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Show - , 4, - , . . .. . .. H , DESERET NEWS, SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1939 'THE summer Sea,soti For Art LM lifitsu ,,r,,,,,,,,.,,,.,,,-- , ,. -- -- - ., ,,,---- - - -- .-- f," - 0 . City Offrovo To Set Up First Branch Art Center In The State ' , ,. ! 1,, , 'first step toward setting up T HE 1 ''chain" of art centers. react)- s 8. ing out from the Utah State ArtLake klltv, to tornCenter munities all over the state was week when State 1)taken this N A ,t 1 i 1reetorEJ ' deral Art ,t ' - - '. - F t ' t: e ' -' , . ' ' 4 ' ' , , ,, ' t '. 51 J Alh . , . t . , , , . . , ot - - r . - - - -- ; ..,' ... , . - ; , - -- . :;. . .....:,.. '' - - .. , tt ' . .. , , t ,. "' ''''',.' ' , - t . :, Fe- an for an art center at yrovo. r . Bird of the Utah Project completed , , 'Finances for the support of the Art Center are being appropriated by theProvo Citv Council. a progressive group headed by Mayor whtch believes Mark Anderfkgt, art and culture should have its Place Ii 'he sun,' said Mr. Bird. Spare for the art (enter, ( omprising a gallery and class rooms, it, being donated by the Provo Public Library in the new building just being coinpletcd by the MA A staff of two persons will he Art maintained by the Federal Project. at tic( expense, to zerts of Provo. In addition. the WPA will furnish the labor for prepar in the gallery. The. City of Provo stspply materials and maintenance costs Exhibits, lecturm class instruc hQ tion will he iupplied from lItab State Art Center, 7.9 South State. Salt lake City. "The Provo Art Center and-a- ll centers." said enter-prises- , Mr. Bird. "are community .WN,t they accomplish will depend largely upon the enter prise of local groups, who must lead the way With he Federal Art Utah State Art Cen Project and-th- e ' - s'tr. ', , 4 . . '''-- '.: .....0.J. ' t.t 7,. VERLA c , : Lawrence Tibbett, Ame.rican Baritone. for whom a concert is being outlined hy Associated Ladies Choruses of Utah next ' ,,. '.441,0 7.'71cr);AP In The Major Key .s! , BY GAIL , mitriN are .being completed by the Associated ARRANGEMENTS Utah to bring Lawrence Tibbett, American City for a concert on Friday. Jan, 26, 1940. The organization, of which Miss Edna Koelliker is president, in this enterprise, deserves community-widsupport and for Lawrence TIbbett is undoubtedly the greatest singing artist ever developed in America. tlimbed to the ago, TilAyett-hatop by sheer force of merit until he is recognized as one of the worlds foremost opera singers and reeitalists. Few artists combine the unique gifts of Lawrence Tibbettvoice, intellect. stiperiative technique, and a dramatic power that vitalizes everything he ------tempts. Hungarian arti.its. Fed Roth, first violin: Jeno Antal, second violin: ItosE, who have heard his Ferenc Molnar, viola: ;inn Janog performance On the "Circle". cello. At the time of their he during reeent Sunday evenings. previous Provo appearance, will !Tree-- with this. statement. grntip was- assisicet hs E. Robert Schmitz, pianist. who apared as Where is the singer. who can guest artist with the R. . I'. range the entire gamut of song two weeks ago. literature, and capture the beauty. excitement and color that Tibbett IIIS week has seen 0111 of ihe J. doontRadio audiences hear Tib- ,TPC, twarld'srooataxusnisrung Factotum al bett sing the "Largo lades, From all parts of Amenca. arta With Irresistible verve aril t hoanda of amateur and pro humor as well as with fessional musicians base come to a wealth of resonant tone. From Baltimore. Maryland, by '!xlIA, by a high tessitura touching high A to Iran flat. lie runs the scale full and ta)te part In the tuentyl isonvert- opulently clown two octaves to a Na11')n anti rehthe fegtival !he that no other low G. something Ilona! Federation of Ntwile Clubs. baritone attempt& Utah is represented at the convens Frren the arias at ttattan npe.m. uctn by the Orpheus Club of Salt he can turn to such truly Amor- a Mrs. Edna Evans John- lean aortas as the ..Glary Road. son; president of the Utah Feder- and 'Deep River' and give an un- Music Clubs. Mrs. Vera of ation ManY. interpretation. sutpassm Frey 14"'n- - i'eN,preftiti,ent. Mrs. singers might sing a whole Yard, secretary. Mrs. Clartime and not express the emotion thel Wallace. past president. Mrs. voiced hty Tibbett in one song like Edith Egan. and Mrs. Enid Griot). -wituch Deep Riverft..an,emotion American music by Amencan dissolves ,the soul until it becomes . many artistc brthem winners in a part of that vast anti timeless men and where ..,,haetinecna7.177Iir)rn.,ntic'tterP111,:aey tmtverse. spiritual .wrimerr forget-stri- fe ?he seven tiats t,nigram. An Amer animosity to join the brotherhood Jean Forum. syrnpnon.. or the human race. le organizations including the Hal. Nwly electod officers. who wills timore Symprortyltronestra. which assist ,Nliss Koolliker anti the wholly suppOrted by municipal sonared 'Welnen's Chftrthtel "ft 'funds. a sacrial mual festival 17tah in this new venture. are Miss anti pageant Edith Adams of the AeoliantnoProtestant and 1'6'4 "Ruth' P011.4WIt for ISistrirt winneni form-- . ' Kennard: SYthphonY Strt2er8t Set' ed an amazing program. nernek' retarYt. Miss Leone Ottt of this Actit-itshould cortHe, groat fropetus fmt the - stippOrt Nilson. recorder. "'""'"ket". Miss Marjorie PTO sons, business Theodosian Manager, e T y kity. I comrs: - As-i- ,ttesented-lv7Jewhi- y e 444"-"t-c n. ae Ladies Chorus. a PICHAM .,yourig .ItniversitY slimmer rritzSzcal open PotiF4,11 with three concerts by the Rotth Stnng Quartet on the ci-eJune 2!. 22 arrt 3. tunas .snnoeneement 'feel macte-,,oeta- Negro , ,. f;$1- c Liambert.-deaof t?'?? auntgaarassiatritiatia said tLa.tott, er ,peetai ,mu5i.cai attractions are planned Another notable triiiiical event at the summer school will tie the presentation by the music tiertiirt- - zi..C4-r-wna- 'Iorjc'Th ,,, DErr, - Ti ' NATI1ANIEL and poet composer, ,piani-4be a visitor to Salt Lake (thy iry,athis summer. Arrangement, are being Considered for nringing him here for a lecture recital. Mr. liett iii,prottahly best known NS oratorio "The Otyiering M?),e... First produced lastspring B Hantion, director of summer schord anncrimced. Taking part in the proOtt-tio- n be:the summer school TrIlked 110- rum and orchestra. Assisting Pro- fessior Hanson will he Marcaret summeehays of the rh1151-- ,lepart- ment. and ,Professor LeRoy J. Roo- ortion, licetor cif the university imPbOrty orchestra. The Roth. quartet: which- wort iseminfeet mime of mcisie !enters with a performance here three years ago, i1 composed entliely, of 4i;Ps,,, .0:: .,:. gr.'', ' :" ,oir s, AtiP4b416 - 11 fal (:' .'. :: ''.; .. :' I - Symptom t hestra and Eugene Goceisens g tor. this oratorio set music to writing, enthusiastically. Ilnlh (horally ' shis was declared to hp 4: Trro..,,--ture trf mumic. ljr. Dott ham taken degroci am liatnetor. mai,ter and doctor of inustil.f3Ther scholastic tuoo tiottor.x dmree. the Hap. Narri Premium and the Harmon First 1tisit Award. Ile im alito known am a poet, tieing repremented In thrpe anthologies.. of verse. To sit s under the spell rof performance of him own ptecem," sac, Ttotiert T: Kerlin in "Nefern Poetm and Their Poems'. Isar) RC. nuire a new idea of the Negro poets." - : ,, .0........0. 1 - - .. A' lk, ..: I .,. f. 4k ... '''' - ' . , l e z.., 1 ' '..1' , , - . l'14, A ,) t : ,i. I - ..', . ,i1, ,..i. W , ',...00,1' ' ' - ' 4 ''' 6 e . ' - ' :: 7 , - . . ., t . t , '- ' .1 - t P one of a number of reprodUctions El Greco Utah State Art Centex which sketches the development of the art from 2000 B. C. to present dal", Self-Portrai- t, GEAN MILLER. will pre-ce- nt pupils in a piano recital 7 At The Galleries Famous Artists' Portraits Of Themselves Offer Vital Sociological Study At Center t and fascinating from psychological and sociological will be the ,next Federal Art Project, be held Through the Ages--t-o at the Utah State Art Center. opening May 22. The portraits.- alas, are not ortginal works but exceptional:y fine reproductions that for most purposes will Arve almost as well. by a Variety, c:olor and a modern tone yin be lent o the supplementary exhibition of lithographs, linoleum cuts, tempera paintings by California artists of the Federal Art Project. VALU,ABLE art standpoints VON BROWNING SUB- BURY will pre-sen- t a group of moils in a piano recital at the Art A Finch Lane. Wednesday evening. May 24. at S p.m. Friends aro cordially invited. The following will oarticinaie: Jasmine Charon. Mar Than HanSP11. Gary Peterson. Norma Hulse. Carol Christensen. Nancy Seager. Erma Jean Walker. bots Seager. Carl Minor. Beverly Green, Craig Gregerson, Barbara Ann Chinn. Joan Beckstead. Verna,Snow. GlOria Sudbury. Niont Sudbury, Ada Lou Walk er. a RS. toy S. Slack will present a group of piano pupils in a recital Wednesday evening. Mav :4. at , o'clock in the ,,Vatorloo Vt'arri chapel. 1621 South Fifth EaYt. Those taking part: Marilyn Timmy. Wallace Tuck- field. Richard Cain. Jimmie Bey. eridge. Tula Latches. Revert,' Han- - -seri. 'Lucile Glatiouss. ;Barbara :Nielsson, Berkley Kirkham. Betty Soul. er, Clinton Ashworth. Jeanne Mar croft. Colleen Hinckley. Cherrel Jacobsen. Elsie Pictorial. Genell Betksie Olsen. Shirley Pgrkin. Nenone Slack. Marilyn Brown Brown. Catherine Olsen. Barbara and Ashworth. Elsie Thotripsort. Barbara Beveridge. Valorie Jacobsen vrill SPst3t with readings. . a a 1.1rf.,A...4'. 7 : W,,t,;,,-- T 1.4 Ram. Opera Association, to Salt Lake Metropolitan aa ,,, : "."...: sot "ii, ' ,., Associated Women's Chorus Plan Tibbett Concert; Roth Quartet To Play At BYU . It, ''', - .''ttk4 , 11, Students are: Virginia Rainey. Deron Dottge. Louise Seiler. Renee Nelson, Esther Jesne Batley, Wendell Jensen, LaSalle .Farnsworth. Janet Ferguson. Linnea Fuller, Daron Fuhriman. Irene Farnsworth, Lucille Timms. Betty Snyder. Douglas Kimball. Marilyn HerPfMr Alan Nelson, Marvin Seiler, Donna Jean Bertagnole. Ruth Farnsworth, Beverly Farrtm Ellen Ann- Timms. Garr Kimhall. Myrile rtrtAgno!e. and Marvi3 Featherstone. Primary. '. 4 , 0, l'' , Friday at R110 pm. in the Edgehill Ward chapel. Blaine Avenue and Fifteenth East Street. .. w m 1' Those taking part .are....Ditema..., Par Brandloe, Arden Spence. Lolita Knighton. Jean Seare, Martorie Seare. Judith Carlson. Florence Carisen, Joyce Christensen. Helen Carol Campbell. BetteJnnes, Katherine Wheeler,' DorothyNorr, Kathleen Flaherty. Wanda Jones, Patricia Maack. Marilyn Tueller, Gordon Larsen, Ruth Noall. Mildred Oakson, and Sheldon Hyde. i r:'''' m - ; u 111L.tent twenty pupils in a piano recital to be given at her studio. 121 First Avenue, Sunday after. noon May 21 at four- o'clock. , J.' t 4. 1 ,.. . k - i . , pre-- .... : 1 N f, Kroll. L state.' : : .4. .... . 3 ' I Another :recital will be given .aturday night at 8:15 o'clock preseming Lillian Borequist,soprano: Dorothy Stacey, mezzo sonranel, and Pete Carlson. tenor, pupils of Miss Engle. ., t ..., 1jafl Laurette - . , , Hazel S: Bell, Corene Gage, Clara K. Kidneigh. Betty Joe Petty. Primrose Marie Gifford. Nelda E. Little1ohn. Patricia Taft, Mary Frances Gifford, Byron L. Palmer. Barbara Anna Rasmussen, Bettie Ann Parker, Mary Margaret Hills, Anna lu Grant, John L. Gray, Dawn Ttywater. Allen T. Fran. and Mary . ' , . Wilt Department of West. T HEminster College"Loulse-- : 3ow. ry these centers. "Art patrons," staid Mr. Bird. slmtdd mot get the ldea qtat these certers are set up solely for the visual yrts The Federal 'Art Pro'. ect 15 desirous to correlate appredation of all the artsmusic. drama. writing. dancing. al well as Our art kagitrittz and sculpture. tenter staffs will cooperate zealously with any civie group to develop she- - art and cultural resoureea 54 ; , OVERING as they do the history of art, and in a limited sense the ,,,, ,:,:::,;:, history of civilization, from the, tiMeS of the Old Kgdom in ,,,t, 4 ,'.:'y: 10;) (about '2:1'f) B. C,), to the present,day,,thcy, give,a clear picture Egypt ., ,......: ans,..,,,,...,, eskoo ,1' of the evolution of the attitude of artists toward likeness in painting. irtist to a The oldest of the pieces, the self portrait of Niankh-Ptah- . Pharaoh of r'lio years ago. has the ,f .1.1:4-,Er,:.: of tas ' abstract Avlized -artit pre-- ( lassie :imes when the , ,, craftsman: merely a Julien ail of :he that of Gaugir, contains Roth, String Qnartrt. which opens Summer Musical Season monern artist's preoccupation V, '1.1 i .. on June 20 at Brigham Young Univèrsity, Provo. , an4 tus todings. The range himself ''-, , betWee11 rOVerF the shoio rievel, V, oprnent of this shift tn attitude. 1:''.....'" ,.. ' '''' nd The...varietv of terhniques r .ff : ": 7",..1ii,5,-- Y.,. , ' approaches to portraiture extend''' - 4 4: from the ascetic anti n aive serusv sass., ness of John Siferwas filth tens ,t s. 'ale ;; tury), through the- grand style , the Rennaissante- and the flam' hovant realism and satire of the s, ' '' ''''?4 c ''' Mount of Olives", :.; fs(srlrlIE to he decadent Ni.' ; en s only oratorio, will be h'ghly portraiture of Van '''4s ; :' '.'' In these the Gogh. ,. approaches, sung'in Salt Lake for the first time character of POetety and the scat- .." when a chorus of 230 in 25 , ein it are perfectly 414 of artrst the trre , c , voices, soloists and an orchestra of el nurrorecl, c., ....... ,50 p ieces under the direction of The searching instglit of Rem- . ... i,t,,., ft.,...,,,.....1.3.r..t...1 with ..t, brimit Fretistrii ...,,,,.7, in it Davis. H. presents i..... a N., of pupils in 1ow4 piano recital Tues. it,, deep humility and impersonaliza'.) ' I ClIcm ..T., Kingsbury Hall Friday, May 28 atMaY 23. Broth', at day evening writ espetion of his it. , ' : 8:15,p.m. era Recital Hall, 74 South Main , .i 1 4 (daily please.. The self revelations , ... Sponsored hy the ten wards of ; I asaisted s Mrs; 0"Leah hIs no. F,, C Street, as such of moderns ezan. , f.s :. ' Highland- Stake, H. A. Sorenson Munch . Kienke, violinist. Pupils who will Niatiese, din. Rousseau, :. i and County Commtssioner J. D. . t I'icasso and Yokoschka. in their plav: , Mullins, three of the city's chor- lisagmai..,,,,,;.....i....;.asiiS.-iBarbara Ellerbeck. Ruth' Muir. k are a stimiticant f ' The Swans. al organizations GIrMa. Veda 'Walters. on modern times. ment Spencer, i Dr'. Gerrit de Jong . . . se-, Singers. the Salt Lake Symphonic Vir. Lenore . Lundaberg. Lippold. ---4 I McCune-Schaa- l Singers and the Salt Lake Syrn 'lents Awith. Betty Anne Baker, Speaker . . . , rrtinof show by California artists phonic Choirhave combfneri to and Jean Spencer. Preece. . furc the Federal an )i make the oratorio outstanding Music School of HE McCune , The adept nrcrices amisle contrast. musical event The orchestra cif 50 . and 'Art will clebrate its if)39 Arthur Murphy of ban Francisco, Henry pieces was organized by Provo Composer's Miller. , who exhibited SPveral water colors Commencement Week with a pro- a month ago. returns at :he ,Soloistsi for the oCcasiono. will be Published Work .' ..gram of symphonic music at the griiibeth-14-vthis time with an extremely sense Hall c.15 p m Monday: Assembly I ive t Alfredand tenor D"."Bean, i'.0yet vigorous lithograph erVii has been areeend sonivects from Eugene" WORD Whitmark with commencement exercises at ,leri "Fighting liorses s" Otis OM Schmidt,New , ' , field's lithographs entitled Bay Elizabeth Haves Simnson. who is the school rectal hall, 200 North ' York City music publishing firm. ' 5 lindge Series:, depict the efmstruo Main Street, Tuesday high.t at S:30 upPrvisor of Music at WestminsterWith Ye "Go an Forth anthem that the- Hart Win and the College is an experienced artist. and the annual alumni asso- and an arrangement of Word." p.m., My Lewis Mae. Francisco in roles Bridge. trans. leading havirg Ftmg t 6:30 he old. favorite song. ..Allni. ciation dinner. Wednesday. Ritclnes 'abstraction "Italian CornAlf;ed B: Schmidt . Chlrago. both in ora- hey : Laurte:!, brgil of ..., 2!Jr:,,, forio and ; in opera. Eugene IL - u171-0717' ','"'r''' et a, e- Lia,11,,.... SccIal A..,,En., - - edy.7 and the meat surcreali smare DI Marisetr peraian $0107gt Iteuban Bean. is a metnber of the "hemy ter. ,, Young University music faculty, Swanee Singers. and this ,appear. good exanapjesof the extreme lift Wave been published. Dr. Gerrit de Jorig..who front of mcs:ern art Th e- colored. ance NCH .matk the first time he . the ...le.setettda. 'asses-ee- l receantl?,!..,:it' il'olii'Mrthis type. At-ni'lli lithographs- cil- flowers by- Albert."----ryirr---- ; uver .1ym phcmy-- Concert-7 of been have which ofFrartetseo are very Sprati fred Schmidt. 1.asiebaritoise, Prill, to Is a graduateeTuesday night. Madsen and are being used by the To pen o gram of the ,Deseret member gr ated from Germany and studied Sunday from are taken , univers.ty chorus. --voice in New York. School Unioti Board and also of t rine and Gown. the I S' tel LOGAN.As the opening event b-e- -- theTicket. . and Annie of The ant arrangement i wards and Members of the three of 'the 'school of fine arts. SUMMER MASTER dean club 'womena. tor is r,.t4ahcomsettnitnecemenictulut-ueek' glee .1:aoitetresstee catlicirte organizations. end the receipts will Brigham YoungUntvenuty, Provo. , SESSION he equallY divided among the ' A native of Holland. he came teo. ee . ri rilti wards and choruses. a as etlirste ar ti.al to America young man. where b: orilie geen in the niv tal of nine compositions and are 10.11tilt 29 he studied musk aril pnet2till,t1 rang ems by Dr.. Ni.d.ert, boy. in langueges. Later he took his Tahernacie Dtt May 21 at .3' p mt. mustc be been published usic Council doctor's .tkgree. at ,Stanford E. Robert hitaises.s. Part of the with prof. N. w. cbristisusen have been pre. versitY .anthems. Part eomPoeitkma for The concert, given To 1feet 316 nday s.nting in ''''''''4..women's voices; t. Schmitz ( . the 19aa graduating-class-- , . IrSCHAIROWSKY'S "Sixth Sym- of A. ft regular meeting monthly is bv U. S. the Al C. rec. better as The known NVorld THE Music Calmed of Salt Lake sponsored phony," itw- -the . :-- Dance And Music , Y, ' the be will Famous played Pathetique'! by molifivtanwoj file: r7le'srri guaze.withl.frs- .. City will he held Monday iron. M cCune Sch ool Orchestra et th e HMO a.m. ton12 noon in the Heinle , Recital Planned wi.P.Illatwn,ilbet.. 1 Mtn. Frances Winton a. ir, Cha r iict ,, , -1., of the hundred W. 'Asper-will Frank st di. Wt. FE. Cortman, president will , ss soloist- playing'. direct and pupils THREE an B A" COLLEGE preside, Flat Minor.,by Tschatkowsy. . Richard P. Conte, tenor. will be q.." Progreesive School ot Music A L The 'Orogrartg Of THE. and the Lillian Smith School of the - the soloisMr. Conte. whais is , .rti-M., IIT Pint us ell e ...... Paell---- - Dance will be. Preaen01"--' I of McCune Schocil HOLY the D aper Hi-g- h member and 24. "m'ulore to Marriage 'of Figaro- Wednesday, ., recital May will-- , 1101011Y. 4'nnreral-tYNAMES School-AuThe South . Mozart at fligri Purchases pin. Painting Tale from 'Woods ...Strauss 2036 Webster St., Oakland, .... ,.. sing !rWalter' s Prize Song" from . dilerainy. Ban"' Rtme of Miss "Die M eistersirfetir"' by 'Wagner The TUDENTS and teachers of the.4ingini Cal. . B Flat Minor ...e' bal. Concerto a classical will in Smith , The program will be present Draper High School have put- "One of the 'treated 04 timeline. Overturn in Numbers given- - by ..the Pro- ,. let Tscbaikowsky A-a"Die 11,11Ker, Winort Pm &me Met chased a painting "Gloxinia" by mis. Peru.! pianists. Strperiatrie itretadef,- school Or wtmon clamp, otnere Waennr ae Mr, Ruth Wolf Smith. itiatiship asiii, uncletstantlinir" .. Ttrhatitoestor trntptiony No. This pkture will he ,,, tress 'erha Albert Frankenstein, Se Frew gas...Imam vaster reititchool building as part of the per Mitreans Minor Beethoven aim. 'Wranglers. and a group of guitar- Tarnnnoin trent Into 'VAtiessenne Rn.t London Suite manent collection'. , Coates iste in South Sea Island, musk. Schubert our. Ablator. : 4r) ,',-,- s , . '- ,,, man Engle and Elizabeth Hayes Simpson, voice, Helen Brown Hamilton, piano, and Beulah Frances Gifford. violinpresent the intermediate students lame of the clotsMg recitals of the school year, on Friday. May 28 at 8:15 pan. in Fee. ptied .:"Federal Art 'project exhibits from Washington, D. C.,. and San Francisco, showing what is being aecomplished by contemporary will Ainerican circulate art. throtigh the Utah State Art Center in Salt Lake City to centers over the state- at a minimum cost." The Provo Art Center csaid Mr bird. will be ready for its first hibition on or about July R. The state of Wyoming has eight of the I...,6 Programs Of The Week ter cooperating in every way. ''I am happy to see the Art Cente movement spreading. Tills is a practical example of the type of Federal Mt Prô eel WPA and the Utah State Art Center will supply to any community that wants this service. For a few hundred dollars a year. each town an have a center with a trained staff. existing solely to stimulate cultural activities. Through the medium of the Utah State Art Center. exhibitions, ClaSJI es. lectures, recitals can be stip. - . :In:.. .fliali.,,,.:Seqi:t.. : ,ctive . )1 ,-- Combined Choruses To Give Beethoven Oratorio May 26 , , :.)- s . , -' ';'., ,, , ' t ' ' I - 1:,:, -- i- 1,... ' s ' ..' ,' ' ';- .'......-11 , 4,,,. t?,-..-, .................................................. , .,. . 4 - - - ; - ' ,ii. -, : corn-Lo- is , --- -- , 1- -' - ct T - , , .i lel SiMpsbti,-sopf-Wn- - . : i e. , . -- hs - ' ten-dr- , , wie- a -- - -- . . . - Pr - . , - are-be- -- . - - Dd - z; . . it lof - . ' June, - 1.? j - ) - . 1,- ." sor-,,- -- - , oot r S '. 100 - (laza ... .. ,. , . music-win...tn- . 1111111 - . i. 1 t |