyt Smith, Miss phine Moffat, and Miss Susan Harris. Last 4-.-- Atom Kamm, atintsimeo dant. , "Good! Change your dress and ter sad ekoas triad id Jadith Broke.. i zil1 get out,the car. Meet you in ' &airbagr ot luxurp. 10060 bar childhood ., twenty minutes. " sweetheart. Jerk Cooney. oho boa at Sarah Anne did not want to tamed madden tams hi l7tE thl PP, go with this commanding sorting. Summcl, 'flowers chosen from the Hilts gardens were arranged to center the latile. The guests ,included Miss, Richards, Miss Beth MacArthur, Miss Emily Neff. .Miss Catherine Robinson. Miss Nancy Taylor. Miss Louhte Livingston, snit Miss MarlOrie Tower. Miss Prggy Silver and Miss Delat a pha Card supper party last evening given at Miss Silver's home. 2008 Tenth Eau street, honoring the bride- and her friends. , B. Sims. Mrs. HinckleyDasidEllisoriM , Mrs. rdon Ted C. Jacobson, Mrs. William Class son M. Orval C. Fox, Miss Leah ilentiersom Miss Elie abetho Hill. Miss Mary Mrs. and from as B. Farr, Miss Genevieve Farr, Bramlev Farr of Smith- and field; Mrs. Joel E. Ricks of Lo- gan. Mrs. Joseph R. Morrell of and Mrs. Russell IL Ogden Blood of Beverly Hills, Calif. John A. Widtsoe and her daughter. Mrs. Homer IL Due ---- It -- ,:t.,,e,ident- s- tank ,, 'place Aug. 18; , The C. C. Parsons home, 1220 Yale AVenue, will be the setting for the Neighborhood gAr,' den Liub tea tomorrOW between 3 and 6 p.m, 'Members and their friends are riritngS1 0 , TO& s , ,,,,f,,. la the latter Mi. Hearthrohla. but pot smatins is spoil Mar rompare. olalP protegees lore lar Bob Kenneth'. Miss Margot Hills, daughter Jades close Irmo& sod bow oho teem of. Mr. and Mrs. Harold IL io. esep Imams hi taa &filen, backs key Hills of Hilisden Drive, , Holla- ' up. tip, Pase-ao bob eStim. sod is at Jack. Commie. Sarah dreaming day, presided at a luncheon , Amite lounger stater toolosims her lows party at the home of her partor Ito Ii086001. another' Bob. and ents damn lather Bala her about Jack. thii. afternoon. The af- - Sarah Al the hospital. Sarah A000 trapat. fair Miss Nona sleep lolls Itott ha la tal fled tor bit f fiancee-oA, Elden tumeee. Berme! testier. Them alp meets Richards, Ball whose marriage will take tbs vest romper 1,, her tether's Pomo- - -- , iit' , r- . - inkk ,e----- . E 13Iefiay Sister' s - f . 4 , . , r - |